Large Databases


|Program |Strengths |Weaknesses |Key Talking & Differentiating Points |

|Encyclopedia Britannica |Compton’s & Elementary articles |Only has Lexiling on |Expert Space features anchored instruction, leveled text, read-aloud |

|school. |aligned to state standards |magazine/periodical portion of content |functionality, and vocabulary support so all students can access the texts and |

| |EBSCO articles with Lexiles (450 |Global search results screen |develop content area knowledge. EB only Lexiles its periodicals. |

|Britannica Online School Edition gives teachers and students |mags) |Uses British English |Expert Space contains a host of value-added features that Encyclopedia |

|instant access to four complete encyclopedias that ensure |Large library of Learning Materials, |Little support for English Language |Britannica just doesn’t have |

|consistency with classroom topics and age-appropriate language:|e.g. exercises, activities, |Learners- no Spanish translations or |Expert Space offers a project planner and calendar, as well as a digital locker|

| |interactive lessons, study guides and|read alouds (Schools/Libraries have to |to help students organize information and plan and complete assignments |

|Encyclopedia Britannica (Secondary) |learning in action |purchase an additional program the |effectively and efficiently. |

|Compton’s by Britannica (Middle) |View 39,000 graphics plus more than |Spanish Reference Center) |Expert Space gives students skill builders, as well as a note taking tool, |

|Britannica Elementary (Elementary) |2,000 animations, audio clips, and |Very few tools to help students develop|citation and bibliography generator, and outline tool so they can develop |

|Three interfaces (School, PL & Academic) |videos. |21st century literacy skills. |lifelong skills to efficiently find, analyze, and use information. |

| |Back pack storage capability | | |

|In addition to Britannica Online School Edition's four unique |Sophisticated email function | | |

|encyclopedias, they also feature thousands of magazine and |(multiple recipients) | | |

|journal articles from EBSCO, an Internet Guide with | | | |

|editor-selected Web sites, teacher resources, videos, | | | |

|multimedia, interactive lessons, and thousands of images and | | | |

|illustrations. | | | |

|World Book Advanced |Name Recognition |Interface isn’t very interactive or |World Book Advanced does not provide Lexile levels on any texts; Expert Space |

| |FREE |engaging. |has Lexile levels on 120,000 encyclopedia articles and articles within each |

| |Articles aligned to state standards |Citation format is non-standard |xSpace are presented on three reading levels and can be read aloud. |

|World Book Advanced features more than 1.3 million pages of |Students have access to primary |Limited periodicals |Expert Space xSpaces meet 100% of the National Essential Skills in science and |

|primary source documents–books, documents, selections–fully |source documents, e-books, |Few web links- no project ideas or |social studies while World Books Advanced 24 Pathfinder topics are limited. |

|integrated with the encyclopedia content. World Book Advanced |encyclopedia articles and images, |writing prompts. |Expert Space contains a host of research and teaching tools that World Book |

|includes more than 26,000 articles as well as more than 12,000 |which are easily sorted within the |Students can only work on one project |Advanced does not offer. |

|pictures and maps, and 7,000 links to editor-approved Web sites|search function. |at a time- my research folder only |Project planner and calendar, digital locker to store all assignments and |

|useful in helping students constructively explore topics | |allows you to save one project |projects, outline tool and bibliography generator. |

|further. The free web-based program offers timelines, citation | |Pathfinder has limited topics. |Skill Builders– animated videos that model best practices in note taking, |

|builders, and saved research. | | |searching, evaluating sources, etc. |

| | | |Anchor videos–each xSpace begins with a short video, which offers students the |

| | | |chance to build background knowledge before they start reading about the topic.|

|Thomson Gale |Quality reference programs |VERY EXPENSIVE |If you are looking for a focused, economical, academically relevant and |

| |Currency of information |A lot of material/different resources- |age-appropriate reference source, Expert Space is the best option; Thomson Gale|

| |Crisp and clean interfaces |difficult for students to sort through.|is more of a periodical - and journal - driven product and does not offer |

|Thomson Gale publishes a vast collection of print and |Great training |Does not offer tools to help build |Expert Space’s focused core content, project and 21st century information |

|electronic resources to increase student achievement. Key |Biography Resource Center and |organizational and research skills. |literacy support. |

|programs include: |Opposing Viewpoints—Gold Standard | |Thomas Gale inundates student with numerous databases and lots materials to |

|Student Reference Center – content for students in middle and | | |sort through; Expert Space is organized around the most commonly taught, |

|high school. | | |studied and research topics. Expert Space’s 100 xSpaces provide the best |

|Kids Info Bits – online database for students in grades K-5. | | |starting point for learning and exploration in science, social studies, current|

|Biography Resource Center – over 400,000 biographies of | | |events, and more. |

|individuals from an array of disciplines. | | |Expert Space contains a host of value-added features that Thomson Gale doesn’t |

|Opposing Viewpoints – collection of complex issues presented in| | |provide. |

|pro/con format. | | |Search functionality (Lexiles) and results screen |

|Science Resource Center – science database for all | | |Skill builders, as well as a note taking tool, citation and bibliography |

|science-related research needs. | | |generator, and outline tool so students can develop lifelong skills to |

|Literature Resource Center – interdisciplinary approach to | | |efficiently find, analyze, and use information. |

|literature featuring 500,000+ articles from literacy journals. | | |Project supports– project planner and calendar, as well as a digital locker to |

| | | |help students organize information and plan and complete assignments |

| | | |effectively and efficiently. |

| | | |Anchor videos–each xSpace begins with a short video, which offers students the |

| | | |chance to build background knowledge before they start reading about the topic.|

|EBSCO |Quality and quantity of reference |Expensive |If you are looking for a focused, economical, academically relevant and |

| |programs |A lot of material/different resources- |age-appropriate reference source, Expert Space is your best bet; EBSCO is more |

| |Currency of information |difficult for students to sort through |of a periodical - and journal - driven product and does not offer Expert |

|Service provider of e-journal, e-book, e-resource management |Search by Lexiles |Does not offer tools to help build |Space’s focused core content or content, project and 21st century information |

|tools, databases, and related services for all types of | |organizational and research skills |literacy support. |

|libraries and research organizations. | | |EBSCO inundates student with numerous databases and lots materials to sort |

| | | |through; Expert Space is organized around the most commonly taught, studied and|

| | | |research topics. Expert Space’s 100 xSpaces provide the best starting point for|

| | | |learning and exploration in science, social studies, current events, and more. |

| | | |Expert Space contains a host of value-added features that EBCO doesn’t provide.|

| | | |Skill builders, as well as a note taking tool, citation and bibliography |

| | | |generator, and outline tool so they can develop lifelong skills to efficiently |

| | | |find, analyze, and use information. |

| | | |Project supports– project planner and calendar, as well as a digital locker to |

| | | |help students organize information and plan and complete assignments |

| | | |effectively and efficiently. |

| | | |In addition to audio clips, slideshows, maps and timelines, Expert Space |

| | | |features anchor videos– short videos that build background knowledge on |

| | | |particular topics. |


|Program |Strengths |Weaknesses |Key Talking & Differentiating Points |

|NetTrekker |21st Century Skills with core |Lack of actual content |NetTrekker only has websites and doesn’t have any content of their own; Expert |

| |curriculum topics–each preassembled |Few 21st century literacy tools for |Space features 100 xSpaces–organized around the most commonly taught and researched|

| |unit includes a lesson plan, |students. |topics, XX,XXX editor-selected websites, and 120,000 encyclopedia articles, games,|

|NetTrekker connects students to over 180,000 online resources, |procedures to integrate the lesson |A number of non-relevant search results|activities, and tons of other features. |

|aligned with state standards and organized by readability and |plan with 21st Century objectives and|Wikipedia content |NetTrekker claims they offer 21st Century Skills support for students and teacher. |

|grade level. Now includes a dedicated 21st Century Skills |a model student project |Most databases do not support ALL |However, they only provide teachers with lesson plans- not research tools. Expert |

|Channel with customized instructional tools and learning |Digital Literacy Template- a form |students- caters to students who are on|Space contains a host of 21st Century literacy skill features that NetTrekker just |

|resources that reinforce these important skills- Life Skills, |that asks students to analyze the |or above grade level. |doesn’t have. |

|Learning and Innovation, and ICT Literacy. This tool for K-12 |quality and usability of their | |Expert Space offers a project planner and calendar, as well as a digital locker to |

|students and educators is available in two versions: NetTrekker|sources. | |help students organize information and plan and complete assignments effectively |

|d.i. for schools and districts and NetTrekker Home for |Good packaging and user-friendly | |and efficiently. |

|families. |interface | |Expert Space gives students skill builders, as well as a note taking tool, citation|

| |Multiple search levels including ELL–| |and bibliography generator, and outline tool so they can develop lifelong skills to|

| |Read Aloud feature | |efficiently find, analyze, and use information. |

| |Correlate to state standards | | |

| |Endorsed by CASE | | |

|ProQuest K-12 |Quality reference programs |Expensive |If you are looking for a focused, economical, academically relevant and |

| |Currency of information |A lot of material/different resources- |age-appropriate reference source, Expert Space is your best bet; ProQuest is more |

| |Newspapers—Gold Standard |difficult for students to sort through |of a periodical - and journal - driven product and does not offer Expert Space’s |

|ProQuest’s programs are designed to support the widespread, |SIRS—niche product on social issues |Does not offer tools to help build |focused core content or content, project and 21st century information literacy |

|integrated, sustained, and effective (WISE) use of technology |Special Collections from ProQuest AP |organizational and research skills |support. |

|to help K-12 schools develop educators' skills and improve |Science to ProQuest Career & |No Lexile leveled text |Expert Space features anchored instruction, leveled text, read-aloud functionality,|

|student achievement at every level. |Technical Education help to keep the | |and vocabulary support so all students can access the texts and develop content |

| |interests of different types of | |area knowledge. ProQuest does not offer Lexile leveled texts. |

|Key programs include: |students | |Expert Space promotes and teaches 21st century literacy skills with |

|• eLibrary®: combining an easy-to-use search interface with |Training materials | |Skill builders, as well as a note taking tool, citation and bibliography generator,|

|full-text and multimedia reference essentials | | |and outline tool so they can develop lifelong skills to efficiently find, analyze, |

|• SIRS®: educator selected resources focusing on enduring | | |and use information. |

|issues and current affairs | | |Project supports– project planner and calendar, as well as a digital locker to help|

|• CultureGrams™: concise, reliable, and up-to-date country | | |students organize information and plan and complete assignments effectively and |

|reports providing a cultural and historical perspective | | |efficiently. |

|Questia |350+ engaging, standards-aligned, |Interface and article/book layout is |Questia offers a wealth of print media from magazines to ebooks for users; however,|

| |classroom-tested lesson plans, |not engaging- very text heavy |unlike Expert Space, the program does not offer anchored instruction, leveled text,|

| |embedded assessment, and training |Expensive |read-aloud functionality and vocabulary support so all students can access the |

|Questia is an online library that provides 24/7 access to a |options through Questia Professional |Overwhelming amount of material for |texts and develop content area knowledge. Questia does not support the under |

|large online collection of books and journal articles in the |Services |students who need to build mental |performing or struggling student. |

|humanities and social sciences, plus magazine and newspaper |Tools to write notes in the margins |models |Questia features research tools like highlighting, noting task and citation, but |

|articles. Users can search each and every word of all of the |and highlight passages as if you were|Material/program was designed for high |Expert Space still gives student a more robust set of tools, helping them develop |

|books and journal articles in the collection, and can read |working with actual physical books |school students at or above grade level|the 21st century information literacy skills. |

|every title cover to cover. Questia offers a range of search, |Reading lists |Mostly print media |Expert Space offers a project planner and calendar, as well as a digital locker to |

|note-taking, and writing tools. These tools help students |Citation tools- hyper linking of | |help students organize information and plan and complete assignments effectively |

|locate the most relevant information on their topics quickly, |footnotes and bibliographies across | |and efficiently. |

|quote and cite correctly, and create properly formatted |titles for instant access to other | |Expert Space features 8 skill builders– animated videos that model best practices |

|footnotes and bibliographies automatically. Questia Reading |related titles | |in setting goals, searching, evaluating resources, note taking, using outlines, |

|Lists feature librarian-selected resources on popular topics, |Searchable by Lexile level | |organizing notes, presenting, and citing sources. |

|organized by subject and grade level. These books and articles | | |Expert Space’s research support is steps ahead of Questia. In Expert Space, |

|can provide students with material for in-class use, background| | |students can populate a project outline with their note cards, allowing them to |

|research, project resources, and required or assigned reading. | | |organize their notes and see the larger scope of their research. |

|Questia Professional provides educators with over 4,000 | | | |

|professional development books from major publishers. | | | |

|NoodleBib |Choose the best search |Primarily a bibliography tool with help|NoodleBib asks students prompt questions to help them decide a search engine, |

| |Built-in editor enables annotation of|analyzing sources and selecting search |search term, and evaluate their results. Expert Space’s skill builders teach |

| |notes, improving comprehension, |engines |students similar skills, but in a more engaging animated format. Furthermore, |

|NoodleTools provides innovative software that teaches students |analysis and reflection. |NoodleBib does not have their own |Expert Space’s 100 xSpaces provide the best starting point for learning and |

|and supports teachers and librarians throughout the entire |Note cards linked to citations to |search function nor does it offer |exploration in science, social studies, and current events so students do not have |

|research process. |ensure proper attribution. |content area articles |to use unreliable web sources as the basis for research. |

|Search intelligently |While viewing a student’s citation |Cannot assess the reading levels of |NoodleBib does not provide any content area articles or support; In addition to the|

|Assess the quality of results |form, teachers can insert comments |text student selects |100 xSpaces with anchored instruction, leveled text, and read-aloud functionality, |

|Record, organize and synthesize information using online |and ask questions. |No support for English Language |Expert Space provides instant access to 120,000 leveled nonfiction articles, XX,XXX|

|notecards |21st century literacy lessons |Learners |web links, XXX,XXX periodicals and newspapers, plus thousands of charts, timelines,|

|Format your bibliography in MLA, APA, or Chicago/Turabian style|supplements for educators | |videos, images, primary sources, and maps so students can build deep content |

|NoodleBib is the note-taking software that promotes critical | | |knowledge. |

|thinking and creativity combined with the most comprehensive | | |Although NoodleBib does offer a citation tools, Expert Space offers a complete set |

|and accurate bibliography composer on the Web. NoodleBib guides| | |of 21st century literacy skills tools with project planners and a calendar to plan |

|the learner through difficult decisions about the source | | |and complete assignments effectively and on time, and note taking and outline tools|

|material. The software guides students through paraphrasing and| | |to help students efficiently find, analyze, and use information. |

|prompts for original thinking. Students can also share working | | | |

|bibliographies and note cards with teachers for feedback. | | | |

|Achieve 3000 (KidBiz3000 and TeenBiz3000) |Suitable for the entire student |Expensive |Achieve3000 is very different from Expert Space. Achieve3000’s focus is current |

| |population - mainstream, special |Only current events- not aligned to |events via email while Expert Space is a complete online learning environment and |

| |education, Title I and ELL students |social studies and science curriculum. |curriculum supplement. In addition to a current events section, Expert Space is |

|From Grades 2-12, Achieve3000™ solutions provide web-based, |Provides real-world connections by |Limited types of sources- primarily |organized around 100 xSpaces- the most commonly taught, studied and researched |

|individualized learning solutions scientifically proven to |teaching email and technology skills,|print articles. |topics in science, social students, current events and more. Expert Space also |

|accelerate reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing |research skills across subject areas,|Lack of explicit, direct instruction in|provides instant access to 120,000 leveled nonfiction articles, XXX,XXX weblinks, |

|proficiency. The internet-based learning systems provide all |as well as financial literacy |vocabulary |XXX,XXX periodicals and newspapers, plus thousands of charts, timelines, videos, |

|students, via the web, with a Lexiled version of a Reuter’s |Differentiated assignments and |No read-aloud functionality |images, primary sources, and maps so that student can build deep content knowledge.|

|news article each day, and students respond to multiple choice |formative assessments are linked to | |Unlike Achieve 3000, Expert Space contains a host of 21st century literacy skill |

|questions after reading the article. All children read about |state standards. Students' Lexile | |features including: |

|the same event, but the text is sent to each student at his/her|reading levels are assessed three | |Skill builders, as well as a note taking tool, citation and bibliography generator,|

|precise reading level. |times each year, using Achieve3000's | |and outline tool so they can develop lifelong skills to efficiently find, analyze, |

|Achieve3000 targets fluency, vocabulary and comprehension as |summative Lexile assessment, | |and use information. |

|well as formal and informal writing instruction. One click |LevelSet. | |Project supports– project planner and calendar, as well as a digital locker to help|

|reporting and management allow teachers to use performance data| | |students organize information and plan and complete assignments effectively and |

|to inform instruction | | |efficiently. |

| | | | |

|BrainPOP |Wide variety of subject areas- Math, |Does not include a general encyclopedia|BrainPOP serves as a curriculum support with very basic/brief information on |

| |Science, Social Studies, English, |article about the video topic |numerous subjects. Expert Space is a complete online learning environment and |

| |Arts & Music, Health & Technology |All pictures are animated- no realistic|curriculum supplement that will transform the way all students access and deepen |

|BrainPOP creates animated, curriculum-based content that |Some topics are real-life |photographs as reference points for |content-area knowledge, plan and complete projects and assignments, and develop |

|supports educators and engages students. Created for both group|applications of math concepts like |students |21st century skills. |

|and one-on-one settings, BrainPOP is used in numerous ways, |interest and taxes |Although BrainPOP contains some real |BrainPOP’s features really cater more to kids who want to explore various topics or|

|from introducing a new lesson or topic to illustrating complex |All activities can be filled out and |life applications, it also contains a |play on the computer. The movies and activities are entertaining and the interface |

|subject matter to reviewing before a test. Content is aligned |printed. |lot of activities that bare little/no |is very kid/teen friendly; however, it does not function as well as a homework help|

|to state standards and searchable. |BrainPOP Educators- a community |relationship with state standards |or curriculum based program. Expert Space is organized around 100 xSpaces- the most|

| |website for teachers and parents with|(i.e.- topics like chocolate, aliens, |commonly taught, studied and researched topics in science, social students, current|

|Each topic includes a short (approximately 5 minute video), and|professional development, video |airport security, winter holidays, |events and more. Expert Space also provides instant access to 120,000 leveled |

|a quiz that can be graded afterwards or during, or printed. |tutorials lesson plans and news |etc). |nonfiction articles, XXX,XXX weblinks, XXX,XXX periodicals and newspapers, plus |

|Each topic also includes some of the following: Activities with|submitted by teachers and BrainPOP’s | |thousands of charts, timelines, videos, images, primary sources, and maps so that |

|worksheets that students/patrons can fill out online and print,|editorial team. | |student can build deep content knowledge. |

|Experiments for students to do at home or in a group setting, |Educators can buy BrainPOP Espanol, | |BrainPOP features fun games and quizzes while Expert Space contains a host of 21st |

|Timeline, FYI section featuring a comic strip pertaining to the|which includes most of the same video| |century literacy skill features including: |

|topic, famous quotations, and/or Did you know? (delves further |topics and activities in Spanish. | |Skill builders, as well as a note taking tool, citation and bibliography generator,|

|into part of the topic) Arts & Entertainment, Language, a list | | |and outline tool so they can develop lifelong skills to efficiently find, analyze, |

|of vocabulary words not mentioned in the video, etc. | | |and use information. |

| | | |Project supports– project planner and calendar, as well as a digital locker to help|

| | | |students organize information and plan and complete assignments effectively and |

| | | |efficiently. |

|Discovery’s Cosmeo |Educational video resources and |Math tutorial are fast paced. |Cosmeo is really best for students that are on or above grade level that want more |

| |exclusive Discovery Channel content |Videos are not available for a lot of |information about a particular lesson or subject topic. Students who are at risk of|

| |Online dictionary, biography, and |topics. |failing, below grade level or younger students need more support and slower-paced |

|Cosmeo brings together a video encyclopedia, interactive games,|reference material |Difficult to sort through articles and |instruction. Expert Space features anchored instruction, leveled text, read-aloud |

|reference content, and tutorials to help kids stay engaged in |Incentive system with points for the |texts, especially for younger or |functionality, and vocabulary support so all students can access the texts and |

|learning. Cosmeo is based on the multimedia tools from |number of videos and games |struggling students. |develop content area knowledge. |

|Discovery Education that reaches more than 30 million students |students/patrons play. |Little ELL support-no focus on |Cosmeo does not contain any of 21st century literacy tools that Expert Space |

|in classrooms across the United States, and video from |Cosmeo's math tutorials and examples,|vocabulary |features including: |

|Discovery networks including Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, |correlated to the most widely used | |Skill builders, as well as a note taking tool, citation and bibliography generator,|

|and Discovery Kids. The program features 40,000 video |textbooks, teach students/patrons how| |and outline tool so they can develop lifelong skills to efficiently find, analyze, |

|tutorials, 150,000 reference articles, and 10,000 trusted |to do assigned problems. | |and use information. |

|weblinks in a wide variety of subject areas- Math, Science, |Content varies by grade range. | |Project supports– project planner and calendar, as well as a digital locker to help|

|Social Studies, English, Arts & Music, Health & Technology. | | |students organize information and plan and complete assignments effectively and |

| | | |efficiently. |

| | | | |


|Program |Strengths |Weaknesses |Key Talking & Differentiating Points |

|Learn 360 |All videos and video clips are aligned |Only video support |Learn360 is a media library with audio clips, slideshows and videos. Expert |

| |to state and provincial standards by |Does not promote reading |Space is a complete online learning environment and curriculum supplement that |

| |Academic Benchmarks. |Does not teach 21st century skills |will transform the way all students access and deepen content-area knowledge, |

|K-12 content from PBS, National Geographic, Standard Deviants, |Teachers and educators can upload their| |plan and complete projects and assignments, and develop 21st century skills. |

|Slim Goodbody, Sunburst Visual Media™ and dozens of other |own media. | |Expert Space uses videos to build a mental model about a passage in order to |

|educational video producers. Learn360 provides the video | | |improve reading comprehension. |

|resources that cover K-12 curriculum. | | |Learn360 does not feature any articles or print materials. Expert Space |

|Hand-selected video clips provide targeted curriculum support. | | |provides instant access to 120,000 leveled nonfiction articles, XX,XXX web |

|Cutting-edge digitization brings quality streaming media in the| | |links, XXX,XXX periodicals and newspapers, plus thousands of charts, timelines,|

|classroom and at home. | | |videos, images, primary sources, and maps so students can build deep content |

|Thousands and thousands of educational videos, video clips, | | |knowledge. |

|newsreels, audio and video speeches, still images, and audio | | | |

|files. | | | |

|Discovery Education Streaming Plus |Progress Zone allows educators to see |Only video support- no print |Discovery Education Streaming Plus is a digital content library with videos and|

| |where to focus instruction to improve |resources |images. Expert Space is a complete online learning environment and curriculum |

| |student performance. |Does not support reading |supplement that will transform the way all students access and deepen |

|Discovery Education Streaming Plus integrates seamlessly into |Assessments tied to all 50 States' |Does not teach 21st century skills |content-area knowledge, plan and complete projects and assignments, and develop|

|any curriculum with 8,700 full-length videos segmented into |Standards | |21st century skills. |

|87,000 content-specific clips tied directly state and national |Community Website for educators- | |Expert Space uses videos to build a mental model about a passage in order to |

|standards. Students become producers through access to over |Discovery Educator Network (DEN) | |improve reading comprehension. |

|1,000 editable video clips and 23,000 images. |Teacher resources- Assignment Builder, | |Discovery Education Streaming Plus does not feature any articles or print |

| |Quiz Center, Writing Prompt Generator, | |materials. Expert Space provides instant access to 120,000 leveled nonfiction |

|Educators have reports available and can enable student access |and other resources. | |articles, XX,XXX web links, XXX,XXX periodicals and newspapers, plus thousands |

|to content based on their preferences. | | |of charts, timelines, videos, images, primary sources, and maps so students can|

| | | |build deep content knowledge. |

|SAFARIMontage |Visual dictionary- 6,000 interactive |Does not teach 21st century skills |SAFARI Montage is a digital content library with videos and images. Expert |

| |illustrations supporting the entire |Only video and media support- no |Space is a complete online learning environment and curriculum supplement that |

| |K-12 curriculum. |print resources |will transform the way all students access and deepen content-area knowledge, |

|The SAFARI Montage® system is the award-winning, |Correlated to all available State |Does not support reading |plan and complete projects and assignments, and develop 21st century skills. |

|Video-On-Demand (VOD) and Digital Media Management enterprise |Standards. | |Expert Space uses videos to build a mental model about a passage in order to |

|solution for school districts that is designed to facilitate |Media programs can be played in | |improve reading comprehension. |

|visual instruction and learning in the classroom. The SAFARI |Spanish. | |SAFARI Montage does not feature any articles or print materials. Expert Space |

|Montage servers come preloaded with the educational video |Schools/libraries can purchase | |provides instant access to 120,000 leveled nonfiction articles, XX,XXX web |

|content available, including Schlessinger Media, PBS, The |additional programs like visual | |links, XXX,XXX periodicals and newspapers, plus thousands of charts, timelines,|

|History Channel, National Geographic, Scholastic, Disney |interactive dictionaries and | |videos, images, primary sources, and maps so students can build deep content |

|Education, BBC, Sesame Street and more. They also allow |Math’scool- an interactive alegebra | |knowledge. |

|districts to easily upload and manage their own video content |program. | | |

|by using SAFARI Montage CreationStation™. | | | |


|Program |Strengths |Weaknesses |Key Talking & Differentiating Points |

|Wikipedia |FREE |Lack of authoritativeness and |Wikipedia has a number of known inaccuracies and recent high-profile cases of |

| |2.6 million articles— A LOT of content |trustworthiness—several recent high |tampering; Expert Space is an authoritative reference and information source |

| |with no ads |profile cases of tampering |for students—all content is editor-reviewed and guaranteed accurate. |

|Wikipedia is a multilingual, web-based, free content |Homepage features current events and |Inappropriate content for kids |Wikipedia is usually used as a quick resource- it does not provide rich media |

|encyclopedia project. Wikipedia is written collaboratively by |news |Not designed specifically for middle |sources like Expert Space’s videos, audio clips, primary sources, timelines, |

|volunteers from all around the world. With rare exceptions, its|Community and collaborative effort |and high school students. |image slide shows, etc. |

|articles can be edited by anyone with access to the Internet. |Written in many languages | |Wikipedia was not designed for middle and high school students alone. Expert |

| |Obscure items—Web Sudoku | |Space websites are reviewed and maintained by educators and editors so all |

| |Current—real time updates | |links provided are age appropriate and academically relevant. Expert Space |

| | | |features 100 xSpaces–organized around the most commonly taught and researched |

| | | |topics for grades 4-12. |

|Google |FREE |Not designed specifically for |Expert Space is specifically designed with the needs of researchers and kids in|

| |Breadth of content |students |mind—Google is not. |

| |Embedded on browser toolbars |Often too many search results are |Expert Space articles are leveled according to the Lexile Framework for |

|Google’s mission is to organize the world's information and | |returned |Reading, which means it is easy for students to find an article written at |

|make it universally accessible and useful. Features include: | |Ads with search results |their reading level. |

|Google | |Primarily a search engine |Expert Space allows students to find what they are looking for—fast. Google |

|Google Apps for Education | | |searches return too many results for students to process. |

|Google Video | | |Expert Space websites are reviewed and maintained by educators and editors so |

|Google Earth | | |all links provided are age appropriate and academically relevant – Google |

|Google Maps | | |cannot make this claim. |


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