
CPUSH (Unit 8, #3) Name _________________________________

One Hundred Years of Reform: Comparing American Reform Movements Over Time

| | |Antebellum Reform (1820-1850) |Populists (1890s) |Progressives (1890-1920) |

| |African American| | | |

| |Rights | | | |

| |Children’s | | | |

| |Rights | | | |

| |Other Social | | | |

| |Reforms | | | |

|Econ|Economic | | | |

|omic|Reforms | | | |

|Refo| | | | |

|rms | | | | |

| |Business | | | |

| |Reforms | | | |

|Poli|Democratic | | | |

|tica|Reforms | | | |

|l | | | | |

|Refo| | | | |

|rms | | | | |

| |Other | | | |

| |Gov’t Reforms | | | |

1. Which reform era (Antebellum, Populist, or Progressive) was most successful? Least successful? Explain your answers.

2. Which trend (social, economic, or political) experienced the greatest change from 1820 to 1920? Explain your answer.

3. What was the most important change of the Progressive Era: (a) protection of children and the poor; (b) regulation of big business; or (c) the increase of democracy? Explain your answer. .

CPUSH (Unit 8, #3) Name _________________________________

One Hundred Years of Reform: Comparing American Reform Movements Over Time

| | |Antebellum Reform (1820-1850) |Populists (1890s) |Progressives (1890-1920) |

|Soci|Women’s |Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott helped |NONE |Stanton and Anthony helped gain passage of the |

|al |Rights |write the Declaration of Sentiments at the Seneca | |19th Amendment; labor laws led to a 10 hour |

|Refo| |Falls Convention | |work day; Sanger promoted birth control |

|rms | | | | |

| |African American|William Lloyd Garrison |Black exodusters moved West as homestead |Booker T. Washington called |

| |Rights |and Frederick Douglass and |farmers to escape segregation in the South |for racial accommodation; |

| | |other abolitionists called for | |WEB DuBois led the Niagara Movement and formed |

| | |the immediate end of slavery | |the NAACP |

| |Children’s |Horace Mann fought to create public schools to |NONE |Florence Kelley fought for |

| |Rights |better educate young children, especially | |child labor laws; President Taft created the |

| | |German and Irish immigrants | |Children’s Bureau |

| |Other Social |WCTU fought for temperance but failed to gain |NONE |Muckrakers like Jacob Riis exposed poverty; |

| |Reforms |national prohibition | |Jane Addams created the first settlement house;|

| | | | | |

| | | | |18th Amendment led to prohibition |

|Econ|Economic |Jackson’s attack on the Second Bank of the United |Western farmers called for |16th Amendment created a national income tax; |

|omic|Reforms |States eliminated federal regulation of banking |(but did not gain) a national income tax and |The Federal Reserve was created to regulate |

|Refo| |and the money supply |the free |inflation, unemployment, and money supply |

|rms | | |coinage of silver (bimetallism) | |

| |Business |The government encouraged industry, especially |Western farmers called for |Muckrakers Sinclair and Tarbell; |

| |Reforms |Northern textile mills, by creating a |(but did not gain) government regulation of |TR’s “Square Deal; Meat Inspection Act and Pure|

| | |tariff on imported goods |banks and railroads |Food and Drug Act; Sherman Anti-Trust Act was |

| | | | |used to “bust” monopolies; Clayton Anti-Trust |

| | | | |Act protected unions; Conservation |

|Poli|Democratic |Women demanded (but did |Western farmers demanded |17th Amendment allowed for the direct election |

|tica|Reforms |not gain) the right to vote; |(but did not gain) the right to directly elect |of U.S. Senators; |

|l | |Property qualification ended and common white men |their U.S. Senators |19th Amendment granted women’s suffrage; |

|Refo| |could vote (universal white male suffrage) | |Initiative, referendum, recall created in |

|rms | | | |western states |

| |Other |Jackson used the spoils system (patronage) to |NONE |Pendleton Act ended patronage |

| |Gov’t Reforms |replace government bureaucrats | |by requiring a civil service exam; |

| | | | |City commissions and managers; Lafollette’s |

| | | | |Wisconsin Idea |

1. Which reform era (Antebellum, Populist, or Progressive) was most successful? Least successful? Explain your answers.

2. Which trend (social, economic, or political) experienced the greatest change from 1820 to 1920? Explain your answer.

3. What was the most important change of the Progressive Era: (a) protection of children and the poor; (b) regulation of big business; or (c) the increase of democracy? Explain your answer.


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