UNC's Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute

Full Participation Free Resources to Support Each New Mexico Preschool ChildThis issue of Full Participation focuses on fine motor development which is part of the Physical Development, Health and Well-Being domain of the New Mexico Early Learning GuidelinesIssue No. 2 November 2016What is Happening to Fine Motor Development? recent years a growing number of children are, according to this article, “arriving at school lacking in basic fine motor skills.” Young children who spend too much time swiping and tapping electronic devices, instead of playing with manipulative toys or coloring with crayons, may struggle with poor hand control and weak pencil grip in school. This article is a call to action for educators and parents to use time-tested play materials — blocks, play dough, stringing beads, and crayons — to prepare children for success in preschool and beyond.Practical Strategies for Developing Fine Motor Skills article has lots of great ideas for integrating fine motor development and fun into every day learning opportunities. Don’t miss the fine motor development activity web at the end of the article.Help Your Child Build Fine Motor Skills article offers useful and practical ideas for how families can build fine motor strength and coordination through participation in every day routines like setting the table.Improving Fine Motor Skills with Occupational Therapy When Sylvie was 4 years old her teacher noticed she was having difficulty with activities such as drawing, cutting objects and writing her name. Sylvie’s pediatrician sent her for an occupational therapy evaluation which revealed Sylvie’s difficulties with fine motor activities due to decreased coordination, endurance, and muscle tone. This video and fact sheet, available in Spanish and English, highlight how occupational therapy can result in?significant improvement with fine motor skill activities for children with different fine motor abilities. (video in English with Spanish subtitles) (fact sheet) (fact sheet)Fine Motor Skills: A Key to Academic Success, what’s the big deal about fine motor development? Well, recent research suggests that fine motor development at school entry is extremely important as it is highly predictive of children’s academic success in reading and mathematics at the end of elementary school. Read all about it!Full Participation is a one-way resource listserv that is distributed monthly. Each issue features resources to support the learning and development of preschool age children, with emphasis on four dimensions of full participation: 1) family engagement; 2) inclusive practices for children with developmental delays and disabilities; 3) culture and language, including support of dual language learners; and 4) promoting social relationships. All resources are readily available and free. All or part of Full Participation may be freely shared or reproduced. Previous issues of Full Participation are posted at Participation is compiled by Camille Catlett. Staff and contractual support are provided by the UNM Center for Disability and Development, supported by funds from the Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge grant.To receive the listserv every month, send an email with no message to subscribe-fullparticipation@listserv.unc.edu To suggest resources, please contact Camille Catlett at camille.catlett@unc.edu ................

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