Virtual Enterprise—Departments and Job Titles

Virtual Enterprise—Departments and Job Titles


Chief Executive Officer:

Meets with and leads the meetings with the Administrative team once a week during class for planning purposes. Attends officer training session in October. Attends Trade Fair twice a year. Assigns all tasks to department in addition to meeting with Mr. P once every other week for planning purposes.

Chief Operating Officer:

Meets the CEO and helps them with planning and note taking during meeting. Helps with workflows and is the assistant to the CEO. Make sure that everyone gets what they need for their departments as well as a communicative link between the CEO and the class. Will also be attending all meetings and taking minutes for all meetings and typing those up for the record.

Trade Show Organizer

Vice President Trade Show Organizer

Meets with the VP’s and is in charge of making sure that we have everything in order and ready to go at the trade show. It will require this person to take charge of all room assignments all trade fair show items, competitions, schedules and run the meetings at the trade show. This person will also be in charge of all the ratings for our company before we get to the trade show.

Trade Show Associate

Will assist in all trade show stuff with above person.


Vice President Accounting:

Meets with Administrative team once a week during snack or lunch for planning purposes. Attends officer training session in October. Attends Trade Fair twice a year. Assigns accounting tasks to employees and is responsible for all assignments to be completed accurately and on time.

Director of Accounting:

Responsible for making sure assigned tasks are carried out on time. Keeps track of progress and reports to VP on a regularly basis. Attends Trade Fair twice a year. Responsible for preparing monthly financial statements.

Branch Banker:

Establishes and maintains bank accounts for each employee. Reviews employee’s Personal Finance Folders monthly. Responsible for obtaining business loan and paying company bills. Attends officer training session in October.

Accounts Receivable Clerk:

Keep records of customers who owe the company money sending statements to those who have not paid. Keeps a running balance of revenue earned from sales.

Payroll Specialist:

Responsible for preparing payroll checks including all payroll deductions. Prepares income tax information for each employee and assist them in paying their taxes at the end of the year.

Human Resources

Vice President Human Resources:

Meets with Administrative team once a week during snack or lunch for planning purposes. Attends officer training session in October. Attends Trade Fair twice a year. Assigns human resource tasks to employees and is responsible for all assignments to be completed accurately and on time.

Director of Human Resources:

Responsible for creating and updating Employee Manual. Includes a complete manual for competition at Trade Fairs, an abridged version for each employee, and a PowerPoint version. Responsible for a company monthly newsletter.

Human Resource Assistant:

Assists Director of Human Resources in preparing Employee Manual and monthly newsletter. Responsible for assisting employees with human resource questions and concerns.


General Assistant:

Responsible for handling mail, keying memos, filing, and helping human resource personnel with a variety of tasks.


Vice President Marketing:

Meets with Administrative team once a week during snack or lunch for planning purposes. Attends officer training session in October. Attends Trade Fair twice a year. Assigns marketing tasks to employees and is responsible for all assignments to be completed accurately and on time.

Director of Marketing:

Responsible for creating company sales catalog and brochure. Plans and prepares marketing strategy for the company. Assigns advertising tasks to marketing personnel and oversees all assignments reporting progress to VP on a regular basis.

Marketing Assistant:

Assists Director of Marketing in carrying out the marketing plan created. Works closely with Advertising Assistant.

Public Relations Specialist:

Responsible for getting information about the company out to the public through flyers, articles in Principal’s Newsletter, HNN Announcement, video commercial. Plans Grand Opening with help of CEO.


Vice President Sales:

Meets with Administrative team once a week during snack or lunch for planning purposes. Attends officer training session in October. Attends Trade Fair twice a year. Assigns sales tasks to employees and is responsible for all assignments to be completed accurately and on time.

Director of Sales:

Responsible for creating receipts to be used online and at Trade Fairs. Plans and prepares sales strategy for the company. Trains all employees in the techniques of personal selling and steps involved in making Cash Sales and Sales on Account. Assigns sales tasks and oversees all assignments reporting progress to VP on a regular basis.

Sales Assistant:

Assists Director of Sales in carrying out the sales plan created. Works closely with Director of Sales.

General Assistant:

Responsible for handling mail, keying memos, filing, and helping sales personnel with a variety of tasks.

Digital Media:

Vice President Digital Media:

Meets with Administrative team once a week during snack or lunch for planning purposes. Attends officer training session in October. Attends Trade Fair twice a year. Assigns tasks to employees and is responsible for all assignments to be completed accurately and on time.

Web Developer:

Creates storyboard for web pages. Coordinates with other departments. Creates Home Page and oversees creation of all web pages. Establishes rules for each employee to follow.

Photoshop associate:

Will be in charge of all graphics for the company and will be responsible for the look and feel of the company. This job is a lot of work and requires patience and diligence.

Social Media:

Will be responsible for the social media of our company. This will include twitter/ facebook / pinterest / and a hootsuite account. They will also be responsible for the instagram postings of what has been going on.

Fundraising and Community Outreach :

Vice President Fundraising and Community Outreach:

Meets with Administrative team once a week during snack or lunch for planning purposes. Attends officer training session in October. Attends Trade Fair twice a year. Helps plan 1 fundraising event per semester and 1 community outreach even per semester for a total of 2 each for the year.

Fundraising Assistant:

Responsible for all planning of dates and making sure visual items are printed and ready to be turned in for the trade fair show. All press releases are done properly as well as getting awards submitted to the VE corporate office.

Community Outreach Assistant:

Assist with all planning of fundraising events as well as the community outreach projects. [1]


[1] All VP’s will be appointing (1) director in each department

Business Plan competition: There will be 4-6 people that will be part of this team in addition to their regular work.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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