Australia's Kitchen Revolution

Australia's Kitchen Revolution

Report March 2015

Australia's Kitchen Revolution March 2015

Executive Summary

Jeremy Needham Executive Director, Mitsubishi Electric Australia

In previous generations, the kitchen was separate from the main entertaining areas. It was utilitarian in purpose ? used exclusively for cooking and closed off to guests. Now, however, the kitchen is the centre of the home for many Australian families, serving as a hub for not only meals but also conversations, special moments and traditions.

Mitsubishi Electric has been an integral part of Australian kitchens for more than 30 years, providing high-quality, innovative appliances that serve as fixtures in this important space. We pride ourselves on understanding the Australian household and delivering products tailored to meet their needs. With this in mind, we engaged McCrindle Research to help us explore the latest trends in home cooking and eating habits.

We discovered that while the preferences and needs of Australian families are diverse and constantly evolving, positive changes are also brewing.

While families are busier than ever, the research suggests they are also prioritising quality time as well as quality ingredients and meals. With the help of new cooking and kitchen innovations, we may be returning to a simpler time ? a time where new technology helped unite families instead of isolate them.

Australians are using the kitchen to set a better foundation for health, as well as stronger, more connected families.

Mitsubishi Electric is looking forward to playing its part in helping Australian families create healthier, happier starts ? for another 30 years and beyond.


Our food is more than just three square meals a day. It initiates connections, nurtures relationships and inspires creativity. It impacts how we enjoy other's company, our relationships with family and friends as well as our health and longevity. By understanding more about how and what we eat, we can gain a deeper understanding of how we live.

In exploring Australia's latest cooking and eating habits, this report delves into three key issues uncovered by the research:

1. Cooking and the Modern Man: Traditional gender roles are blurring thanks to men's increasing interest in preparing meals at home and entertaining guests. The result is greater equality in the kitchen than in previous generations.

2. Generation Y Leading the Home Cooking Revolution: Generation Y is among the nation's biggest cooking show fans, which may be impacting the generation's evolving cooking values and habits.

3. Desire for Healthier, Family-Centric Homes: Australian families show a propensity for traditional, family-centric values with a growing preference for fresh, home cooked meals and the desire to know more about their food.

"By understanding more about how and what we eat, we can gain a deeper understanding of how we live."

Australia's Kitchen Revolution March 2015

About Australia's Kitchen Revolution

Canvassing 2,000 household grocery buyers across Australia, the survey reveals new information about how modern families are cooking and eating. The national online survey was conducted between 21 and 27 August 2014, and this report highlights the key outcomes and analysis of the results.

The survey suggests change is stirring in Australian kitchens, offering new insight into the frequency with which families are cooking and entertaining at home, as well as their evolving priorities and values when it comes to filling up their grocery carts. It demonstrates a shift in everything from how often Australians cook at home and who they cook for and why, to how often they read ingredient labels, order takeaway and buy ready-made foods.

Many factors influence our food purchasing and cooking decisions including price, quality, taste, health, family traditions and culture. Today, cooking is not just about food provision but also social connection, nutrition and self-expression.

"Today, cooking is not just about food provision but social connection, nutrition and expression."

This is reflected in the report, which demonstrates a growing interest among Australians to learn about the foods of foreign cultures. When asked the cooking styles and cuisines about which they were most interested in learning, Australians indicated a variety of cultures and countries ? from Chinese, Thai and Indian to Italian, French and Mexican. This mirrors Australia's increasingly multicultural society as families continue to embrace the idea that diversity in food can enrich our day to day lives.

The survey found significant differences in food habits between those who enjoy cooking shows and those who do not. Cooking show fans entertain more guests at social parties and holidays, focus on fresh ingredients and buy more fruits and vegetables and enjoy planning meals ahead of time and cooking in bulk. They are also more innovative in trying not only new recipes and exploring different culinary cuisines but even in using new equipment and appliances.

The survey also uncovered another possible influence on today's cooking and eating habits ? food and cooking shows. This includes TV shows that involve cooking demonstrations, competitions as well as cooking demonstrations on YouTube.

More than half of Australians (51%) report watching these shows regularly ? at least once a fortnight. Additionally, 2 in 5 main grocery buyers say they either very much enjoy or extremely enjoy watching them.

This research explores how the popularity of this TV genre may be related to other changes in cooking trends ? including which demographics are cooking and innovating the most.

With this report, we evaluate how a variety of factors converge to influence how we decide what to place in our carts and how to prepare it. By understanding these relationships, we can develop a deeper appreciation for the role that food plays in our daily lives.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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