A. Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Councilor Cobb. Council person elect Tim Addison lead the pledge of allegiance, everyone rose and said the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

B. Welcome and Opening Remarks

C. Oath of office for Mayor, Justin Cobb & Councilors, Tim Addison & Michael Hogsett

Douglas County Clerk Patricia Hitt swore in Justin Cobb as Mayor and Tim Addison and Michael Hogsett as City Councilors.

D. State of the City Address

Mayor Cobb presented the State of the City Address.

E. Recognition of Visitors/Requests

Visitors: Ben Simons, Jo Barker, Dana Benner, Grace McNeil, Harold Burris, Dana Brown- Avis, Aaron Speakman, Melissa Sullivan, Beverly Perry, Dave Anderson, Marilyn Jones, Cecil Cobb Sr., Cecil Cobb Jr., Isabelle Cobb, Brittany Cobb, Sabrina Agee, Bry Lund, Joelle Addison, Todd Simons, Logan Overton

Mayor Cobb asked if there was any issue that citizens wanted to bring up that were not on the agenda Ms. Barker asked if the city could put their notices in the community paper instead of a paper outside of Douglas County.

Sgt. Hansen from Douglas County Sheriff’s Dept. presented the monthly statistics. Sgt. Hansen said it was a slow month in Drain, there was a burglary that they are looking for any information that anyone has on it. There were a couple of warrant arrest and trespassing issues. When asked, Sgt. Hanson said that the Lane County crew has not returned to the area.

Aaron Speakman with Dyer Partnership gave an update on the waste water treatment plant. Overall there are no major issues or concerns, we are working on the alarm system, and there have been multiple issues with alarms going off. There have been site visits from OSHA and DEQ and they both sent letters with minor changes that will need to be updated.

Dana Browning from the library district presented a library update. For their first full month of operation, they were open 96 hours and had 690 patrons come through the door. They have several programs going on such as the chess club and Lego club. They are in the process of getting the Chilton automotive repair manuals online. They have had 14 children get their first book from the Dolly Parton book club and will have another 20 in the month of February. The Dolly Parton book club gives a free book a month to kids under 5 years of age.



No meeting in December.

The next meeting of the Drain Planning Commission is scheduled for Monday, February 4, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.

It will be held in the Meeting Room of the Drain Civic Center, 205 West A Avenue.


Update on lifting the headstones

Administrator Dahl updated the committee with the work on leveling headstones recently done by public works.

Items for the Budget Committee

The committee discussed items for the upcoming budget year.

Thank you

Administrator Dahl thanked the committee members for their time served.

The next meeting of the Drain Cemetery Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. It will be held in the Meeting Room of the Drain Civic Center, 205 West A Avenue.


Update on library counts

Administrator Dahl presented the Civic Center Committee with current library attendance numbers.

OMEU Meeting in Drain

The City of Drain hosted December’s meeting.

Thank you

Administrator Dahl thanked the committee members for their service. Grace Almaas term is expiring and she has expressed the interests to be re-appointed.

The next meeting of the Drain Civic Center Committee is scheduled for Monday, February 25, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in the Meeting Room of the Drain Civic Center.


See Report


Consent Agenda:

1. Minutes - Regular Meeting-December 10, 2018

2. Payment of the Bills Check’s 106-109, 31454-31516 in the total amount of

$388,886.74 & Payroll Check #’s 9526-9544 in the total amount of


Councilor Kelley moved to approve the consent agenda. Councilor Hogsett seconded. The motion passed unanimously.




A. Swearing in of Mayor

Douglas County Clerk Patricia Hitt swore in Justin Cobb as Mayor.

B. Swearing in of two Councilors

Douglas County Clerk Patricia Hitt swore in Michael Hogsett & Tim Addision as council members.

C. Selection of Council President

Councilor Addison volunteered to be Council President. Councilor Hogsett moved to appoint Councilor Addison as Council President and Councilor Kelley seconded. The motion was unanimous.

D. Re-appoint committee members

Grace Almaas committee member of the Civic Center & Judy Levins committee member of the Cemetery Committee requested re-appointment due to their expired membership.

Councilor Hogsett made a motion to reappoint Grace Almaas to the Civic Center Committee and Judy Levins to the Cemetery Committee. Councilor Addison seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

E. New signature card for IFA

In consideration of the changes with the 2019 elected officials, the signature card with IFA required a new signature card for future transactions.

Councilor Addison made a motion to approve the signers of the IFA signature card. Councilor Hogsett seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

F. Parks Master Plan-selecting contractor

In 2018 the City of Drain applied for and received a grant for the development of a Parks and Open Space Masterplan. In November the City send out a request for proposal (RFP) for

companies to create the masterplan. We received two replies for the project, Cameron McCarthy and MIG.

In December the City had members of the staff, council and citizens review the two plans. The outcome of the meeting was the unanimous recommendation of Cameron McCarthy. The committee felt that Cameron McCarthy better fit what the City wanted to do with the masterplan. They had experience working with smaller cities and had completed multiple projects in Douglas County.

Councilor Hogsett made the motion to move to allow the City Administrator to negotiate and sign a contract with Cameron McCarthy for Parks and Open Space Master Plan. Councilor Addison seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

G. Stop sign on Applegate Avenue

In September 2018 City Administrator Dahl met with DucoLam at their request to hear about issues they were having concerning speeding on Applegate. The speeding appears to be threatening their employees. Recently one of their employees was almost hit while getting out of his car on the way to work. They were wondering if anything could be done to help alleviate the issue.

City Administrator Dahl went & watched the area during some of the busy times that they mentioned and didn’t see much speeding during those times. City Administrator Dahl also spoke with Public Works Foreman, Harold Burris about the issue and he didn’t seem to see much on an issue but went and spoke to DucoLam about it. City Administrator Dahl also spoke to the Sheriff’s office to see if there was something they could do to help alleviate the problem. The sheriff’s department brought in a speed sign that has been placed in the Applegate area several times as well as other areas around town.

DucoLam continues to have a problem with speeding on Applegate. The solution is to put two stop signs on Applegate. One will be on Elder going south & the other on Date going north. By making people stop before they go through the area where DucoLam operates. This will slow people down enough to safely pass through the area.

The cost for the stop signs will be approximately $220 each. The funds will come from the street fund.

DucoLam sent a letter in support of the stop signs.

Councilor Addison made a motion for placement of the two stop signs. Councilor Hogsett seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


A. Discussion of solid waste franchise fee


County Land Use Change: When the City passed Ordinance 433 we inadvertently allowed it to include the Urban Growth Boundary. While the City has some planning jurisdiction in the Urban Growth Boundary the County still has the overriding planning obligation. So on January 9th the County Pass and Land Use Ordinance disallowing the growing of Marijuana within the City’s Urban Growth Boundary.

OMEU: I attended a meeting in Portland were Oregon Municipal Electric Utilities and the Public Power Council discussed the issues and legislation being presented in the 2019 Legislative Session. These include Carbon Tax, Community Choice Aggregation, Low Income subsidy, and Clean Fuels Program.

LOC Training: The League of Oregon City’s is putting on a training for new Councilors in Keizer on January 23 in Keizer. Also on January 24 is Cities Day at the Capital. If you would like more information on either of these please let me know.

City Books: Dana has been busy getting the books balanced. We have received the last changes from Caselle and will be making the required changes. Then we will finish up with the Audit.

ODOT: ODOT will be here in February to present their suggested changes to Highway 38 through town.

Mayor Cobb requested an update on online payments. Grace updated council about training that was done January 3, 2019. Grace notified council that the new payment processing was in place and being used daily.


It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Justin Cobb, Mayor



Steve Dahl, City Administrator


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