WORKSHEET OVER CHILD ABUSE NAME: ______________________________

1. There are four types of abuse:

A. ________________________ B. _____________________________

C. ________________________ D. _____________________________

2. Abuse/neglect is __________________________ in nature. That means it occurs in cycles. The abuser was once the victim of abuse themselves, and their victim will probably become an abuser. That is because abuse is a “learned behavior” or method of handling situations.

3. To break the cycle of abuse/neglect, it will usually require intervention. In other words, even though a victim hates the abuse and adamantly decides that they will never abuse anyone…they often do. There are two types of intervention to address this problem:

A. ____________________________

B. ____________________________

4. Physical abuse includes any physical ___________________________. This is different than a controlled spanking. Physical abuse is hitting, punching, pinching, kicking, etc. where the act itself or the force used in the act is not adequately controlled.

5. Categories of physical abuse injuries include, bruises, lacerations and abrasions, skeletal injuries, head injures, internal injuries, and…


6. Psychological or emotional abuse is probably the least understood of all abuses. It takes several different forms. Can you write a statement or record an action that an abusive parent might make that would fit each of the following forms of emotional abuse?

A. Rejecting: _______________________________________________________

B. Ignoring: ________________________________________________________

C. Isolating: ________________________________________________________

D. Terrorizing: ______________________________________________________

E. Corrupting: _______________________________________________________

F. Shaming/humiliating:________________________________________________

7. List three sexual acts, other than actual penetration of the vagina or anus, that would be considered acts of sexual abuse:

A. ______________________________________________________

B. ______________________________________________________

C. ______________________________________________________

8. The sexual abuse perpetrator is most likely ________________________________________.

9. The difference between abuse and neglect is that abuse represents an action ______________

a child while neglect represents a lack of action ___________ the child.

10. List three things, other than not providing adequate food and shelter, that would be considered neglectful:

A. _______________________________________

B. _______________________________________

C. _______________________________________

10. The victims of abuse often hide the fact that they are being abused. Why might they hide this fact if the offender was their own parent?


Why might they hide it if the offender was a family friend or relative?


Why might they hide it if the offender was a stranger?


11. There is more ___________________ than any other type of abuse.

BOYS or GIRLS are slightly more likely to be abused.

The most likely age of the abused child is _____________________.

12. Abuse/neglect offenders come from all __________________________, age, educational, and social levels. They seek dominance (control or power), often have unrealistic expectations of a child, may have very low self-esteem, and/or difficulties with interpersonal relationships.

13. One or more of these characteristics present at any given time does not necessarily indicate child sexual abuse. In cases of abuse, these behaviors overlap and are frequently…

______________________, for a substantial period of time.

14. Common symptoms of child abuse:

A. __________________ or ________________ pattern changes

B. somatic problems such as __________________________________________

C. aggressive behaviors toward ______________, _______________, or ____________

D. may hurt _____________________

15. Long term effects of abuse or neglect are difficult to assess due to many variables. Sometimes the victim, in their mind, separated themselves from their body. In this manner, it was like the abuse was happening to someone else…not to them. This feeling of being separate from the body that is being abused is referred to as…

_____________________________ behavior.

Victims sometimes even _________________ memories, not recalling them until some time later when they feel it is safe to remember.

16. _________________________ _________________________ ______ ______________

is the name of a form of child abuse sometimes perpetrated by the mother. She exaggerates, fabricates, or may even cause the illness of her child. It is believed that this form of abuse may exist in order for the mother to receive…

__________________________. She would be praised and highly regarded for her attentiveness to her sick child, her self-less behavior, and her constant reassurances to the child, etc.

17. By law, every citizen has the responsibility to report _______________________ child abuse. No proof is required. Do not talk to the child or the perpetrator about your suspicions. Simply call the abuse hotline to make your report, and let professionals handle the situation.

Your call can be made ___________________________... you do not have to give your name, as you are protected by laws of confidentiality.

Do not fear making a false accusation. Making a report is very serious, but the first step taken after your report is an…


18. Individuals that work with children, such as teachers, day care providers, medical personnel, etc. are required by law to report suspected abuse to the proper authorities. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of their…



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