Highfield Children’s Centre

Bordesley Green East Nursery School

Health and Safety Policy Statement February 2019

The Head teacher and governors are committed to establishing and implementing procedures which ensure the health, safety and welfare of all our children and staff, in compliance as necessary with the Birmingham City Council’s Children and Young People’s services Health and Safety at work policy.

Children and staff will be safeguarded both in school and on school visits and the premises will also be made safe for visitors by ensuring that safe working practices are adopted.

The Head teacher has overall responsibility for ensuring safety, as the officer in charge of the school premises. In doing so she will delegate certain tasks and responsibilities to other members of staff and she will also refer appropriate matters to the Local Education Authority.

We strive for a safe working environment. To ensure this we will:

• Review the Health and Safety policy annually drawing specific attention to any revisions.

• Include issues in the School Improvement Plan if necessary.

• Check that health and safety requirements are actually with a record of periodic monitoring to be undertaken. Make sure that staff (permanent and temporary) have a copy of the policy statement and also know where the supporting documentation is kept.

• Update staff on current Health and Safety issues.

• Request that all staff and visitors to the centre adhere to the policies and practices and not knowingly put themselves and others at risk.

• Pass on information on health and safety matters to the appropriate people.

• Ensure that risk assessments are undertaken and items of significance are recorded.

• See that each employee understands their responsibility regarding health and safety.

How we assess risk

Risk assessments are carried out and reviewed on a regular basis as part of our safety audit. Health and safety audits will be done annually and Health and Safety tours will be carried out more frequently to accommodate significant changes to the building, equipment and work practices and personnel. The assessment team will consist of a number of staff including the school’s caretaker.

We assess to:

• Identify hazards

• Evaluate the nature and seriousness of the hazard and subsequent risks

• Control risks

Safety procedures


All accidents must be recorded using an Accident Report Form (See attached). Accident reports should clearly state the name of the child, the date and time of the accident, any first aid treatment administered and by whom.

Accidents must be reported to relevant personnel so that parents can be informed of what took place and what treatment was given. If a child receives a bump to the head then a ‘head bump’ letter must be taken home stating the time and place of the accident. IN THE EVENT OF SERIOUS INJURY CALL 999. The child’s key worker is most likely to accompany him/her in the ambulance to hospital. The child’s parents must be called and a detailed report needs to be written as soon as possible after the accident.

First Aid

The person responsible for First Aid ensures that:

• the first aid box is fully stocked and replenished with approved items only

• there is a current file for each class on allergies and medical needs, to be shared with the Catering Assistant if food related.

• appropriate first aid is administered

Our named First Aid persons are Sally Yates and Bridget Millard. All Nursery School staff are trained in First Aid Paediatrics.

Personal protective equipment

Gloves need to be worn for administering first aid and both gloves and a plastic apron needs to be worn for changing a child.


Electrical items are checked annually by an electrician. Our equipment is checked for defect and damage to ensure good working order.

Curriculum activities

These activities may include cooking, art, D.T., cutting, woodwork and physical activities. Curriculum risk assessments will be done for activities that carry an obvious risk but are delivered as part of our ethos and practice.

• equipment will be used under adult supervision

• children will be taught to use tools safely

• children will be taught how carry tools safely

• Protective clothes will be used if necessary

• Health and safety will be incorporated when planning activities

• Equipment and supplies will be used in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations.

General guidelines

We aim to provide an environment that is safe for children, parents and staff. To ensure this we have specific guidelines that we adhere to:

• Please inform us if your child has any infectious illnesses so we are best prepared to deal with these in line with Birmingham City Council guidelines.

• A child who becomes unwell at the centre may not be able to stay for the session at the discretion of the staff.

• Hand washing is essential to prevent the spread of infection. Everyone will use clean water, liquid soap and disposable paper towels for hand washing.

• An adequate first aid box is available including disposable gloves for staff.

• Staff can only administer prescribed medication. Written permission must be obtained from parents/legal guardians and records kept up to date and signed as evidence of when medicine was administered and by whom.

• Evacuation procedures will be displayed and fire drills done at least once a term.

• Fire exits will remain clear at all times and will be clearly marked.

• NO SMOKING in or around the centre.

• Children will not be allowed to go home with someone the staff are unfamiliar with. Please inform staff beforehand if you have arranged for someone different to collect your child.

This policy has been adopted by Bordesley Green East Nursery School

Signed: …….………………………………………….. (Chair of Governors)

Date: ……………………………………………………..


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