SKDC(M) Paper No

SKDC(M) Paper No. 7/05-06

Progress Report of Sai Kung District Council

Culture, Recreation and Sports Committee (2004-05)

The first to sixth meetings (2004-05) of the Culture, Recreation and Sports Committee (the Committee) under the Sai Kung District Council (SKDC) were held on 13 April, 8 June, 10 August, 5 October, 30 November 2004 and 25 January 2005 respectively. The major issues discussed are summarised below:

Working Group on Organizing Sai Kung District Festive Celebrations

2. Members unanimously agreed to set up the captioned Working Group and Mr. CHEUNG Chun-hoi was recommended to take up the post of convenor by all members.

3. Activities organized by the Working Group in 2004-05 were as follows:

i. Sai Kung Celebrating the Reunification of Hong Kong with China – 2004 Variety Show;

ii. Sai Kung Celebrating the 55th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China – Bobai, Guangzi Acrobatic Show;

iii. National Day Bunting Design Competition for Celebrating the 55th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China;

iv. Sai Kung 2005 Spring Reception; and

v. Cantonese Opera Performance in Sai Kung for the Spring Festival.

Request for Developing Areas 44b and 44c, Tseung Kwan O (TKO) into a Temporary Park

4. The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) proposed to implement the temporary “Community Garden Programme” in Areas 44b and designate Area 44c as the “local open space”.

5. As the government planned to construct a complex in Area 44b, members held that the local open space in Area 44c and the proposed complex should tie in with each other in their designs. Furthermore, in order to widely seek the views of all Sai Kung District members and relevant government departments on the overall development of Area 44, the Committee unanimously agreed to refer the discussion item to the SKDC for follow-up action. However, the Committee would continue to keep the issue in view.

Proposed Recreational Facilities in Area 45, TKO

6. The LCSD hoped that the construction works regarding the proposed sports ground in Area 45 south, TKO could be carried out as soon as possible so that the sports ground would be ready in time for the 2009 East Asian Games.

7. Members noted the tendering progress of the Ice Sports Centre, Bowling Centre and Town Park in Area 45 north, TKO to be constructed and managed under the private sector finance approach. Since invitation of tender would be postponed from late 2004 to mid-2005, members requested the LCSD to send a representative to attend the Committee’s meetings and update members on the latest development of the projects.

To Expedite the Construction of Rest Garden in Area 56

8. The LCSD suggested developing the rest garden in Area 56 into one that mainly consisted of passive facilities. In order to facilitate residents going to and fro the MTR station, members also suggested the government should consider building a footbridge that connected Sheung Tak Estate, the rest garden and the MTR TKO Station when it was planning on the design of the garden.

Facelifting of Man Yee and Sha Tsui Playgrounds in Sai Kung

The LCSD decided that the facelifting projects in Man Yee and Sha Tsui Playgrounds in Sai Kung would be carried out in phases. And the project in Man Yee Playground was already started in October 2004.

Ho Chung Hard Surface Soccer Pitch

10. The Committee had re-visited the captioned site with the representatives of the LCSD, Sai Kung District Lands Office and Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. In summing up the departments’ views, it was found that they all considered the size of the land in the vicinity of the soccer pitch too small and it would be very difficult to extend the soccer pitch into a standard seven-a-side pitch without affecting the growth of the adjourning mangroves and the highest tidal limit.

11. Since it was unsuitable for the Ho Chung Hard Surface Soccer Pitch to undergo extension, members unanimously greed to shelve the extension plan for the time being.

Pak Kong Soccer Pitch

12. The Pak Kong Soccer Pitch improvement project was not included under the 2004-05 Minor Works Programme. The LCSD and the Architectural Services Department were considering whether phased implementation of the subject improvement project was possible.

Kiu Tsui Beach

13. Owing to the serious loss of sand and soil, the beach of Kiu Tsui had currently grown to be like a pebbly beach with utilization significantly reduced.

14. For the Beach’s losing sand and soil, the LCSD had sought assistance from the Civil Engineering Department (currently known as the Civil Engineering and Development Department) to ascertain the causes.

Barbecue Facilities on Silverstrand Beach

15. Members were concerned about the act of erecting of beach parasols near the concrete barbecue pits on Silverstrand beach for soliciting money from the users.

16. In order to protect the visitors’ interests, members urged the LCSD to take positive means to stop the improper practice.

Hong Kong Football Association Limited (HKFAL) Third Division Soccer Match

17. No invitation that came to seek the SKDC’s recommendation for a local soccer team to participate in the Third Division matches to be held in October 2004 year was received from the Hong Kong Football Association Limited (HKFAL) in as late as August 2004.

18. Members held that the HKFAL’s timing was poor. They suggested the SKDC Secretariat should write to the HKFAL, requesting that all District Councils should be informed in writing well before the beginning of next year’s Third Division soccer matches, so that they would have enough time to discuss whether they should continue to recommend or subsidise soccer teams to take part in the matches.

Provision of Study / Reading Centres in TKO

19. Members proposed that the government should provide additional study / reading centres in TKO to meet the residents’ demand.

Mobile Library Service

20. Since members requested the LCSD to provide additional mobile library stops in the vicinity of Kin Ming Estate and Choi Ming Court in TKO south, the LCSD, after giving careful consideration as well as taking into account the resources involved, the location and utilization of the existing mobile library stops, suggested relocating the mobile library stop in King Lam Estate near TKO Public Library to Kin Ming Estate.

21. The LCSD’s proposal was unanimously endorsed by members.

Proposed Provision of Pilot Cultural Office in Sai Kung District

22. Members suggested the LCSD should make Sai Kung a trial spot in the consideration of setting up cultural offices in all 18 districts throughout the territory to strengthen communication and liaison with the local communities, organizations and district councils. Members hoped that with the setting up of cultural offices in the 18 districts, the LCSD could be able to hold more cultural and recreational activities that suited the need and characteristics of various districts.

23. The LCSD responded that the setting up of cultural offices in the 18 districts would involve additional manpower and expenses. The LCSD would put the issue on file and review it at a suitable time. Currently, the New Territories East Cultural Office of the LCSD would maintain close contact with the SKDC and promote district cultural activities according to residents’ need as usual.

Paper Cutting Promotion Programme in Sai Kung

24. Members suggested that paper cutting should be encouraged in the district to preserve this Chinese traditional art.

Culture, Recreation and Sports Committee

Sai Kung District Council

March 2005

[CRSC -- SKDC(M) Paper No. 7(05-06).310305]


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