Samaritan Woman - Children's Bible Lessons for Kids


Ahab and Naboth’s Vineyard (1 Kings 21)

Main Point: God is perfectly loving and perfectly just.

Key Verse: I am the Lord God. I am merciful and very patient with My people. I show great love, and I can be trusted. I keep My promises to My people forever, but I also punish anyone who sins. - Exodus 34:6b-7a CEV

Materials: Matthew 5:38-48 Situations

Personal Connection:

• Say: Have you ever been in a situation that just didn’t seem fair? Maybe someone stole your favorite eraser from your desk and told everyone that it belonged to them. When you told the teacher, she didn’t believe you and the other person got to keep what they had stolen. Doesn’t that make you want to yell, “THAT’S NOT FAIR!”? Today’s story is like that. Naboth had a beautiful piece of land that had been in his family since Israel had become a nation. He grew beautiful grapes. When King Ahab saw Naboth’s vineyard, he wanted it for his own. When Naboth wouldn’t sell it, King Ahab had him killed. That is absolutely NOT FAIR!

• Say: But I have some really good news for you! We serve a God who is ALWAYS FAIR! Let’s see what the Bible says about God’s fairness. Read Romans 12:19. Do you know what that means? It is God’s job to make sure that when someone sins, He will take care of punishing the person who has done wrong. He will restore what rightfully belongs to us.

Hands on Application:

• Say: So let’s go back to that eraser that was stolen from your desk. You know that God is fair, and He has promised to take care of you. Do you think it is your responsibility to punish that person for taking your things? No! We can trust that God will take care of it. It may not be as soon as you’d like, but you can always trust that God will make things right. And God has given you an important job to do while you are waiting. He wants you to show His love to that person who has sinned against you. In Matthew 5:38-48, Jesus showed us a new way to love others who are mean to us or act unfairly towards us. Let’s read it together.

Group Discussion:

• Say: Wow! Those are some interesting things Jesus is asking us to do! Let’s see if we can put these lessons into practice. Read from the Matthew 5:38-48 Situations sheet and have students use the lessons from Matthew to help them form appropriate responses. Some scenarios may need some coaching on your part to help students understand that our first response to a situation may not always be the one God wants from us. Don’t worry, though, people were shocked the first time they heard Jesus talk about this! This way of thinking may be a shock to some of your kids as well!

• Say: The amazing thing is that while we are busy reaching out with Jesus’ love to others, God is working behind the scenes to make things right on our behalf. And the coolest part is that often when we are showing God’s love, He begins to change the heart of our enemies so that they want to become more like Jesus, too! So even when we can’t see God making things right, we can trust that He is always fair, and He will always keep His promise to us.

Conversation with God (Prayer): Pray that your children will learn to trust God for His unfailing faithfulness, and that they will actively seek to show love to those who do wrong to them. This is a very practical prayer lesson -learning how to pray for our enemies! As your class prays together, please remind them to not use the names of people that have wronged them. Encourage them to change the names to protect others from getting hurt feelings. Fill in the prayer journal and close in prayer.

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Ahab and Naboth’s Vineyard

Matthew 5:38-48 Situations

*Your Uncle Mike told you that if someone pushes you, you need to push him back. He says, “Don’t let anyone bully you around”! During the soccer game, Dustin pushes you out of the way so he can get to the ball first. According to Matthew 5:38-39, what should you do?

*Jenelle got you in trouble this morning because she started a conversation with you during math class. Because of that, you both have to walk a lap around the playground during recess. Later, Jenelle got in trouble again for taking during writing. She earned another lap around the playground. According to Matthew 5:41, what would be a nice thing to do?

*Micah has lost his pencil for the fifth time this week. No one at his table group will let him borrow a pencil. You happen to have an extra, but it’s your last one. According to Matthew 5:42, what might you do?

*Deontaye bullies everyone in the class. He pushes in line, he tattles on people, and he plays too hard at recess. No one likes him. You see that he is sitting by himself at lunch. According to Matthew 5:43-48, what would be a way you could show the love of Jesus to Deontaye?


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