Unit 4 - Loudoun County Public Schools

Unit 4

Test Review

Which of the following was a Native American victory?

A) Wounded Knee

B) Sand Creek

C) Little Big Horn

D) Washita

What was the nickname given to the Great Plains that caused hesitation with regard to settlements?

A) Bleeding Kansas

B) The Dust Bowl

C) Indian Death Valley

D) The Great American Desert

Which of the following communities was most likely to become a ghost town?

E) cow town

F) mining town

G) rail station

H) meat-packing town

Which groups was most opposed to the populists?

A) railroad owners

B) farmers

C) sharecroppers

D) progressive democrats

During the late 1800s, which group was most in favor of expanding the nation’s money supply?

E) stockholders

F) farmers

G) labor unions

H) bankers

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the Native Americans?

E) Use of Buffalo to sell & trade fur

F) Nomadic way of life

G) Idea that land is spiritual

H) Lived in tepees

How did the Homestead & Dawes Act affect western settlement?

A) they both provided free land for settlement

B) they attempted to “Americanize” the frontier

C) they showed the ugliness of western expansion

D) it led to many minorities becoming cowboys

What was the main goal of the Granger & Populist movements?

A) increase protective tariffs

B) place controls on monopolistic businesses

C) work for America’s territorial expansion

D) gain voting rights for women

Sutter’s Mill is associated with

A) the settlement of California

B) the mining of precious metals in the West

C) battles between the natives & US Calvary

D) range wars between settlers and cowboys

How did the Homestead Act of 1862 encourage western settlement?

E) it provided settlers with free land

F) it provided low cost transportation to the west

G) it brought an end to Native American attacks

H) it set up reservations for Indians

Which of the following is an example of a third political party formed during the late 1800s?

A) Federalist

B) Whig

C) Populist

D) Dixiecrats

In the 19th century, the terms "cowboy" and "cattle drive" were used

E) on Western farms

F) in the cattle industry

G) n railroad companies

H) by Pony Express riders

How did "Jim Crow" laws affect American society?

A) They were the first laws providing protection for migratory birds.

B) They made possible the formation of Native American units in the armed


C) They represented the first attempts to restrict immigration from China

and Japan.

D) They formally established a system of racial segregation in parts of the


What group made up the Populist Party?

A) farmers

B) urban dwellers

C) railroad owners

D) owners of bonanza farms

The transcontinental railroad joined

A) Maine to Florida

B) Nebraska to California

C) Baltimore to Ohio

D) Florida to Kansas

Which of the following does NOT describe the frontier cowboy?

E) many were Asian & Mexican

F) they were cattle herders

G) they protected settlers from Indian attacks

H) they began to die out with the invention of barbed wire

"Seward's Folly" was the name

E) given to Alaska

F) of the play Lincoln was watching when he was assassinated

G) given to the attempt by Secretary of State Seward to win the Republican

nomination against Grant

H) of the book which led to the arrest and conviction of "Boss" Tweed

Congress passed both the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act in the hope that it could

E) tax industry

F) prevent competition among businesses

G) gain more control over business

H) end child labor

Which captain of industry is most associated with the growth of America's steel industry during the 19th century?

E) John D. Rockefeller

F) Andrew Carnegie

G) George Westinghouse

H) Cornelius Vanderbilt

John D. Rockefeller's view that strong businesses should drive weak ones out of business was similar to the views of the

A) social Darwinists

B) philanthropists

C) communists

D) humanitarians

Why did business owners favor few restrictions on immigration?

E) They were motivated by humanitarian impulses.

F) They believed that America should be a more diverse nation.

G) Immigrant labor was cheaper than employing native-born workers.

H) They were doing "community service."

Which development was most responsible for eliminating the open range of the Western frontier?

E) the increase in hostilities with Plains Native Americans

F) the increase of homesteads with fenced boundaries

G) the passing of the frontier

H) the completion of the transcontinental railroad

Which of the following was important to successful settlement of the Great Plains?

A) spinning jenny

B) steam driven tractor

C) thresher

D) windmill

Which is TRUE of a laissez-faire, free-market economy?

A) Government protects the rights of consumers.

B) Imports and exports are controlled according to the national interests.

C) Businesses are free from government interference.

D) Tax incentives and subsidies are used to protect weaker industries.

During strikes and other labor-management conflicts of the late 1800s, government

A) frequently took a neutral stand

B) usually arbitrated the dispute

C) often sided with the workers

D) usually sided with management

Technological advances have aided the industrial growth of the U.S. What federal government policy has been most responsible for technological innovation?

E) the granting of patents

F) the imposition of tariffs

G) the provision of subsidies

H) the offer of tax credits

According to advocates of Social Darwinism, government should

A) allow unions to form

B) increase taxes for the wealthy

C) promote the establishment of unions

D) allow businesses freedom

Which of the following groups was the most important in satisfying the need for labor during the late 1800s?

a. indentured servants

b. labor unions

c. child labor laws

d. immigrants

In 1887 Congress passed an important law that set a precedent for future federal regulation of private businesses. What is the name of that law?

A) Sherman Antitrust Act

B) Pure Food and Drug Act

C) Interstate Commerce Act

D) Pendleton Act

Which of the following was one of the major obstacles to the growth of unions during the late 1800s?

E) Most workers were content with their working conditions.

F) Unskilled workers were reluctant to go on strike.

G) Unions received little government support.

H) There were too few workers to create strong unions.

How did the Haymarket Riot of 1886 affect unions such as the Knights of Labor?

A) it led many people to view unions as radical and dangerous.

B) it enhanced the power of unions.

C) it resulted in an increase in wages that reduced the need for unions.

D) it led the U.S. government to settle labor disputes through compulsory


A business that is owned by stockholders is called a

E) franchise

F) corporation

G) proprietorship

H) monopoly

Which of the following was most responsible for enabling the growth of big business in America during the 19th century?

a. free and open elections

b. the mercantile system

c. federalism

d. the government's laissez-faire approach to the economy

During the second half of the 19th century, inventors spurred industrial growth. America's giant electric power generating industry developed largely as a result of the inventions of

a. Alexander Graham Bell

b. Thomas Edison

c. Samuel Morse

d. George Westinghouse

To shield America's industries from foreign competition during the late 1800s, the U.S. government

a. placed controls on American exports

b. levied progressive taxes

c. licensed tax-free ports

d. established protective tariffs on imports

The first substantial effort by the Congress to regulate the affairs of business resulted in the

a. Sherman Antitrust Act

b. Interstate Commerce Act

c. Pullman Strike

d. "Munn v. Illinois"

Congress passed both the Interstate Commerce Act and the Sherman Antitrust Act in the hope that it could

a. tax industry

b. prevent competition among businesses

c. gain more control over business

d. end child labor

Private ownership of businesses is a characteristic of

a. socialism

b. capitalism

c. communism

d. feudalism

Which term is most similar to the idea of free enterprise?

a. laissez-faire

b. socialism

c. mercantilism

d. command economy

Which of the following was one of the major obstacles to the growth of unions during the late 1800s?

a. Most workers were content with their working conditions.

b. Unskilled workers were reluctant to go on strike.

c. Unions received little government support.

d. There were too few workers to create strong unions.

According to historians, substantial wealth became concentrated in the hands of fewer people during the late 1800s. Which of the following is often given as a cause for this concentration of wealth?

a. rise of labor unions

b. increase in governmental regulation

c. growth of big business

d. prosperity of the agricultural sector

Why did business owners favor few restrictions on immigration?

a. They were motivated by humanitarian impulses.

b. They believed that America should be a more diverse nation.

c. Immigrant labor was cheaper than employing native-born workers.

d. They were doing "community service."

Which of the following was a political boss who became notorious for his use of the spoils system and corrupt political methods?

a. William Tweed

b. Henry George

c. Theodore Roosevelt

d. Tom Watson

Which of the following is a description of a tenement of the late 1800s?

a. a small, overcrowded factory

b. a half-way house for troubled youths

c. a temporary shelter for recently arrived immigrants

d. a narrow, poorly ventilated building with many small apartments

Racial segregation during the post-Civil War period was ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court in

a. the Dred Scott Case

b. "Plessy v. Ferguson"

c. "Brown v. Board of Education"

d. "McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents"

Most immigrants during the late 1800s became

a. indentured servants

b. western farmers

c. industrial workers

d. welfare recipients

The Statue of Liberty was a gift from

a. Simon Bolivar

b. Great Britain

c. John D. Rockefeller

d. France

Which problem of rapidly growing 19th century cities proved to be the greatest health risk?

a. congested traffic

b. polluted air and drinking water

c. increased crime

d. lack of recreational facilities

A "new wave" of immigrants came to America between 1880 and 1920. Which ethnic or national groups made up this immigration?

a. Italians, Greeks, Russians, and Poles

b. English, French, and Dutch

c. Chinese, Japanese, and Southeast Asians

d. Norwegians, Swedes, and Germans

Which was TRUE of working hours during the late 19th century?

a. working hours for the middle class decreased while they increased

for the working class

b. working hours for the middle class increased while they decreased

for the working class

c. working hours remained more or less the same for all workers

d. workers of all classes increasingly worked shorter hours

In the decades after the Civil War, rural blacks

a. migrated to urban areas in vast numbers

b. tended to remain in the countryside

c. fared better than their urban counterparts

d. became politically powerful

What major innovation of the late 19th century transformed the business of retailing in the United States?

a. the peddler cart

b. the shopping mall

c. the department store

d. the general store

Which group was the FIRST to be restricted from further immigration to the U.S.?

a. Chinese

b. Slovakians

c. Russians

d. Armenians

A major reason why the United States had a liberal immigration policy during the 19th century was that

a. most United States legislators were foreign-born

b. the natural population growth of the United States was small

c. favorable economic conditions in Europe kept immigration to the

United States low

d. there was a great demand for labor in the United States

During the second half of the 19th century, most immigrants to the United States entered the United States through

a. San Francisco

b. Texas

c. New York City

d. New Orleans

Why did many native-born, working-class Americans feel particularly threatened by immigration and want to limit or halt it during the 1800s?

a. Most immigrants refused to adapt to American culture.

b. Immigrants were a drain on the nation's welfare program.

c. Most immigrants were non-Christian.

d. They feared that immigrants would take their jobs.

The "melting pot" theory of American society assumes that immigrants

a. are ethnocentric

b. cook better than native-born Americans

c. become steelworkers

d. assimilate into a single American culture

As the United States moved from an economy that was predominately agricultural to an industrial one during the 19th century,

a. the structure of the extended family became more important

b. economic independence decreased and dependence increased

c. people became more traditional and less flexible

d. the average person's standard of living declined

Those most likely to oppose the opening of department stores in urban areas were

a. clothing manufacturers

b. immigrant workers

c. small retail shopkeepers

d. middle-class consumers

During the late 19th century, all of these developments took place in the United States with the EXCEPTION of

a. industrialization

b. urbanization

c. suburbanization

d. depopulation

Which term BEST characterizes American nativists?

a. xenophobia

b. tolerance

c. internationalism

d. neutrality

The Pendleton Act attempted to reform the

a. tariff system

b. primary system

c. spoils system

d. banking system

The new neighborhoods built on the outskirts of late 19th century cities for upper and middle-class residents were known as

a. suburbs

b. Chinatowns

c. commons

d. ghettos

What was the name of the Democratic political machine in New York City?

a. Whisky Ring

b. Tammany Hall

c. Credit Mobilier

d. Rosco Conkling Gang

State statutes that prevented women from voting were declared constitutional in the case of

a. "Minor v. Happersett"

b. "Munn v. Illinois"

c. "Wabash v. St. Louis"

d. "Plessy v. Ferguson"


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