Therapy Review Worksheet

Therapy Review Worksheet

Note: Answerers for these questions can be found in the Psychotherapy Notes, The Therapy Glog Scavenger Hunt assignment & Worksheets from the Therapy Unit. Answers for this worksheet are also posted online.

Possible Therapies: Therapies in bold are the main therapeutic models.

|Photodynamic Therapy |Humanistic Therapy |Biomedical |Cognitive Therapy |Behavioral Therapy |

|Play Therapy |Narrative Therapy |Rational Emotive Therapy |Systematic Desensitization |Aversion Therapy |

|Ar Therapy or (Expressive |Substance Abuse Therapy |Couples Therapy | | |

|Therapy) | | | | |

Which of the therapies is concerned with the prescription of drugs?

The psychoanalytic technique of allowing a patient to say whatever comes to their mind is called what?

Which type of behavioral therapy would involve putting a drug into cigarettes to make the smoker nauseous?

Which type of therapy might be good for someone who is on a budget and cannot afford one-on-one counseling?

What type of drugs might someone be prescribed for schizophrenia?

6. Under what field of therapy would a 12-Step program fall?

7. Which type of therapy is commonly used to treat depression?

8. Although lobotomized patients were calmer, they had a a severe side effect. What happend to them?

9. Which psychologist was responsible for pioneering psychoanalytic therapy?

10. Which type of therapy operates under the concept that people's problems arise from errors in thinking?

11. In humanistic therapy you need to be "real" with the client. What did Rogers call this?

12. Which type of therapy uses learning and conditioning techniques in an attempt to help people?

13. What type of therapy would have a patient watch parents in order to become a better parent?

14. In which type of therapy would someone with a narcotic addiction go to learn from other people who have already quit narcotics?

15. Which psychologist pioneered the Client-Centered approach to therapy?

16. In psychodynamic therapy the therapist looks for when a client does not want to talk about a subject and then zeroes in on it. They concept is called what?

17. In psychodynamic therapy, a patient may start treating the psychiatrist like their husband. This concept is called what?

18. Which type of therapy would attempt to change someone who believed that nobody liked them, even though they had many friends.

19. Which concept in cognitive psychology would address someone who though that people are either inherently good or evil?

20. In the modern age, which psychological disorder to they still use Electroconvulsive (ECT) therapy?

21. Which type of therapy does not direct the client, but allows them to find their own solutions?

22. In humanistic therapy, the therapist repeats back what the client says. The therapist does this to show that they are listening and that they care. What is this concept called?

23. In behaviour therapy, a patient may be reward or punished for behaviour. What would this concept be called?

24. Which type of therapy involves the patient telling stores to find solutions to their problems?

25. When a client has a breakthrough in psychodynamic therapy, they release emotional energy. What is this energy called?

26. In group therapy, shopping addicts may role play avoiding a sale. What is this concept called?

27. Which type of therapy may end up being very expensive because it typically takes years to complete?

28. What type of therapy attempts to repair the relationships in a family?

29. Which type of therapy emphasizes the creative process in finding solutions to problems?

30. Which type of therapy involves slowly introducing people to the situation that they fear?

31. Which type of therapy is used for non-verbal children so that they can express themselves?

32. Which type of therapy would involve challenging patients irrational statements and replacing themwith ideas based in reality?

33. Which concept in cognitive psychology would address someone who only sees thee negatives in their life and ignores the positives?

34. Which type of therapy operates under the assumption that many psychological problems arise from unsolved childhood issues and trauma.

35. Which type of therapy might be used for people having marital difficulties?


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