Alamance-Burlington School System

|Why Leave Home? |

|Push Factors |Pull Factors |

|Things happening at home that are |Things ______________ immigrants to |

|_______ |America |

|Famine |Plentiful land and employment |

|_______ crop prices |“The American Dream” |

|Religious persecution |Meet up with other family members |

| |Political and religious freedom |

|Problems with Urbanization |

|dumbbell tenements |

|overcrowding |

|no windows, no ventilation |

|crime |

|fire |

|sanitation |


Immigration and Urbanization

The Duggan Family, Irish Immigrants

Italian Immigrant Family

Why did we come?

• to ________________, to stay

Why did we come?

• Birds of Passage: _________ enough then go back home

What were our abilities?

• had ____________, were skilled and educated

What were our abilities?

• no ____________

• no skills

Where are we from?

What’s our religion?

“Old Immigrants”

“New Immigrants”

The Journey

• brought what could be carried… looked ______________

• ship was crowded and _____________


• medical inspections

• legal inspections

• few turned away

• end of road for others


Angel Island

• California

• ___________ immigrants

• Tough inspections

Ellis Island

• New ________

• European Immigrants


Life in America

- Took jobs in factories, _________________________ ( provided cheap labor

- Settlement Houses established to help immigrants get “Americanized” _______________________________

o learn English

o American dress, diet, _____________________

o Jane Addams’ Hull House

- Amusement Parks and Spectator Sports

o Coney Island (roller coasters)

o Baseball, football, boxing, horse racing

- Ethnic Neighborhoods

o Little Italy



- Nativism: belief that _____________ born Americans were superior to immigrants

o fueled by __________ and housing competition

o also religious and _____________ differences

- Chinese Exclusion Act

1. stops ________________________ of Chinese labor

2. limited rights of ________________ in America

3. no citizenship

4. 1st time immigration restricted



• America experienced a dramatic growth in cities and people living in them

• Occurred in the Midwest along __________________, the Northeast and the Pacific Coast

• Jobs would be found as well as forms of entertainment and _______________________________

• Cities were more glamorous than rural areas


• African Americans leave the _______________________, moved North and West (Great Migration)

• many farmers move to cities

• _______________________ created on outskirts of cities

Technologies Improve Cities

- Frederick Law Olmstead


- Architecture


- Mass Transit

o electric _________________

o subways

o mainly used by upper & middle class that lived in suburbs & could afford fares

• Protestants

• northern & western Europe (Irish & Germans)

• Catholics & Jews

• southern & eastern Europe (Italy, Greece, Poland, Hungary, Russia)

o Chinatown

Attempts to Solve the Problems

- Jacob Riis wrote “How the Other Half Lives,” documents the _____________ conditions

- Gospel of Wealth written by Andrew Carnegie – the wealthy should be __________________________ (philanthropists)



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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