2. Can you design a ‘calculate and colour’ sheet?

Weekly overview for Class 3 Home Learning week commencing 13th July 2020Welcome back Class 3!MathsEnglishReadingTimes tablesSpellingTopicMondayDoubling and halving sheet. You may be able to do these in your head or you my need to split the number into tens and ones.Watch the videos and the power point on the water cycle. Complete a diagram of the water cycle..Read at least 20 minutes per day (hopefully a lot more!) and remember to record your reading in your journal.You can also read books from Bug Club!Times TablesSpend at least 15 minutes a day practising your times tables I have uploaded some spelling sheets for you where you have to correct the mistakes. I suggest you do one sheet a week!I have also uploaded the spelling pattern for this week -Adding the prefix super- Choose an activity from the grid belowTuesdayBalancing equations. Choose from 3 different abilities and balance the equationsToday you will look at a more detailed power point about each part of the eater cycle. Explain the 4 parts in your own words. Can you find some interesting facts about water?WednesdayComplete the calculation review. Complete either section A, B or CToday you have a guided reading activity all about the water cycle. Choose the level you feel most confident with.ThursdayOver the next two days you can choose the activities you would like to complete. You can do one a day or do all four!See the idea grid below...Today look at the powerpoint about famous children’s authors. Can you research at least two different authors and present your findings on a poster, information leaflet or powerpoint? FridayToday you need to think about your favourite book and write a review about it that we can put on your class blog to share with the other children in your class. There are three sheets (tricky, trickier and trickiest). Choose at least two books you would recommend to your friends (complete your chosen level sheet twice).Maths ideas...This is a good site with lots of ideas... . Can you make a Maths board game?For this challenge you need to design and create a Maths board game that includes using all four operations – adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. Maybe you could adapt snakes and ladders or noughts and crosses, or just invent your own.Watch this youtube clip to find out about a board game made by a boy...(you don’t need to watch all of it but I thought it might inspire you). It’s called ‘How I Designed an Award-Winning Math-themed Board Game’. 2. Can you design a ‘calculate and colour’ sheet?For this challenge you need to plan and make a colouring sheet like the ones you had to do for the times tables activities. See the example...3. Can you invent a Maths dice game? Check out these websites for ideas. Write out the instructions or film yourself playing the game. . Can you create a code breaking activity?Look at this example and then use the same idea or make up your own.Additional activities for home learning Make a cloud in a jar. On our blog I have uploaded some instructions which will show you how to make a cloud in a jar!Can you make the water cycle in a ziplock bag? Use some blue colouring in the water and draw on the bag to show the 4 parts of the water cycle. If you Sellotape your bag to the window, you should see condensation and precipitation!Make a piece of art/model that shows the water cycle!ICTIf art isn’t for you…..perhaps you could use JIT5 ‘paint’ or ‘animate’ to illustrate the water cycle. I had a go myself!!!GeographyCan you label the world’s major rivers? Use an atlas or the internet to find out and label where these major rivers are in the world. I have uploaded a sheet so you can label them.River/ ocean art Can you use paper to create waves? ................

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