Day6 社區 口頭報告 測評.docx

第三級中文口語報告評分表Level 3 Oral Presentation Rubrics 學生姓名Name: 日期Date: (2-3 minutes time limit) 時間time used:_________________我的社區 My Community評分項目Scoring Area 發音Pronunciation - ? ?+ +聲調Tone - ? ?+ +語法 措辭Grammar/Diction - ? ?+ +儀態表情Delivery - ? ?+ +流利Fluency - ? ?+ +抑揚頓挫Cadence - ? ?+ +內容Content - ? ?+ +完成作品Final Work - ? ?+ + 成績Grade: ___________- starting to meet the standard 努力中? meets the standards 達到標準?+ exceeds the standards 超越標準+ out of this world 超級棒6 exceptional proficiency5 advanced proficiency4 proficient3 developing proficiency2 limited proficiency1 refer to comment 評語comment________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________第三級中文口語報告評分表Level 3 Oral Presentation Rubrics 學生姓名Name: 日期Date: (2-3 minutes time limit) 時間time used:_________________我的社區 My Community評分項目Scoring Area 發音Pronunciation - ? ?+ +聲調Tone - ? ?+ +語法 措辭Grammar/Diction - ? ?+ +儀態表情Delivery - ? ?+ +流利Fluency - ? ?+ +抑揚頓挫Cadence - ? ?+ +內容Content - ? ?+ +完成作品Final Work - ? ?+ + 成績Grade: ___________- starting to meet the standard 努力中? meets the standards 達到標準?+ exceeds the standards 超越標準+ out of this world 超級棒6 exceptional proficiency5 advanced proficiency4 proficient3 developing proficiency2 limited proficiency1 refer to comment 評語comment________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________第三級中文口语报告评分表Level 3 Oral Presentation Rubrics 学生姓名Name: 日期Date: (2-3 minutes time limit) 時間time used:_________________我的社區 My Community评分項目Scoring Area 发音Pronunciation - ? ?+ +声調Tone - ? ?+ +语法 措词Grammar/Diction - ? ?+ +仪态表情Delivery - ? ?+ +流利Fluency - ? ?+ +抑揚顿挫Cadence - ? ?+ +內容Content - ? ?+ +完成作品Final Work - ? ?+ + 成籍Grade: ___________- starting to meet the standard 努力中? meets the standards 答到标准?+ exceeds the standards 超越标准+ out of this world 超級棒6 exceptional proficiency5 advanced proficiency4 proficient3 developing proficiency2 limited proficiency1 refer to comment 评语comment________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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