The Chief finanCial OffiCer - The Economist

The Chief Financial Officer

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Pocket World in Figures

The Chief Financial Officer

What CFOs do, the influence they have, and why it matters

Jason Karaian


Published by Profile Books Ltd 3a Exmouth House Pine Street London ec1r 0jh

Copyright ? The Economist Newspaper Ltd, 2014 Text copyright ? Jason Karaian, 2014

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To Leo and Harriet, a top executive team






1 Origins: from the back office to the front line


2 Role: ensuring control, driving strategy


3 Responsibilities: internal affairs


4 Relationships: colleagues and partners, friends and foes


5 Prospects: a world of possibilities


Notes and sources







In the course of reporting for this book, I was struck by how often a CFO I spoke to one day became a CEO the next. Or a chairman. Or moved to a different company, in a different country, in a different industry.

Belying its somewhat staid image, the world of the CFO is in constant flux. For this reason, I am grateful to the many finance chiefs who generously gave me their time and put up with my questions; most of them are cited in the text by name.

Special thanks also to Janet Kersnar for her insightful comments on draft chapters and, in general, for passing on her extensive knowledge of the subject. Marie Leone, Barney Southin and Chen Wu went out of their way to help me at various stages of the writing process. Thank you to Daniel Franklin for the introduction and Elizabeth BramsonBoudreau for the time to delve into this project. At Profile Books, thanks to Stephen Brough for encouragement and to Paul Lewis and Penny Williams for skilful direction and editing.

Most of all, thanks to Daianna: editor, researcher, motivator and much else besides. I could not wish for a better partner, in books and in life.

Jason Karaian January 2014


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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