
4223385-3810000Name:Ms. HaWHaG Hour: 1 2 3 4 6Date: 10-2-19Reading Road MapDirections: use pages 325-327 in your book to answer the questions below.An Era of Prosperity and InnovationDuring the Tang and Song dynasties, China’s population nearly ________________, soaringto __________________ million. (4)By the Song era, China had at least ______ cities with a population of ____ million a each. (2)What two things distinguished China from other countries at this time?a.________________________________________________________________ (2)b.________________________________________________________________ (2)Who made important technological advances during the Tang and Song eras? (4) b.What are two of the most important inventions/creations of this time period? (4) b.Explain how movable type worked. (4)What four weapons were created after the use of gun powder was used. (4) b. c. d.List four other important inventions (4) b. c. d.The 1000s to the 1200s were a rich period for what? (2) _______________________________What two areas in math did they focus on? (4) b.The Chinese came up with _____________________ numbers. (2)AGRICULTURE 1. Explain why China could have a rapid growing population. (4) page: _________ (1) 2. Explain what new crop and where they got it from helped them to cultivate more food. (4)Page 23. What did the Chinese officials distributed _______________ around the country side. (2)TRADE and FOREIGN CONTACTS4. What flourished under the Tang and Song emperors? (2)5. What did Imperial armies guard? (2) _____________________6. The __________ Road linked China to the ___________________ (4)7. Under the Tang dynasty, China lost control of this road and turned to the _____________ to trade. (2)8. International trade flourished along the Chinese coast. Merchant ships traded goods to these two countries. (4)b.9. Merchants sailed across the _______________ Ocean to __________, the Persian Gulf, and even to the coast of _________________ (6)10. What group of people mostly resided in Chinese cities? (2) _________________________11. What was a major cultural export? (2)_______________________12. The exchange of goods and ideas was ____________-way. (2)13. This religion spread from China to _____________, Korea and ______________(4)14. What two religions spread to China? (4)a. b.A GOLDEN AGE OF POETRY AND ART15. The Tang dynasty produced __________________. (2) PAGE NUMBER: ________ (1)16. List the two most famous poets and what they wrote about. (4)a. ______________________ Wrote about:b. ______________________ Wrote about:CHANGES IN CHINESE SOCIETY17. The Chinese society became more _______________(2) ................

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