STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION DIVISION OF ADULT INSTITUTIONS -106045-1447165DUTY STATEMENTINITIAL AND DATE UPON COMPLETION:___________________Emailed to Delegated Testing___________________Copy to PS for OPF___________________Original in Position FileRPA- FORMTEXT ?????- FORMTEXT ?????EFFECTIVE DATE:8/31/2020CDCR INSTITUTION OR DEPARTMENTPleasant Valley State PrisonINCUMBENTVACANT UNIT NAME AND CITY LOCATEDAdministrative - - CoalingaCLASS TITLEExecutive Assistant WORKING HOURS/RDO’SSPECIFIC LOCATION ASSIGNED Warden’s OfficeDIRECT SUPERVISORWarden CURRENT POSITION NUMBER (Agency - Unit - Class - Serial)435-261-1728-001 YOU ARE A VALUED MEMBER OF THE DEPARTMENT’S TEAM. YOU ARE EXPECTED TO WORK COOPERATIVELY WITH TEAM MEMBERS AND OTHERS TO ENABLE THE DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF SERVICE POSSIBLE. YOUR CREATIVITY AND PRODUCTIVITY ARE ENCOURAGED. YOUR EFFORTS TO TREAT OTHERS FAIRLY, HONESTLY, AND WITH RESPECT ARE IMPORTANT TO EVERYONE WHO WORKS WITH YOU.BRIEFLY (1 or 2 sentences) DESCRIBE THE POSITION’S ORGANIZATIONAL SETTING AND MAJOR FUNCTIONSUnder the direct supervision of the Warden the Executive Assistant provides and directs critical secretarial support services and staff assistance on Institutional/Departmental matters regarding a variety of highly sensitive and complex issues. The majority of duties are carried out independently, utilizing a high level of initiative and sound decision-making skills.% of time performing dutiesIndicate the duties and responsibilities assigned to the position and the percentage of time spent on each. Group related tasks under the same percentage with the highest percentage first. (Use additional sheet if necessary)35%25%15% 10%10% 05%Acts as liaison between the Warden and the Executive and Institutional Staff regarding highly sensitive departmental and personnel issues, including adverse actions, labor relations, incidents and confidential administrative matters. Provide independent analytical determination as to what requires direct and/or immediate attention from the Warden. Screens, redirects, and/or responds to telephone inquiries and correspondence from the Governor’s Office, Headquarters, Legislators, the public, departmental administrators, the media, other institutions, and community agencies relating to institutional operations. Prioritizes incoming requests and information. Receives, researches, and processes confidential and highly sensitive departmental/program issues. Analyzes, composes and prepares correspondence and institution statistical reports for the Warden’s signature, i.e., Quarterly Management Report, Lockdown Report, etc. Reviews and analyzes incoming documents, provides research assistance, and assembles information and pre-meeting packets for the Warden. Records minutes of Warden’s Executive Staff meetings and conference calls when requested. Review all appeals received. Reduces the Warden’s workload by addressing questions or concerns, personally handling whenever possible, or referring to appropriate staff. Responsible for reviewing incoming/outgoing correspondence from institutional staff for grammar, accuracy, format, completeness, and composition. Develops or assists in the development of officer workload and planning. Establishes office procedures and operating systems. Directs the activities of the support staff for the Warden’s Office. Takes dictation and accurately transcribes correspondence on a variety of highly sensitive and/or confidential issues relating to labor relations, adverse actions, performance appraisals, grievances, public and media information and other similar issues. Maintains a computerized tracking system to ensure compliance with due dates and assignments designated by the Warden to his/her staff. Sorts and routes incoming/outgoing mail.Maintains computerized Warden’s calendar and prints daily agenda for Warden’s use. Maintains conference room and executive conference room calendars. Provides independent scheduling and confirmation of meetings, conferences, committees, and briefings for the Warden. Makes all travel arrangements for the Warden. Gathers data each month and prepares Warden’s Personal Use of State Vehicles forms for submittal to Regional Accounting. Maintains confidential and administrative files and manuals. Responsible for implementation and maintenance of Administrative Officer of the Day (AOD) schedule and weekly update of AOD book.Analyzes secretarial training needs, develops, schedules, coordinates, and conducts training for clerical support staff on standardized clerical procedures. Analyzes and prepares lesson plans when required for clerical training. On a daily basis provides clerical staff with support, information, and assistance. Attends Executive Assistants/Secretaries’ Meetings scheduled by Headquarters. Participates as a panel member for all clerical interviews.In the absences of the Administrative Assistant to the Warden, reviews and researches information and inquiries from Institutions Divisions and the local media and relays information and/or findings to the Warden. Assists the Administrative Assistant by researching and compiling information for the media and Headquarters replies as needed. Researches and responds to telephone inquiries from public agencies, Department of Corrections officials and staff, general public and inmate families by responding to telephone and written inquiries.Attends In-Service training and completes OJT as required. Acts as the scribe in the Emergency Operations Center during Disturbance Control Exercises. Acts as backup clerical support to the Chief Deputy Warden in the absence of his/her Secretary. Performs other duties as needed.Indicate the duties and responsibilities assigned to the position.KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIESKNOWLEDGE OF: The principles and methods of public and business administration; office management principles, methods and procedures; good personnel and fiscal management practices; the organization’s relationship with other governmental entities; the administrator’s responsibilities with regard to the organization’s programs; the functions; programs and operations in the Administrator’s area of responsibility; the principles and practices of supervision; the Department’s Affirmative Action Program objectives; a supervisor’s rile in the Affirmative Action Program and the processes available to meet affirmative action objectives. ABILITY TO: Think clearly and analyze problems of organization and management and take effective action; handle sensitive and confidential assignments with tact and diplomacy; work under pressure and time constraints; handle changing priorities; establish and maintain cooperative working relationships; communicate effectively; type at a speed of 45 words per minute; supervise the work of others; effectively contribute to the department’s affirmative action objectives. Sexual Harassment Policy:Sexual Harassment is illegal. All staff are required to conform to applicable laws, rules, codes, policies and procedures regarding Sexual harassment and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). References are found in DOM Section 31010 Initial: _____________Code of Conduct:As an employee of the Division of Adult Institutions, we are expected to perform our duties at all time as follows: Demonstrate professionalism, honest, and integrity; accept responsibility for our actions and their consequences; appreciate differences in people, their ideas and opinions; treat fellow employees, inmates and wards, families of inmates and wards, parolees, and the public with dignity and fairness; respect the rights of others and treat others fairly regardless of race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, marital status, age, disability, medical condition, pregnancy, sexual orientation, veteran status, or political affiliation: comply with all applicable laws and regulations; report misconduct or any unethical or illegal activity and cooperate fully with any investigation. Initial: ______________Incompatible Activities:Per California Code of Regulations, Title 15, Section 3413, Incompatible Activities, subsections (a) (1), (3), (6) and (b), employees are not to engage in activities for profit using State facilities, materials or time. Initial: ______________Nepotism/Fraternization Policy:Staff shall not use their personal relationships to aid or hinder others in the employment setting. Employees shall immediately notify the hiring authority or their respective supervisor when working arrangements and/or assignments are in conflict with the nepotism/fraternization policy. Additional Information is found in DOM 33010.25 Initial: ______________COMMENTS: Work hours are varied. Information for this job description was obtained by reviewing the California State Personnel Board Specification and through observation of duties as they are currently performed.GENERAL POST ORDER ADDENDUM. General requirements: Inmates/patients with disabilities are entitled to reasonable modifications and accommodations to CDCR policies, procedures, and physical plant to facilitate effective access to CDCR programs, services, and activities. These modifications and accommodations might include, but are not limited to, the following: measures to ensure effective communication (see below); housing accommodations such as wheelchair accessible cells, medical beds for inmates/patients who cannot be safely housed in general population due to their disabilities, dorm housing, or ground floor or lower bunk housing; health care appliances such as canes, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, glasses, and hearing aids; and work rules that allow the inmate/patient to have a job consistent with his/her disabilities. Medical staff shall provide appropriate evaluations of the extent and nature of inmates' disabilities to determine the reasonableness of requested accommodations and modifications. Equally Effective Communication: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Armstrong Remedial Plan require CDCR to ensure that communication with individuals with disabilities is equally effective as with others. Staff must identify inmates/patients with disabilities prior to their appointments. Staff must dedicate additional time and/or resources as needed to ensure equally effective communication with inmates/patients who have communication barriers such as hearing, vision, speech, learning, or developmental disabilities. Effective communication measures might include slower and simpler speech, sign language interpreters, reading written documents aloud, and scribing for the inmates/patient. Consult the ADA Coordinator for information or assistance. Staff must give primary consideration to the preferred method of communication of the individual with a disability. Effective communication is particularly important in health care delivery settings. At all clinical contacts, medical staff must document whether the inmates/patient understood the communication, the basis for that determination, and how the determination was made. A good technique is asking the inmate/patient to explain what was communicated in his or her own words. It is not effective to ask "yes or no" questions; the inmate/patient must provide a substantive response indicating understanding of the matters that were communicated. Staff must obtain the services of a qualified sign language interpreter for medical consultations when sign language is the inmates/patients' primary or only means of communication. An interpreter need not be provided if an inmate/patient knowingly and intelligently waives the assistance, or in an emergency situation when delay would pose a safety or security risk, in which case staff shall use the most effective means of communication available such as written notes. DECS: The Disability Effective Communication System (DECS) contains information about inmates/patients with disabilities. Every institution has DECS access and staff must review the information it contains in making housing determinations and providing effective communication. Housing restrictions: All inmates/patients shall be housed in accordance with their documented housing restrictions such as lower bunks, ground floor housing, and wheelchair accessible housing, as noted in DECS and their central and medical files. All staff making housing determinations shall ensure that inmates/patients are housed appropriately. Prescribed Health Care Appliances (including dental appliances): Staff (health or security) shall not deny or deprive prescribed health care appliances to any inmate/patient for whom it is indicated unless (a) a physician/dentist has determined it is no longer necessary or appropriate for that inmate/patient, or (b) documented safety or security concerns regarding that inmate/patient require that possession of the health care appliance be disapproved. If a safety or security concern arises, a physician, dentist, Health Care Manager/Chief Executive Officer, or Chief Medical Officer shall be consulted immediately to determine appropriate action to accommodate the inmate/patient's needs.SUPERVISOR’S STATEMENT: I HAVE DISCUSSED THE DUTIES OF THE POSITION WITH THE EMPLOYEE.SUPERVISOR’S NAME (Print)SUPERVISOR’S SIGNATUREDATEEMPLOYEE’S STATEMENT: I HAVE DISCUSSED WITH MY SUPERVISOR THE DUTIES OF THE POSITION AND HAVE RECEIVED A COPY OF THE DUTY STATEMENT.The statements contained in this duty statement reflect general details as necessary to describe the principal functions of this job. It should not be considered an all-inclusive listing of work requirements. Individuals may perform other duties as assigned, including work in other functional areas to cover absence of relief, to equalize peak work periods or otherwise balance the workload.EMPLOYEE’S NAME (Print) EMPLOYEE’S SIGNATURE DATE ................

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