Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine References

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine References

Carus, Paul. 1907, 1974. Chinese Astrology. Early Chinese Occultism. Open Court: LaSalle, IL.

Cerney, J.V. 1974. Acupuncture without Needles. Prentice Hall: Paramus, NJ.

Chaitow, Leon. 1976, 1990. The Acupuncture Treatment of Pain. Healing Arts Press: Rochester, VT.

Chang, Stephen T. 1976. The Complete Book of Acupuncture. Celestial Arts: Millbrae, CA.

Clogstoun-Willmott, Jonathan. 1985. Western Astrology and Chinese Medicine. Destiny Books: Rochester, VT.

Connor, Linda H. and Geoffrey Samuel, Ed. 2001. Healing Power and Modernity. Traditional Medicine, Shamanism, and Science in Asian Societies. Bergin & Garvey: Westport, CT.

Elias, Jason, and Katherine Ketcham. 1998. Chinese Medicine for Maximum Immunity: Understanding the Five Elemental Types for Health and Well-Being. Three Rivers Press: New York.

Hadady, Letha. 1996. Asian Health Secrets. Three Rivers Press: New York.

Ho Peng Yoke. 2003. Chinese Mathematical Astrology. RoutledgeCurzon: New York.

Kuriyama, Shigehisa. 2002. The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine. Zone Books: New York.

Lam, Tri. 1999. Encyclopedia of Chinese astrology. Lam Inter Media: Montreal.

Lau, Theodora. 1995. The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes. HarperPerennial: New York.

Lu, Hency C. 2000. Chinese System of Foods for Health & Healing. Sterling: New York.

Mann, Felix. 1964. The Meridians of Acupuncture. William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd.: London.

Manning, Clark A. and Louis Venrenen. 1988. Bioenergetic Medicines East and West. Acupuncture and Homeopathy. North Atlantic Books: Berkeley, CA.

Matsumoto, Kiiko & Stephen Birch. 1983. Five Elements and Ten Stems. Nan Ching Theory, Diagnostics and Practice. Paradigm: Brookline, MA.

Molony, David. 1998. The American Association of Oriental Medicine’s Complete Guide to Chinese Herbal Medicine. Berkeley Books: New York.

Ni, Maoshing & Cathy McNease. 1987. The Tao of Nutrition. Seven Stars Communication Group: Santa Monica.

Svoboda, Robert and Arnie Lade. 1995. Tao & Dharma: Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda. Lotus Press: Twin Lakes, WI.

Teeguarden, Ron. 1984. Chinese Tonic Herbs. Japan Publications: New York.

Tierra, Michael. 1998. The Way of Chinese Herbs. Pocket Books: New York.

Tierra, Michael & Lesley Tierra. 1998. Chinese Traditional Herbal Medicine. Vol. 1. Diagnosis and Treatment. Lotis Press: Twin Lakes, MN.

Tierra, Michael & Lesley Tierra. 1998. Chinese Traditional Herbal Medicine. Vol. 2. Materia Medica and Herbal Resource. Lotis Press: Twin Lakes, MN.

Twicken, David. 2000. Classical Five Element: Chinese Astrology Made Easy. Writers Club Press: Lincoln, NE.

Twicken, David. 2000. Four Pillars and Oriental Medicine: Celestial Stems, Terrestrial Branches and Five Elements for Health. Writers Club Press: Lincoln, NE.

Unschuld, Paul U. 1988. Medicine in China: A History of Ideas. Univ. of CA Press: Berkeley.

Unschuld, Paul U. 1998. Chinese Medicine. Translated by Nigel Wiseman. Paradigm Publications: Brookline, MA.

Walters, Derek. 2005. The Complete Guide to Chinese Astrology : The Most Comprehensive Study of the Subject Ever Published in the English Language. Watkins/Duncan Baird: London.

Zhen, Li Shi.1981, 1985. Pulse Diagnosis. Translated by Hoc Ku Huynh, edited by G. M. Seifert. Paradigm: Brookline.


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