Team 1 - Ancient Chinese Geography

Team 1 - Ancient Chinese Geography

|Political Map of Ancient China | |

|The purpose of this map is to show early sites of civilization. The land should be |Famous Site Visits |

|all one color so that the labeling is easier to read. |You must research the following sites important to the |

|Include the following in your map: |development of China and write a description of each site using|

|*Anyang, *Luoyang, *Xi'an , *Bejiing, *Changsha, *Guangzhou. |original language (don't just copy words down) |

|Also include the major rivers and bodies of water, lands bordering China, and |Include a picture (either original or downloaded) of each site.|

|locations of famous sites. Scroll to the instructions for Team 2 (Dynasty Timeline) |1. Great Wall of China |

|to choose several dynasties and add their borders. |2. Banpo Village |

| |3. The Silk Road |

| |4. X'ian and the Terracotta Warriors |

|Terrain (Physical) Map of Ancient China |Links |

|The purpose of this map is to show geographical features and the shape of the land. |Terracotta Warriors |

|Use terrain maps of China to help you with color choice etc. |Museum of Terracotta Warriors |

|Please color, identify, and label major rivers, bodies of water, and highland |Banpo Museum |

|systems. Identify the four main geographical regions of China: *the subarctic |China Maps |

|regions in the north, *the fertile plains in the east, *the desert in the west and |Banpo-Gone but not forgotten |

|*the tropical lowlands in the south as well as label specific examples of plains and| |

|deserts. | |

Team 2 -Ancient Dynasties

|Dynasty Timeline |Links |

|Create a timeline with the dynasties listed below. You should include a | |

|detailed illustration of each dynasty on your timeline, along with a |Chinese Dynasties |

|paragraph about each dynasty (see below). Present it creatively. Consider| |

|dividing up the dynasties within your team. |Ancient China Timeline |

|5000 BC First settlement in China | |

|2000 BC Xia First Dynasty |Ancient Dynasties |

|1600 BC Shang Dynasty | |

|1000-220 BC Zhou (Chou) Dynasty (Time of Confucius) |Chinese History: To the Qing Dynasty |

|220-210 BC Qin Dynasty (pronounced "chin") | |

|206 BC-220 AD Han Dynasty | |

|  | |

|Along with the timeline, you must include a paragraph (minimum of 6 | |

|sentences per paragraph) about each dynasty. You should include at least| |

|5 facts for each dynasty. Your paragraphs will probably include the | |

|achievements and/or characteristics of each dynasty. | |

Team 3 - Ancient Chinese Philosophies

|Philosophy Posters  |Real Life Problems - How would each behave? |Links |

|Using the first link provided, look at examples | |Four Chinese Philosophies |

|of posters done by other 6th grade students. |Using your research, your group will prepare a response|Daoism and Moism |

|Click on them to read the explanation of why |to 2 situations. Make a separate table for each |Confucianism |

|they created the posters the way that they did. |situation below describing how a follower from each |Taoism |

| |philosophy would view or handle the problem. Use the |Buddhism |

|Each group member will create a picture |handout we provided as a graphic organizer. |Confucius |

|portraying one of the 3 Philosophies of the | |Confucius & Socrates: Teaching Wisdom |

|Hundred Schools of the Zhou Dynasty (Daoism, |Problem #1 - A student knows that they are failing a |Legalism |

|Confucianism, Legalism) and Buddhism. |class. They know they will be in trouble when their | |

| |parents find out. How do they handle the situation? | |

|Before you begin these posters, you need to do | | |

|some research about each of the philosophies. |Problem #2 - A student's friend starts to smoke and is | |

|What do they each mean? What do followers of |trying to influence the student to start also. How do | |

|the philosophies believe in? |they handle this situation? | |

| | | |

|Include written explanations of why you chose to|Be creative in creating each table and in the way that | |

|portray these beliefs the way you did.  |you display the question. See us if you need help | |

|These pictures along with your table from "real |setting up the tables. | |

|life problems" will be displayed on your poster.| | |

Team 4 - Ancient Chinese Leaders

| |Links |

|Leader Biographies  |Confucius |

|Use the websites to help you learn about many of the important leaders in Ancient China. Using the |Kung-fu-tzu |

|research you find, write a biography about each of the 4 famous leaders below. |Qin Shi Haungdi |

| |Emperor Qin Shi Huang |

|You should include specifics about each |Lu Bang |

|leader, for example: |Han Gaozu |

| |Wu Di |

|When did they rule? Dynasty? | |

|Any contributions? | |

|Achievements? | |

|Difficulties while ruling | |

|Known for what? | |

| | |

|These biographies must be written in original words; you can't just copy information down. After | |

|finishing the biography, draw a picture representing the leader and his beliefs.   You must do the | |

|searching yourself. You can use links from this page or just go to Google and type in the name. | |

| | |

| Confucius | |

| | |

|Qin Shi Haundgi | |

| | |

|Wu Di | |

| | |

|Goa Zu (Liu Bang/Han Goa Zu) | |

Team 5 - Ancient Chinese Contributions

Choose 3 of the 4 to complete.

| |Paper Making |Links |

|Silk Making |Ts'ai Lun is credited for creating paper as we |Silk Road |

|The Chinese were the first people in the world to |know it. Your team must write a letter from Ts'ai |Trade |

|make silk, and for hundreds of years they kept the|Lun to the Emperor Han explaining your invention |Seismograph |

|methods of silk production secret from the rest of|and how it can help his kingdom. Be sure to |Ts'ai Lun |

|the world. |explain who you are and how you came to invent |Paper |

|Your team must present the basic steps (6 or 7) in|this. | |

|silk production using sequential illustrations | | |

|with explanations included. | | |

|The Seismograph and Compass |Bronze and Early Bronze Casting |Chinese Inventions and Remedies |

|These inventions are still very important to us |The use of Bronze by Shang craft workers |Chinese Inventions |

|today. Your team must give a paragraph explanation|completely changed this civilization. Use | |

|of what each of these inventions does and how each|classroom art books and the links provided to | |

|ancient invention worked. |research this development. | |

|In addition, you must draw a picture of the first |Your team must then write and illustrate a | |

|Chinese seismograph and an early Chinese compass. |newspaper article detailing this art form and | |

| |technological breakthrough. | |

Team 6 - Modern China Today and Tomorrow

Choose 3 of the 4 to complete.

|Where do they live? |Chinese Population |Links |

|Create a bar graph showing the 7 most populated regions of |Population growth is a huge concern in China. Research this issue |PoliticalMap |

|China and their populations as of 2001. |and write an essay that explains the problem and steps that have |China Population by Region |

|Beneath this bar graph, explain why you think that these |been taken in China to deal with this problem. Your link will be |The Forbidden City |

|regions are more populated than others. You might have to |the Panorama of Chinese Family Planning. |The Forbidden City -virtual|

|look at a terrain map to figure this one out. The |The essay should have 4 paragraphs... |tour |

|explanation must be in a clear paragraph. |Introduction Paragraph | |

| |Explanation of Problem with Statistics | |

| |Measures that have been taken | |

| |Concluding paragraph with data | |

|Political Map |China at 2050 |China at 2050 |

|Create a map that shows China as it is today. Be sure to |Using the link provided summarize the predictions for China's |China Political Map |

|include neighboring countries, major cities, and nearby |future in a chart. Include 3-4 sentences for each section. This | |

|bodies of water. |chart must be creatively presented. | |

Team 7 - Modern Chinese Culture

|Chinese Festivals |Ethnic Groups in China |

|Using the links provided you will find information about|Much of the culture of a particular country is based on the different ethnic groups that live |

|many different festivals celebrated by the Chinese |there. Using the link provided, create a bar graph that shows the 10 largest ethnic groups by |

|People today. You must research four festivals or |population size. |

|holidays. |Be sure to label this carefully, include context information on the ethnic groups, and present it|

|This research must be in orginial paragraphs of at least|neatly. |

|six sentences. | |

|You must also include a picture, either original or | |

|downloaded, of each festival. | |

|Chinese Delights |Links |

|Using these links or perhaps in searches of your own, |China on the Net |

|you will find descriptions and recipes of favorite |Chinese Festivals |

|Chinese foods. |Chinese Ethnic Groups |

|Choose 3 recipes to present on your board. Be sure to |Famous Chinese Foods |

|present them creatively and accurately. Pictures of the | |

|food would also add to this. | |


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