Hawaii DOE student learning objectives



|Teacher Name: Mei Lin Chow |School: Aloha Middle School |Complex: Moanalua |

|Grade: 7-8 |Content Area: World Languages |Course Name: Introduction to Chinese A/B |Period: 1 |

|Student Population: |

|Total Number of Students __25__ Males __12__ Females__13_ SPED Inclusion __2__ SPED Pullout __0___ ELL __1__ |

|GT __1__ Any Other _____________ _____ _____________ _____ ______________ _____ |

|Additional Information: |

|SLO Components |For a complete description of SLO components and guiding questions, use the “Student Learning Objective Planning Document” |

| |attachment. |

|Learning Goal |Learning Goal: |

| |Students will be able to complete a spontaneous conversation to purchase or sell a meal at a fast food restaurant, including |

| |appropriate level of politeness, vocabulary (including currency and counting in the target language), and sentence structure. |

| |Student must be able to complete the conversation with appropriate fluency, speed, and pronunciation to be understood by a native |

| |speaker of the target language. |

| | |

| |Big idea: |

| |Context helps us understand the meaning of vocabulary that is used in authentic materials from the second-language culture. |

| | |

| |Standards/Benchmarks: |

| |Standard 1: INTERPERSONAL: Use target language to engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and |

| |emotions, and exchange opinions |

| | |

| |Benchmark WL.IS.6-8.1.2: Ask and answer transactional questions to provide and obtain goods services, or information. |

| | |

| |Rationale: |

| | |

| |At a recent Hawaii World Language Summit, business, government and university leaders expressed concern that our education system is|

| |not producing students who will be able to fulfill the language needs of our state in the next 5-10 years. Summit coordinators |

| |demonstrated the negative impact Hawaii may suffer if the DOE fails to improve World Language programs. Therefore, in order to be |

| |College and Career Ready in the 21st century, Hawaii’s students need to be able to communicate proficiently in a second language. |

| | |

| |However, on a pre-assessment, 96% of students performed at a Novice or below level in their ability to complete a transactional |

| |conversation to purchase/sell food in a fast food restaurant in the target language. Therefore, this is an appropriate focus for |

| |students to learn. |

| | |

| |The learning goal being measured requires students to demonstrate an ability to construct a spontaneous transactional conversation |

| |in the target language. This requires both productive and interpretive language skills. During this conversation, students will |

| |need to synthesize target language knowledge of vocabulary and language structure, counting US and Chinese currency, appropriate |

| |honorific phrases, and variability depending on the type of foods a particular fast food restaurant may offer. (DOK 3) |

| | |

| |Interval of instruction necessary to address goal: __ yearlong _X_ semester |

|Assessments, Scoring and |Planned assessments and criteria used to determine levels of performance: |

|Criteria | |

| |A variety of common performance tasks will be used to measure student success. All tasks have been validated through the Quality |

| |Assessment tool. These tasks are aligned to the World Language state standards. Listed below are some examples of common |

| |performance assessment tasks: |

| | |

| |To assess the ability to complete a spontaneous conversation to purchase or sell a meal at a fast food restaurant: |

| |Formative Assessment– Skit Presentation |

| |Students must present a live skit with a partner where the following information is provided by the teacher: |

| |Minimum number of items the customer will need to order |

| |Restaurant menu with prices |

| |Appropriate props |

| |Formative Assessment – I-pod Recordings for Detailed Formative Feedback |

| |Students are randomly paired and given role card with parameters of a dialogue and a time limit to record the conversation. Teacher|

| |provides an “i-pod” or other recording device, and allows the students to go to stations around the room. Students must adhere to |

| |the time restrictions or face serious point penalties. |

| |Formative Assessment – Mini Restaurant Simulation Project with Peer Feedback |

| |Students create mini-fast food restaurants within the classroom with real or fake food. Allow students to visit each other’s |

| |restaurants and conduct peer-evaluations and give feedback on each other’s performance. |

| |Summative Assessment – Role Play Simulation with Teacher |

| |Student will role play the part of a cashier/customer while the teacher will play the part of the customer/cashier. Student will be|

| |assessed on their ability to accurately construct phrases/questions to complete the dialogue with appropriate level of politeness, |

| |fluency, speed, and pronunciation. |

| | |

| |The use of a 4-point rubric will be used to score student responses. This rubric was modified from the Hawaii Content and |

| |Performance Standards III Database. |

| | |

| |Advanced |

| |Proficient |

| |Partially Proficient |

| |Novice |

| | |

| |Provide details to elaborate on a variety of topics and ask clarifying questions, using sentences or strings of sentences and |

| |expanded vocabulary at the appropriate level of politeness for the situation. Able to speak fluently with near-native speed, |

| |accuracy, and pronunciation. |

| |Provide details to elaborate on familiar topics and ask clarifying questions, using sentences or phrases and expanded vocabulary at |

| |the appropriate level of politeness for the situation. Able to speak fluently with appropriate speed, accuracy, and pronunciation. |

| |Provide details to elaborate on very familiar topics and ask clarifying questions, using simple phrases, familiar vocabulary, and/or|

| |some memorized words and phrases with inconsistent use of the appropriate level of politeness. Able to speak with some fluency |

| |with an inconsistent degree of appropriate speed, accuracy, and pronunciation. |

| | |

| |Provide details to elaborate on limited topics or ask clarifying questions, using memorized words and phrases. Inconsistent or |

| |failure to use the appropriate level of politeness. Not able to speak fluently to the degree that it is difficult for a native |

| |speaker to comprehend. |

| | |

| |Advanced |

| |Proficient |

| |Partially Proficient |

| |Novice |

| | |

| |Ask and answer questions, using sentences or strings of sentences and expanded vocabulary, to get information and clarify something |

| |that has been not been clearly understood  |

| |Ask and answer questions, using sentences or phrases and expanded vocabulary, to get information and clarify something that has been|

| |not been clearly understood  |

| |Ask and answer questions, using simple phrases, familiar vocabulary, and/or some memorized words and phrases, to get information or |

| |clarify something that has been not been clearly understood  |

| |Ask or answer questions, using memorized words and phrases, to get information or clarify something that has been not been clearly |

| |understood  |

| | |

| | |

| |Evidence will all be scored on the common rubric and stored in digital student evidence binders. Scoring will be done with grade |

| |level colleagues to ensure reliability. If there are no grade-level colleagues with the language expertise necessary, high school |

| |teachers from the complex area or community members may be tapped to assist with the evaluation. |

| | |

| |In addition to these formal assessments, informal assessments such as exit passes and cooperative learning activities (e.g., |

| |Numbered Heads, Round Table, etc.) will be done daily to determine student progress and the need for differentiation. Students |

| |identified as needing additional support will be asked to attend small group tutoring sessions before and/or after school, and/or |

| |during lunch. These students will also be paired with a in-class support peer to provide easily accessible support toward success. |

|Expected Targets |Starting point for student performance groups: |

| | |

| |To establish the starting point, based line data was collected via an oral pre-assessment of transactional conversation knowledge |

| |and skills (see rubric above), observations of students engaged in a small group activity, and written pre-assessment of basic |

| |vocabulary and sentence structures necessary for success in this learning goal. The data from all 3 sources indicates that: |

| |1 student at the partially proficient level |

| |10 students at the novice level |

| |14 students were below novice level |

| | |

| | |

| |Expected target for each student performance group: |

| |By the end of the semester, 100% of the 25 students will demonstrate a level of partial proficiency on the assessment based on the |

| |rubric. Of these 25 students, 85% will demonstrate a level of proficiency or advanced on the assessment based on the rubric. |

| | |

| |Rationale for expected targets: |

| |Students are required to analyze information provided in a menu and synthesize this information with their knowledge of vocabulary, |

| |sentence structure and cultural nuances of language to create an appropriate spontaneous, fluent conversation. Through structured |

| |lessons that scaffold the learning and practice for students, it is expected that all students will show a minimum of one year’s |

| |growth during the course of the year. Appropriate accommodations and supports will be provided for students with special needs to |

| |ensure they achieve maximum level of growth. |

|Instructional Strategies |Instructional strategies for each level of performance: |

| | |

| |Direct Instruction of related vocabulary and language structures. Instruction to include modeling, guided practice, and scaffolding|

| |of knowledge and skills necessary for success in the performance based assessment. |

| |Peer or group practice during class sessions and Independent Practice through homework toward mastery. Instruction will spiral to |

| |scaffold and reinforce skills and understanding toward automaticity and accuracy in language production. |

| |Listening Comprehension activities to build their ability to comprehend language at native speed and provide a model for target |

| |level of fluency. |

| |Activities that use the target language in authentic or near authentic communication situations (e.g. “Shopping for Best Price” |

| |Activity where students act as shop owners and customers comparing prices to find the best buy.) |

| |Mini research paper on the types of fast food restaurants available in China and the types of foods they serve. |

| |Pair or Team Skits in the target language to rehearse various language structures in context. |

| |Peer Evaluation of fluency and accuracy of transactional conversation including student’s ability to respond to clarifying questions|

| |Performance based assessments with quality teacher feedback to help students move toward proficiency. Teacher will utilize |

| |technology tools such as VoiceThread to facilitate collecting evidence of student’s current level of performance. |

| |Differentiate instruction based on information received through frequent formative assessments, and provide additional opportunities|

| |for one-to-one support to struggling students before and after school, and during lunch. |

| |

|To assess the Student Learning Objective, use the “Rubric for Rating the Quality of Student Learning Objectives” attachment |

|Results | |

SLO Rating Scale

Teacher should attach the class record for students assessed. Teacher should also have available accompanying student assessments and scored rubrics.

|Rating rubric for teachers with a class of 5 or more students. |

|☐ Highly Effective |☐ Effective |☐ Developing |☐ Ineffective |

| | | | |

|At least 90-100% of students met or |At least 75-89% of students met or |At least 60-74% of students met or |Fewer than 60% of students met or |

|exceeded expected target. |exceeded expected target. |exceeded expected target. |exceeded expected target. |

|Rating rubric for teachers with a class of 4 or fewer students. |

|☐ Highly Effective |☐ Effective |☐ Developing |☐ Ineffective |

| | | | |

|Based on individual growth outcomes, all|Based on individual growth outcomes, all|Based on individual growth outcomes, |Based on individual growth outcomes, no |

|students met expected targets and some |students met expected targets. |some students met or exceeded expected |students met expected targets. |

|exceeded the targets. | |targets. | |


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