Creation: The Earth Bible Story Genesis 1:1-19 Bible Verse - Cokesbury Kids

Creation: The Earth

Bible Verse God saw everything he had made: it was supremely good. (Genesis 1:31)

Did You Know?

The Creation stories in Genesis are beloved narratives developed by a community of faith engaged in theological reflection about the origins of all things. They do not need to be understood literally to be appreciated for the emphasis on God's relationship to each and every part of creation. Indeed, God was intimately involved with Creation and declared it is supremely good.

The opening verses of Chapter One reveal the miraculous transformation from darkness and lack of shape to a formed cosmos with light, sea and sky, land and water, and all kinds of vegetation. Imagine hearing the good news of God's creative power in times of trial and suffering--a God who can create order and life out of formlessness and light from darkness is surely a source of great hope.

How did God create all things? God spoke. Genesis affirms the decisive and creative power in God's Word. Seemingly without effort, God brings creation into existence by simply speaking and it is done.

In this lesson, help children gain a better appreciation for these early acts of God's creative power as evidence of God's care and careful planning for creation.

Exploration Points

? God creates all things.

? We are all part of creation, and we all have responsibilities to God's creation.

Bible Story Genesis 1:1-19

Anchor Point Everything that God makes is supremely good.

My Plan

q A ssemble the Crew q A ttendance in a Row q S tained-Glass Earth

Sun Catcher q D irt Snack q Deep Blue Bible

Adventures q Bible Story q Creation Flip Books q Soda-Bottle Terrarium q Care for God's Earth q Who Helps the

Earth? q Worship

Everyone Readers Nonreaders

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Requires preparation.


Jump In!

The following activities may be done in learning centers as the children arrive or may be done with the entire group.


Supplies: Attendance Chart, offering basket ?G reet each parent and child as they arrive. ?D isplay the Attendance Chart. ?S how the children where to place their offerings on the worship table. ?P lay music to welcome children to worship.


Supplies: large sheet of paper or posterboard, dot stickers, basket or bucket, slips of paper, marker, pen

Create a chart on butcher paper, posterboard, or any large sheet of paper. Make the chart with six rows and six columns. Number the boxes 1 to 36, each box with one number. Number the slips of paper 1 to 36. ?As children arrive, they may draw a number from the bucket and put a sticker

on the Attendance in a Row chart. ?When they get all in a row--across, down, or diagonally--then the whole

class gets a prize or treat. For a smaller group of children, have them draw as many times as necessary. SAY: It's wonderful when we're all here to learn about God together. Let's do our best to be here every week for fun and fellowship.


Some children may experience hurt feelings if they do not have a sticker for each day on a traditional attendance chart. You may want to use an alternative approach that does not single out children who miss a week but rather encourages the whole class to attend regularly and work together for a prize.

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2 Deep Blue

One Room Sunday School ?


Supplies: Activity B, green and blue tissue paper, contact paper, scissors, glue, black construction paper, paper punch, yarn, tape

Photocopy "The Earth" (Activity B) for each child. Cut two 10-inch-wide pieces of contact paper for each child. Using a piece of black construction paper, make a border by cutting out a nine-inch circle and then cutting out a large circle within the circle, creating a one-inch-wide frame. Retain the inner circle that is eight inches in diameter. Make one round frame and inner circle for each child.

SAY: Today we are learning about God's first act of Creation. Before God made anything else, God created the earth for everything and everyone. We are going to make sun catchers that look like the earth.

?Tape a black circle to the bottom of one of the pieces of contact paper. This circle will serve as a guide for how big the stained-glass earth should be when the children adhere tissue paper to the other side (the sticky side).

?Show the children how to tear the tissue paper into small pieces, the smaller the better.

?Give each child a copy of the "The Earth" (Activity B). Encourage children to use the picture of the earth as a guide and place pieces of tissue paper on the contact paper.

?Remove the black circle. Help each child place the second piece of contact paper over the tissue paper. Smooth out any bubbles.

?Give each child a black border. Show the children how to glue the border on top of the contact paper. Have the children trim around the edges to create circles.

?Help each child punch a hole at the top of the circle.

?Show the children how to create a hanger by cutting a piece of yarn and threading it through the hole.

?Encourage the children to hang up their sun catchers to enjoy the sunshine streaming through the stained glass.


Supplies: sugar-free chocolate pudding, milk, gummy worms, chocolate cookies, resealable plastic bag, clear cups, hand-washing supplies, spoons

Prepare chocolate pudding according to directions on the box before class.

SAY: To celebrate God's creation of the earth, we are going to have an earthinspired snack: dirt!

?Have the children wash their hands. ?Place the chocolate cookies inside a plastic bag. Squeeze out the extra air, and seal

the bag. Let the children take turns smashing the cookies into crumbs.

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Before serving food, be aware of any allergies and dietary restrictions your children may have. Adjust the snack ingredients as needed.


?G ive each child a clear cup. Let each child add a thin layer of crushed chocolate cookies in the bottom of the cup. Help children fill the cups about half full with chocolate pudding.

?L et each child add some crushed chocolate cookies on top of the pudding. Encourage children to decorate the pudding cup with a few gummy worms.

?P lace the cups in the refrigerator to set before serving, or serve and eat.

Dive Deep


Supplies: Bible, Story Cards, Activity A ?L ook up today's story, Genesis 1:1-19, in the Bible. Encourage children to find the story in their Bible. Nonreaders will not be able to find the story on their own, but it is important for all children to become accustomed to using a Bible.

SAY: Our story for today is the very first one in the whole Bible. It tells about how God created everything and it was all very good. Let's explore it more closely.

?R emove the Story Cards. The cards include light and dark, dome with sky and sea, land with water and plants, and two great lights and stars.

?S how the children the story cards as you read the script to the children.

ASK: What do you think is the best thing God made in those first days? (Allow children to answer.) Are all created things important? Why? (Allow the children to answer.)


You may want to tape the story cards in order to a wall near the storytelling area to refer

to duTrinIgPother lessons

as the story of creation continues to unfold. This is a great opportunity to engage a helper.


Supplies: Activities C and D, crayons, scissors, construction paper, paper clips

SAY: Today we used story cards to learn about how God created everything. To tell the story to our families at home, we are going to make Creation flip books over the next several weeks.

?G ive each nonreader a copy of "Creation Story Cards" (Activities C and D). Encourage the child to color each story card.

?H ave the children cut out each story card. ?S how each child how to create a front and back cover for the flip book by using half

sheets of construction paper. ?U se a paper clip to keep the pages together until the project is complete.

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4 Deep Blue

One Room Sunday School ?

?Encourage the children to retell the story by using their Creation flip books.


Supplies: Bibles, Activities C and D, crayons, scissors, construction paper, glue, markers, paper clips SAY: Today we used story cards to learn about how God created everything. To tell the story to our families at home, we are going to make Creation flip books.

?Give each reader a copy of "Creation Story Cards" (Activities C and D). Encourage the children to color each story card.

?Have the children cut out each story card. ?Encourage each child to create a front and back cover for the flip book by using half

sheets of construction paper. ?Have each child cut another sheet of construction paper in half. Glue the story card

onto the half sheet, leaving space at the bottom. ?On the bottom of the construction paper, have each child write a short description

for the Creation story card. Encourage the children to provide the Bible reference as well. ?Use a paper clip to keep each book's pages together until the project is complete. ?Encourage the children to retell the story by using their Creation flip books.

Permission is granted to duplicate this page for local church use only. ? 2015 Abingdon Press



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