ALPHABET SOUP - Union High School


To us in America, Korean and Chinese look equally different. Yet they are also very different from each other as well. This activity will help you to see how.

▪ First: Create a sentence of at least TEN (10) separate words. Any sentence will do.


▪ Now, create two new alpha bet to “translate” your sentence.

Chinese Style: uses PICTOGRAPHS or IDEOGRAPHS. These are individual characters or symbols that have unique meanings. Each character means something by itself. Therefore, you need thousands to able to communicate fully.

▪ Think of TEN (10) different symbols for each word in your sentence. The symbol should be almost a small, simple picture. For example, “( ” could be the symbol for “happiness.” Write the meaning of each symbol next to it.


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▪ Please translate your original sentence into your new ideographic language.


KOREAN: uses figures that are actual letters just as we do. This makes Korean a “PHONETIC” language, one that puts sounds together to form meanings. It therefore needs vowels and consonants. It is called han’gul.

▪ See if you can create your own alphabet. Base it on our 26-letter version [han’gul uses 28]. The only restriction is that you cannot use anything that looks like our own alphabet.

|A |B |C |D |

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▪ Now write out your complete original sentence in your new phonetic language.

Which language style of alphabet do you prefer? _________________________________




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