

Visibility/IR/UV Stealth III to Reduce American Casualties in Iraq & in Future Wars by Cloaking Personnel & Vehicles to Become Unvisible by the Eye, unspottable by Night Vision, & untargetable by Infra Red (IR) Detectors, Heat-Seeking Missiles,SFW, Artillery, & Most Smart Bombs.

For licensing, Patent Pending in a friendly country

Install stealth, software, & its ON / OFF Switch, 85% - 100% reduced visible-UV-IR detection. For stealth I. Click &

Summary: IR-Stealth paralyzes the enemy war-machine. Register for a live demo:

Overnight, the B2 Radar-stealth bomber won both US global supremecy and the war in Iraq . Our IR-Visibility-&UV stealth technology is equally valuable, if not more. Our IR-Stealth conceals helicopters, tanks & vehicles from heat seeking missiles and IR-aided weapons. It conceals personnel from day or night viewers. It also partially denies the enemy IR detectors from reading the GPS of moving targets that are to be attacked by the far-behind big artillery, jet fighters, or bombers. The IR stealth system may, just may, lead to about-total enemy paralysis , leaving the enemy no choice but to surrender.

The IR-Stealth system can protect helicopters from heat seeking missiles in Iraq and Afghanistan:

American casualties in Iraq are caused by IED and by downed helicopters. The visibility stealth protects carriers from IED as presented in the end of this report. The IR-Stealth system protects our helicopters from the heat-seeking missiles. Shoulder-fired missiles like the Soviet SA-7, the advanced Chinese HN-5, and the American Redeye and the advanced Stinger use infrared targeting systems to home in on the passive IR emitted by the heat of the engine. The insurgent missile shooter sets his visible eye sight designator on the helicopter or any aircraft, waits for a buzzer tone that signals an IR target-lock, pulls the trigger, forgets about it, and waits for the kill. To review the technology Click . To view the front page main article in journal l click

With our IR-Stealth system cloaking the helicopter, the ground shooter will not get the buzzer signal of the IR homing on-target lock. So the shooter does not fire his missile. If he fires anyway, the missile becomes blind and misses.

Current protection of helicopters & aircraft are unsafe and ineffective; Pyrotechnic chaff can start ground fires, lasers that zap or disrupt inbound bogies target-tracking can start collateral fires on the ground. Ground security (such as tighter perimeters) and scrutinizing vehicles and roof tops is too expensive at home, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and in future American wars.

IR-Stealth II in future & in robot wars: What if the enemy has what we Americans have !

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A magnified image of a IR Laser beam spot (left) mounted on unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) or umanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) searches the open field of several-miles radius, allowing the robot to locate an enemy combatant or sniper hiding in the bush, identify it, rush to it, and destroy it with a bullet to personnel, a shape charge of an RPG to a tank, or a machine gun fire on bunker or carrier. Last picture is IR-Stealth cloak against night vision, detectors, or IR homing devices.

Stealth III (Visibility/IR/UV stealth) can protect U.S. forces from technologies similar to the advanced U.S. military technologies listed immediately below if they are ever developed by foreign militaries/enemy forces (or potential enemy forces):

1. Weaponized Robots: with IR laser imager-sweeper automatically finds hiding snipers, goes to each enemy member shooting one after the other. With our IR-Stealth on the target, the robot is blind and unable to find the target

2. One SFW bomb finds & destroys 160 front-line tanks: A single U.S. Sensor Fuzed Weapon (SFW ) dropped from high flying jet, releases 40 or 160 tank-killer bombs, each starts parachuting to different tank for the mass slaughter. With our IR-Stealth the cloaked tanks are undetected by their individual IR homing devices.

3. The Excaliber-like artillery. Guided by the GPS the shell carrying 24 SFW bombs parachutes and eliminates targets in the field. Our IR cloaking, prevents such mass slaughter of moving targets. Stationary targets remain at risk.

Night vision with IR illumination, Active Partially cloaked person from incident IR beam.

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Cloaked body. Hand in front un-cloaked Automatic chameleon adaptation of the cloak.

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3X hotter than tank engine, the IR source above the cloak. In last picture the IR source is behind it.

3X hotter than engine, the IR spot is near the cloak. But behind the cloak in last picture’

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Spot IR light in left hand, above the cloak, beside it, and behind it in the last picture.


The Chinese HN-5 and the American Stinger have 3-D IR-based signature & ID systems augmented by UV signal for effective targeting and enemy-friend recognition but not when deprived by our visibility-IR-&-UV cloaking 3

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Unlit UV lamp (left). Lit UV lamp with the blueish visible range only is seen by the eye & the UV is seen by the CCD (2nd). Lit UV lamp behind the cloak as un-seen with CCD with 302nm filter (3rd). Behind the cloak, a lit UV lamp as un-seen with a CCD with 286nm UV filter (4th).

Automatic chameleon shade-adjustment to conform with the surrounding:

The personnel stealth cloak or outfit in the form of a garment or dress to wear performs equally to that of the chameleon skin electrochemical camouflage or the Hawaiian bobtail squid protein/reflectins. The software blurs the edges and adjusts color and brightness to interactively conform with the surrounding environment while the person is stationary or performing fast attack or withdrawal. Furthermore, macho-like images can be printed, painted, or tattooed on the cloak for morale boosting.

Installation: Apply stealth on the 4 sides of the vehicle, install the software, do self test, and turn switch OFF. When needed Turn switch ON . For personnel or for a police dog, wear outfit and headset leaving hands, feet, eyes, ears, & mouth free for un-impeded functions..

Warfare applications: In war, use combined visibility-IR stealth in robots, boats, SOC, carriers, infiltrating front lines, & kidnapping enemy officers. Stealthy persons with stealthy RPGs can destabilize enemy. Lab tests show that IR-Stealth conceals helicopters from fire-&-forget heat seeking ground & air missiles.

Peace applications: In peace use it in sports, hunting, hostage rescue, and many other applications.

a: Elite invisible hunter of live birds & animals; Stealthy you or your stealthy dog can hide & hunt live birds & animals using. Stealthy you can use a fishing pole with a hoop, cowboy rope, anastheria handgun, stungun arrow, or ambush. . The animal’s much-stronger-than-man night vision is overcome at night or during daytime. Hunter’s business is very profitable.

b. Hostage Rescue Team: Hijacking passenger planes is a global danger, and so are prison uprisings, bank holdups, & police standoffs. In 2005, the 105 Russian school children aged 6-11 years old perished in a terrorist hostage-taking operation. We can supply stealth outfits to police & their dogs. While the hijacked plane is refueling, the invisible hostage rescue unit spec-operators enter the plane & apprehend the terrorists. Similar intervention applies to other on-land tense situations.

c. Traffic safety: The traffic police, car, or bike can hide in the open to save speeders’ lives, drivers under the influence, and reduce the loss of life caused by accidents.

Tentative prices: Visibility Stealth with ON/OFF switch is: $1,600 for person, $2,800 for hunting or police dog, $29,000 for APC Hummer, $49,000 for Stryker or tank., & $59,000 for speed boat, Pricing for IR-Stealth, UV, and passive / active night vision will be available soon.

Limitations: Not less than 20 feet distance and no conversation with closeby enemy. The AAE Stealth System (making the wearer unspottable by eye or by camcorder) is an all-weather, day/night, static/moving, & land/sea-applicable system. The system can be used for all of the operation functions iterated above. The combined Visible/IR/UV Stealth System appears successful, but field-live T&E remains to be performed on a Stinger missile system and a helicopter we do not have.

Licensing & partnership

With a confidentiality agreement and a letter of intent signed, AAE will conduct a live demo on IR-Stealth performance with no trade secrets given, except except upon signing a final agreement.

Top ten selections of of stealth business include, but are not limited to: 1. Defense on land (Land Warfare and Homeland Security operations) 2. Defense at sea (Maritime Defense/Waterborne Operations), 3. Protect helicopters from shoulder-fired heat-seeking missiles. 4. Unvisible hunter of live birds & animals. 5. Unvisible spear fisherman. 6. Dog stealth suit. 7. Hostage rescue operations. 8. Police traffic safety control by hiding in the open. 9. Unvisible surveillance video camera in bank, building, home entrance, or parking lot.

Stealth I. Visibility Stealth for personnel, carriers, & robots

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Normal unconcealed Stealth OFF Partial Stealth ON Un-visible stealth person

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Partially concealed Robot & person Concealed robot in city, on pavement, & on grass

Live Field Demonstration: available where a person in a bunker rises & shoots blanks at observers, camcorder, detector with intense IR illuminator at day or night at more than 20 feet away without being spotted by observers’ eyes, by camcorder, or by passive or active night vision viewers and CCD. All live situations presented in picture 26-36 of stealth II are available for live demo. Another live demo is seeing the concealed stationary robot, picture # 10 &11 of stealth II early report. Video clip of moving robot or walking person can be seen. .

Front Page in Defense Review & in (Soldier Tech ) Journals:

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Video clips of cloaked moving robots & personnel

To view video clips of Visibility-&-IR cloaked objects, personnel & robots in city or in the open click Stealthvideo.

A proven inventor

Who in 1972 invented

the first laser scanner

that then read the

DNA ID & Bar code

1972 patented first Laser scanner to read DNA fingerprint, Bar code, & % similarity.

The American Congress paid for the education of WVa University graduate, Dr. Z.

Dr. Z also invented the First Laser Scanner. a 1972 USA Patent # 4025200 marketted then by Pharmacia-LKB whose owner paid 43% of Sweden payroll. As Pharmacia-LKB bought the first 84 Zeineh Laser Scanning Densitometers in 1978 and sold them at #28,500 each and with no contingency lawyers then, the Giant pushed Dr. Z out of market & swallowed him alive preventing him from further contribution to medicine, science, & humanity. Similar uncalled for greed need not to happen again. The Pharmacia laser market for DNA now is over $2 Billions / year. The original Zeineh laser software reads DNA identity & Bar Codes used nowadays in grocery stores, in post office, shipping, libraries, internet, and in modular manufacturing for much higher quality with the bonus of reduced cost. Click download and install demo 1D windows, run the 1D program by clicking on the screen logo, click file, load image, click on a lane to mark, and follow instruction and go to Clustering / fingerprinting / or patern recognition as seen in above graphs.

Dr. Z also invented the passenger plane anti-hijacking device in Dec. 2001, USA Patent # 6,943,701 that diverts the hijacked plane away from value targets as Atomic Reactors, dams, The White House, & The Pentagon. Click on

Note: The radar-stealth B2 Bomber won both American Supremecy & the Iraq war overnight. Presdient Carter declared the B2 radar stealth technology success 28 years ago. With high national value of every spent cent in Nevada area 51, its cost exceeded $3 Trillion & 30 years time . Our visibility-IR-UV stealth is valuable, What say you ?. Our Infra Red stealth cloaking can paralyzes the central nervous system of the enemy’s war-machine dissabling night vision and missile & artillery targeting sensors.

Register for seminar & live demonstration of IR stealth

Email name, phone #, postal address, & live-demo interest ----IR, ___Visibility, ____UV stealth, ______Presentation & live demo at my institute for travel cost and a fee.

We receive many comments, please email yours.

Martin Shekel, President, Dr. R A Zeineh, Technical Director


AAE Advanced American Enterprise, 1166 E Valencia Drive, Fullerton CA 92831, USA.

Tel: Cell 714 287 0490, Off 714 870 0290, Fax 714 870 6385, Email AAB@



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