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April 2009

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← IBBY SA is the South African section of IBBY.

← IBBY is the International Board on Books for Young People.

← IBBY SA’s area of interest is everything to do with South African books for children and young people.

← If you are a member of IBBY SA, you are also a member of IBBY.

← IBBY’s 2004 World Congress was hosted by IBBY SA in Cape Town.

← The 2010 World Congress will be in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Hartlik welkom! Geniet die nuusbrokkies en die artikels wat volg.

Wamkelekile! Sithemba ukuba uza kuthanda ukufunda eli phepha eli futshane eli neendaba.

Index: The Exclusive Books IBBY SA Award The Rules of the EB IBBYSA Award

Summer BookBash The Tienie-en Elsabé-pryse

Yamada Donation Hand-over VinnigVra Kompetisie Reviews End

The Exclusive Books IBBY SA Award

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The time has come around for the second EB IBBY SA Award. The first award of this kind was held in 2007, when, as a celebration of the rich wealth of outstanding material, the jury and sponsor decided to share the Award among all five of the shortlisted books.

They were: UTshepo mde / Tall Enough (written by Mhlobo Jadezweni, illustrated by Hannah Morris, published by Electric Book Works), Fynbos Feetjies (written by Antjie Krog, illustrated by Fiona Moodie, published by Umuzi), Zanzibar Street / Zanzibarstraat

(written and illustrated by Niki Daly, published by Giraffe Books / LAPA), Ouma Ruby’s Secret (written by Chris van Wyk, illustrated by Anneliese Voigt Peters, published by Giraffe Books) and Cool Nguni (written by Marianne Bester, illustrated by Shayle Bester, published by Jacana Media).

The following invitation from Exclusive Books to submit is addressed to all commercial publishers, independent publishers, self-publishers, writers, illustrators, and any interested parties:

Dear Publishers and Children's Book People

Exclusive Books, in association with IBBY SA, is once again delighted to announce its sponsorship of the EXCLUSIVE BOOKS IBBY SA AWARD, for the best original children's picture book or illustrated children's story book published in South Africa.

For the EXCLUSIVE BOOKS IBBY SA AWARD for 2009, we invite submissions of books published between 1 July 2007 and 30 June 2009. The rules and conditions are detailed below.

Please send submissions (two copies of each title) to me at Exclusive Books Head Office by 30 June 2009.

Kind regards

Colleen Whitfield

CSI Manager Tel : 011-798-0170

Exclusive Books Head Office Fax : 011-803-0211

P.O. Box 605 email:



The Rules of the EB IBBY SA Award

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The Rules of the Exclusive Books IBBY SA Award

1. The name of the award is: ‘The Exclusive Books IBBY SA Award’.

2. It is awarded to the illustrated literary work for children (i.e. picture book or illustrated children’s story book or illustrated book of poems) adjudged the best in the period of adjudication. Books that are clearly works of non-fiction are not eligible.

3. The award is R5 000.00 for the writer and R5 000.00 for the illustrator.

4. If the writer is also the illustrator, the award is R10 000.00.

5. If there are two or more writers or two or more illustrators, the respective award is shared equally.

6. The writer and illustrator must be South Africans, whether living in South Africa or not; or non-South Africans living and working in South Africa.

7. The book must be an original work written in any of the official South African languages.

8. The book should not be a re-issue or a re-working of a previously published book.

9. The book must have been published in South Africa.

10. The award is given to a book that is recognisably South African in character.

11. The award is made every second year, from 2007 onwards.

12. In 2009, books are eligible if published between 1 July 2007 and 30 June 2009.

13. Thereafter, the two-year period from 1 July to 30 June will remain the eligible period.

14. The sponsor of the award is Exclusive Books, and the judging of the award is entirely in the hands of IBBY SA.

15. The jury will ideally consist of a non-practising publisher of children’s books, an academic in Fine Art with specialisation in design and book illustration, the Chairperson of IBBY SA, the IBBY SA Executive members responsible for the awards portfolio, and any members co-opted from the areas of design, public and school libraries, academic librarianship, and book-selection for children.

16. The jury is to be convened and chaired by a member of the IBBY SA Exec.

17. No staff-member of a participating publisher may sit on the jury; no writer or illustrator of a book that is entered may sit on the jury; no one who has contributed in any way to the production of a book that is entered may sit on the jury.

18. No correspondence concerning the adjudication or the award may be entered into.

19. A shortlist of five titles may be published some weeks before the final award is announced.

20. The award will be announced at an Exclusive Books event in September or October in a major South African city, the date, venue and details of the event being at the discretion of Exclusive Books.

21. Exclusive Books will invite all South African authors, illustrators and publishers to submit two copies of eligible titles between 1 April and 30 June of an awarding year.

22. The publisher of the winning book must be prepared to donate a minimum of ten copies for review and promotional purposes.

20 April 200

Updated 26 March 2009

Summer BookBash (a bit late)

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This BookBash was a celebration of reading!

To mark International Children’s Book Day on 2 April, a number of organisations got together on Saturday 28 March to spend a morning with some children from various reading groups around the Peninsula.


Listening to Xolisa Guzula of Praesa


Part of the whole group together

IBBY SA (the South African section of the International Board on Books for Young People), Praesa (the Programme for Alternative Education in South Africa, based at UCT) and the Centre for the Book linked hands and resources to provide a morning of celebration at the Langa Library.


Noni Mashologu of IBBY SA

Everyone gathered, and happily took over the story-telling corner of the Library. After various introductions, the children as a large group listened to a story, told in isiXhosa and then in English, by Xolisa Gazulu of Praesa.


Small-group story-telling

They then divided up into different age-groups and separated off into various parts of the library for further story-telling and reading.


Noni reads a story to a small group

The morning was rounded off by the presentation of free books and refreshments.

Among those who put the programme of events together were Nombulelo Baba of the Centre for the Book, Noni Mashologu of IBBY, and various staff-members and volunteers of Praesa, including Xolisa Gazulu, Ntombizanele Mahobe, and Nadeema Musthan.

Die Tienie- en Elsabé-pryse

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Die Akademie-pryse is onlangs aangekondig.

Die Tienie Holloway-medalje vir kleuterliteratuur is aan Alana Bailey vir Die Prinses van die Afrikavlaktes toegeken.

Die Elsabé Steenberg-prys vir vertaalde kinder- en jeuglektuur in Afrikaans, vir boeke vir tieners en jong volwassenes, gaan aan Jaco Jacobs vir Willemien en die Geel Kat.

Geluk aan IBBY SA-lid Jaco!

Yamada Donation Hand-over

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IBBY SA receives donations from the Yamada Apiculture Center in Japan for a programme to provide books to schools in need. IBBY SA asks Biblionef SA to administer this programme. Here is Biblionef SA’s press release on the latest in this ongoing programme:



Biblionef South Africa has identified 35 schools across the country that will each receive 150 new books to add to their library or to start their school library. The funds for this project have been made possible by the Yamada Apiculture Centre in Japan and IBBY South Africa. IBBY stands for the International Board on Books for Young People.


The teacher-librarian of Homba Primary School in Khayelitsha, Khalipha Ralarala, receives new books from Jean Williams, Director of Biblionef SA, and Robin Malan, Chairperson of IBBY SA.

Two schools in Khayelitsha received their books at a handover ceremony on Friday 20 March 2009. Robin Malan, Chairperson of IBBY SA, and Jean Williams, together with other staff of Biblionef SA, first handed over books to Homba Primary School, which does not have a library. The school has 800 learners and 16 educators, all of whom were delighted when they saw the books, all of which are for leisure reading. Their School Governing Body Chairperson and Principal expressed heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the Yamada Apiculture Center, IBBY SA and Biblionef SA for assisting with the establishment of their library.

The second handover was to Sakumlandela Primary School, which has 1200 learners and 31 educators. Their library opened its doors in November 2008. Ms Mokomele, the Librarian, was grateful for the books that the school received because they plan to have a book club that the community can access.

The Yamada Apiculture Center made funds available not only for books, but also for them to be covered in plastic so that they will last longer; and also provided book storage in the form of shelving or a steel trunk.

In addition to the 150 books donated by the Yamada Apiculture Center, Biblionef SA donated more books as requested by the respective schools.


Some of the younger students at Homba Primary School show off their new books.

With ventures like these Biblionef SA believes that it can live up to its vision, which is to ‘give them books, open up their world’ so that we can have a society of readers.

VinnigVra Kompetisie / QuickQuiz Competition

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The last competition asked for three children’s book publishers or series of books for children that use the name of an animal or other non-human creature. Three members submitted a variety of interesting names:

Zebra: An imprint of Random House Struik. I checked on their website; they don’t use the word ‘children’ once.

Two Dogs: Another of their imprints, this one for men.

Jaws: A series by Heinemann, but an animal? A creature? As in ‘I just love cuddly little jaws’?

Modjadji: A wonderful new women’s publisher, but I doubt that the real flesh-and-blood Modjadji would fancy being called an animal or a non-human creature.

Gecko: A publisher, but of poetry, not children’s books.

Anansi: Anansi is a spider, and Anansi Books publish children’s books, so …

Big Tick (

But, no prize this time.

However, my tenacious jaws don’t want to let this go! Have another try. We now have one (Anansi). Think of two more, to earn a book-prize from one of them.

Clue: Two answers appear in this newsletter! Just choose one of those two, and then think of one other! (You can’t submit both of those that appear in the newsletter as your final answer – that makes it too easy. One of those two mentioned, plus one other that you remember or research or suddenly light-bulb.)

Send your answers to booksforafrica@ and see who’s in first. Remember to include a postal address, in case you win!


Resensies / Reviews

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Diva Veronica, deur Marianna Brandt, met illustrasies deur Tanja Joubert (Human & Rousseau, 2009) – Lona Gericke

Mag ek in jou doek loer? deur Guido van Genechten, Afrikaanse vertaling deur Philip de Vos (Human & Rousseau, 2009) – Lona Gericke

Meerkat-restaurant en ander diererympies, deur Elizabeth Wasserman, met illustrasies deur Jiggs Snaddon-Wood (LAPA, 2009) – Lona Gericke

Mielies and Beans by Maryanne Bester, illustrated by Shayle Bester (Jacana Media) – Kathy Madlener

Nyama and the Eland by Dorothy Kowen, illustrated by Gillian Mathew (Jacana Media) – Kathy Madlener

Saartjie se afskeid (Bettie Naudé), Trompie die atleet (Topsy Smith). Heruitgawes, met redigering deur Kobus Geldenhuys en Anita van Zyl (Human & Rousseau, 2009) – Lona Gericke

Vergeet my nie deur Michael Bond (Human & Rousseau, 2009) – Lona Gericke

Wonderlikste atlas van die hele wye wêreld deur die slimkoppies, Die, Prente deur Lisa Swerling en Ralph Lazar. Woorde deur Sion Adams (Human & Rousseau, 2009) – Lona Gericke


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Text: Robin Malan

Layout & Design: Inge Paulsen

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We invite you to attend

A Master Class in the Creation of Fiction

to be given by Patricia Schonstein-Pinnock

with particular reference to her novels


A Time of Angels

The Apothecary’s Daughter

A Quilt of Dreams

The Master’s Ruse

and novella Ouma’s Autumn

Join us and Patricia at Fynbos Estate, near Malmesbury

(One hour from Cape Town)

On Saturday 18th April 2009


Arrival 10.30 a.m.

Tea or coffee with biscuits

☼ The Master Class: ☼

Lunch 1 pm

A Mediterranean meal of quiche with salad, cheeses, bread and olives served with a glass of our estate’s Dragonridge wine


We will have Patricia’s titles on sale as well as

Dragonridge wines, Fynbos culinary products and honey.

Cost R 380 per person – payable on confirmation of booking

To book please email: Afpress@ before 10 April 2009

Directions will be emailed to you.

A Fynbos Estate brochure is attached for those who would like a ‘breakaway’ and to sleep over at the farm.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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