Constitutional Rights and Responsibilities Children s rights and ...

Term 3 Week 3 and 4

PSW ? Year 1 Term 2 Constitutional Rights and Responsibilities

Children's rights and responsibilities Week 22 June ? 3 July

Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________________

1. Application of human rights in the South African Constitution

The Constitution is a set of laws which is used for governing our country. In South Africa, our human rights are listed in part of our Constitution called the Bill of Rights. Human Rights ensure that the government and the people in a country behave in certain ways. They protect us from people who may wish to harm us. By respecting these rights we learn to live in peace with one another. The Children's Rights are also part of the Bill of Rights. These rights are part of the highest law in South Africa and are very difficult to change or take away from people. With each of these rights we have responsibilities. For example, you have a right to education and also the responsibility to attend school regularly and work hard. If a person's rights have been abused, the person can go to the Constitutional Court for help.


Term 3 Week 3 and 4

2. Children's Rights and Responsibilities

Children's Rights


The right to good education To attend school, to learn and do my best.

The right to basic care

If someone needs care, I will be willing to help them

The right to basic health and social services

To visit hospitals, clinics and doctors regularly and to look after my own health. To live healthy.

The right to be protected from maltreatment, neglect, abuse or degration.

To keep myself save and not get involved in these situations

The right to a name and To be proud of my name,

nationality and identity

identity and nasionality

The right to basic nutrition

To live health, to eat healthy and not to waste food.

The right to not to do work To take part in activities

that is not good for him / her. that is suitable for my age

Child labour.

e.g. to play and develop


Term 3 Week 3 and 4

The right to basic shelter

To keep the house clean

[a safe and comfortable and neat.

home ]

The right not to be detained Not to get involved in [put in jail] except as a wrong activities measure of last resort.

Activity 1

Tick in the correct column if the following is a violation of Children's rights. Tick YES or NO [10]

1.1. Can't go to school because of transport issues. 1.2. Have enough clothes to wear. 1.3. Have to work very hard, instead of playing. 1.4. Have enough good food to eat. 1.5. Lives in a very small house. 1.6. No medication if you are sick. 1.7. Forced to dress like your friends. 1.8. Going to jail for violence. 1.9. Get a good hiding because you broke the door. 1.10. Being protected against humiliation..



Term 3 Week 3 and 4

Activity 2

Choose the correct responsibility from B to fit the Children's Right in A.

Only write down the letter. E.g. 8 and K


A Children's rights

1. The right to good education.

2. The right to a name, identity and nationality.

3. The right to basic nutrition.

4. The right to basic shelter.

5. The right to basic health services.

1 and ____ 2 and ____ 3 and ____ 4 and ____ 5 and ____

B Responsibilities

A. To help to keep the house clean and neat.

B. To come to school and do my homework.

C. If someone needs care, I will help them.

D. To be proud of who I am.

E. To live healthy and not to mess with food.

F. To look after my own health and to take my medicine.

3. The difference between rights and responsibilities.

A right is a freedom that is protected, such as the right to good education.

A responsibility is a duty or something you should do, such as doing your homework and to not disrupt the class.


You have the right to a safe environment

You have the right to use school material


and the responsibility to follow safety rules. and the responsibility to take care of it.

You have the right to fair treatment

and the responsibility to treat others fairly

You have the right to good education

and the responsibility to do your best

You have the right basic nutrition

and the responsibility to eat health foods


Term 3 Week 3 and 4

4. Responsibilities at home and at school

HOME Examples: - Set the table - Feed the dog - Make your bed - Do the dishes - Clean your room - Obey you parents / guardians - Do not fight with siblings - Clean up after yourself - Do your homework - Take out the trash - Take care of yourself: Shower, brush your teeth, put on clean clothes

SCHOOL You have the responsibility to: - obey school and classroom rules - treat adults with respect - listen and not talk when the teacher is talking - be prepared for class, participate in classroom activities, and complete assignments given by the teacher - not distract others from learning - start your work on time and allow enough time for it to be finish - ask if you need help - be on time for class - do your own work -have a positive mind-set



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