Made in China

Why is Everything Made in China?

• Amazing __________ emerged from Ancient China.

• Their rulers strictly __________ outside contact, and were suspicious of outside technology. In isolation, their innovation stagnated as the rest of the world became more connected and modernized.

• By the 19th century, China was __________ and backward. The world had forgotten that China was ever advanced.

• By 1949, when the Communist __________ shook China, 8 years of fighting with Japan plus 4 years of civil war left China with a totally disrupted economy.

• Chairman Mao Zedong, along with the Chinese __________ leadership, tried through the years to modernize China’s economy.

• But by 1977, China was still primarily an __________ society and their grain production was still at 1955 levels.

• Chairman Mao died in 1976. And in 1978, China began a __________ program, loosening Communist controls on the economy and opening up more to the outside world.

• Special Economic Zones (SEZs) were gradually created along the __________.

• SEZs were originally set up in __________ coastal provinces as cautious economic experiments. Far from the main population centers, if the experiments failed, they could at least be contained.

• But far from failing, the SEZs were grand economic __________. Today, there are open economic areas up and down China’s coast. All inland province capitals are allowed to create “free trade zone regions” and foreign trade industrial parks within their cities.

• Common SEZ __________ to foreign investors include

( No __________ during start-up years before making a profit and reduced taxes in the next four years

( excellent __________

( economic __________ from China’s command economy

( greatly reduced import/export __________

( large available __________

( low local __________

• “Since the average wage for a Chinese factory worker is __________ an hour and US wages are about __________ times higher, millions of US jobs have been lost and transferred to China.”

• __________ was China’s first Special Economic Zone.

• It is in mainland China, right across from __________.

• After becoming an SEZ, Shenzhen grew from a small __________ city of a few thousand to a city of over __________ million people.

• The SEZs are worlds apart from __________ China.

• But in fact, millions of rural people come to the SEZs for __________.

• This is most obvious before the Chinese New Year, when workers crowd the __________ to travel __________.

• While Chinese workers value the jobs in the SEZs, they work __________ hours for __________ wages.

• But even working for __________, a Chinese worker can save money and send some home to family.

• It is easier for them to save money, because factory worker typically get __________ in dormitories or small apartments. And many factories provide two __________ a day.

• The days are long and the pay is not great, but workers are using these jobs to build their __________. Many young women work 2-3 years in a factory, then return to their hometown, use their __________ to start a small __________, get married and live out their lives.

• But China is not content to simply be the world’s manufacturing plant. So they are working to bring __________ -value __________ to China.

• __________ most advanced microprocessors are now being manufactured and tested in Chengdu, China.

• __________ has opened a research center in Beijing, China.

• __________ has also opened a research center in Beijing.

• China is working hard to build its future as part of the __________ economy.

• As an emerging economy, China will be a __________ world player.

1. Why do you think so many items are made in China?

2. How do Chinese factories affect the lives of Americans?

3. How do Chinese factories affect American businesses?

4. What would happen to the price of everyday items if we did not buy them from China?

5. How is this impacting our economy and how might it impact our economy in the future?


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