Compensation Survey Physician Executives in Information ...

Compensation Survey Physician Executives in Information Technology

February 2015

The Association of Medical Directors of Information Systems (AMDIS) and Witt/Kieffer recently teamed to conduct a compensation survey. Responses were submitted by 248 physician leaders. The following is a presentation of the survey data.

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Survey Respondents

What is your title? (Check all that apply.)

Answer Options

Chief Medical Information Officer Chief Health Information Officer Chief Information Officer Chief Innovation Officer Associate Chief Medical Information Officer Director, Medical Informatics Physician Executive Other, please specify:

Response Percent

67.9% 2.0% 1.2% 0.4% 6.1% 11.0% 4.1% 13.8% answered question

Response Count

167 5 3 1 15 27 10 34 246

Other (sample responses):

Medical Director of Clinical Informatics Medical Director, EHR Managing Medical Director System VP, Medical Informatics Regional Medical Director, IS Senior Clinical Informatician Physician Informatician Medical Director, Systems Integration

Where are you located?

Answer Options

Northwest West Southwest Midwest Mid-Atlantic Northeast East South

Response Percent

8.5% 9.8% 11.4% 17.5% 16.3% 20.3% 1.6% 14.6% answered question

Response Count

21 24 28 43 40 50 4 36


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How many years of clinical systems experience do you have?

0-2 years 3-5 years 6-8 years 9+ years

How long have you been in your current IT position?

0-2 years 3-5 years 6-8 years 9+ years

How many years have you been practicing?

1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21+ Never Practiced

Do you still practice medicine and if so, how much of your time is spent on clinical work?

20% or less 21% - 50% Greater than 50% I do not practice currently

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Are you considered a member of the executive leadership team?

Answer Options

Yes No

Response Percent

55.5% 44.5% answered question

Response Count

136 109


Who do you report to? (Check all that apply)

Answer Options

CEO COO CIO CMO Other, please specify:

Other (sample responses):

Chief Quality Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Administrative Officer Chief Innovation Officer VP of Clinical Transformation Board of Directors Chief Clinical Officer

Response Percent

15.5% 4.5% 42.0% 35.5% 22.4% answered question

Response Count

38 11 103 87 55


How many direct reports do you have?

Answer Options Fewer than 10 More than 10

Response Percent

83.7% 16.3% answered question

Response Count

206 40


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Do you have a budget and where does it come from?

Leadership budget IT budget Practice Other None

Are you board certified in Clinical Informatics?

Answer Options Yes No

Response Percent

32.1% 67.9% answered question

Response Count

78 165


Have you had formal informatics training (i.e. Masters in Informatics)?

Answer Options

Yes No

Response Percent

30.2% 69.8% answered question

Response Count

74 171


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