|Publication No. |Colour |Closed |Open/PP |Origin |Description |
|Sales Brochures Notes- Dimensions in Inches; Open/PP = Open size/Number of Pages. |
|NSP-54 -1645D-3-54 |Rd/B/W |5½ x 4¼ |11 x 4¼ |Nash (US) |It’s Here! The Car America ordered |
|No Number |Rd/B/W |2½ x 3½ |5 x 3½ |Nash (US) |‘Advertised in “Life” ’ |
|NSP54 1633 350M 3-54 |Full |11 x 8 |22 x 25 |Nash (US) | |
|NSP54 1633-1-300M 4-54 |Full |11 x 8 |22 x 25 |Nash (US) | |
|No Number |Full |6¾ x 9¼ |8 pp |Nash (US) |Reprint of “Popular Science Monthly” |
|No Number |Part |11x15 |22x15 |Nash (Canada) |“....sweetest little BIG CAR in the World” |
|No Number |Part |11x15 |22x15 |Nash (Canada) |As above – (French-Canadian?) |
|NSP54 1766 250M 8-54 |R/B/W |9x12 |20pp |Nash (US) |“What’s the truth about car values..” |
|NSP54 1749 1MM |B/W |10x15 |21x15 |Nash (US) | |
|No Number |B/W |8½ x 11 |1 sheet |Nash (US) |Air-conditioning (incl. Metropolitan) |
|AM5458 250M 8-54 |Full |11 x 8 |22 x 25 |Hudson (US) | |
|No Number |Yl/Gy |11x15 |22x15 |Hudson (US) |“American Styling… British built” |
|NSP55 1858-1-200M 5-55 |Full |11 x 8 |22 x 25 |Nash (US) | |
|NSP-55-4009 |B/W |8 x 11 |4 pp |Nash (US) |Reprint of “Car Life” (4/55) |
|No Number |Full |11 x 8 |22 x 25 |Nash (Canada) |Dated 1955 |
|No Number |Rd/B/W |14x11 |28x11 |Nash (US) |Nash for 1955 |
|NSP55 1900 1-55 | |14x11 |24pp |Nash (US) | |
|HM55 1449 25M 7-55 |Full |11 x 8 |22 x 25 |Hudson (US) | |
|No Number |Full |11 x 8 |22 x 25 |Nash (Canada) |Dated 1956 |
|No Number |Rd/B/WW |8½ x 11 |17 x 22 |Nash (US) |1956 Competition brochure. |
|No Number |Rd/B/WW |8½ x 11 |17 x 22 |Hudson (US) |1956 Competition brochure. |
|M-56-5274 |Green |12X9 |24x9 |A.M. (US) |F: Amazing Power B: Blank |
|M-56-5274 |Green |12X9 |24x9 |A.M. (US) |F: “ “ , B: Dealers Everywhere|
|M-56-5274 |Green |12X9 |24x9 |A.M. (US) |F: Sparkling “ ,B: Blank |
|M-56-5274 |Green |12X9 |24x9 |A.M. (US) |F: “ ,B: Dealers |
| | | | | |Everywhere |
|M-56-5274 |Green |12X9 |24x9 |A.M. (US) |F: “ “ ,B: “ Coast to |
| | | | | |Coast |
|M-56-5274 |Green |12X9 |24x9 |A.M. (US) |F: “ “ ,B: “ in all 48 |
| | | | | |States |
|M-56-5274 |Green |12X9 |24x9 |A.M. (US) |F: “ “, B: As above+Club Logo |
|M-56-5274 |Blue |12X9 |24x9 |A.M. (US) |F: “ “ , B: “ |
| | | | | |“ |
|M-56-5274 |Green |12X9 |24x9 |A.M. (US) |All text in Spanish (Photo-copy) |
|No Number |Green |12X9 |24x9 |Canada |F: Amazing Power,B: Hudson & Nash Dlrs |
|No Number |Green |12X9 |24x9 |Canada |F: Amazing Power,B: AMC Dealers |
|6-56-50M-HM-56-1717 |B/W |8½ x 11 |28 pp |Hudson (US) |1956 Hudson X-Ray (Met. Pictured) |
|AMX-57-6156 |Green |12X9 |24x9 |A.M. (US) |Text in French (French-Canadian?) |
|No Number |Full |6 x 7 |12pp |Nash (US) |Nash Airflyte Magazine 1957 |
|No Number |White |4x6 |16pp |A.M. (US) |Title "Are you burning your Money" |
|AM-58-6710 |Green |12X9 |24x9 |A.M. (US) |F Sparkling Power. "Imported" |
|AM-58-6710X |Tan |12x9 |24x9 |A.M. (US) |F Sparkling Power. |
|No Number |Green |12X9 |24x9 |Canada |F Sparkling Power. "Imported" |
|No Number |Green |12X9 |24x9 |Canada |As above - (French-Canadian?) |
|AM-58-6884 |Green |4¼ x 6¾ |16pp |A.M. (US) |“More Mileage for your Money” |
|AM-58-6884 |Green |4¼ x 6¾ |16pp |A.M. (Canada) |“More Mileage for your Money” |
|AM-58-6583 |White |4x6 |16pp |A.M. (US) |Title "Are you burning your Money" |
|AM-58-6713 |Brown |8x11 |8pp |A.M. (US) |"X-Ray" booklet |
|AM-58-6713 |Brown |12x16 |8pp |A.M. (US) |Large version “X-Ray” booklet |
|No Number |R/B/W |12x16 |12pp |Rambler (US) |1958 Rambler American “X-Ray” |
|No Number | | | |A.M. (US) |Reprint of “Small Cars Illustrated” |
|No Number |B/W |8½ x 11 |1 sheet |Cont. Car Combine (US) |See Europe by Car |
|AM-59-7282 |Full |11¼x8½ |22½x17 |A.M. (US) | |
|AM-59-7282 |Full |11¼x8½ |22½x17 |A.M. (US) |Overprinted with Export Specs. |
|AM-59-7282-1 |Full |11¼x8½ |22½x17 |A.M. (US) | |
|AM-59-7282-E |Full |11¼x8½ |22½x17 |A.M. (US) | |
|AM-59-7282-X |Full |11¼x8½ |22½x17 |A.M. (US) | |
|50M/4/59 |Full |11¼x8½ |22½x17 |Canada |Marked "Danforth" |
|No Number |Bu/Yl |11 x 8½ |16pp |Rambler (US) |’59 X-Ray Book Domestic v Import |
|AM-59-7050 |Full |4x2½ |16pp |Rambler (US) |Shows Convertible |
|AM-59-7050 |Full |4x2½ |16pp |Rambler (US) |Shows Convertible & HardTop |
|AM-59-7536 |Bu/B/W |5½ x 8½ |20pp |A.M. (US) |Overseas Military Sales Program |
|AM-59-7337 |Fawn |4x6 |16pp |A.M. (US) |Title "Are you burning your Money" |
|10M/2/60 |Full |11¼x8½ |22½x17 |Canada |Marked "Danforth" |
|AM-60-8031 |Full |4x2½ |16pp |Rambler (US) |Shows Convertible & HardTop |
|AM-60-8084-1 |Red/W |11 x 8½ |32pp |Rambler (US) |1960 Rambler American “X-Ray” |
|AM-60-8084-2 |Gd/R/B |11x8½ |24pp |Rambler(US) |1960 Rambler American “X-Ray” |
|AM-60-8084-3 |Blue/W |11x8½ |24pp |Rambler(US) |1960 Rambler Ambassador “X-Ray” |
|AM-60-8023 |Full |9x12 |16pp |Rambler (US) |Metropolitan pictured |
|AM-60-8249 |Blue |4x6 |16pp |A.M. (US) |Title "Are you burning your Money" |
|AM-60-8026 |Full |10x15 |12pp |Rambler (US) |Metropolitan pictured |
|AM-60-8026 |Full |10x15 |12pp |Rambler (US) |Metropolitan pictured (variant) |
|AM-60-8026 |Full |8½x12½ |12pp |Rambler (Canada) |Metropolitan pictured |
|AM-60-8026 |Full |8½x12½ |12pp |Rambler (Canada) |Metropolitan pictured (French Text) |
|AM-60-8567 |Blue |3x7 |7x10 |A.M. (US) | |
|AM-60-8247 |Red |8x6 |8x12 |A.M. (US) | |
|AM-60-8460 |Blue |3x7 |5x7 |A.M. (US) |Entitled "Career Girls know" |
|No Number | | | |A.M. (US) |Reprint of “Automobile Topics” |
|AM-61-9121 |Blue |4x6 |16pp |A.M. (US) |Title "Are you burning your Money" |
|AM-61-9121 |White |4x6 |16pp |A.M. (US) |Ditto – Updated prices. |
|No Number |Red |8x3 |8x10 |A.M. (US) |Metropolitans for Police |
|AM-62-1076 |Full |11¼x8½ |22½x17 |A.M. (US) | |
|No Number |Y/B/W |9x6 |9x12 |Nash (UK) |Concessionaires mailer |
|1406 23/25 (7026) 3/57-100 |Full |11x8 |22x8 |Austin (UK) | |
|1406A 35/10 (8203) 5/57-39 |Full |11x8 |22x8 |Austin (UK) | |
|1406A 35/10 (9103) 7/57-50 |Full |11x8 |22x8 |Austin (UK) | |
|1406B 35/10 (10877) 10-57-50 |Full |11x8 |22x8 |Austin (UK) | |
|1406B 35/10 (12506) 12/57-50 |Full |11x8 |22x8 |Austin (UK) | |
|1406C 35/10 (14501) 3/58-50M |Full |11x8 |22x8 |Austin (UK) | |
|1406C 35/10 (16111) 6/58-50M |Full |11x8 |22x8 |Austin (UK) | |
|1406C 35/10 (17109) 8/58-50M |Full |11x8 |22x8 |Austin (UK) | |
|1406C 35/10 (21147) 2/59-25M |Full |11x8 |22x8 |Austin (UK) | |
|No Number |Y/B/W |9x5¾ |9x11½ |Nash (UK) |Concessionaires mailer (Rambler/Met) |
|No Number |Full |11x8 |22x8 |Austin (UK) |As above - Swedish Text (Export ?) |
|No Number |Full |11x8 |22x8 |Austin (UK) |As above - Danish Text (Export ?) |
|1406/B |Full |11x8 |22x8 |Austin (UK) |As above - French Text (Export ?) |
|P 739 D |Full |11x8 |22x8 |Austin (UK) |As above - Dutch Text (Export ?) |
|1613 (19732) |Full |11x8 |22x16 |Austin (UK) | |
|1613 (31401) |Full |11x8 |22x16 |Austin (UK) | |
|1613 (36223) |Full |11x8 |22x16 |Austin (UK) | |
|M-56-5274 |Green |12 x 9 |24 x 9 |Nash (US) |Nash (US) folder modified for UK |
|1704 |Full |6 x 3½ |12 x 10 |Austin (UK) |Austin Range (1958?) |
|1958 |Full |8¾ x 3½ |26¼ x 3½ |Austin (UK) |Austin Range 1958 |
|1514 |Part |6x4 |4pp |Austin (UK) |“Zing” Folder (Photocopy) |
|1565 |Part |3½x6 |7x6 |Austin (UK) |Motor Show issue (1957?) |
|1697 |Full |11x8 |22x24 |Austin (UK) |Motor Show issue (1958?) |
|1822 |Full |11x8 |22x16 |Austin (UK) |Motor Show issue (1959?) |
|1819 |Full |3½x8¾ |10½x8¾ |Austin(UK) |1959? |
|1411 |Green |13x8 |1 Sheet |Austin (UK) | |
|No Number | |9 x 9¾ |28 pp |Lookers (UK) |Lookers (Manchester) Brochure |
|No Number |Part |7x5 |21x5 | |French Text, Series III HardTop |
|No Number |Part |7x5 |21x5 | |German Text Series III HardTop |
|No Number |Part |7x5 |21x5 | |German Text Series III H/Top 1956 |
|No Number |Part |7x5 |21x5 | |German Text,Swiss Series III H/Top |
|No Number |Part |7x5 |21x5 | |French Text,Swiss Series III H/Top |
|No Number |Part |7x5 |21x5 | |German Text,Swiss Series IV H/Top |
|No Number |Part |7x5 |21x5 | |German Text,Swiss Series IV H/Top |
|No Number |B/W |13x8 |1 Sheet | |Printed in Hong-Kong |
|No Number |Part |8x7 |16x23 | |German Importers brochure |
|922.571 – 56 |Gr/B/W |12 x 9 |24 x 9 |Belgium |Metropolitan 1500 brochure |
|No Number |Full |8½x11¾ |4 pp | Sogida (Belgium) |Austin Importer (Belgium) |
|752 |Y/B/W |8½ x 11 |1 sheet |Sogida (Belgium) |Metropolitan brochure |
|No Number |Red |8x11 |13x11 | |Belgium Rambler Brochure |
|No Number |Rd/Bu |4x10 |12x10 | |"See Europe by Car" |
|No Number |Rd/Gy |11¼x9½ |22½x9½ |Sanyo Motors |1961 Japanese Rambler Folder |
|Postcards |
|NSP54 1508F 150M 3-54 |Full |5x3 |5x6 |Nash(US) | |
|AM 5462 125M 8-54 |Full |5x3 |1 Sheet |Hudson (US) | |
|M-56-5274 |Green |8x5 |1 Sheet |A.M. (US) | |
|M-56-5274 |Green |8x5 |1 Sheet |A.M. (US) |Carries text on front of card |
|AM-59-7324 |Full |5x3 |1 Sheet |A.M. (US) | |
|8247-A |Full |5x3 |1 Sheet |A.M. (US) | |
|8247-B |Full |5x3 |1 Sheet |A.M. (US) | |
|No Number | |9x6 |1 Sheet |A.M. (US) |"Metropolitan is meant for you if" |
|No Number |B/W |7 x 4½ |1 Sheet |Radke (US) |1958 Rambler Sales postcard |
|1517 |Full |5 x 3 |1 Sheet |Austin (UK) |“… Austin-You can depend on it!” |
|BMC 1517 |Full |5 x 3 |1 Sheet |Austin (UK) |20 Features on reverse |
|No Number |B/W |5¼ x 3¼ |1 Sheet | ? (US) |“The Metropolitan Convertible Sports Car “ shows |
| | | | | |Series I |
|No Number |B/W |5¼ x 3¼ |1 Sheet | ? (US) |1958 Metropolitan 1500 Rambler |
|No Number |Full |5x2½ |1 sheet |(US) |Austin-Nash Met. Sports Run-about |
|No Number |Full |3½ x 2¼ |1 sheet |Skinner’s (US) |New Nash Sports car |
|170419 |Full |5½ x 3½ |1 sheet |(US) |1959 Met. convertible pictured |
|No Number |Full |6 x 4 |1 sheet |Machine Age Inc. (US) |Metros at the “Metro Diner” |
|No Number |Full |6 x 4 |1 sheet |Contigo Visual (US) |Route 66 Motel |
|No Number |Full |5½ x 3½ |1 sheet |Smith-Western Inc (US) |Grants Pass , Oregon |
|No Number |Full |5½ x 3½ |1 sheet |(US) |Barton Rambler, Houston Texas |
|No Number |Full |3x2½ |1 sheet |UK |New Era Austin Set |
|No 16 |Full |6½x4½ |1 sheet |UK |Jenna Publishing. Rep. of Brochure |
|No Number |Full |5¾ x 3¾ |1 Sheet |US |’57 Convertible – 57 Heaven Series |
|No Number |Full |5¾ x 4½ |4 pp |STS (US) |Metropolitan Phone Card |
|No Number |Yl/Wh |3½ x 3½ |1 sheet |Piet Olyslager |1956 Yellow Conv. |
|P-358 |Full |4 x 6 |1 sheet |France |Metropolitan Dodgem Car |
|Number 39 |Full |3½ x 2¼ |Packet |Haas (Germany) |Shows 1200cc Metropolitan |
|No. 127 |Full |4¼ x 5½ |Packet |Full Speed (Holland) |Shows 1500cc Conv. & Hardtop |
|Not known |Full |4¼ x 5½ |Packet |Full Speed (Holland) |Shows 1500cc Conv. (Photocopy) |
|No Number |Full |11 x 8½ |1 Sheet |Old Cars (US) |Shows 1962 Hardtop |
|No. 48 |Full |3 x 1¾ |1 Sheet |Shell (NZ) |Cars of the World (Rd/Wh Met.H/T) |
|No. 79 |Full |3¼ x 2 |1 Sheet |Van Hus (Holland) |“What’s that Car” series 1956 |
|No Number |Full |3 x 2 |1 Sheet |Van Melle(Holland) |Van Melle Biscuits |
|No Number |Full |5½ x 5½ |1 sheet |Printed in Italy |1956 Hardtop pictured |
|No Number |Full |5½ x 5½ |1 sheet |Printed in Italy | “ “ “ French language |
|No Number |Full |5½ x 5½ |1 sheet |Printed in Italy | “ “ “ German language |
|13-067-45-05 |Full |4¾ x 4¾ |1 sheet |Printed in Italy |1961 Hardtop pictured |
|No. 50 |Full |3¾ x 2½ |1 sheet |TCG (US) |Astro-Coupe by Richard Arbib |
|Dealer Literature | |
|NSP54 1664 | |7x4 |24pp |Nash (US) |Model 541-2 |
|NSP54 1664 | |7x4 |24pp |Hudson (US) |Model 541-2 |
|NSP56 5307 | |7x4 |24pp |Nash (US) |Model 561-2 |
|AM-58-6651 | |7x4 |24pp |A.M. (US) |Model 561-2 |
|AM-59-7317 | |7x4 |24pp |A.M. (US) |Model 561-2 |
|T165 | | | |Nash (US) |Trim Fabric Swatch 1954 |
|P903/904/905/906/907 | | | |Nash (US) |Body Colour swatches |
|No Number | |8½x11 | |Nash (US) |’54 Model Info. File |
|No Number | |8½x11 | |Nash (US) |’56 Model Info. File |
|No Number | |8½ x 14 | |Nash (Canada) |1955 Equipment Specs. (Met 2/55) |
|No Number | |6 x 7¾ | |A.M. (US) |Salesman’s Prospect Handbook ‘58 |
|No Number | |8½x11 | |Nash (US) |’59 Model Info. Letter |
|SP #396 | |8½x11 | |Nash (US) |Nash Jewellery Information |
|HM55 1128 1300 2-55 | |12x17 | |Hudson US) |Hudson Showroom Book |
|NT 54-1636-5M-3-54 | |5½x8½ |16 pp |Nash (US) |“Inside story of the Metropolitan” |
|NT-54-1635-5M-3-54 | |4x6 |16 pp |Nash (US) |Nash Salesman Book |
|AM5459 8-54 4M | |4x6 |16pp |Hudson US) |Hudson Salesman Book |
|AM 58 6843 | |8x5 |8pp |A.M. (US) |Metropolitan Accessories Book |
|No Number | |8x4½ |1pp |Walker Bros (US) |Metropolitan Accessories Postcard |
|List No. 2-55 | |8½x11 |8 pp |Nash (Canada) |Accessories price list Canada (6/55) |
|No Number | | | |A.M. (US) |Accessory Bulletin May 2nd 1958 |
|No Number | | | |A.M. (US) |Metropolitan Price & Eqpt Bulletin |
|NSP56-5030B | |4 x 8 |12 x 8 |A.M. (US) |Price & Equipment Specs. Jan. ‘56 |
|4000-4-56 | |8½x11 |1 Sheet |A.M. (US) |Met. Price & Eqpt Bulletin 4/2/56 |
|2.5M 3-57 | |8½x11 |1 Sheet |A.M. (US) |Met. Price & Eqpt Bulletin 3/25/57 |
|3M 10-57 | |8½x11 |2 Sheets |A.M. (US) |Met. Price & Eqpt Bulletin 10/22/57 |
|2-59 4.5M | |8½x11 |3 Sheets |A.M. (US) |Met. Price & Eqpt Bulletin 2/23/59 |
|5M 4-60 | |8½x11 |1 Sheets |A.M. (US) |Met. Price & Eqpt Bulletin 4/1/60 |
|Bulletin No. 28 | |8½x11 |10 pp |Nash (Canada) |Price List Canada (4/55) |
|Bulletin No. 29 | |8½x11 |1 sheet |Nash (Canada) |Met. Dealer prices Canada (12/55) |
|No Number | |3½ x 6 |7 x 6 |Hudson (US) |Price List Oct. 25, 1956 |
|No Number | |3½ x 6 |7 x 6 |Rambler (US) |Price List Oct. 22,1957 |
|No Number | |3½ x 6¼ |1pp |AM(US) |Price List 1957 |
|No Number | |4 x 8½ |8 x 8½ |Rambler (US) |Price List 1957 |
|NSP-57-5886-D | |4½ x 6¾ |4 pp |AM(US) |Price & Specs 1957 |
|No Number | |4¼ x 6¼ |1pp |AM(US) |Price List 1958 |
|No Number | |3½ x 8½ |7 x 8½ |Rambler (US) |Price List 1958 |
|No Number | |8½ x 14 |1pp |AM(US) |Price List 1959 |
|No Number | |6 x 9 |12 x 9 |Pettengill Motors |Price List Rambler 1959 |
|No Number | |3¾ x 8½ |7½ x 8½ |Rambler (US) |Price List October 1960 |
|No Number | |8½ x 14 |1 sheet |Rambler (US) |Darlings Rambler Price List 1960 |
|No Number | |8½x11 |17 x 11 |AM(US) |Access. Price List ‘57 (Apr 15,57) |
|No Number | |8½x11 |17 x 11 |AM(US) |Access. Price List ’58 (May 15, 58) |
|No Number | |8½x11 |17 x 11 |AM(US) |Access. Price List ’58 (July 1, 58) |
|No Number | |8½x11 |6 pp |AM(US) |Access. Price List ’60 (Oct 1, 59) |
|No Number | |8½x11 |10 pp |AM(US) |Access. Price List ‘62 (Sep 18, 61) |
|No Number | |8½x11 |12 pp |AM(US) |Access. Price List ‘62 (Jan 2, 62) |
|No Number | |8½x11 |12 pp |AM(US) |Access. Price List ‘62 (Mar 1, 62) |
|No Number | |8½x11 |12 pp |AM(US) |Access. Price List ‘62 (June 1,62) |
|No Number | |6 x 9 |60 pp |Auto Dealer Costs US |Dealer Costs 1958 |
|No Number | |6 x 9 |66 pp |Auto Dealer Costs US |Dealer Costs – Spencer Pub. 1959 |
|HA-1610-2M | |5½ x 7½ |8pp |Hudson (US) |Advertising Policy |
|No Number | |8½ x 11 |18 pp |Hudson (US) |Hudson Approved Accessories 5/55 |
|No Number | |3¾x6½ |24 pp |Rambler (US) |’62 Specifications, Prices & Eqpt. |
|No Number | | | |Nash (US) |Dealer info "What the Metropolitan |
| | | | | |means to the Nash Dealer" |
|AM-58-6850 |B/W |8x11 |8pp |A.M. (US) |Product Analysis Report (PAR) |
|No Number |B/W |8x11 |16x11 |A.M. (US) |Product Analysis Report (PAR) |
|AM-58-6731 |B/W |8½ x 11 |6pp |A.M. (US) |PAR Met. v Volkswagen |
|No Number |B/W |8x11 |4pp |A.M. (US) |PAR Met. v Renault Caravelle |
|NSP-57-5954 |B/W |8 x 11 |4pp |A.M. (US) |PAR 2M Met v MGA |
|NSP-57-5954 |B/W |8x11 |4pp |A.M. (US) |PAR 3M Met. v Ford Anglia |
|1533 | |11x8 |18pp | |“Opening up a new market ….. |
|W-70 10-57 |B/W |8 x 13 |1 sheet |Walker & Co (US) |Rambler Dealer signs order form |
|AM-58-6526 |Rd/B/W | |6 pp |A.M. (US) |Rambler Dealer signs brochure |
|931/F |B/W |3¾ x 6 |60 pp |Austin (UK) |Type symbols & dating features 6/58 |
|931/G |B/W | |70 pp |Austin (UK) |Austin Identification Guide 6/60 |
|AKD3243 | |3½ x 6 |72pp |Austin (UK) |Austin Identification Guide 11/61 |
|AKD3276 | |8½ x 5½ |53pp |BMC (UK) |Identification Guide 1961 |
|AKD3276A |B/W |8½ x 5½ |53pp |BMC (UK) |Identification Guide 1963 |
|AKD3276C |B/W |8½ x 5½ |70pp |BMC (UK) |Identification Guide 1968 |
|No Number |B/W |6¼ x 3¾ |39 pp |BMC (UK) |Comparative Chassis & Body Data |
|AKD2007 |Pink |5½ x 8½ |16½x 8½ |BMC (UK) |Accessories Motor Show 1961 |
|No Number | |4½ x 6 |150 pp |Austin (UK) |Salesman’s Guide to Accessories |
|25/2 (15523) 6/58- 100,000 |B/W |8 x 5 |32 pp |BMC (UK) |Approved Accessories |
|1168/R | |2¾ x 5 |5¼ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide April ‘57 |
|1168/S | |2¾ x 5 |5½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide May ‘57 |
|1168/S | |2¾ x 5 |5½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide June ‘57 |
|1168/T | |2¾ x 5 |5¼ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide June ‘57 |
|1168/U | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide August ‘57 |
|1168/V | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide October ‘57 |
|1168/W | |2¾ x 4¾ |8½ x 4¾ |Austin (UK) |Price Guide November ‘57 |
|1168/X | |2¾ x 4¾ |8½ x 4¾ |Austin (UK) |Price Guide November ‘57 |
|1168/X | |2¾ x 4¾ |8½ x 4¾ |Austin (UK) |Price Guide December ‘57 |
|1168/X | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide February ‘58 |
|1168/Y | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide March ‘58 |
|1168/AA | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide May ‘58 |
|1168/BB | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide June ‘58 |
|1168/CC | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide July ‘58 |
|1168/DD | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide September ‘58 |
|1168/EE | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide September ‘58 |
|1168/FF | |2¾ x 4¾ |8½ x 4¾ |Austin (UK) |Price Guide October ‘58 |
|1168/GG | |2¾ x 4¾ |8½ x 4¾ |Austin (UK) |Price Guide November ‘58 |
|1168/JJ | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide January ‘59 |
|1168/KK | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide January ‘59 |
|1168/LL | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide February ‘59 |
|1168/MM | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide April ‘59 |
|1168/NN | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide May ‘59 |
|1168/OO | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide June ‘59 |
|1168/QQ | |2¾ x 4¾ |8½ x 4¾ |Austin (UK) |Price Guide August ‘59 |
|1168/SS | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide Oct. 59 |
|1168/SS | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide Nov. 59 |
|1168/TT | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide Jan. 60 (No Met prices) |
|1168/UU | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide Mar. 60 (No Met prices) |
|1168/VV | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide July ‘60 |
|1168/WW | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide August. 60 |
|1168/XX | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide September ‘60 |
|1168/XX | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide November ‘60 |
|1168/YY | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide January ‘61 |
|1168/YY | |2¾ x 5 |8½ x 5 |Austin (UK) |Price guide March ‘61 |
|1168/AM | |5 x 3 |8 pp |Austin (UK) |Price Guide October ’62 (No Met) |
|No Number | |4 x 6¾ |8 x 6¾ |(Germany) |Price guide August 1957 |
|No Number | |4 x 6 |8 x 6 |(Germany) |Price guide March 1960 |
|No Number | |8¼ x11¾ |2 pp |(Germany) |Dealer List October 1960 |
|No Number | | | |(France) |Price Guide – French (Photocopy) |
|1170/F | |3½ x 5½ |34 pp |Austin (UK) |Salesmans Guide February 1957 |
|1170/G | |3½ x 5½ |116 pp |Austin (UK) |Salesmans Guide September 1958 |
|1170/H | |3½ x 5½ |116 pp |Austin (UK) |Salesmans Guide November 1958 |
|1170/I | |3½ x 5½ |38 pp |Austin (UK) |Salesmans Guide October 1959 |
|1170/K | |3½ x 5½ |48 pp |Austin (UK) |Salesmans Guide October 1960 |
|1525A | |3x4 | |Austin (UK) |Colour card for Metropolitan |
|2000 | |4x5½ |32 pp |Austin (UK) |Competitors specs Oct.60/Jan 61 |
|Owners’ Manuals |
|RD51190 (Ser. 8110842) | |4x6 |24pp |Nash (US) |Printed 2-15-54 |
|RD51190 (Ser. 8110842) | |4x6 |24pp |Nash (US) |2nd Printing 6-54 |
|Ser. 8112061 | |4x6 |24pp |Nash (US) |3rd Printing 5-55 |
|Ser. 8112256 | |4x6 |24pp |A.M. (US) |1st Printing 1-56 |
|Ser. 8112256 | |4x6 |24pp |A.M. (US) |2nd Printing 1-57 |
|Ser. 8112256 | |4x6 |24pp |A.M. (US) |3rd Printing 9-57 |
|Ser. 8112256 | |4x6 |24pp |A.M. (US) |4th Printing 10-57 |
|Ser. 8112256 | |4x6 |24pp |A.M. (US) |5th Printing 7-58 |
|Ser. 8112256 | |4x6 |24pp |A.M. (US) |6th Printing 1-59 |
|Ser. 8112256 | |4x6 |24pp |A.M. (US) |7th Printing 3-59 |
|Ser. 8112256 | |4x6 |24pp |A.M. (US) |8th Printing 1-60 |
|Ser. 8112256 | |4x6 |24pp |A.M. (US) |9th Printing 5-61 |
|No Number | |4x6 |1 sheet |A.M. (US) |Revised Warranty Information (‘60?) |
|1468 | |4x6 |24pp |Austin (UK) |Printed Dec.56 |
|97H 1468A | |4x6 |24pp |Austin (UK) |Printed Aug 57 |
|AKD 1776 | |5x8 |8pp |Austin (UK) |Marked "Provisional" |
|AKD 1776A |Green |5x8 |58pp |Austin (UK) |Marked "Austin Motor Company" |
|AKD 1776A |Blue |5x8 |58pp |Austin (UK) |Marked "Austin Motor Company" |
|AKD 1776A |Green |5x8 |58pp |Austin (UK) |Marked "British Motor Corporation" |
|No Number |B/W |3¾x5¾ |24 pp |Nash (Swiss) |German translation of US (1-56) |
|Parts Books |
|F2421 | |8x11 | |Nash (US) |541-542 Models 2/54 |
|F2421R Revision “55-1” | |8x11 | |Nash (US) |Update dated May 1955 |
|F2421R Revision “55-2” | |8x11 | |Nash (US) |Update dated June 1955 |
|F-16056 | |8x11 | |A.M. (US) |541-542-561-562 Models 2/56 |
|F-16059 | |8x11 | |A.M. (US) |541-542-561-562 Models 2/59 |
|F-16059 Revision 4 | |8x11 | |A.M. (US) |Update dated May 1960 |
|1506 | |8½ x 11 |14pp |Austin (UK) |HD6 & HE6 Body Section 5/57 |
|97H 1506 | |11x8 | |Austin (UK) |HD6 & HE6 Models Looseleaf 3/58 |
|AKD 3000 | |11x8 | |Austin (UK) |HD6, HE6 Models (Series III) 12/61 |
|AKD 1803 | |11x8 | |Austin (UK) |HD6, HE6, AHJ7 AHP7 2/61 |
|9048B | |8½x11¼ | |Austin (UK) |NKI Series 1, 2 & 3 3/56 |
|9048C | |8¼x11¼ | |Austin (UK) |NKI Series 1, 2 & 3 3/57 |
|AKD 1090 | |11x8 | |Austin (UK) |NK1, 2, 3 & 4 (I, II, III & IV) 4/60 |
|PAU 1009 – PAU 2024 | |11x8 | |Austin UK) |Parts List Amendments |
|AKD 5008 | |11x8 | |Austin (UK) |Engine Supplement |
|FL 7415/DD/13 Oct. '60 | |8x10 | |Austin (UK) |Changes for Series III to IV |
|AKD1861 | |5x8 | |Austin (UK) |Graphoref 17 Universal Parts List |
|Workshop Manuals |
|NAS53 1480 10M 10-53 | |8x11 | |Nash (US) |Covers NK1 ("A" series) Series I |
|NAS55 1812 10M 11-54 | |8x11 | |Nash (US) |Covers NK1 ("B" series) Series 2 |
|AM-79-7043 | |8x11 | |A.M. (US) |Covers 540 ("A" & B") & 560 Series |
|97H 1467 | |8x11 | |Austin (UK) |HD6 & HE6 models Looseleaf |
|AKD 1305 | |8x11 | |Austin (UK) |HD6 & HE6 models Looseleaf |
|AKD 1305 | |8x11 | |Austin (UK) |HD6,HE6,AHJ7 & AHP7 Looseleaf |
|AKD 1305 | |8x11 | |Austin (UK) |HD6 ,HE6,AHJ7 & AHP7 Bound |
|AKD 1305 | |8x11 | |Austin (UK) |As above – Cover (Grey/Maroon) |
|Service Literature |
|NAS53 1502 5M 10-53 | |5½x8 | |Nash (US) |Flat Rate Schedule of Repair Times |
|NAS-54-1502-25C-7-54 | |5½ x 8 |52pp |Nash (US) |Flat Rate Schedule of Repair Times |
|AM1509 2.5 9-58 | |5½x8½ | |A.M. (US) |Flat Rate Schedule of Repair Times |
|AM1509 2M 2-61 | |5½x8½ | |A.M. (US) |Flat Rate Schedule of Repair Times |
|No Number | |8½x11 | |Nash (US) |Nash Bulletins Feb 24 -Apr 22nd 54 |
|No Number | |8½x11 | |Nash (US) |Nash Service Notes Apr 10-15 1954 |
|USD54-19 & USD54-22 | |8½x11 |6 pp |Nash (US) |Nash Bulletins Accessories 4/54 |
|No Number | |8½ x 11 | |A.M. (US) |Service Bulletins 10/56 – 1/57 |
|No Number | |8½ x 11 | |Motorola (US) |Radio Warranty & Repair |
|F94058 | | | |Nash (US) |Parts & Accessories Price List |
|8112372 | | | |Nash (US) |Met. Owners' Service Policy |
|Supplement to 10-500D | |8½x10½ |4 pp |Bendix (US) |Zenith Carb. Info. |
|300 | |8½ x 11 |12 pp |Lucas (US) |Zenith Carb. Spare Parts |
|No Number | |8½ x 11 |67 pp |Lucas (US) |Lucas Equipment for 1948-62 Cars |
|Form No. 911-10M-8-61 | |8½ x 11 |30 pp |H.K. Porter (US) |Thermoid Brake Service Manual |
|A-683 1-60 | |8½x 10¾ |52 pp |AC (US) |Fuel Pump Spec. Chart 1960 |
|DW-O-FC 6-73 | |8½ x 11 |34 pp |AC (US) |Imported Car Catalog |
|No Number | |8½x11½ |16 pp |Int. Auto. Reasch |Service Data Metro. 1500 |
|No Number | |5¾ x 8¼ |172 pp |1964 (Canada) |Service Data (Canadian Automotive) |
|No Number | | | |Motor (US) |Foreign Car Crash Book |
|No Number | | | |Glenn Mitchell |Collision Estimator |
|No Number | | | |Cal. Research Corp (US) |Service Info. Chart |
|No Number | | | |ditto |Lubrication Chart |
|MN-1 | | | |Chek-Chart (US) |Lubrication Chart |
|MNI-1 | | | |Pure (US) |Lubrication Chart |
|Page 66 | |12x11¼ |1 sheet |Shell (US) |Lubrication Chart 1954/55 |
|Page 66-A | |12x11¼ |1 sheet |Shell (US) |Lubrication Chart 1956 |
|Page 66-B | |12x11¼ |1 sheet |Shell (US) |Lubrication Chart 1957 |
|F-15 | |11 x 8½ |1 sheet |A.E.A. (US) |Info. Chart (Oct. 59) |
|No Number | |11 x 8½ |44 pp |A.E.A. (US) |Wiring Diagrams (1962) |
|Motor Handbook 36th ed. | |8¼x11¼ |104 pp |Motor (US) |Tune-up specifications |
|“Lubrication” Vol 44 No 11 | |7 x 10 |20 pp |Texaco (US) |Engine Information |
|“Lubrication” Vol 45 No 2 | |7 x 10 |14 pp |Texaco (US) |Oil for Met. information |
|F 640S | |20 x 25 | |Blue Streak (US) |Ignition Tune-up Guide |
|No Number | | | |BAP (US) |Parts for European Cars |
|No Number | |9 x 11 | |Ditzler (US) |Imported Car Colors |
|No Number | | | |Ditzler (US) |Nash-Hudson Colours List for 1958 |
|No Number | | | |Ditzler (US) |Nash-Hudson Colour Chart 1958 |
|No Number | | | |Dupont (US) |Mixing formulae for Met. Colours |
|A-15001 | | | |Dupont (US) |Met Colours |
|A-21060 | | | |Dupont (US) |Met Colours |
|A-26204 | | | |Dupont (US) |Met Colours (dated 1963) |
|No Number | | | |Dupont (US) |Met Colours |
|No Number | | | |US |Met. Colour List |
|O-88 | |8½ x10½ |22 pp |Sherwin-Williams |Color Manual 1954 |
|No Number | |8½ x 11 |28 pp |Sherwin-Williams |Color Manual 1957 |
|E-3 | |8½ x 11 | |Canadian Ind. Ltd |European Car Colors (1960-59) |
|No Number | |8½ x 11 |72 pp |Holley (US) |Ignition Parts Catalogue 1969 |
|No Number | |8½ x 11 |4 pp |Champion (US) |Generator & Starter Motors |
|AKD 858 | |5½ x 8½ |20pp |Austin (UK) |BMC Service Literature Catalogue |
|AKD 858B | |5½ x 8½ |24pp |Austin (UK) |BMC Service Literature Catalogue |
|AKD 858D | |8½ x 11 |32 pp |BMC (UK) |Service Literature Catalogue 11/59 |
|AKD 858U | |8¼ x 5½ |38pp |BMC (UK) |Technical Literature Catalogue 11/65 |
|AKD 858X | |8¼ x 5½ |38pp |BMC (UK) |Technical Literature Catalogue 8/66 |
|AKD 858Y | |8¼ x 5½ |38pp |BMC (UK) |Technical Literature Catalogue 12/66 |
|AKD 4945 A | |8¼ x 5½ |40pp |BMC (UK) |Technical Literature Catalogue 10/67 |
|AKD 1011 | |8½ x 3½ |24pp |Austin (UK) |BMC Service Voucher Book (10/58) |
|AKD1011A | |8½ x 5½ |24pp |Austin (UK) |BMC Service Voucher Book (1/60) |
|AKD1011B | |8¼ x 4 |30pp |Austin (UK) |BMC Service Voucher Book (11/60) |
|AKD4099A | |8¼ x 4 |28pp |Austin (UK) |BMC Service Voucher Book (4/65) |
|AKD 1941 | |39 x 29 |1 sheet |BMC (UK) |Lubrication Chart Series IV models |
|AKD 1023 | |5½ x 8½ |12pp |Austin (UK) |Schedule of Repair Times Aug. 58 |
|AKD 1023A | |5½ x 8½ |16pp |Austin (UK) |Schedule of Repair Times Nov. 60 |
|AKD 1024 | |5½ x 8½ |12pp |Austin (UK) |Schedule of Repair Charges Aug.58 |
|AKD1024A | |5½ x 8½ |14pp |Austin (UK) |Schedule of Repair Charges Nov. 60 |
|AKD 1209C | | | |Austin (UK) |Revision of Service Charges 2/61 |
|AKD 770 | | | |Austin (UK) |Service Tool Catalogue |
|AKD1133 | |5½ x 8½ |16½ x8½ |Austin (UK) |Exchange Engine Brochure |
|No Number | | | |Austin (UK) |Magazine – Advice on Service |
|No Number | | | |Austin (UK) |Magazine – Advice on Service |
|Issue 1 | |8¼ x11¾ |1 Sheet |Austin (UK) |Austin Service Notes Index Oct. 58 |
|Issue 2 | |8¼ x11¾ |4pp |Austin (UK) |Austin Service Notes Index May 59 |
|Issue 5 | |8¼ x11¾ |4pp |Austin (UK) |Austin Service Notes Index May 60 |
|Issue 7 | |8¼ x11¾ |4pp |Austin (UK) |Austin Service Notes Index June 61 |
|Issue 7 | |8¼ x11¾ |4pp |Austin (UK) |Nash Service Notes Index Dec 60 |
|Issue 8 | |8¼ x11¾ |4pp |Austin (UK) |Nash Service Notes Index June 61 |
|No Number | | | |Austin (UK) |Austin Service Notes 1958-61 |
|Volume 25 | | | |Austin (UK) |Austin Service Journal 1955/56 |
|Volume 26 | | | |Austin (UK) |Austin Service Journal 1956 on |
|No Number | |8½ x11½ | |Palgrave (UK) |1958 Vehicle Specification List |
|Austin Metropolitan 1500 | |6 x 9 | |(UK) |1957 Data Sheet |
|Data Sheet No. 12 | |11 x 8½ |1 sheet |Newnes (UK) |Quick Check-over Data Sheet |
|No Number | |4¼ x 6¾ |40 pp |Ass. Ethyl Co. |Brief US Passenger Car Data ‘55 |
|No Number | |4¼ x 6¾ |36 pp |Ass. Ethyl Co. |Brief US Passenger Car Data ‘56 |
|No Number | |4½ x 7¼ |52 pp |Ass. Ethyl Co. |Brief British Passenger Car Data ‘58 |
|No Number | |4½ x 7¼ |49 pp |Ass. Ethyl Co. |Brief British Passenger Car Data ‘59 |
|No Number | |4½ x 7¼ |46 pp |Ass. Ethyl Co. |Brief British Passenger Car Data ‘61 |
|S201/12 | | | |Borg & Beck UK |Clutch Application Chart |
|S257/1 | | | |Borg & Beck UK |Clutch Application Chart |
|S201/19 | | | |Borg & Beck UK |Clutch Application Chart |
|P723/30M/0758 | |4 x 7 |64 pp |Purolator (UK) |Oil & Air Filter Applications |
|CCE 700A | |8½x 11 |8pp |Lucas (UK) |Parts for Met 1956/57 (Ser. II & III) |
|CCE 700B | |8½x 11 |8pp |Lucas (UK) |Parts for Met 1958 (Ser. III) |
|CCE 700C | |8½x 11 |8pp |Lucas (UK) |Parts for Met 1960 (Ser. IV) |
|CCE903C | |8½x 11 |32pp |Lucas (UK) |Electrical Parts list 1954 |
|CCE903D | |8½x 11 |32pp |Lucas (UK) |Electrical Parts list 1955 |
|CCE903E | |8½x 11 |32pp |Lucas (UK) |Electrical Parts list 1956 |
|CCE 903F | |8½x 11 |32pp |Lucas (UK) |Electrical Parts list 1957 |
|CCE 903G | |8½x 11 | |Lucas (UK) |Electrical Parts list 1958 |
|CCE903H | |8½x 11 |40pp |Lucas (UK) |Electrical Parts list 1959 |
|CCE 900J | |8½x 11 | |Lucas (UK) |Electrical Parts list 1960 |
|CCE 900K | |8½x 11 | |Lucas (UK) |Electrical Parts list 1961 |
|841G/Ex | |8½x 11 | |Lucas (UK) |Electrical Parts list ’57 (No Met.) |
|841J/Ex | |8½x 11 |48 pp |Lucas (UK) |Electrical Parts list ‘58(All UK Cars) |
|841/58/CC | |8½x 11 |60 pp |Lucas (UK) |Electrical Parts list ‘58(All UK Cars) |
|841/59/CC | |8½x 11 |60 pp |Lucas (UK) |Electrical Parts list ’59(All UK Cars) |
|841/60/CC | |8½x 11 |76 pp |Lucas (UK) |Electrical Parts list ‘60(All UK Cars) |
|841/61/CC | |8½ x 11 |72 pp |Lucas (UK) |Electrical Parts list ‘61(All UK Cars) |
|400/1961-66 | |8½ x11 |184 pp |Lucas (UK) |Equipment Specs 1961-66 |
|No Number | |8 x 10¼ |32 pp |Lucas (Australia) |Ignition Parts for all systems |
|No Number | |9¼ x11¾ | |Lucas (Australia) |Distributor Test specifications |
|1324 TLF 10/60BW | |8½ x 11 |24 pp |Lucas (UK) |Popular Spares 1946-1960 |
|1324 TP 164 BW | |8½ x 11 |28 pp |Lucas (UK) |Popular Spares 1950-1963 |
|1324 T/667/BW | |8½ x 11 |32 pp |Lucas (UK) |Popular Spares 1957-1966 |
|XCB431A | |5¾ x 8¼ |28 pp |Lucas (UK) |Ignition Parts for Older Vehicles |
|1448 | |8½ x 5¼ |16pp |Lucas (UK) |Generator & Control Box Tests |
|1369C | |8½ x 11 |24 pp |Lucas (UK) |Electrical Eqpt. 1955 onwards |
|1369E | |8½ x 11 |24 pp |Lucas (UK) |Electrical Eqpt. 1955 onwards |
|790 | |8½ x 11 |24 pp |Lucas (UK) |Maintenance & Instruction Manual |
|Issue 2 Section G-2 | |8½ x 11 |8 pp |Lucas (UK) |Workshop Instructions – Battery |
|Issue 1 Section I-5 | |8½ x 11 |8 pp |Lucas (UK) |Workshop Instructions – Flasher |
|Issue 2 Section J-2 | |8½ x 11 |12 pp |Lucas (UK) |Workshop Instructions – Wipers |
|Issue 2 Section K-2 | |8½ x 11 |8 pp |Lucas (UK) |Workshop Instructions – Horn |
|H/1058/L | |11 x 8½ |1 sheet |Lucas (UK) |Wiring Diagram Austin Met RHD. |
|SB541 | |8½ x11 |48 pp |Lucas (UK) |Service Bulletin Digest (Jan. 62) |
|No Number | |8½ x11 |20 pp |Lucas (Canada) |Original Eqpt. British Cars to 1958 |
|SL236 | | | |Zenith (UK) |Carb. Parts List |
|SB 207 | | | |Zenith (UK) |Carb. Service Sheet |
|AL3 | |8½ x 11 |20pp |Zenith (UK) |Application List Feb. 1971 |
|No Number | |4 x 7¾ |148 pp |InterAuto (UK) |Servicing Zenith Carbs |
|No Number | | | |Smiths (UK) |Parts List |
|S1347/2 | |5½ x 8½ |36 pp |Smiths (UK) |Care of Instruments November ‘61 |
|GT 117/1 | | | |Girling (UK) |Brake Applications 1946-54 (5/54) |
|G106/3 | |8½ x 11 |26 pp |Girling (UK) |Brake Service Kits |
|G106/5 | |8½ x 11 |28 pp |Girling (UK) |Brake Service Kits (dated Oct. 62) |
|G125 | |6½x9¼ |14 pp |Girling (UK) |Know your Brakes |
|G247 | |8¼x 11¾ |238 pp |Girling (UK) |Brake & Clutch Eqpt. 1960 onwards |
|G320 | |8½x 11¾ |172 pp |Girling (UK) |Brake & Clutch Eqpt. 1962 onwards |
|G129 | |8½ x 11 |12 pp |Girling (UK) |Brake & Clutch Eqpt (dated Apr. 56) |
|G129/2 | |8½ x 11 |29 pp |Girling (UK) |Brake & Clutch Eqpt (dated Dec. 61) |
|No Number | | | |Girling (UK) |Brake & Clutch Parts List |
|No Number | |8½ x 11 |421 pp |Girling (UK) |Brake & Clutch Catalogue 1946-61 |
|No Number | | | |Girling (UK) |Brake/Clutch Service Sheet (Nash) |
|No Number | | | |Girling (UK) |Brake/Clutch Service Sheet (Austin) |
|G72 | |7¼ x 9½ |28 pp |Girling (UK) |Hydraulic Brake service Booklet |
|G97/1 | |7¼ x 9¼ |40 pp |Girling (UK) |Hydraulic Brake service Booklet |
|G176 | |8½ x 11 |20 pp |Girling (UK) |Brake Maintenance Instructions |
|No Number | | | |Girling (UK) |Shock-absorber List |
|G311/2 | |8¼x11¾ |46 pp |Girling (UK) |Shock-absorber application list |
|G311/4 | |8¼x11¾ |56 pp |Girling (UK) |Shock-absorber application list |
|G144/4 | |5½x8½ |124 pp |Girling (UK) |Shock-absorber List 9/65 |
|No Number | |8½x 11 |35pp |Lucas (US) |Brake & Shock-absorber List |
|No Number | | | |Armstrong (UK) |Shock-absorber List |
|No Number | |8½ x10½ |72 pp |Armstrong (Aust) |Shock-absorber list June 1959 |
|Issue No 10 H | |8½ x10½ | |Armstrong (UK) |Shock-absorber List (June 1959) |
|65/9 | | | |Triplex (UK) |Glass Parts list |
|No Number | | | |ICI (UK) |Met. Paint List |
|No Number | |5¼ x 7¾ |16 pp |Don Trimming |Car Hoods & Tonneau Covers |
|No Number | |11x8 | |Duckhams (UK) |Lubrication Chart (Photocopy) |
|X794 | |8 x 13 | |Shell (UK) |Lubrication Chart |
|ECC 1122/3/63 | |11 x 15 |1 pp |Esso (UK) |Lubrication Chart |
|PW-41-044/01a | |13 x 9½ |1 pp |Esso (Holland) |Lubrication Chart |
|No 45 | |8½x10½ |1 pp |Esso(France) |Data Sheet (RTA France) |
|No. 065 | | | |BP Energol (UK) |Lubrication Chart |
|Metropolitan Club (American Motors) |
|Vol. 1 No. 1 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Letter May 1957 |
|Vol. 1 No. 2 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Letter Aug, 1957 |
|Vol. 2 No. 1 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Letter Jan. 1958 |
|Vol. 2 No. 2 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Letter Spring 1958 |
|Vol. 2 No. 3 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Letter Summer 1958 |
|Vol. 2 No. 4 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Letter Winter 1958/1959 |
|Vol. 2 No. 5 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Letter Spring 1959 |
|Vol. 2 No. 6 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Letter Summer 1959 |
|Vol. 2 No. 7 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Letter Fall 1959 |
|Vol. 3 No. 1 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Letter Winter 1960 |
|Vol. 3 No. 2 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Letter Spring 1960 |
|Vol. 3 No.3 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Letter Summer 1960 –P/copy |
|Vol. 3 No. 4 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Letter Fall 1960 |
|Vol. 4 No. 1 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Letter Spring 1961 |
|Vol. 4 No. 2 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Letter Summer 1961 |
|Vol. 4 No. 3 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Letter Winter 1962 |
|Vol. 4 No. 4 | | | |US |Final Unfinished “Met Letter” |
|No Number | | | |A.M. (US) |Invitation to Met. Club (Dec. 58) |
|NSP-57-5996 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Club Application Form |
|AM-58-6533 | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Club Membership Certificate |
|No Number | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Club Membership Card |
|No Number | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Club. Introductory Letter |
|No Number | | | |A.M. (US) |Discontinuance of Met.Production |
|No Number | |8½ x 11 |1 Sheet |A.M. (US) |Recommend Rambler American |
|No Number | | | |A.I.Morrison&Co |Met. Jewelry List |
|No Number | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. Club Enrolment Postcard |
|AM-59-7146 | | | |A.M. (US) |1959 Met. Dealer List |
|AM-60-8149 | | | |A.M. (US) |1960 Met. Dealer List |
|Books |
|88 Millionen | |6¾x8¾ |308 pp |Eduard Probst |Cars of 1957 (Printed in Germany) |
|100 Autos | |4¼x5¾ |120 pp |(Germany) |Motorkatalog 1958/59 |
|100 Sportwagen | |4¼x6 |136 pp |(Germany) |Motorkatalog 1961 |
|100 Years of Austin | |8¼x11¾ |36 pp |Austin Fed. (UK) |Rally Programme dated 2005 |
|1956 Cars | |6½ x 9¼ |144 pp |Joe H. Wherry |Dells (1956) |
|1957 Cars | |6½ x 9¼ |144 pp |Peter Meyerson |Dells (1956) |
|1958 Cars | |6½ x 9¼ |144 pp |Sam Blum |Dells (1958) |
|1957 Cars | |8 x 11 |98 pp |Lawrence Teeman |Consumer Guide (Nov. 77) |
|1957 Cars | |8 x 11 |96 pp |Jerold L Kellman |Consumer Guide (Aug. 80) |
|1958 Cars Fact Book | |6½ x 9¼ |160 pp |Arthur R. Railton |Popular Mechanics (1957) |
|1959 Cars Fact Book | |6½ x 9¼ |160 pp |Arthur R. Railton |Popular Mechanics (1959) |
|200 all’ora | |4¾ x 6¾ |64 pp |(Italy) |Series IV Metropolitan details |
|365 Cars you must drive | |6½x8¼ |320 pp |Matt Stone (US) |MotorBooks (Metropolitan listed) |
|AMC Buyer’s Guide | |7½ x 9 |160pp |Larry G. Mitchell |Motor Books International 1994 |
|A.M.C. Family Album | | | |A.M. (US) |Dated 1969 |
|A.M.C. Family Album | | | |A.M. (US) |Dated 1976 |
|American Cars | | | |Ian Dudley |ABC Books (1956) |
|American Cars of the 50s | | | |Olyslager | |
|American Car Spotters Guide | |8½ x 9½ |360 pp |Tad Burness |MotorBooks International |
|Anglo-American cars | |8¼ x 7½ |96 pp |Norm Mort |Veloce Publishing 2009 |
|Austin | |7¼ x 4¾ |32 pp |Ian Dudley |ABC Books (1955) |
|Austin Album | |6 x 8¼ |32 pp |Hanson & Ward |Zeteo publishing 2012 |
|Austin & Morris Cars | | | |M.H. Rosewarne | |
|Austin/Nash Metropolitan | | | |TSB (UK) |Road Test & Articles |
|Austin–the Counties Years | | | |Brown/Whyley |1992 |
|Autocar Buyers’ Guide ‘56 | |3 x 4½ |128 pp |Autocar (UK) |Iliffe & Sons |
|Autocar Guide to 59 Cars | |3 x 4½ |174 pp |Autocar (UK) |Iliffe & Sons |
|Auto-Jahr Ausgabe 1957 | |9½ x12¾ |212 pp |(Switzerland) |Cars of 1956 |
|Automobile Quarterly | | | |Vol 15 No 2 |Special Nash issue |
|Automobile Quarterly | | | |Vol 32 No 2 |A little style from Kenosha |
|Automobiles of the ‘50s | |8½ x 11 |96 pp |Consumer Guide |Publications International 1999 |
|Automobiles of the ‘60s | |8½ x 11 |96 pp |Consumer Guide |Publications International 1999 |
|Auto Parade Vol. II | |8½x11¾ |290 pp |Arthur Logoz |International Car Guide ‘58 (Swiss) |
|Auto Show | |8¼ x 11 |98 pp |Howard Harrison |Automotive Periodicals (1958) |
|Book of the Austin | |5 x 7 |116pp |Staton Abbey |Dated 1966 (Pitmans) |
|Book of the Austin | |5 x 7¼ |116pp |Staton Abbey |Dated 1970 (Pitmans) |
|British Cars | |4 x 6 |80 pp |John Dudley (UK) |ABC Books (1957) |
|British Cars | |4 x 6 |72 pp |M J Wilson (UK) |ABC Books (1961) |
|British Cars of the Early 60s | | | |Olyslager |Dated 1981 Warne Publishing |
|British Cars of the Late 50s | | | |Olyslager | |
|B Series Engine Data | | | |Lindsay Porter |1986 |
|Cars! Cars! Cars! | |8¼ x 7 |28 pp |Grace Maccarone |Scholastic Inc 1995 |
|Car Facts 1960 | |6½ x 9¼ |160 pp |Arthur R. Railton |Popular Mechanics (1959) |
|Car Facts Annual for 1961 | |6½ x 9¼ |160 pp |Jim Whipple |Popular Mechanics (1961) |
|Car Facts | | | |Jim Whipple |Popular Mechanics (1962) |
|Cars Hudson Built | | | |John A. Conde |Arnold-Porter Publishing (1980) |
|Cars of BMC | | | |Graham Robson | |
|Cars of the 50s | |8 x 11 |98 pp |Jerold L Kellman |Consumer Guide (1978) |
|Cars of the 60s | |8 x 11 |96 pp |Jerold L Kellman |Consumer Guide (1979) |
|Cars of the Fifties & Sixties | | | |Sedgewick | |
|Cars we Loved (The) | |8½ x 8½ |132 pp |John McCrystal |Penguin 2001 |
|Catalog of ‘50 Automobiles | |8½ x 11 |80 pp |Floyd Clymer |1950 Floyd Clymer publications |
|Catalog of ‘55 Automobiles | | | |Floyd Clymer |1955 Floyd Clymer publications |
|Catalog of ‘56 Automobiles | |8½ x 11 |72 pp |Floyd Clymer |1956 Floyd Clymer publications |
|Catalogue of Austin Cars | | | |Anders Clausager |1992 Bayview Books |
|Choosing your Car for 1959 | |5½x8¾ |101 pp |Jerry Ames |Pitman (1959) |
|Chrysler- Through the Years | |9½x8½ |72 pp | |Chrysler Corporation 1996 |
|Classic American Cars 1945-70 | |11½x10½ | |Nicky Wright |Crescent Books 1992 |
|Classic Car Buyers Guide | |8¼ x11½ |244 pp |Rees, Box & Lohman |Bay View Books (UK) 1998 |
|Complete 1955 Road Tests | |6½ x 9¼ |128 pp |Joseph Wherry |Universal Publishing 1955 |
|Economy Car Blitz | |5½x8¾ |186pp |Joe H. Wherry |Associated Booksellers (1956) |
|Encyclopaedia of American Cars 1945 – 59 | | | | | |
|Engine Tune-up Guide | |5¼ x 8 |128 pp |Bill Corey |Sports Car Press ’62 – Tuning specs |
|Extra Lemon | |5½ x 6½ |164 pp |Tony Davis |Bantam Publishing (2005) |
|Fact Book 1956 Cars | |6½ x 9¼ |160 pp |Arthur R Railton |Popular Mechanics (1955) |
|Foreign Cars – 60 | |6¾ x 9¼ |98 pp |Great American |Metropolitan pictured |
|Foreign Car Shoppers Guide | |5½ x 8¼ |124 pp |Henry Paulman Jr |Copyright 1959 |
|Great Cars (The) | | | | |Nash historical article |
|Guide to Economy Cars | |8¼ x 11 |160 pp |Harry Walton |Popular Science (1959) |
|Happy Wheels | | | |Karlyn Rieman |Appreciation of Metropolitan (1980) |
|In England with Austin | |8¼x 11¾ |44 pp |John Reed |For the Austin Counties Car Club |
|I Spy - Cars | |4 x 5¼ |48 pp |News Chronicle |I Spy Books No. 16 Published 1959 |
|I Spy - Cars | |4 x 5¼ |48 pp |Daily News (UK) |I Spy Books No. 16 Published 1962 |
|I Spy - Cars | |4 x 5¼ |48 pp |Michelin (UK) |I Spy Books II Published 1992 |
|Just ‘50s | |6 x 9 |142 pp |Old Cars (US) |Ch. 16-1956 Metropolitan. Pub 2010 |
|Ladybird Book of Motor Cars | |4½ x 7 |52 pp |David Carey |Wills & Hepworth Ltd, England ‘60 |
|Ladybird Book of Motor Cars | |4½ x 7 |52 pp |David Carey |Wills & Hepworth Ltd, England ‘61 |
|Last Real Austins (The) | |8¼ x 7½ |96 pp |Colin Peck |Veloce Books (UK) |
|Making Cars at Longbridge | |6¾ x 9¾ |192 pp |Bardsley & Corke |100 yrs in the life of a Factory |
|Men & Motors of the Austin | | | |Barney Sharrat | |
|Metropolitan 1954-62 | | | |Brooklands | |
|Met. Owners’ Handbook | | | |Clymer (US) | |
|The Metropolitan Story | | | |Foster | |
|Motor Guide to Makes & Models | |5½ x 8¾ |170 pp |David J. Culshaw |Temple Press (1959) |
|Metropolitan Gold Portfolio | | | |Brooklands | |
|Nash Metropolitan 1954-61 | | | |Brooklands | |
|Nash Styling Sketchbook | |10½ x8½ |85 pp |Patrick Foster |Olde Milford Press 1998 |
|New ’62 Cars | |6½ x 9¼ |160 pp |Bill Carroll |Science and Mechanics (1961) |
|Observers Book (Autos) | |3½x5¾ |286pp |Richard Parsons |Frederick Warne (1955) |
|Observers Book (Autos) | |3½x5¾ |288pp |Richard Parsons |Frederick Warne (1956) |
|Observers Book (Autos) | |3½x5¾ |288pp |L.A. Manwaring |Frederick Warne (1961) |
|Our First 50 Years | |11¾x10¼ | |BMC (UK) |Austin Golden Jubilee 1905-1955 |
|OldTimer Katalog | |8¼ x11¾ |240 pp |Halwart Schrader |Heel Publishers (Germany) 1988 |
|Picture History of the Motor Car | |3½ x 3½ | |Piet Olyslager |Sunday Times (1961) - (No 18) |
|Real Steel | | | |Bill Neville | |
|Road Test Annual | |8 x 11 |96 pp |Road & Track |Printed 1956 |
|Small Car Guide | |6½ x 9¼ |144 pp |Alben Philips |Mechanix Illustrated (1958) |
|Small Car Guide | |6½ x 9¼ |144 pp |Alben Philips |Mechanix Illustrated (1961) |
|Special Interest American Cars | |8 x 11 |192 pp |Petersen (US) |Published 1976 |
|Specs. & Prices ’55 Cars | |3 x 4½ |125 pp |The Motor (UK) |Temple Press Ltd. |
|Specs. & Prices ’56 Cars | |3 x 4½ |125 pp |The Motor (UK) |Temple Press Ltd. |
|Specs. & Prices ’57 Cars | |3 x 4½ |125 pp |The Motor (UK) |Temple Press Ltd. |
|Specs & Prices ’58 Cars | |3 x 4½ |127 pp |The Motor (UK) |Temple Press Ltd. |
|Specs & Prices ’60 Edition | |4¼ x 3½ |145 pp |The Motor (UK) |Temple Press Ltd. |
|Specs & Prices ’61 Edition | |4¼ x 3½ |136 pp |The Motor (UK) |Temple Press Ltd. |
|Sports Car Illustrated | | | |1959 (US) |Directory & Buyers Guide |
|Sports Car Rally Handbook | |5½ x 8¼ |143 pp |Gene Hammond |Mets. Pictured. Published 1958 |
|Spotting the Number Plate | |4 x 5 |20 pp |Ian Allan (UK) |Ian Allan Ltd |
|Spotting the Number Plate | |4 x 5 |20 pp |Ian Allan (UK) |Ian Allan Ltd 1960 |
|Storied Independent Automakers | |7¼ x10¼ |307 pp |Charles K Hyde |Great Lakes Books (2009) |
|Story of George Romney | | | |Tom Mahoney | |
|Survey of the British Car Industry | |10½ x 14 |64 pp |The Times (UK) |October 1960 |
|Treasury of Foreign Cars | |8½ x 11 |212 pp |Floyd Clymer |Bonanza Books 1957 |
|Trend Book 118 | |6½ x 9¼ |128 pp |1955 (US) |1955 Automotive Yearbook |
|Trend Book 126 | |6½ x 9¼ |128 pp |1956 (US) |1956 World-wide Auto Yearbook |
|Trend Book 142 | | | |1957 (US) |Cars of the World 1957 |
|Trend Book 167 | |6½ x 9½ |128 pp |1958 (US) |Cars of the World 1958 |
|Trend Book 182 | |6½ x 9½ |128 pp |1959 (US) |Cars of the World 1959 |
|Trend Book 192 | | | |1960 US) |1960 Guide to Cars of the World |
|Trend Book 201 | | | |1961 (US) |1961 Guide to Cars of the World |
|Trues Automobile Year Bk. | | | |1954 (US) |Met pictured |
|Trues Automobile Year Bk. | | | |1955 (US) |Met detailed |
|Trues Automobile Year Bk. | | | |1958 (US) |Met pictured |
|Trues Automobile Year Bk. | | | |1959 (US) |Met pictured |
|Trues Automobile Year Bk. | | | |1960 (US) |Met pictured |
|World Auto Review 1959 | |8¼ x 11 |98 pp |1959 (US) |Published by Motor Guide Oct. 58 |
|World of Automobiles (The) | |9 x 12 | |1974 |Vol 13 Nash History |
|World’s Greatest Auto Show | |8½ x 11 |304 pp |Flammang/Frumkin |Krause (1998) |
|World’s Worst Cars (The) | |6½ x 5 |320 pp |Craig Cheetham |Barnes & Noble 2005 |
|You are what you Drive | |6 x 9 |144 pp |Jay Lamm |Motorbooks (USA) 2008 |
|Magazines |
|Air Trails Hobbies | |8½ x 11 |100 pp |August 1954 (US) |Short Review of Metropolitan |
|American City | | | |March 59 |Mets for Police |
|American Motoring | | | |Nov/Dec 81 |Met. Article (Photocopy) |
|American Motoring | | | |Nov/Dec 96 |Met. Article (Photocopy) |
|American Motors News | | | |Nov. 61 (US) |Royal Runabout featured |
|AMX-TRA | | | |Mar/Apr 88 |AMX article (Photocopy) |
|Austin American Statesman | | | |Jan. 2009 (US) |Metropolitan article (Photocopy) |
|Auto Age | | | |Oct 54 (US) |Small Car Survey |
|Auto Collector | | | |Aug. 86 | |
|Auto Craftsman | |8¼ x 11 |36 pp |Apr. ’58 (US) |Make your Met. move |
|Automobile | |8 x 11 |162 pp |Nov 94 (US) |Metropolitan article |
|Automobile | | | |Oct. 07 (US) |Metropolitan article |
|Automobile Topics | |8¼ x 11 |60 pp |Oct. 52 (US) |Austin /F&L to build NKI |
|Automobile Topics | | | |Apr. 54 (US) |Metropolitan announcement |
|Automobile Topics | | | |Apr. 56 (US) |New 1500 Met. announcement |
|Automobile Topics | |8¼ x 11 |48 pp |Apr. 60 (US) |1500 Met. Road Test |
|Automotive Industries | |8 x 11 |2 pp |August 1952 |Nash History - NXI pictured |
|Automotive Industries | | | |March 1954 |Hudson news; Met. introduction |
|Automotive News | | | |Mar. 54 (US) |Full Report |
|Automotive News | | | |Sept. 54 (US) |Hudson Dealers sell Mets. |
|Automotive News | | | |Apr. 56 (US) |1500 Announcement |
|Automotive News | | | |Mar. 60 (US) |Met. Report |
|Automotive News | |11 x 15¼ |40 pp |Apr. 62 (US) |End of Met. Production |
|Automotive News Almanac | | | |1954 (US) |Sales figures |
|Automotive News Almanac | | | |1955 (US) |Sales figures |
|Automotive News Almanac | | | |1956 (US) |Sales figures |
|Automotive News Almanac | | | |1957 (US) |Sales figures |
|Automotive News Almanac | | | |1958 (US) |Sales figures |
|Automotive News Almanac | | | |1959 (US) |Sales figures |
|Automotive News Almanac | | | |1960 (US) |Sales figures |
|Automotive News Almanac | | | |1961 (US) |Sales figures |
|Automotive News Almanac | | | |1962 (US) |Sales figures |
|Auto Week | | | |March 1955 (US) |Met. top selling foreign car. |
|Auto Week | | | |Sept. 1986 (US) |Met. Retrospective |
|Auto Week | | | |July 1996 (US) |Met pictured (copy) |
|Boston Sunday Globe | | | |Sept. 76 (US) |Article |
|British Car | |8 x 11 |54pp |Oct. 94 (US) |Brief article |
|British Car | | | |Dec99/Jan00(US) |Article |
|Business Life | | | |Sept 1997 |Met pictured (copy) |
|Calgary Herald | | | |Jan. ‘08 |Met in Calgary (Copy) |
|Car Buff | | | |Sept. 71 (US) |Met. Feature |
|Car Classics | | | |Oct. 76 (US) |Met. Historical article |
|Car Collector | |8 x 11 |72 pp |August 85 |Met Article |
|Car Collector | |8 x 11 |80 pp |Feb 2000 |Met Article |
|Car & Driver | | | |Apr. 77 (US) |Met Historical article |
|Car & Driver | |7½ x10½ |1 sheet |Jan. 2011(US) |MRS article (Cutting) |
|Car Exchange | | | |Oct. 79 |Met Article |
|Car Exchange | |8 x 11 |100 pp |Feb. ‘83 |Met Article |
|Car Life | | | |May ‘54 (US) |Brief Report |
|Car Life | | | |Apr. 55 (US) |Road Test |
|Car Life | |8 x 11 |74 pp |Aug. 56 (US) |Brief Report |
|Car Life | | | |Oct. 56 (US) |Astra-Gnome report |
|Car Life | | | |Oct. 57 (US) |Economy Car Roundup |
|Cars & Parts | | | |Oct 81 (US) |Met. article |
|Cars & Parts | | | |July 86 (US) |Met. article |
|Cars & Parts | | | |March 89 |Met. article |
|Cars & Parts | | | |? |Nash – the man and his car (Part IV) |
|(Le) Chauffeur | |8½ x 11 |30 pp |Jun. ’00 (Canada) |Metropolitan article |
|Chiltons Motor Age | | | |Feb. 54 (US) |Advance release |
|Chiltons Motor Age | | | |Mar. 54 (US) |Full details |
|Chiltons Motor Age | | | |Apr. 54 (US) |Sales report |
|Chiltons Motor Age | | | |May 59 (US) |Series IV review |
|Coast Car Collector | | | |Jul. 78 (US) |Met. Pictured |
|Collectible Automobile | | | |April 1990 (US) | |
|Collectible Automobile | | | |Dec. 1997 (US) |Flajole article (Cutting) |
|Collectible Automobile | |9 x 11 |96 pp |Jan. 1998 (US) |1957 Cars |
|Collectible Automobile | | | |June 2005 (US) |AMC Overseas (Cutting) |
|Collectible Automobile | | | |April 2006 (US) |George Mason article (Photocopy) |
|Collector Car | | | |May 1991 (US) |Met article |
|Consumer Bulletin | |8 x 10½ |40 pp |Jan. ’58 (US) |Foreign Cars |
|Consumer Reports | | | |Feb 50 (US) |NXI Report |
|Consumer Reports | | | |Apr 54 (US) |Met Announcement |
|Consumer Reports | |8½ x 11 | |May 54 (US) |1954 Auto ratings |
|Consumer Reports | | | |Oct 54 (US) |Met Comparison |
|Consumer Reports | | | |Oct 61 (US) |Met Comparison |
|Detroit Free Press | | | |Mar. 54 (US) |Article |
|Detroit Free Press | | | |Nov. 56 (US) |Oil rationing (Photocopy) |
|Detroit Times | | | |June 57 (US) |Import Compact Cars (Photocopy) |
|Esquire | |10¼x13¼ |136 pp |May 1954 (US) |Automotive Fashion – Hunting scene |
|European Car Guide | | | |Sept. 58 (US) |Brief report |
|Foreign Car Illustrated | | | |July 59 (US) |Road Test |
|Forward | | | |Spring 2000 (US) |Met brochures |
|Forward | | | |Winter 2001 (US) |Nash article |
|Hemmings Classic Car | | | |April 2005 (US) |Jim Valentine article (Cutting) |
|Hemmings Classic Car | | | |Oct. 2005 (US) |Met. article |
|Hemmings Classic Car | | | |Oct. 2006 (US) |Met. article |
|Hemmings Classic Car | | | |Feb. 2009 (US) |Met. article |
|Hemmings Classic Car | | | |Sept. 2010(US) |Raleigh Speedway article |
|Hemmings Classic Car | | | |Dec. 2010(US) |Fifth Avenue Met article |
|Hemmings Classic Car | | | |Aug. 2011(US) |Met article |
|Hemmings Classic Car | | |96 pp |Dec. 2012 (US) |NXI article |
|Hot Rod | | | |June 82 (US) |Met dragster |
|Hot Rodding | | | |Mar. 77 (US) |Met dragster |
|Hudson Owners Report | | | |1956 |Ann Sothern’s Hudson Met. Conv. |
|Kenosha News | | | |Jun. 77 (US) |A.M.C. supplement |
|L.A. Mirror | | | |March ‘54 |Metropolitan release announcement |
|Life | | | |Jan. 50 (US) |N.X.I. report |
|Life | | | |Mar. 54 (US) |Met. Announcement |
|Life | | | |1956 (US) |1956 Cars |
|Mechanix Illustrated | | | |Apr. 54 (US) |Road Test |
|Mechanix Illustrated | | | |Sept 58 (US) |Met pictured |
|Milwaukee Sentinel | | | |Jan. 55 (US) |AMC Liftout |
|Modern Motor Car | |8½ x 11 |24 pp |April ’50 (US) |NXI article |
|Motor | |8 x 11 |204 pp |May 54 (US) |Metropolitan Service Info |
|Motor Guide | |8¼ x 11 |98 pp |Jan. 59 (US) |Imports Review |
|Motor Life | | | |May 54 (US) |Brief report |
|Motor Life | | | |Jul. 54 (US) |Road Test |
|Motor Life | | | |Jun. 56 (US) |1500 Announcement |
|Motor Life | | | |Aug. 56 (US) |Road Test |
|Motor Life | | | |Sept. 56 (US) |Metro. Mods |
|Motor Life | |8¼x10¾ |66 pp |July 57 (US) |Specialty cars (incl Metropolitan) |
|Motor Life | | | |Aug. 58 (US) |Road Test |
|Motor Life | |8¼ x 11 |84 pp |March 59 (US) |Imports Review |
|Motor Life | |8¼ x 11 |84 pp |May 59 (US) |AMC V4 Engine (for Metropolitan) |
|Motor Life | | | |July 59 (US) |Improvements Series IV Mets |
|Motor Life | |8¼ x 11 |84 pp |October 59 (US) |Rambler article |
|Motor Service | | | |June 56 (US) |1500 Metropolitan announcement |
|Motorsport | | | |Nov. 51 (US) |N.X.I. report |
|Motorsport | | | |Jul/Aug 54 (US) |Road Test |
|Motorsport | | | |Aug/Sept 56 (US) |Brief report |
|Motor Trend | | | |Mar. 50 (US) |N.X.I. report |
|Motor Trend | | | |May 54 (US) |Brief report |
|Motor Trend | | | |July 54 (US) |Road Test |
|Motor Trend | | | |Nov. 54 (US) |Article |
|Motor Trend | | | |Mar. 55 (US) |Buyers guide |
|Motor Trend | | | |June 56 (US) |1500 announcement |
|Motor Trend | | | |Aug. 56 (US) |Road Test |
|Motor Trend | | | |Jan. 57 (US) |1957 cars |
|Motor Trend | | | |April 57 (US) |Foreign car comparison |
|Motor Trend | | | |Apr. 58 (US) |Economy car review |
|Motor Trend | | | |Jan. 59 (US) |1959 cars |
|Motor Trend | | | |Apr.1961 (US) |Small cars of the World |
|Motor Trend | | | |Feb. 63 (US) |A.M.C. History |
|Motor Trend | | | |July ’92 (US) |Met. Stretched Limo |
|Nash Airflyte Magazine | |5¼ x 7½ |32 pp |Apr. 54 (US) |Metropolitan announcement |
|Nash Airflyte Magazine | |5¼ x 7½ |32 pp |Nov. 54 (US) |Miss America Pageant |
|Nash Airflyte Magazine | | | |July 56 (US) |2 Page Met Advert |
|Nash News | | | |Apr. 54 (US) |Met. Announcement |
|Nash News | | | |Nov. 54 (US) |Mets pictured |
|Nash News | | | |Feb. 55 (US) |Washington Show report |
|Nash News | | | |Apr. 55 (US) |Met. Pictured |
|Nash News | | | |Aug. 55 (US) |Met. Pictured |
|Nash News | | | |Jan 56 (US) |Met. Pictured |
|Nash News | | | |Mar. 56 (US) |Met. Pictured |
|Nash News | | | |May 56 (US) |Met. 1500 announcement |
|(The) Nash Times | | | |Mar/Apr 87 |Reproduction of “Motor” Road Test |
|Newsweek | | | |Feb. 58 (US) |Small Car report |
|New York Times | | | |Jan. 78 (US) |Imported car article |
|Nostalgic Cars | | | |Nov. 87 (US) |Met. article |
|Old Cars | | | |Apr. 75 (US) |Met. Club formation |
|Old Cars | | | |Apr. 76 (US) |Met. Historical article |
|Old Cars News & Marketplace | | | |Feb. 93 (US) |Met. Historical article (Cutting) |
|Old Cars Weekly | | | |June 80 (US) |Met Rally report |
|Popular Mechanics | | | |Apr. 54 (US) |First Report |
|Popular Mechanics | | | |Nov. 54 (US) |Met. Survey |
|Popular Mechanics | |6½ x 9½ |348 pp |Feb. 56 (US) |1956 car review |
|Popular Mechanics | | | |Feb. 57 (US) |Small car review |
|Popular Mechanics | | | |Jan. 60 (US) |1960 cars |
|Popular Mechanics | |6½ x 9 |280 pp |Jan. 61 (US) |1961 cars |
|Popular Science Monthly | | | |Mar. 50 (US) |NXI Report |
|Popular Science Monthly | | | |Apr. 54 (US) |Road Test |
|Popular Science Monthly | | | |June 57 (US) |Economy Cars |
|Popular Science Monthly | | | |Apr. 58 (US) |Small Car Survey |
|Rambler News | | | |Oct. 56 (US) |Met. featured |
|Rambler News | | | |Nov. 56 (US) |Met. Promotion |
|Rambler News | | | |Jan. 57 (US) |Met. Pictured |
|Rambler News | | | |Feb. 58 (US) |Mets pictured |
|Rambler News | | | |May 58 (US) |Mets pictured |
|Reader’s Digest | | | |June 59 (US) |George Romney “Small Car” |
|Road Test | | | |Aug. 71 (US) |Met. Historical article |
|Road Test | | | |Mar. 81 (US) | |
|Road & Track | |8½ x 11 |32 pp |Feb. 50 (US) |NXI Report |
|Road & Track | | | |May 54 (US) |Brief Report |
|Road & Track | | | |Aug. 54 (US) |Road Test |
|Road & Track | | | |July 56 (US) |Met. pictured |
|Road & Track | | | |Jan. 60 (US) |Clymer Handbook report |
|Rodder’s Digest | | | |Issue No. 48 |Megamet (Photocopy) |
|Small Car Parade | |8¼ x 11 |50 pp |May ’59 (US) |Owners’ Performance Report |
|Small Cars Illustrated | | | |Sep. 58 (US) |Road Test |
|Small Cars Illustrated | | | |Nov. ’58 (US) |Met. specification |
|Small Cars Magazine | | | |Jan. 58 (US) |Met. details |
|Small Cars Magazine | | | |Mar 58 (US) |Met details |
|Small Cars Magazine | | | |May 58 (US) |Met. specifications |
|South Carolina Now | | | |April 08 (US) |1961 Met article |
|Special Interest Autos | | | |July 71 (US) |Met historical article |
|Special Interest Autos | | | |July 75 (US) |Met drive report |
|Special Interest Autos | |8¼ x 11 |72 pp |June 92 (US) |Met vs Volkswagen |
|Special Interest Autos | | | |Feb. ’97 (US) | “Junior Nash” article |
|Special Interest Autos | | | |Aug. ’01 (US) |Met. Show Cars |
|Speed Age | | | |1953 (US) |“Why the smaller car” |
|Sports Car Illustrated | | | |1959 (US) |Directory & Buyers Guide |
|Sports Car Illustrated | | | |July 56 (US) |Light Car guide |
|Sports Car Illustrated | | | |May 57 (US) |Road Test |
|Sports Car Illustrated | |8¼ x 11 |100 pp |May 59 (US) |Small Cars Buyers Guide |
|Sports Car Market | |8½x10¾ |146 pp |June 08 (US) |Met. Buyers’ Guide |
|Star Telegram (Fort Worth) | | | |April ’06 (US) |Met. article |
|Toy Cars & Models | |8 x 10½ |100 pp |Dec. ’03 (US) |Highway 61 model announcement |
|True | |8¼ x 11 |152 pp |Nov. ’59 (US) |Car Review |
|A.A. Bulletin | | | |Aug. 57 (NZ) |Report |
|Action Automobile | |9½ x 13 |96 pp |Oct. 54 (France) |Auto Show review |
|Austin magazine (The) | |8 x 11 | |Apr. 54 (UK) |Metropolitan Production article |
|Austin magazine (The) | |8 x 11 | |Feb. 55 (UK) |Shipping Ad. |
|Austin magazine (The) | |8 x 11 | |Mar. 55 (UK) |Shipping Ad. |
|Austin magazine (The) | |8 x 11 | |Aug. 57 (UK) |UK Met. 1500 article |
|Austin magazine (The) | |8 x 11 | |Nov. 57 (UK) |Austin Cars at 1957 Motor Show |
|Austin magazine (The) | |8 x 11 | |Oct. 59 (UK) |Motor Show preview |
|Austin magazine (The) | |8 x 11 | |Sep. 60 (UK) |Series IV available in UK |
|Australian Classic Car | | | |Sep 94 (Australia) |Met article |
|Austro-Motor | |8¼x11¾ |32 pp |Iss 4 ’50 (Austria) |NXI article |
|Auto und MotorSport | | | |May 54 (German) |Metropolitan announcement |
|Auto und MotorSport | | | |Nov. 54 (German) |Metropolitan at UK Motor Show |
|Auto und MotorSport | | | |Sep 56 (German) |New Met 1500 article |
|Auto und MotorSport | |9 x 12 |80 pp |Dec. 56 (German) |1957 Cars |
|Auto und MotorSport | |8½ x 11 |186 pp |June 83 (German) |Collectible Cars (inc Met.) |
|Autobild-Klassik | |8 x 11 |6 pp |Apr. 12 (German) |Metropolitan article (Cutting) |
|Autocar | | | |Jan. 50 (UK) |NXI introduction |
|Autocar | | | |Oct. 52 (UK) |NXI article |
|Autocar | | | |Mar 54 (UK) |Met. Announcement |
|Autocar | | | |Oct. 54 (UK) |Road Test |
|Autocar | | | |July 55 (UK) |Austin 50th Anniversary |
|Autocar | | | |March 56 (UK) |Metropolitan 1500 announcement |
|Autocar | | | |Oct. 56 (UK) |Mets for all |
|Autocar | | | |Apr. 57 (UK) |Brief Test |
|Autocar | | | |June 57 (UK) |Road Test |
|Autocar | | | |Oct. 57 (UK) |Motor Show issue |
|Autocar | | | |Oct. 58 (UK) |Motor Show issue |
|Autocar | | | |August 60 (UK) |Re-introduction UK Met Series IV |
|Autocar | | | |May 61 (UK) |Used car test |
|Autocar | | | |May 79 (UK) |Metropolitan Jubilee |
|Autocar | | | |May 81 (UK) |Met article |
|Auto d’Epoca | | | |June 1993 (Italy) |Met article |
|Auto Italiana | |8¾x11½ |48 pp |Feb. ’50 (Italy) |NXI announcement |
|Auto Italiana | |8¾x11½ |56 pp |Mar. ’54 (Italy) |Met. announcement |
|Auto Italiana | |8¾x11½ |56 pp |Oct. ‘56 (Italy) |Met. pictured |
|Automobiel (Het) | |8¼ x11¾ |56 pp |Feb ’84 (Holland) |Compact car article |
|Automobil+Motorrad Chronik | | | |Feb. 80(Germany) |Met article |
|Automobile (The) | | | |June 1999 (UK) |Metropolitan buyers guide |
|Auto Modeller | |8 x 11 |38 pp |Jan/Feb 82 (UK) |Met diagrams & article |
|AutoRetro | |8¼ x11¾ |130 pp |Dec. ’06 (France) |Met. Historical article. |
|Auto Revue | |8¼ x 11 |128 pp |Feb. ’94 (Austria) |Austrian Met. Owner |
|Autosport | |8½x11½ |32 pp |March 1958 (UK) |Metro. 1500 Road Test |
|Autovisie | | | |1954? (Holland) |Met article (Cutting) |
|Autovisie | |8¼ x 11 |40 pp |Apr ’57 (Holland) |Met. Road Test |
|Birmingham Gazette | |12 x 16 |20 pp |July 1955 |Austin 50 years anniv. (supplement) |
|BMC World | |12 x 15 |28 pp |Sept. 1960 (UK) |Series IV Met. announcement |
|BMC World | |12 x 15 |28 pp |Oct. 1960 (UK) |Metropolitan US Police Cars |
|BMC Worldwide News Exchange | |8½x11½ |32 pp |Dec./Jan. 58(UK) |Metropolitan pictured |
|BMC Worldwide News Exchange | |10 x 12½ |32 pp |Aug./Sept 58(UK) |Metropolitan pictured |
|BMC Worldwide News Exchange | |10 x 12½ |32 pp |Dec58/Jan59(UK) |Famous owners of BMC cars |
|BMC Worldwide News Exchange | |10 x 12½ |32 pp |Feb/Mar 60(UK) |Metropolitan in UK |
|Best Magazine | | | |Unknown (UK) |Met article |
|British Automobiles Overseas | |8½x11½ |76 pp |Mar/Apr 56 (UK) |Series III announcement |
|Cal Magazine | | | |Sept 96 (Japan) |Met article (photocopy) |
|Car Mechanics | | | |Aug. 61 (UK) |Met. Service Info |
|Cars | |8½ x10¾ |66 pp |Oct 56 (Australia) |Release of Series III Metropolitan |
|Century of Cars (A) | |8¾x11¼ | |Issue 29 (UK) |Metropolitan historical article |
|Century of Cars (A) | |8¾x11¼ |1 sheet |(France) |Metropolitan historical article |
|Classic American | | | |Jun/July 90 (UK) |Article |
|Classic Car Mart | |8¼ x 12 |242 pp |August ‘97 (UK) |Historical Article |
|Classic Cars for Sale | |8 x 11¾ |178 pp |Apr. 04 (UK) |Metropolitan Line |
|Classic Cars for Sale | |8 x 11¾ | |Sept. 07 (UK) |Classic Austins (Cutting) |
|Classic Car Weekly | |12 x 15 |36 pp |July ’92 (UK) |Buyers Guide |
|Classic Car Weekly | | | |Oct. ’94 (UK) |Historical article (Cutting) |
|Classic & Sports Car | | | |Apr. 82 (UK) |Article |
|Classic & Sports Car | | | |Oct. 88 (UK) |Running Report ’57 Met. (Cutting) |
|Classic & Sports Car | | | |May 1989 (UK) | |
|Classic & Sports Car | |8¼x11¼ |1 sheet |Apr. 1995 (UK) |NXI Historical article |
|Classic & Sports Car | |8¾x11½ |242 pp |Apr. 2009 (UK) |Met Historical article |
|Classics | |8¾ x11¾ |138 pp |Feb. 2001 (UK) |Met. pictured |
|Classics | |8¼ x11¾ |154 pp |Nov. 2001 (UK) |Met. restoration |
|Classics Monthly | |8¾ x11½ |146 pp |June 2006 (UK) |Metropolitan v Singer Gazelle |
|Classics Monthly | |8¾ x11½ |146 pp |June 2012 (UK) |Metropolitan restoration |
|Custom Car | | | |Mar. ’71 (UK) |Met. Articles (Cutting) |
|Daily Mirror | | | |June 79 (UK) |Met article |
|Evening News | | | |Apr. 73 (UK) |The Met. Line |
|FACT | |5¼ x 8 |32 pp |Oct. 54 (UK) |Introduction to new Metropolitan |
|Ferry News | |10 x 15 |12 pp |Sept. 58 (UK) |Metropolitan 1500 Test. |
|Fjaerbladet | |5¾x8¼ |44 pp |Aug. 88 (Norway) |Agder Motorhistoriske Klub Mag. |
|Gazoline | |9 x 11¾ |126 pp |Feb. 2006 (Fr) |Met. Historical article |
|Gazoline | |9 x 11¾ |142 pp |Nov. 2009 (Fr) |Met. Historical article |
|Good Motoring | | | |Mar. 58 (UK) |Test Report |
|Leicester Mail | | | |Jan. ‘58 |Fisher & Ludlow Strike (Photocopy) |
|Hamburger Arbenblatt | | | |Dec 91(Germany) |Met Article (photocopy) |
|Jugend und Motor | |5¾ x 8¼ |32 pp |Jul ‘54 (Germany) |Met pictured |
|Jugend und Motor | |5¾ x 8¼ |32 pp |‘55/56 (Germany) |Met pictured |
|Kraftfahrzeug-technik | |8¼x11½ |40 pp |Jan 57 (Germany) |Met pictured |
|Light Car | | | |Apr. 54 (UK) |Brief report |
|Liverpool Evening Echo | | | |Jan. ’58 (UK) |Letter from US (Photocopy) |
|Mecanique Populaire | | | |June 54 (France) |Announcement details (Cutting) |
|Mecanique Populaire | | | |Oct. 56 (France) |American Cars 1956 |
|Mecanique Populaire | | | |Oct. 57 (France) |Economy Cars |
|Model Collector | |8¼x11¾ |100 pp |Dec. 07 (UK) |Metropolitan Models |
|Modern Motor | | | |Jul 54 (Australia) |Met. announcement |
|Modern Motor | | | |Sep 57 (Australia) |Report & Road Test |
|Motor | | | |Jan. 50 (UK) |N.X.I. report |
|Motor | |8 x 11½ | |Dec 50 (UK) |Year in review – NKI announcement |
|Motor | |8 x 11 | |Oct. 52 |Austin-Nash Update |
|Motor | | | |Mar. 54 (UK) |Advance news |
|Motor | | | |Mar. 54 (UK) |Full details |
|Motor | | | |Sept. 54 (UK) |Road Test |
|Motor | | | |Oct. 54 (UK) |Cutaway view |
|Motor | |8 x 11½ | |Jan. 56 (UK) |British car sales in USA |
|Motor | | | |May 56 (UK) |Road Test |
|Motor | | | |May 56 (UK) |Road Test (Reprint) |
|Motor | | | |Apr. 57 (UK) |Mets for Britons |
|Motor | | | |Apr. 57 (UK) |Road Test |
|Motor | | | |Oct. 57 (UK) |Motor Show report |
|Motor | | | |Oct. 59 (UK) |Motor Show report |
|Motor | | | |Aug. 60 (UK) |Improvements to Met. (Series IV) |
|Motor | | | |Oct. 60 (UK) |Motor Show report |
|Motor Classic Magazine | | | |May/Jun 93 (UK) |Article |
|Motor Klassik | |9 x 11¾ |148 pp |Feb 04 (Germany) |English Cars (with Metropolitan) |
|Motor Manual | |7¼ x 9½ |68 pp |Apr.54(Australia) |Met. Introduction. |
|Motor Manual | |7¼ x 9½ |68 pp |Jul. 56 (Australia) | Met. 1500 Announcement |
|Motor Manual | |7¼ x 9½ |68 pp |Jun 57 (Australia) | Austin Met. 1500 Announcement |
|Motor Manual | |7¼ x 9½ |84 pp |Jul 57 (Australia) |BMC engines (incl “B” series) |
|Motor-Runschau | |8½ x 12 |36 pp |Dec 54 (Germany) |Nash Metropolitan announcement |
|Motor Trader | | | |Aug. 58 (UK) |Service Data Supplement |
|Motor Trader | | | |Jan. 78 (UK) |Met pictured |
|News Chronicle | | | |Nov. 56 (UK) |Brief report |
|Nitro | |8¼x11¾ |104 pp |July 86 (France) |1957 Metropolitan article |
|Nos Chères Voitures | |9 x 11¼ |12 pp |#47,2003 (France) |Met. History article |
|Nottingham Observer | |8¾x 11¾ | |Feb. ’58 (UK) |Met. Road Test |
|Old Timer Markt | | | |9/95 (Germany) |Historical article |
|Old Timer Markt | |8¼x11¼ |98 pp |2000 (Germany) |Metropolitan picture & text |
|OldTimer Praxis | |8¼x11¼ |84 pp |3/07 (Germany) |Metropolitan restoration |
|On Four Wheels | | | |Issue 75 (UK) |Nash article |
|Popular Classics | | | |Oct. 91 (UK) |Met article |
|Popular Classics | |7¾x11½ |16 pp |? (UK) |Supplement 50s nostalgia. |
|Popular Classics | |7¾x11½ |16 pp |? (UK) |Supplement 60s nostalgia. |
|Populäre Mechanik | |6¼ x 9¼ |128 pp |Oct 57 (Germany) |Economy article |
|Populäre Mechanik | |6¼ x 9¼ |128 pp |Oct 58 (Germany) |Metropolitan pictured |
|Populäre Mechanik | |6¼ x 9¼ |128 pp |Feb 61 (Germany) |Review 1961 cars |
|Practical Classics | | | |Aug. 81 (UK) |‘B’ series engine service (Cutting) |
|Practical Classics | | | |Iss.11 1996 (UK) |Article |
|Practical Classics | | | |Aug. 2005 (UK) |Alluring “Rot-boxes” |
|Practical Classics | | | |July 2007 (UK) |Met review |
|Practical Motorist | |5½ x8 |24 pp |Dec. ‘57 (UK) |Guide to 1958 prices |
|Practical Motorist | |8¼ x11¼ | |March ’64 (UK) |50 Best Buys supplement |
|Radio Control Models | |5½ x 8½ |48 pp |April 1961(UK) |Radio Controlled Metropolitan |
|Restored Cars | | | |Nov 94(Australia) |Met pictured |
|Restored Cars | | | |May00(Australia) |Met article |
|Retro Viseur | |8¼x11¾ |162pp |Jan. 92 (France) |Hudson Met. article |
|Science et Vie | |6¾ x 9¼ |162 pp |1954/55 (France) |New Cars 1954/55 |
|SkyRack Express | | | |Oct. ’57 (UK) |Motor Show report (Photocopy) |
|Sports Car and Lotus Owner | |7¼ x 9¾ | |July 58 (UK) |Road Test |
|T’bred & Classic Cars | | | |Aug 79 (UK) |Met Silver anniversary rally |
|T’bred & Classic Cars | | | |July 81 (UK) |Convertibles article |
|T’bred & Classic Cars | | | |Dec. 82 (UK) |Show stand |
|T’bred & Classic Cars | | | |Jan 85 (UK) |Show stand |
|T’bred & Classic Cars | | | |Mar. 90 (UK) |Met article |
|V8 Magazine | |8¼x11¾ |82 pp |Oct/Dec 97 (Fr.) |Met article |
|West Bromwich Chronicle | | | |Jan. 58 |Motoring Notes (Photocopy) |
|What Car? | | | |July 74 (UK) |Yesterday’s car of the future |
|Wheels | | | |Feb 54 (Australia) |News of Met. shipments to US |
|Wheels | |7½x10½ |100 pp |May54(Australia) |Announcement details |
|Wheels | | | |Jun 56(Australia) |Production of 1500 Series started |
|Worldwide | |9¾x12¼ |16 pp |Apr. ’57 (UK) |Shipping Metropolitans |
|Your Classic | | | |Feb 92 (UK) |BMC article |
|Your Classic | | | |June 92 (UK) |Reader’s Metropolitan rebuild |
|Miscellaneous |
| | | | |Sept. 52 (US) |N.K.I. Meeting Agenda |
| | | | |Nash (US) |Cost analysis for N.K.I. |
| | | | |Nash (US) |N.K.I. Parts Program |
| | | | |Nash (US) |“Does America want the Economy Car” – Questionnaire |
| | | | | |(Booklet) |
| | | | |Nash (US) |“Does America want the Economy Car” – Questionnaire |
| | | | | |(Folder) |
| | | | |Nash (US) |Covering letter for Questionnaire |
| | | | |Nash (US) |NXI Specification Board |
| | | | |Nash (US) |Raleigh 24hr Test report |
| | | | |Nash (US) 1953 |Proving ground report |
| | | | |Nash (US) 1953 |Model info file for 54 Met. |
| | | | |Nash (US) 1954 |Press Release |
|NSP54-1657-6M-2-54 |Rd/B/W |16 x 22 |32 x 22 |Nash (US) 1954 |Metropolitan Extra Newspaper |
|No Number |Color |60 x 24 |1 sheet |Nash (US) 1954 |Introductory Showroom Poster |
| | | | |Nash (US) |Flajole report on N.X.I. |
|No Number | |8½ x 11 |16 pp |Chrysler (US) |Technical Report on Met 4/54 |
|Z-1633R Rev. 2-59 | |8½ x 8½ |1 Sheet |AMC (US) |Dealer Window sticker (Dated 2/59) Hardtop |
|Z-1633R Rev. 2-59 | |8½ x 8½ |1 Sheet |AMC (US) |Dealer Window sticker (Dated 2/59) Convertible |
| | | | |A.M.A. (US) |Specs. Series I Met Mar. 54 |
| | | | |A.M.A. (US) |Specs. Series II Met. Nov.54 |
| | | | |A.M.A. (US) |Specs Series III Met. Apr.56 |
| | | | |Nash (US) |1955 Met. Survey & report |
| | | | |A.M. (US) |56 Met. Info kit for planning |
|No Number |B/W |4 x 9 |24pp |A.M. (US) |American Motors meets the Press 4/56 |
|No Number | | | |Nash (US) |1954 Metropolitan Press Kit |
|No Number | | | |A.M. (US) |1956 Nash Press Kit (Nov. 55) |
| | | | |A.M. (US) |Met. 1500 Press kit |
|No Number | |9 x 11½ | |A.M. (US) |AMC 1979 25 years Press Kit |
|No Number | |17 x 22 |1 Sheet |A.M. (US) |Advertising Blocks |
|No Number | |9 x 11¼ |Multiple |A.M. (US) |1961 Dealer Advertising Aids |
| | | | |A.M. (US) |“Trend towards more intelligent motoring” J. W. |
| | | | | |Watson |
|No Number |Yl/B/W |8½ x 11 |1 sheet |Hubley US) |Order Form for Met. model |
|D2D9842 | | | |Franklin (US) |COA for Metro. 1956 Model |
|D3E2789 | | | |Franklin (US) |COA for Metro. Police |
|No Number | | | |Franklin (US) |Schematics for Metro. model |
|No Number | | | |Danbury (US) |Danbury Mint Met. Mail-out |
|No Number |B/W |8½ x 11 |1 sheet |A.M. (US) |J.W.Watson letter – Met. model |
| | | | |Nash (US) |“Engineering Ventures in Personal Transportation” |
| | | | | |A.S.B.E. report |
|AM 58 6744 | |5½ x 7½ |16 pp |A.M. (US) |“The Changing Car Market” |
|No Number |Gn/B/W |3¾ x 8½ |12 pp |A.M. (US) |Address by G. Romney-Canada 1/55 |
| | | | |Rambler (US) |Official Specs. 1902-1963 |
| | | | |John Conde (US) |Met. Info digest |
| | | | |UK |Jack instruction card (Reprint) |
| | | | |A.M. US) |1954 Annual report |
| | | | |A.M. (US) |1955 Annual report |
| | | | |A.M. (US) |1956 Annual report |
| | | | |A.M. (US) |1957 Annual report |
| | | | |A.M. (US) |1958 Annual report |
| | | | |A.M. (US) |1959 Annual report |
| | | | |A.M. (US) |1960 Annual report |
| | | | |A.M. (US) |1961 Annual report |
| | | | |A.M. (US) |1962 Annual report |
| | | | |Nash (US) |Met announcement Press release |
| | | | |(US) |NY International Auto Show ‘56 |
|No Number | |8½ x 11 |36 pp |(US) |Fresno Auto Show Feb. 55 Program |
|No Number | | | |US |Chicago Auto show Jan 56 Program |
|No Number | |8½ x 11 | |US |Pittsburg Auto Show Jan 56 Program |
|No Number | |9 x 12 |116 pp |US |Chicago Auto Show Jan 58 Program |
|No Number | |8½x11 |32 pp |US |Rochester Auto Show 58 Program |
|No Number | |9 x 12 |124 pp |US |Chicago Auto Show Jan 59 Program |
| | |8 x 11 |188 pp |US |Int. Auto Show NY 61 Guide |
|No Number | |11 x 15½ |28 pp |US |“Automotive News” ‘57 Selling guide |
|No Number | |8½x11 |24 pp |Hudson (US) |Warranty Info. Hudson 2/56 |
|No Number |Rd/B/W |8¼ x 11 |16½ x 22 |Hudson (US) |$25,000 Hudson Insurance Promo. |
|Z-1502HN (9-56) | | | |A.M. (US) |Dealer Franchise agreement |
| | | | |A.M. (US) |Metropolitan Shipments |
|No number | | | |A.M. (US) |Care of Convertible top |
|No Number | |11¼ x 9 |1 Sheet |Arbib (US) |Description of Astra- Gnome |
|No Number | |3½ x 5½ |92 pp |N.A.T.B (US) |1955 Auto. ID Manual |
|No Number | |3½ x 5½ |128 pp |N.A.T.B (US) |1960 Auto. ID Manual |
| | | | | |Rambler-Metropolitan Ashtray |
|No Number | |7¼ x13¼ |1 Sheet |(US) |Shoney’s advertising poster |
|No Number | |7 x 5 |2 pieces |(US) |Shoney’s advertising postcard |
|Number 86 |Full |8¼ x 9¼ |15¾x9¼ |IMP(US) |Met. specification brochure |
|33662 |Full |9½x 12½ |19x12½ |Mead Corp (US) |Photo Portfolio |
| |B/W |10 x 8 |I Sheet |US |Pen & Ink Drawing ’61 Met (Print) |
| | | | |B.L. (UK) |Metropolitan Sales |
|9H 5364 | | | |BMC(UK) |Colour & Trim detail (12/Jan/1958) |
|No Number | | |1 sheet |BMC (UK) |Blueprint Series IV Convertible |
|No Number | | |1 sheet |BMC (UK) |Blueprint Series IV H/T (Red. P/C) |
|1189 Austin Press Guide | |3½ x 5¼ |98 pp |Austin (UK) |Met. launch in March 1954 1/55 |
|1491 Austin Press Guide | |3½ x 5¼ |116 pp |Austin (UK) |Met. introduction to UK market 2/57 |
|1491/A Austin Press Guide | |3½ x 5¼ |128 pp |Austin (UK) |Met. introduction to UK market 8/58 |
|1491/B Austin Press Guide | |3½ x 5¼ |52 pp |Austin (UK) |Met. Data October 1959 |
|#1977 Austin Press Guide | | | |Austin (UK) |Met. Info & Royal Runabout 9/60 |
|1930 (May 60) | |8½x11 |44pp |Austin (UK) |Distributors Sales Conferences ‘59 |
|Worldwide | | | |Austin (UK) |“Worldwide” Met pictured 8/61 |
| | | | |Austin (UK) |Brochure – Met. Pictured 1961 |
|No Number | |14½x11 | |1954? |BMC “A Vast Organisation that Spans the World” Met |
| | | | | |pictured |
|No Number | |9¾x7½ |16 pp | |BMC “A Vast Organisation” variant |
|No Number | |11 x 8½ |40 pp |BMC (UK) |“Quest for Perfection” Met pictured |
|No Number | |13 x 10 |16 pp |BMC (UK) |“Market on the Move” – Used cars |
| | | | |Nash (US) |Production Schedules – Met. |
|No Number | |8½x10½ |16 pp |BMC (UK) |BMC 1953 Annual Report |
|No Number | |8½x10½ |16 pp |BMC (UK) |BMC 1956 Annual Report |
|No Number | |8½x10½ |20 pp |BMC (UK) |BMC 1959 Annual Report |
|No Number | |8½x10½ |20 pp |BMC (UK) |BMC 1960 Annual Report |
|583/E | |5 x 8¼ |8¼ x13¼ |Austin (UK) |New Car Warranty form |
|1235 |Part |11x8 |32 pp |Austin (UK) |50 years of car progress. |
|1455 |Part |10½ x 15½ |48 pp |Austin (UK) |Handbook of Austin Dealer Aids |
|1843 |Part |10½x15½ |12pp |Austin (UK) |Stock Blocks for local advertising |
|705/B | |11 x 8 |20 pp |Austin (UK) |Austin through the Years (Jan. ‘56) |
|705/C |B/W |11 x 8 |20 pp |Austin (UK) |Austin through the Years (Feb ‘59) |
|705/D |B/W |11 x 8 |20 pp |Austin (UK) |Austin through the Years (May ‘62) |
|705/F |B/W |10 x 8 |20 pp |Austin (UK) |Austin through the Years (‘62) |
|705/G |B/W |10 x 8 |24 pp |Austin (UK) |Austin through the Years (‘64) |
|705/H |B/W |10 x 8 |24 pp |Austin (UK) |Austin through the Years (’66) |
|705/I |B/W |10 x 8 |24 pp |Austin (UK) |Austin through the Years (‘66) |
|No Number |B/W |8 x 12½ |11 pp |Austin (UK) |History of Austin Motor Company |
|BMC 100/A |B/W |5½ x 8½ |20 pp |BMC (UK) |BMC History |
|1090 |Part |11x8 |16 pp |Austin (UK) |Americas Newest Car–from Austin |
|BMC 101 |B/W |8¼ x 11 |20 pp |BMC (UK) |BMC Power Units (incl “B” series) |
|No Number |B/W |8 x 11½ |12 pp |BMC (UK) |BMC “B” Series (Reprint from “Motor”) |
|No Number |B/W |9 x 11½ |27 pp |BMC (UK) |Motor Show ’60 update guide |
|No Number | |5½ x 9 |488 pp |SMMT (UK) |1954 Motor Show Guide |
|No Number | |5½ x 9 |496 pp |SMMT (UK) |1955 Motor Show Guide |
|No Number | |5½ x 9 |480 pp |SMMT (UK) |1956 Motor Show Guide |
|No Number | |5½ x 9 |478 pp |SMMT (UK) |1957 Motor Show Guide |
|No Number | |5½ x 9 |488 pp |SMMT (UK) |1958 Motor Show Guide |
|No Number | |5½ x 9 |488 pp |SMMT (UK) |1959 Motor Show Guide |
|No Number | |5½ x 9 |512 pp |SMMT (UK) |1960 Motor Show Guide |
|No Number | |5½ x 9 |496 pp |SMMT (UK) |1961 Motor Show Guide |
|No Number |B/W |11½ x 15 |48 pp |Daily Mail (UK) |1957 Motor Show Guide |
|No Number |B/W |10½ x 14 |56 pp |Daily Mail (UK) |1958 Motor Show Guide |
|No Number |Colour |10¾ x 14 |8 pp |Express Weekly |1959? “The Story of BMC” |
|No Number |Colour |9½ x 13 |64 pp |Daily Express |1955 Motor Show Review |
|No Number |Colour |9½ x 13 |64 pp |Daily Express |1956 Motor Show Review |
|No Number |Colour |9½ x 13 |64 pp |Daily Express |1957 Motor Show Review |
|No Number |Colour |9½ x 13 |64 pp |Daily Express |1958 Motor Show Review |
|No Number |Colour |9½ x 13 |64 pp |Daily Express |1959 Motor Show Review |
|No Number |B/W |10½x13½ |140 pp |L’Automobile (Fr) |1958 Auto Revue |
|No Number |B/W |4 x 6 |272 pp |Glass Guide (UK) |Car Check Book 1939 - 1959 |
|No Number |B/W |4 x 6 |256 pp |Glass Guide (UK) |Car Check Book 1954 - 1963 |
|No Number |B/W |4 x 6 |256 pp |Glass Guide (UK) |Car Check Book 1955 - 1964 |
|No Number |Full |3½ x 8 |24 pp |RAC (UK) |Membership Catalog– Met pictured |
|No Number |Full |3½ x 5 |1 sheet |Mushroom (Au) |Kylie Minogue Record cover |
|No Number |B/W |10 x 10 |1 cover |Columbia (US) |Davy Crockett Record cover |
|No. 1 |B/W |8½x10¾ |176 pp |(Belgium) |1960 Brussels Motor Show guide |
|No Number | | | |(Germany) |1960 Auto Salon Germany |
|No Number |B/W |11¼ x 9 |1 Sheet | (UK) |Licence Specification Sheet. |
|RF60 | |3¼ x 7¼ |16¼ x 7¼ | (UK) |Registration Book for Austin Met. |
| | | | |Kings (UK) |Met production line pictured |
|No Number | | | |Smiths (UK) |Cigarette Lighter Tag |
|No Number |Y/B/W |9 x 6 |8 pp |K. F. Ward (UK) |Styla Anotrims – Wheel Trims |
| | | | |Derrington (UK) |BMC “B” series Tuning Eqpt. |
|No Number |Bu/B/W |6½x9¼ |13x9¼ |Arden (UK) |Tuning Eqpt. For BMC cars |
|No Number |B/W |8 x 10½ |16 x 10½ |Alexander (UK) |Performance conversion “B” series |
|No Number |B/W |7½ x 10 |1 Sheet |Alexander (UK) |Spec/Price/Performance for Met. |
| |Rd/Blk |4x8 |8x8 |Alexander (UK) |Spec/Price for Engine conversion |
|No Number |Y/B/W |5¼ x 9 |16 x 9 |Speedwell (UK) |BMC Engine performance Eqpt. |
|No Number |R/B/W |5¼ x 9 |10½ x 9 |Speedwell (UK) |BMC Suspension conversions |
|No Number |B/W | | |Austin (UK) |Body Production Card (P/C) |
|No Number |B/W | | |Austin (UK) |Service Vehicle Record Card (P/C) |
| | | | | | |
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