

ÄDEADÖL deceased

ÄDEL yesterday

ÄDELO yesterday

ÄL toward(s)

ÄNEITO last night

ÄNU (just) recently

ÄS as (preposition); like

ÄSÄ as, like (conjunction)

ÄSI as also

ÄSOARO last evening

ÄSVA as if, as though

ÄSVO as it were

ÄVIGO last week

ÄYELO last year


A per (a düp = per hour); at (at 2 dollars each = a dolars tel). -A 's (genitive)

AD for, in order to, to

ADAS that, to (after positive: Binom tu liegik, adas vedom tifan = He is too rich to become a thief)

ADEL to-day

ADELO to-day

ADYÖ! good-bye!

AG! oh! (cry of pain/surprise)

AGÖDO this morning

AI always, ever

AIPO after each

AIPOS after every... (aipos dels tel = every other day)

AL... each, every


ALIK each, every

ALMULIK monthly

ALNA each time

ALO at any rate, in any event

ALSEIMIK any; whatever; whichever

ALYELIK annual, yearly

ANEITO to-night

ANIK several, some

ANU at this moment; now

APOSZEDELO this afternoon

AS as

ASOAR this evening

ASOARO this evening

ASÄ as (conjunction)

AT this (adjective)

ATIMO at present

ATOS this (noun) -------------------------


BA perhaps



BADIKUMO worse (adverb)

BADINILUD a suspicion


BADÖF spite

BADÖFAFREDIK frivolous, mischievous

BADÖFIL mischievousness

BAFOD a moustache

BAGAF a paragraph

BAI... according (to)

BAIÄDIKO accordingly, correspondingly

BAIÄDÖN (BAI) to agree, to correspond (to)

BAICEDÖN (KO) to agree (with)

BAIK eventual

BAIKO possibly

BAILÖN to let (house, etc)

BAIODÖN (KO) to confer (with); to liaise (with)

BAISENÄL sympathy

BAITIMÄDIK up-to-date

BAITON harmony

BAITONIK harmonious

BAITONÜKÖN to tune (a musical instrument)

BAIVÖGÖN (BAI, KO) to agree (with)

BAKAN a baker

BAKASTON a brick

BAKÖP a bakery

BAKTER a bacterium

BAKTERAV bacteriology

BAKUD an abacus

BAKUN a balcony

(bakun balid = dress circle;

(bakun telid = upper circle;

(bakun kilid = (the) gallery)

BAL one (number) (bal len votik = next to each other)

BALAN one (person)

BALAT a piece, a unit

BALATIK single

BALÄD a contract, a treaty

(bai baläd = on a contract)

BALÄDÜKÖN to arrange (by mutual consent)

BALÄT unity

BALIB a beard

BALID first

BALIDAN former (person)

BALIDBITID first performance

BALIDNAEDO for the first time

BALIDO firstly

BALIK single, sole, unique

BALION a million

BALNA once


BALSOTIK one kind of

BALUGIK simple

BALUGÖF simplicity

BAM a bench, a seat

BAMBUD bamboo

BANACEM a bathroom

BANATOP a (seaside) resort

BANATÜB a bath (tub)

BANOREM a panorama

BANK a bank (commercial)

BANÖN (IN) to bathe (in)

BANÖP a seaside resort

BAOL a ball (dance)

BAOLET ballet

BAONAN a baron

BAPIK inferior, low

BAPÜKÖN to abase

BARAK a barn

BASIN a (water) basin

BARIKAD a barricade

BASKÜL a weighing machine


BATÜL a whip

BAVET an apron, a pinafore

BAZIL a bacillus, a germ

BÄAD ebony


BÄK a back

BÄKABOM a backbone, a spine

BÄKABOMAKÖLÜM a spinal cord

BÄKASIEM (the) reverse edge

BALÄDÜKÖN to reconcile

BÄLÄT a meadow

BÄLD age


BÄLDÄDAN an old pal (= a mate)

BÄLDÄDIK longstanding, old

BÄLDIK old (in years)

BÄLDOT (years of) age

BÄLDOTAKOMPENAN a contemporary (person)

BÄLID abdomen, belly

BÄLUN a balloon

BÄLUNAFLITAN a balloonist

BÄN low tide, ebb tide

BÄNSIN petrol

BÄNSINACUB a petrol tank

BÄNSINAFEGEB petrol consumption

BÄNSINÖP a petrol station

BÄNÜPO at low tide

BÄNYUN a banjo

BÄTAZIB a bait

BÄSET a basket

BÄSIN china BEB BEB an onion

BEBÜL a chive

BED a bed

BEDASTOFED bedlinen, bedsheets

BEFEILÖN to cultivate

BEFEIT a contest

BEFOÖN to precede

BEG a request

BEGAPENÄD a (written) request

BEGESAG a reply

BEGESAGÖN to reply

BEGÖ! (if you) please!

BEGÖN to beg, to supplicate

BEGÖN SÄKUSADI (EKE) to apologize (to someone)

BEGUN a begonia

BEIAN a passer-by

BEIGOLÖN to go past

BEITIL a bite, a snack

BEITÖN to bite

BEIVEGÖN to go past

BEJEDÖN to strew

BEJÄFÖN (ME) to attend (to), to deal (with)

BEKOMÖN to attend, to be present at

BEL a mountain

BELEGIVÖN to reward

BELESEATÖN to lay siege to, to occupy BELIFOT an experience

BELODÖN to load

BELÜGÖN (EKI) to mourn, to grieve (for someone)

BELUTED hawking, peddling

BEMAGIVÖN to charm, to enchant

BEMASTIKÖN to master, to overcome

BEMASTÖN to master, to rule

BEMEKÄDÖN to overpower

BEMÜL a perch

BENÄD grace

BENEN a banana

BENODÄLIK beneficent


BENOBLÄFÖN (EKE BOSI) to reward (someone with sthg)

BENODAN (HI / JI) benefactor, benefactress

BENODUGÄLIK well brought up, well-reared

BENOFÄT (good) fortune

BENÖF harmony


BENOLAB prosperity, well-being

BENOSEK a 'hit', a success

BENOSMEKIK delicious

BENOSMELOT a perfume, scent

BENOSUF success

BENOSÜPOT a surprise

BENOVIM a good mood

BENOVIPÖN to congratulate

BENÜKÖN to benefit

BENÜPENÖN to fill in (forms)

BEPENAM a description

BEPENÖN to describe

BER a bear

BERAV booty, plunder

BERAVÖN to despoil, to plunder

BERJEN egg-plant

BERÜL a bear-cub

BESEIDÖ! engaged (not free)

BESEITÖN to lay (with concrete, pebbles, etc)

BESEPEDÖN to tread (grapes)

BESMILÖN to ridicule

BESPIKAN an interviewer

BESPIKÄB an interviewee

BESPIK an interview

BESPIKÖN to interview

BESTEPÖN to set out

BESTÜRÜLÖN to scatter

BET a (flower) bed

BETIKÖN to consider

BETUN concrete

BETIKÖN to consider

BEVEGÖN to travel

BEVOBÖN to work on

BEVÜ among, between


BEXÄNÖN to ascend, to go up

BI because

BIAD a birch (tree)

BIB a bible

BID a kind, a race, a sort

BIDÄD a breed, a race

BIDÜ of the kind . . .

BIEDIK bitter

BIEGÄDÖN (OKI) to bend, to stoop

BIEN a bee

* bienadomil = a beehive

BIGIK fat, thick

BIJUT a jewel

BIJUTEL a jeweller's (shop)

BLEGÄL (mental) flexibility

BILIET a ticket

BILIETABÜR a booking-office

BILIET GEIK a return ticket

BILIET MOIK a single ticket

BIMÜL a bush

BINÄD a component, an ingredient

BINÄDON (ME) to consist (of)

BINÄDÖL composite

BINÄL being, heart and soul

BINÄLIK essential

BINÄLIKO in essence

BINOD a structure

BINÖN to be

BIOSKOP a film (movie, motion picture)

BIOSKOPÖP a cinema

BIR beer

BISÄ provided that

BISAR oddity

BISARIK odd, strange

BISKIT a (cream) cracker

BISKUT a biscuit

BIT a procedure

BITIKAM behaviour, conduct

BITIKÖN to make an appearance

BLADOKVÄNÖN o blow out

BLADÖN to blow

BLADOSVOLÜKÖN to blow up, to inflate

BLAMILÖN to quibble

BLAMÖN to blame, to reproach

BLASFÄMÖN (DÖ) to curse, to swear (about)

BLÄFÖN to repay

BLÄGIK black

BLÄNDANAF a battleship

BLÄNDAVAB a tank (military)

BLEBÖN to remain (to be)

BLEDEMABOBOT a leafy arch

BLEGIK bent, curved

BLEGÜLOVIK flexible, pliable

BLEGÜKÖN to bend, to flex

BLEIBÖN (+ INFIN) to remain (bleibön stanön = to remain standing) BLEIN blindness


BLEINANIPLED blind man's buff (= game)


BLEINIKÖN to become blind

BLEINÜKÖN to blind

BLESIRIK nice, pleasant

BLIBÖN to remain, to stay

BLIG duty, obligation

BLIGÄD an authorization, an exercise, a lesson, a task

BLIGIDÖN to commit (oneself); to do business)

BLIGÖN to obligate, to oblige

BLIMÖN to equip, to fit out

BLIMOT equipment

BLINÖN to bring

BLIT (a pair of) trousers

BLITIPOLIANS (a pair of) bracers

BLOD a brother

BLOG a sheet

BLOKAFLUT a recorder (musical instrument)

BLOTIKÖN to crouch down

BLOTÖFIK crouching down

BLOTÜKÖN (OKI) to make (oneself) insignificant

BLÖB blubber

BLÖF a proof (=evidence)

BLÖFÄDÖN to argue, to reason

BLÖFED a syllogism

BLÖFÖN to give proof, to prove

BLÖG a clod, a clump

BLÖT a bosom, a breast, a chest


BLUD blood

BLUDASOLIDOT a blood clot

BLUDIPED blood pressure

BLUF a test, a trial

BLUFÖN to prove, to test

BLUK a brook, a stream

BLUNEDÖN to baptize

BLUNÖN to dip, to plunge

BLUVIK amazing

BLUV confusion

BLUVIKO in amazement

BLUVÖN to be perplexed

BLUVÜKÖN to amaze

BLÜDÖN to bleed (someone) (medical)

BLÜMÄL attentiveness, presence of mind

BLÜMIK ready

BLUMÜKAMATAB a sideboard

BLUNÖN to plunge

BLÜMÜKÖN to prepare

BLÜNÖN to provide

BO possibly, probably

BOAD wood (substance)


BOATAN a cripple, a lame (person)

BOB bow (=arc)

BOBÄD an arch (= building)

BOAD wood

BOBOTIKÖN to form an arch

BOD bread

BODEL a baker's (shop)

BODIÄR a bread bin

BODIFILÄDÖM a (bread) toaster

BODÜL a (bread) roll

BOED a board, a shelf

BOEDASKAF a platform

BOFIK both

BOG a box, a chest

BOID a ship's deck; (in boid = on board) BOIDASTUTÖM a balustrade, a handrail

BOIDÖN (OKI) to embark

BOK a box

BOLIÄR a tureen BOLIT politics

BOLITIK political

BOM a bone

BOMEM a skeleton

BON a (broad) bean

BONÄT a bonnet, a cap

BONED an order (for goods)

BONEDÖN to order (goods)

BORD board (= lodgings)

BORDÖP a boarding-house

BOSIL a little bit

BOSKOTAN a scout

BOT a boat

BOTUR a bittern (bird)

BOUM a bomb

BOV a basin

BOVED a plate

BOVIL a dish

BOVILAVACIN a dishwasher

BOVÜL a cup

BÖB a purse

BÖD a bird

BÖDAN a fowler

BÖDAVAN an ornithologist

BÖFÖN to be silly, to have fun, to lark about

BÖKAN a coachman

BÖKET a bucket

BÖLADÖN to annoy, to bother

BÖLADIK annoying, bothersome

BÖMÄNIK Bohemian

BÖR butter

BÖSIN porcelain

BÖTAN a waiter

BÖTÄDARAMAR a serving cabinet (for food/drinks)


BÖTÖM a tray

BÖTÖN to serve (meals and drinks)

BRAD an arm (=limb)

BRADASTUL an armchair

BRADASTUTÖM an arm-rest (on chair)

BRADÖN to embrace

BRAKAGLOKIL a wrist-watch

BRAMARUBUD a blackberry bush

BRAFIK able, capable, popular

BRAFÖ! Well done!

BRANÖN to vibrate

BRASID a cabbage



BREFIK short

BREFÜKAM an abbreviation

BREIKÖN to break (something)

BREIN a brain


BREKOD a break, a fracture

BREKOTÖN to fragment

BREKOVIK delicate, fragile

BREKÖN to break (= become broken)


BRIDÖN to breed, to bring up, to rear

BRIETIK drunk, inebriated, intoxicated

BRIKODEP an apricot tree

BROADOT a broadcast

BROADÖP a (radio/TV) station

BRODÖN to embroider

BRODOT an embroidery

BROJÜR a brochure

BROKAN a broker

BROKAT brocade

BRONSÖT bronze

BRUÄT a wheelbarrow

BRUL a tangle

BRUMÖN to buzz, to hum

BRUVÖN to sniff

BRÜYÄR heather

BRÜYÄRALÄN heathland

BUB a cow


BUBÜL a calf


BUÄD an advantage

BUDAN a buddhist

BUFOD a toad

BUEG a beech (tree)

BUFOD a toad

BUG a bay

BUIDÖN to hedge in

BUIKUMO preferably, rather

BUJID a sparking plug

BUK a book

BUKARAMAR a bookcase

BUKEM a library

BUKISELAN a bookseller

BUKISELIDÖP a bookshop

BULIK bubbly

BULIL a bubble

BUM construction

BUMOT a building

BUMÖN to build, to construct

BUN a jump, a leap, a spring

BUNÄDÖN to skip

BUNDAN abundance

BUNDANIK abundant, plenty

BUNÖN (LOVE) to jump, to leap, to spring (over)

BUNASTAFABUNAM (the) pole vault (= athletics)

BUNDANIK abundant, in plenty

BUO preferably

BUON a cork

BUÖN to prefer

BUT a boot

BUÜKÖN to prefer

BÜ ...ago (bü yels tel = two years ago)

BÜ before (preposition)

BÜÄ before (conjunction)

BÜÄTAN (the) late lamented

BÜÄTO formerly

BÜD a command, an order

BÜDAKIP a (mental) reservation

BÜDÖN to command, to order

BÜDÜLÖN to prescribe

BÜFÄT a sideboard

BÜFIK preliminary, provisional

BÜFO for the time being

BÜG a can, a tin

BÜGIMAIFÜKÖM a can-opener, a tin-opener

BÜGOLAN a harbinger, a herald

BÜGUTÖN to taste

BÜIK former, preliminary, previous

BÜIKÜNO firstly, in the first place

BÜK print

BÜKOT a printed paper

BÜKÖN to print

BÜMAL a prerequisite, a sign

BÜMICÖDOT a prejudice

BÜMICÖDÖN to prejudice

BÜN a pear

BÜO before, formerly

BÜOCEDÖN to suppose

BÜOLOGÖN to foresee

BÜOMESÜLÖN (AD) to take precautions (to)

BÜOSAGAN a fortune teller

BÜOSAGÖN to forecast, to predict

BÜOSTIP a prerequisite

BÜOVITÖN to avoid

BÜR an office

BÜSID business

BÜSIDAN businessman

BÜSIDACIF executive, manager

BÜZIB an hors d'oeuvre, a starter


CAFED a kettle

CAFÄD a casserole, a saucepan

CAL employment, occupation, profession

CALAFOVAN a successor

CALAKOMIT an official duty

CALAN a clerk, an official

CALASVIST a colleague

CALONUNODAN a reporter

CALÖFIK official

CAM a chamois

CAN(S) goods

CANAMAGAD a warehouse

CANISELIDÖP a department store

CARAD a locust

CAVÖN to yawn

CÄDIK distinguished, excellent, highly respected

CÄF a beetle

CÄLAN an employer

CÄLÄB an employee

CÄLODÖN to appoint

CÄLÖN to nominate

CÄNAMON change (cash)

CÄNÖN to change, to exchange

CED an opinion

CEDIDÖN to feign, to pretend

CEDÖN to mean

CEK a cage

CELABIM a cherry-tree

CELEP a cherry-tree

CEM a room (in house)

CEMAKLOT a dressing gown

CENAVAMIK cold-blooded

CENO alternately, for a change

CENÖN (AD) to change (into), to turn (into)

CIEL a gill (of fish)

CIF a chief, a director, a head

CIFAZIF chief, main, principal

CIFODANEF (the) authorities

CIL a child, an infant

CILAJIDÜNAN a (children's) nurse

CILIJIKÄLÄDAN a child-minder

CILIL a baby

CILÖFOT childishness

CILÜP childhood

CILÜL a kiddie

CIM a chimney, a (ship's) funnel

CIMAMULÜR a mantelpiece

CIN a machine

CINALEÜL machine oil

CINÄDAN a (mechanical) engineer

CINEM machinery

CIP a splinter

COG fun, humour

COGEDÄL a sense of humour

COGIK funny, humorous, jokey

COGÖN (DÖ) to jest, to joke (about)

COL violoncello

COP a hoe

CÖDAL a judge

CÖDÄD a lawsuit, a trial

CÖDÄDÖN to bring to trial

CÖDETADEIDÖN to execute (= put to death)

CÖDETÖN (EKI AD) to condemn (someone to)

CÖDISPIKED a verdict

CÖDOT a judgment

CÖDÖN to judge

CÖGAPIÄD a chess piece

CÖPILÖN to chop up

CUB a cistern, a tank

CUBANAF a tanker (ship)

CUBAVAB a tanker (lorry)

CUK a donkey

CUVÖN an axe, a hatchet

CÜG a cheek (part of face)

CÜN a chin

CÜTID a deception

CÜTIDÖN to deceive

CÜTOD a deception, a disappointment

CÜTÖN to deceive


DA through

DABAILÖN to farm out, to lease

DAIL a parliament

DABIN existence

DABINANEF everyone (in a certain place)

DABINÖN to exist (dabinos = there is (are)

DABLÜNÖN to extradite

DABRIDÖP a nursery (for flowers, plants)

DABÜKAN a publisher

DABÜKÖM a printer (computer, etc)

DABÜKOT an edition

DABÜKÖN to publish

DACEIN a transmutation


DADRÄNÄLIK stressful

DADRANÖN to pierce

DADUNÖN (to) carry out

DAEMED a redoubt (military)

DAEMOD a dyke, a rampart

DAET a date (fruit)

DAF a badger

DAFAINIK shrivelled

DAFAMÜL a family line

DAFOMÖN to develop fully, to train

DAFREDÜKÖL delightful

DAFRONIKÖN to shrivel, to wither

DAG darkness

DAGEBÖN (MONI) to invest (money)

DAGIK dark

DAGLOF development, growth

DAGLOFÖN to develop, to grow

DAIF a banquet, a feast

DAIFAN a connoisseur

DAIFIDAN (HI-/JI-) a host, a hostess

DAIFIDÄB (HI-/JI-) a guest

DAIFOTÜL a morsel, a treat

DAIL parliament

DAIVÖN to dive

DAIVÜLÖN to somersault

DAJÄF (general) activity, coming and going

DAJEK terror

DAJOIKÜLÖN to push, to shove

DAJONÄD an exhibition, trade fair

DAJONÄDÖN to exhibit

DAJONÖN (OKI) to appear

DAKIPÖN to hold, to maintain, to retain

DAKONSÄLAM a consultation

DAKOSÄD traffic

DALABAN an owner, a proprietor

DALABOT a property

DALABÖN to possess

DALABÜKÖN to maintain

DALEBÜD an (official) edict

DALEFAT a great-grandfather

DALEMOT a great-grandmother

DALESKOP a telescope

DALESTÜM awe, esteem

DALESTÜMIK highly esteemed

DALIAD a dahlia

DALILAN a listener

DALILANEF an audience

DALILÖN to listen to, to pay attention to

DALOGAL an inspector

DALOGAM an inspection

DALON (the) constitution

DALÖN (+ INFIN) to dare (=may)

DALUKÄM a surgical camera

DALUKÖTETAV key-hole surgery

DALUSKOP a microscope

DALUVAL microcosm

DAN thank(s)

DANOTÜKÖN to make known

DANÄDÖN to acknowledge, to be indebted to

DANÄDÜ thanks to...

DANÖF gratitude

DANÖFIK thankful

DANÖN to thank (danön demü/pro = to thank for)

DANÜD a dance

DANÜDÜM a dance (tune)

DANÜDÖN to dance

DAOPTAN an adoptive parent

DAOPTÄB an adopted child

DAPEBÖN pounding, thumping (of heart)

DAREIGÖN to dominate

DAS that (conjunction)

DASAMAN an exemplar, a model, a paragon

DASÄKÖN to interrogate

DASENÄLIK sensitive

DASEVÖN to realize, to recognize

DASLEITÖN to slash, to slit, to tear apart

DASTUN a sensation

DASTUNANUN a sensational report

DASUEMÖN to (mentally) realize

DASUMÖN to accept

DAT so that (conjunction)

DATIKÖN to devise, to think out

DATIKOVIK imaginable

DATONÖN to ring out

DATUVOT an invention

DATUVÖN to invent

DAUK a carrot

DAÜKÖN to saturate

DAÜLAN an adult

DAÜLÜP adulthood

DAUN down (=fluffy feathers)

DAUT a daughter

DAV dew

DAVÄL an election

DAVATOF a dewdrop

DAVED emergence

DAVEDÖN to appear suddenly

DAVEDÖP a birth-place

DAVEDÜKÖN to bring about, to cause, to effect

DÄBEJÜTÖN to shoot off

DÄDIKÖN to break down, to fail

DÄG a dagger

DÄGÖN to stab

DÄK a deck (on board ship)

DÄL permission

DÄLÄDÄB a deputy


DÄLÄLIK indulgent, lenient

DÄLÖN (+ INFIN) to allow, to permit

DÄLTAD a delta

DÄM damage

DÄMIK harmful

DÄMÜ to the detriment of

DÄMÜKÖN to damage

DÄPÄB an adept

DÄPÖN to initiate

DÄRVID a dervish

DÄSÄRT a desert

DÄSINÖN to draw, to sketch

DÄSINOTABIOSKOP a cartoon (= animated film)

DÄSPERÖN to despair

DÄSTEPÖN to spurn

DÄSTURÖN to disintegrate

DÄT a date (calendar)

DÄTAGÖN to trample down

DE of, from

DEADAM death


DEADANÖP cemetery

DEADAPÖNOD (the) death penalty

DEADÖN to die

DEB a debt

DEBETÖN to owe (money)

DEBÖN to owe

DEF a defect, a deficiency

DEFAL litter

DEFÄDÖN to be in need, to be in want


DEFIK deficient, imperfect

DEFÖN to be deficient, to be lacking, to fail

DEG ten

DEGBAL eleven

DEGIV delivery, surrender (of goods)

DEGTEL twelve

DEGTELAT a dozen

DEIDACÖDETÖN to sentence to death

DEIDÖL fatal

DEIDÖN to kill

DEIFLODÖN to freeze to death

DEIJÜTÖN (EKI) to execute (someone) by shooting

DEIKAM a digression

DEIKÖN to digress, to stray

DEILÄGÖN (EKI) to execute (someone) by hanging

DEIMÖN to reject

DEKÄTAN a dean

DEKLAM a declamation

DEKLINÖN to decline (nouns)

DEKUL December

DEKÖN to decorate

DEL a day

DELABUK a diary

DELAGASED a (daily) newspaper

DELAPRIM daybreak

DEM regard

DEMÄD relevance

DEMILÖN (DÖ) to be petty (about)

DEMOD an indirect object (grammar)

DEMOKRAT democracy

DEMÖN to mind, to note, to regard, to take notice of

DEMÜT extortion

DEN a rapier

DENSITIK dense, thick

DENSITÜKIAN a condenser

DENU from then on, henceforth

DEPÜTANEF a delegation, a deputation

DEPÜTÄB a deputy, a member of parliament

DERÖNÖN to start (a race)

DESEDAN a sender

DESIN an intention, a plan, a purpose

DESINO deliberately, on purpose

DESIR a desire, yearning

DESIRIK anxious

DESIRÖN to desire, to yearn

DETÄV departure

DETÄVÖN (DE) to depart (from)

DETIK right-hand

DEÜKÖN to remove, to take off

DEVEGAM setting out (on journey)

DEVID foreign exchange

DI from, of (with names of cities, countries, regions)

DIABÜL an imp, a little devil

DIAGUNIK diagonal

DIALIM idealism

DIAMET diameter

DIATEK (NULIK) The New Testament

DIÄT a diet

DIB a depth

DIBIK deep

DIBOT a (specific) depth

DICETÖN to digest

DIDO certainly, indeed

DIENTIFÄD identification, an identity card

DIFIK different

DIFÖN (DE) to differ (from)

DIGIDÖN to appreciate, to esteem

DIGIK dear, esteemed, lovable

DIGÄDIK valuable, worthy

DIGÄDÖN to be worthy of, to be of value

DIGIDÖN to appreciate

DIKOD a dispute

DIKTORAN a dictator

DIL a part, a portion

DILAM a division

DILÄDÖN (VÜ) to divide (among)

DILED a piece

DILEKÖN to conduct (orchestra)

DILET an element

DILIJAN a carriage, a stage-coach

DILO partly

DILOD a share

DILODÖN to share

DILOT a deal, a part (of a whole)

DILÖN to divide, to part

DIN a matter, a thing

DINÄD a circumstance, a condition

DINDUN a turkey

DINIT a dignity

DIOTIK idiotic

DIPAN a diplomat

DIS under

DISÄRT desertion


DISEIN an aim, a plan

DISEINÖN to aim, to mean

DISIN a design, a plan

DISINÖN to design, to plan

DISKUDIJEDAM (the) discus throw (= Olympics)

DISLIENÜKÖN to underline, to underscore

DISMELANAF a submarine

DISÖN to diminish

DISPENÄD a signature

DISPENÖN to sign

DISSTÜTOT a base, a plinth

DIST an (essential) difference

DISTÖN (DE) to distinguish (from)

DISTIDÖN to distinguish, to make a distinction

DISTIK distinct

DISTÖFIK various

DISTUKÖN to destroy

DIT separation

DITÖN (DE) to separate (from); to take leave (of)

DISTRENAVEG underground (railway)

DITRET distress, an emergency

DITRETAJÄNIL communication cord (on train)

DITRETAJOLAM an emergency landing (aviation)

DITRETAKLOK a warning bell (in distress)

DIUM a (spiritualist) medium

DIUR daytime

DIURETIN diuresis (medical)

DIV a treasure

DIVODIK devoted

DIVODÖN (+ dative) (to be) addicted (to)

DO although, though

DOAT a finger

DOATAHÄT a thimble

DOATÖN to touch


DOBIK false, wrong

DOBÜKAM a falsification

DOBÜKÖN to fasify, to spoil

DOCOD (the) Doge (=Venetian ruler)

DOD disapproval, misgiving

DOFIK dull

DOG a dog

DOJEDÖN (OKI) to prostrate (oneself)

DOJOIKÖN to overturn, to upset

DOK a doctorate

DOKAN a doctor

DOKÜM a document

DOL pain, suffering

DOLIK hurting, painful

DOLÖN to hurt

DOM a house

DOMARAV a (house) burglary

DOMATRIP rates (for house, etc)

DOMAL a master (of household)

DOMINOV dominoes (= game)

DON bottom (not top)

DONAJUL a lower (primary) school

DONAPLANEM undergrowth

DONATEAD ground floor

DONIO downwards

DONO below, down

DONÜ below

DONÜKÖN to lower

DOSLEATÖN to demolish

DOT a doubt

DOTIK doubtful

DOTIMIK sceptical

DOTÖN (DÖ/TEFÜ) to doubt

DÖB guilt

DÖBAT a debate

DÖBIK guilty

DÖBOT fault

(döbot duton lü ol = it's your fault !)

DÖDEL Thursday

DÖFÄD a shortcoming

DÖFIK defective

(rif döfik = a flat tyre)

DÖM thumb

DÖNU again

DÖNUAM a repetition

DÖNUAMAPLÄG a rehearsal

DÖNUAMO repeatedly


DÖNUOD a refrain, a repetition

DÖNUÖN to repeat

DRAMATAN an actor

DRANÄDAN an intruder

DRANÄL a compulsion


DRANÖN to press, to rush (of blood, etc)

DRAT wire

DRÄGUN a dragoon (military)

DRÄNÄL an affliction

DRÄNÖN to press, push, shove

DRÄTODÖN (OKI) to train (= sports)

DRÄTÖN to train (= animals)

DRED fear

DREDÖN to fear

DREDABIK awful, fearful

DREDÄLIK apprehensive, anxious

DREDÄLÜKÖN to alarm, to demoralise

DREDILIK uncanny

DREDIK afraid

DREDÖF cowardice

DREDÖN (DEMÜ) to be afraid (of)

DREFÄB a (human) subject

DREFIK relevant

DREFÖN to affect, to strike

DREMÄL anxiety

DREMET a vibration

DREMÖN (DUB/SEKÜ) to tremble (with)

DREN a tear

DRENÖN to cry, to weep

DRENÜKÖN to distress, to upset (= to make cry)

DRIM a dream

DRIMÖN to dream

DRIN a drink

DRINAMON a gratuity, a tip

DRINED a beverage

DRINOD a drink

DRINÖN to drink

DROG a drug

DROLIK comical

DRUMÖN to drone, to hum, to roar

DU while

DUBÄ because (conjunction)

DUBO thereby

DUGÄDÖN to accompany (to go with)

DUGÄL education

DUGÄLÖN to bring up, to educate, to raise

DUGED a (musical) accompaniment

DUGIAN a 'mains' connection (for gas, water, etc)

DUGOLÖP a corridor

DUGÖN to direct, to manage, to lead

DUINAFÄGIK efficient, competent

DUINAVOTEM a repertoire

DUINOD an achievement

DUINOT an attainment, a deed

DUJETAPARAT a shower fitting

DUK a dock

DUKÖP a dockyard

DUL a duration

DULOGAMOVIK transparent

DULÖFIK durable, settled (of weather)

DULÖN (DÜ) to last (for)

DUMIK dull (=of tone)

DUN an action

DUNALEFOM active voice (grammar)

DUNETATAB a (shop) counter

DUNETÄB a client, a customer

DUNETÖN to serve (someone)

DUNODÖN to act (as); to function

DUNOT a deed

DUNÖF activity

DUNÖN to do

DUSTODAN an industrialist

DUTÖN (LÜ) to belong (to)

DÜ during

DÜD a paper bag

DÜF hardness

DÜFÄLIKO hard-heartedly

DÜFIK hard

DÜFIKAM hardening

DÜNAN a servant

DÜNASPADÄD a service area

DÜNET an errand

DÜNOT a service

DÜNOTAN a (shop) assistant

DÜNÖN to serve

DÜP an hour, o'clock

DÜPAFOLDIL a quarter of an hour

DÜPATELDIL half an hour

DÜTÖN to appropriate


E and

EBO just, precisely

ED and (before vowels)

EFE indeed, but...

EK anybody, anyone

EKÖ here is (are)

EKÖMÖLAN a new arrival

EL the

ENEITO the night before last

ENU recently

ET that (adjective)

ETDELAO from that day on

ETOS that (noun)


FA by


FAB a fable

FABRIKAM (the) manufacture

FABRIKÖP a factory

FABRIKÖN to manufacture

FABRIKOT a product

FAD a thread

FAEM hunger


FAEMIK hungry

FAG distance

FAGIK distant, far


FAGOT a distance

FAGOTABUNAM (the) long jump (= athletics)


FAGOTILÜ a short distance from

FAIB a fibre

FAILAM a (financial) failure

FAILAN a bankrupt

FAILOT a ruin

FAILÖN to go bankrupt

FAINIKAM fading, withering

FAL a fall

FALAJELÖM a parachute

FALOK a falcon, a hawk

FALÖN to fall

FALSÄT a high-pitched voice

FAM fame

FAMIK famous

FAMÜL a family

FAMÜLANEM a surname

FANAPLED a (game of) 'tig'

FANÄBÖP a prison

FANÄBÖPÄB a prisoner

FANÄBÜKAMABÜD a warrant (for the arrest of)

FANÄBÜKÖN to arrest

FANÄDÖN to catch, to snatch

FANÖN to catch

FAR a lighthouse

FARM a farm

FARMADOM a farmhouse

FASAD a facade


FASILOT a facility

FAT a father

FATÜITIK arrogant, conceited

FAVIK glum, morose, upset

FAVÖN to upset

FÄD a chance event, a coincidence

(ma fäd = at random)

FÄDIK accidental, by chance

FÄDIKO perchance

FÄDO by chance, unexpectedly

FÄG an ability, a faculty

FÄGIK able, capable

FÄGIKO ably, capably

FÄGÖN to be capable, to be in a position to

FÄKAM emotion, fervour

FÃKÃD excitement

FÄKÄDIK excitable

FÄIKNIBÖN to squeeze together

FÄIKNOPÖN to button up

FÄISKRUBÖN to screw down

FÄISTEIGÄDÖN to plug, to stop up

FÄITANÖN to bind up

FÄKÄDIKO emotional

FÄKÄDÜKÖN to excite (emotionally)

FÄKIK emotional, moved (emotionally)

FÄKIKÖN to be moved (emotionally)

FÄKÖN to be touched (emotionally)

FÄKÜKÖL ardent, highly emotional

FÄKÜKÖN to shock

FÄLID a valley

FÄNÄDÖN to flutter, to wave

FÄNÖM a ventilator

FÄRMÜKÖN to close, to shut


FÄTOT destiny, fortune

FE it's true that

FEAFOMÖM a tramsformer (electrical)

FEALOTÄDÖN to remove (= move house)

FEAPLADÖN to download [computers]

FEBAKATÄD working capital

FEBÄD an enterprise

FEBOD occupation, trade

FEBUL February

FED a federation, league

FEDIK federal

FEDÖN (KO / TA) to be in league (with / against)

FEFIK grave, serious

FEFILÜKAM combustion

FEFO in earnest

FEGEBÖN to squander

FEIFÖN to whistle

FEILALÄNED arable land

FEILAM agriculture

FEILAN a peasant, a rustic person

FEILAV agriculture


FEL a field

FELIFÄDÖN to spend (time)

FENIK tired

FENÄT a window

FENÄTABOED a window-sill

FENÄTIKLINÜKAN a winder cleaner

FENÜKÖN to exhaust, to tire

FERABEM an iron beam

FERIN iron

FERINAMÜN iron ore

FEROD a rail

FERODARUTAVEG a train track

FESÜL a (blood) vessel

FEUDIM feudalism

FIBIK weak


FID food

FIDACAN crockery

FIDACEM a dining room

FIDASTAFIL a chopstick

FIDÄD a meal

FIDÄDAKAD a menu (table d'hôte)

FIDED a dinner

FIDEDÖN to dine

FIDOVIK eatable, edible

FIDÖN to eat

FIDÜP a mealtime

FIED faith

FIEDIK faithful

FIEN interest (=financial return)

FIF a fever, a temperature

FIFÖN to have a fever, a temperature

FIGUR a figure, a form

FIKULIK difficult, hard

FIL a fire


FILASEPÜLÖP a crematorium

FILAZÄP a (pair of) tongs

FILÄT a net

FILED a burn (=injury)

FILETATOP a hearth

FILETATOPAFÖN an (open) fireplace

FILID ignition (of car)

FILIDÖM a lighter

FILIDÖN to ignite, to kindle, to light

FILIG a fern

FILM a film (filmastelan = a film star)

FILOSOP philosophy

FILÖN to burn (=be burning)

FILÜKÖN to burn up

FIMÄDÖN to harness, to make firm

FIMEKÖN to complete, to finish

FIMIK fast, firm

FIMÜKÖN to fasten, to fix

FIN a conclusion, an end

FINEN finance

FINIDÖN to abolish, to bring to an end

FINOT an (ultimate) end, an extremity

FINÜKÖN to conclude, to end, to finish

FIR a fir (tree)

FIT a fish

* fish and chips = fit e pötetüls

FIV a pool

FIZIR an officer

FLAB a piece of cloth

FLAD a bottle

FLAG a flag, a standard

FLAGEDÖN to ask, to demand, to insist on

FLAGIÄLIK demanding

FLAGÖN to require

FLAM a flame

FLAMOT a taper. a torch

FLAMÜLÖN to flicker, to glimmer

FLAN a side

FLANÜ apart from

FLANÄD a wing (of building)

FLANATAB a sideboard

FLAP a hit, a slap, a smack

FLAPILAKREM whipped cream

FLAPÖN to beat, to hit, to slap, to strike

FLÄKÖMALAMPAD a (reflective) headlight

FLÄKÖN to reflect (light)

FLÄNO duty free

FLÄNÜKAMAMÄK a (pre-paid) postage stamp

FLÄTÖN to flatter

FLED a load

FLEDANAF a freighter

FLEDASPADÄD a cargo hold


FLEDAVAB a lorry

FLEDÜLÖN to load (a gun)

FLEGED a hinge

FLEGOT compliance

FLEGÖN to bend, to flex

FLEK a rev, a turn

FLEKAM a rotation

* talaleflekam = rotation of the earth

FLEKIK flexible, supple

FLEKÖN to turn (to)

FLEN a friend

FLENALÖF (close)friendship

FLENAM friendship

FLENÄDAN a comrade, a mate, a pal

FLENÖFIK amiable, kind

FLIB a flea

FLIFÄDÜKÖL refreshing

FLIFÜKÖN to refresh

FLIFIK fresh

FLIODABUK an in-folio album

FLITAMUG a bat (= creature)

FLITAPOF an airport

FLITÄM a wing

FLITAJIDAIFIDAN an air-hostess

FLITÖM an aeroplane

FLITÖN to fly

FLOD frost

FLODAM freezing

FLODÖFÖN to freeze (due to actions, emotions)

FLODÖN to be frozen

FLOG a flake

FLÖDACIN a freezer

FLÖDÖN to freeze

FLÖKASTUL a wickerwork chair

FLÖKOT a plait (of hair)

FLOM a forehead

FLOR a flower

FLORABRASID a cauliflower

FLORED a bouquet

FLORÖN to blossom, to flower


FLOTED a raft

FLÖRÖN to prompt (in theatre)

FLUD flow, high tide

FLUK a fruit

FLUKEPAGAD an orchard


FLUM a current

FLUMED a river

FLUMEDAJEVOD a hippopotamus

FLUMOT a liquid body

FLUMÖN to flow

FLUTÜLÖN to whistle (for)

FO before (place), in front of

FOAD a liver (anatomy)

FOD a scythe

FODÖN to cut, to mow, to reap

FOG a mist, a fog

FOGALÄDÖP a remote watch (building)

FOGINAN an outsider, a stranger

FOGINIK foreign, strange

FOGINÄN abroad, overseas



FOGOLAN a predecessor

FOGOLÖN to go before, to precede

FOGÜLÖN to become hazy

FOK a fork

FOL four (folo = in fours)

FOLDIL a quarter

FOLLIEN a square (shape)

FOM a form, a shape

FOMÄD a feature

FOMÄL imagination

FOMÄLOD a figment (of the imagination)

FOMÄLÖN (BOSI) to imagine (something)

FOMÄT a format, a size

FOMET a form (to fill out)

FOMÖN to form, to shape

FOMÜLAM an (official) request

FON a spring (of water)

FONÄD a fountain, a well

FONÄT a source, a spring

FONED a fountain (in garden)

FOPAN a fool

FOPIK foolish

FOPLADÖN to put in front

FOR (the) gallows

FORTIF a fortification

FOT a forest, a grove, a wood

FOTAZUGOT a stretch (of forest)

FOTIKONÖM forestry

FOTOGRAFAN a photographer

FOTOGRAFOT a photograph

FOTÜL a bush

FOVO furthermore, henceforth

FOVÖN to follow on

FÖDÖN to further, to promote

FÖFAFLAN front (not back)

FÖFASTEV prow (of ship)

FÖFIK ahead

FÖFIO forwards

FÖFIÖ! forward(s)! (exclamation)

FÖFÖN to be ahead, to be in front

FÖFÜ in front of

FÖFÜKÖN to advance

FÖG a hammer

FÖLÖN to carry out (promise/verdict)

FOMÄT a format

FOMÖN to fashion

FÖN a heater, a stove

FÖRO at any time, ever

FÖVOT a continuation

FÖVÖN to continue

FRAG a strawberry

FRAKETÖN to crack, to snap

FRAKTUR Gothic (type)

FRAMBODARUBUD a raspberry bush

FRAN a franc (currency)

FRASEOD an expression (phrasing); turn of phrase

FRÄD(S) an expense, expenses

FRÄDÖN to cost (=have a price of...)

FRÄN a bit (on bridle)

FRED gladness, happiness, joy


FREDIK glad, happy

FREDIMIK optimistic

FREDÖN (DEMÜ/TEFÜ) to rejoice (over), to be glad/happy (about)

FREMÄD a frame

FREMÜL a panel

FRENÖM a brake

FRENÖN to brake

FRESKOD a fresco


FRIN a finch

FROG a frog

FROMAD a cheese

FRON a wrinkle

FRONT a (military) front

FRONTANEF the front line (of soldiers)

FRONÜKÖN to wrinkle

FRUT an advantage

FRUTIDÖN to benefit from, to make use of, to take

advantage of

FRUTIK useful

FRUTÖN to benefit

FUK a seal

FULIK full

FULIOPÖMÖN to pump up (tyres, etc)

FULÜKAPEN a fountain-pen

FULÜKÖN to fill

FUN a cadaver, a corpse

FUNIG a fungus

FUNISEPÜLAN an undertaker

FURMID an ant

FURNOD an oven, a stove

FUROT a lining

FUT a foot

FUTAFRENÖM a foot brake

FUTAGLÖPÄD football (= game)

FUTAKÄLAN a chiropodist

FUTAPLANT sole (= of foot)

FUTAYOIN an ankle

FUTOGOLAN a pedestrian

FUTOGOLANAZON a pedestrian precinct

FÜMÄDIK obstinate

FÜMÄLIK decisive

FÜMETÖN to determine

FÜMIK certain, sure

FÜMIKO certainly, for sure

FÜMÖ! sure! without doubt!

FÜMÜKAM confirmation

FÜNÖN to establish, to found

FÜSÜDAV physics

FÜTÜRIK future


GAD a garden

GADABUID a garden hedge

GADAN a gardener

GADÖN to garden

GADÖM a garden tool


GADUT cod (=fish)

GAENOD a profit, a win

GAENÄTÖN (DE) to profit (from)

GAENÖN to gain, to win

GAGOT filth, rubbish

GAL a vigil

GALAKID a galaxy

GALÄDAN a watchman

GALÄDÖP a look-out (building)

GALÄDÖN to keep an eye on, to watch

GALÄL awareness, watchfulness

GALEDAN a watchman

GALEDÖN to beware, to protect

(to watch over someone = galedön eki)

GALIK awake

GALIKÖN to awake, to wake up

GALÖN to be awake, to watch

GALÜKIAN an alarm clock

GALÜKÖN (EKI) to wake (someone)

GAN a goose

GANALOET roast goose

GAOD gauze

GARAD a garage

GARANÖN to ensure, to guarantee

GARDAN a guard (military)

GARED an instep (of shoe)

GARID a mushroom

GARNISUN a garrison (military)

GAS BRUIDIK effervescence

GASAL a gazelle

GASED a newspaper

GASEDEM the press

GASEDIMAN a journalist


GASINARÜD a gaspipe

GÄMÖN (ME RULÄT) to gamble, to play (at roulette)

GÄYSÄR a geyser

GEBÄD a usage

GEBIDÖN (DÖ) to have at hand, to have at one's disposal

GEBIDÜKÖN (EKE BOSI) to make something available (to someone)

GEBÖF a custom

GEBÖN to use

GEDIK grey

GEF a vessel (= container)

GEGAENÖN to regain

GEGIVÖN (EKE) to give back, to return (to someone)

GEIDAN a guide

GEIDAVÖD a clue (for puzzles)

GEIDÖN (EKI) to guide (someone)

GEIK reciprocal, reflexive (grammar)

GEIKAM a return

GEIL height


GEILOTABUNAM (the) high jump (= athletics)

GEILÜKUMÖN to enhance

GEIN brandy, cognac, gin

(geinapöb = a "dive")

GEJOIKÖN to drive back, to repulse

GEKÖMÖN (LÜ) to come back (to), to return (to)

GELAN an organist

GELOGAM regression

GELÖN to play the organ

GEMAG an antetype, a counterpart

GEN sex

GENÄMS (the) genitals

GEOMET geometry

GEÖN to react, to reciprocate

GERALESON a crown prince

GERED a gene

GERÖN to inherit

GESAG an answer

GESAGÖN to answer

GESEDÖN to return, to send back

GESPIKÖF (mental) preparedness, quickwitedness

GESPIKÖM an answering machine

GESPIKÖN to acknowledge, to anser, to reply to

GESPIKÜ in reply to...

GETAZÖT a receipt

GETEDAN a receptionist

GETEDÖN to accept. to receive (people)

GETIKÖN (DÖ) to reminisce, to think back (about)

GETÖN to get, to obtain, to receive (things)

GEVÖN to give, to grant, to present

GIAN (the) gigantic

GIANAN a giant

GID justice

GIDID a responsibility

GIDIDÖN (DEMÜ) to be responsible (for)

GIDIK, GIDÖFIK fair, just, right, seemly

GIDÜKÖN to justify, to vindicate


GIG gout

GIJÄT a (ticket) office, a counter

GILDÄT a corporation

GIM a gimlet

GIMÖN to bore, to drill

GIMÜL a drill

GINGIF a gum (= in mouth)

GINÄDÖN to wind up (a watch)

GIRAF a giraffe

GIT justice

GITAR a guitar

GITÄDASÄKÄD a (judicial) case, a lawsuit

GITÄT a just claim, a right

GITOD a justification

GIVIÄLIK generous

GIVIDÖN to delegate, to transfer

GIVÖN to give

GIVÜLÖN to attribute, to donate

GLAD ice

GLADABEL an iceberg


GLADAHOKIY ice hockey

GLADARAMAR a refrigerator

GLADET an ice cream

GLADETÜL an ice cube

GLADIOLS gladioli

GLADÜL an ice cream

GLAN a gland

GLATO free of charge, gratis

GLÄTÄDAN a glazier

GLÄT glass

GLÄTIK (of) glass

GLÄTOT glass (substance)

GLEINÖN to glean

GLEIPED a door handle

GLEIPÖN to grasp, to seize

GLEPÄDÖN to grip

GLEIPÜLÖN to handle

GLIBAN a vagabond

GLID greeting

GLIDÖN to greet

GLIMÖN to shimmer, to shine

GLOF growth, increase

GLOFÖN to grow

GLOK a clock

GLOKEL a watchmaker

GLORIKO gloriously

GLORÜKÖN to glorify

GLÖB a bullet

GLÖBAKUL a trajectory

GLÖBIJEDAM (the) shot-put (= Olympics)

GLÖMÄD forgetfulness

GLÖMÖN to forget

GLÖP a ball, a sphere

GLÖPÄD a ball game

GLÖPILÖN to play marbles (= game)

GLÖTIK jealous

GLUF a glove

GLUMALADÄL melancholy

GLUMIDIK dull, glum, overcast

GLUMIKÖN to become overcast

GLUN a floor, ground (glunots = grounds)


GLUTAPIR an electric light bulb

GLUTIK ardent, hot

GLÜG a church


GLÜKOSIN glucose

GNOB a bud, a knob (control)

GO quite, very

GOBADÖN to arch (cat's back)

GOBLET a goblet

GOKÜL a chicken


GOKAHAUK a goshawk

GOL bearing, deportment, walk

GOLABOED a gangway

GOLÄD a parade, a procession

GOLDIN gold (precious metal)

GOLDIK (of) gold, golden

GOLED course (of events)

GOLF golf (game)

GOLÖN (LÜ) to go (to), to walk (to)

GOUN a gong

GÖ! come on!

GÖB a tail

GÖBAPIANOD a grand piano

GÖD morni ng



GÖDED an acre (of land)

GÖLIK early

GÖN a favour

GÖNÖN to favour

GRAD a degree

GRAHAN an eclipse

GRAHANÖN to conceal, to eclipse

GRAINÖN to grind

GRAMAFON a gramophone

GRÄL hail (weather)

GRÄMÖN to climb

GRANAT a pomegranate

GRATÖN to caw, to croak

GREDAKED a scale (calibration)

GREN corn


GRENAFLOGAPÄKED a cereal packet

GRETAMAFÄDIK on a grand scale

GRETED magnitude (maths)

GRETIK big, great, large, tall


GRETÜKOT an enlargement

GRIFÖN to graft

GRINEDÖN to grin

GRINÖN to grin

GRIP 'flu, influenza


GROBIK unrefined

GROBÖFIK coarse, brusque, rough

GRODIK pregnant

GRON gravel


GROSÜLIK wholesale

GROT oatmeal

GROTÄTIK grotesque

GRULÖN (DUB) to be swarming, teeming (with)

GRUFET a line (on hand/face)

GRULÖN to crawl, to swarm

GRUP a group

GRÜD grit

GRÜNIK green

GUAYAD a pear

GUB an oar

GUBÖN to row

GUDÄLIK benevolent, kind-hearted

GUDIK good


GUDIKUM (KA) better (than)

GUDIKÜN (DE/SE) (the) best (of/in)

GUDÜKUMAM an improvement

GUDÜKUMÖN to improve

GUFUR an abyss

GUG a throat

GUGEDÖN to gargle

GUIRÖN to languish, to waste away

GUL an angle, a corner

GULAV geometry

GUM India-rubber

GUMALUIBARIF an elastic band

GUN a coat


GUT a taste

GUTÖN to taste

GUVÖN to administer, to govern

GÜFLEKIK backwards, over, reversed

GULAD goulash (food)

GULF (the) Gulf Stream

GUR an abyss

GUVÖN to administer

GÜ contrary

GÜÄ contrary to

GÜMNAD a grammar-school

GÜN a gun

GÜNÜL a rifle

GÜTIKO tastefully

GÜÜKÖN to turn over


HAD an ace

HAGÖN to groan

HAJET hash (food)

HARAT a quarter (in a town/city)

HARÄM a harem

HARNAD a harness

HARENG a herring

HARMONÖM a harmonica, a mouth organ

HARPUN a harpoon

HÄM a ham

HÄRBAT a vegetable

HÄRBATIM vegetarianism

HÄRBATIMAN a vegetarian

HÄRMETIK air-tight, hermetic

HÄROD a heron

HÄT a hat

HEKÖN to gasp, to pant

HER a hair

HERAN a hairdresser

HERASEFAL hair loss

HEREM a (head of) hair


HEREMITEIL a parting (hair)

HEROED (HI-/JI-) a hero, a heroine

HESTAN a conjuror, a juggler

HET hatred

HETÄD spite

HETÖN to hate

HICIL a son

HIEL (masculine sing. form of def. article)

HIGEM a brother

HIKEL who, which (masculine)


HIKOMPENAN a fellow-traveller, a kindred spirit

HIKULTAN a clergyman

HIL a heel

HIMATAN a husband

HIMEN a man

HINDUTAN a hindu

HINILÄDAN a (male) neighbour

HIOPOT a hippopotamus

HIPAL a father

HIPUL a boy, a youth

HIREG a king

HISIÖR a gentleman

HIT heat

HITER an uncle


HITÜKÖN to heat

HITÜP Summer

HOBUB an ox

HOD barley

HOG a hole

HOGÄD a perforation

HOGÖN to perforate, to pierce


HOL an hour's journey

HOLBUT halibut

HON a horn (of animal)

HONED a beak, a (bird's) bill

HORIT the horizon

HORITÄTIK horizontal

HORMON a hormone

HUK a hook

HUL a (sea) swell

HUMAR a lobster

HUMUL a hop

HÜASEN a hyacinth

HÜEN a hyena

HÜGIENIK hygienic

HÜIT an oyster

HÜM a hymn

HÜPNOD hypnosis

HÜRÖN to hire


I also, too

IBÄ for (conjunction)

IBO in fact, really

ID also, too (before vowel)

IDELO two days ago

IF if (if plüdol = if you please)

IFI even if

IFÜ subject to...

IGO even (igo no = not even)

IN (place) at, in

INI into

IS here

ISAO hence (=from here)

ISIO hither (=to here)

ISIÖ! come here!

IT self/selves (obs it = we ourselves)

ITALIFAJENÄD an autobiography

ITFRÄD cost price

ITJÄFIDIK automatic

ITO by myself, yourself, etc.

ITREIG autonomy


JABEN a mushroom

JAD a shade, a shadow

JADAMAGOD a silhouette

JAFÄB a creature

JAFÄD creation

JAFÄDÖN to bring about

JAFÄL creativity

JÄFID a function

JÄFIDOT an organ (eg of newspaper)

JAFOVIK creative

JAFÖN to create

JÄFÜD a field (of knowledge), a product

* Bolit no binon jäfüd oba = Politics isn't my strong point.

JÄFÜDISEVAN an expert, a specialist

JAIN a clothes line, a cord, a rope

JAK a shark

JAKAL a jackal

JAKÄT a jacket

JAL bark, peel

JALOT a shallot

JALUD jealousy

JAMOD a camel

JAMPÄN champagne (drink)

JANAFRIN a finch (song bird)

JANÄLIK fascinating

JANED breakfast

JAPÄLIK mischievous

JAPIK sharp

JAPÜKÖN to sharpen

JARGON gibberish, jargon

JASID a chassis

JATÖN to itch

JÄFÄB a creature


JÄFÄLÖN (KO) to be (mentally) absorbed (with)

JÄFÄLÜKÖN to absorb

JÄFID a function

JÄFIDÄM an organ (of body)

JÄFIDÖN to function, to work

JÄFIKÖN (ME) to be engaged (in), to worry (about)

JÄFOT an activity

JÄFÖN (ME) to be busy (with), to be occupied (in)

JÄFÜD a speciality

JÄFÜDIK specialized

JÄFÜDINASEVAN a specialist

JÄFÜKÖN (OKI ME) to bother (oneself about)

JÄL a shell fish

JÄMPOD a shampoo

JÄNÄLÖL absorbing

JÄPAN a swindler

JÄNÄLIK fascinating

JÄNÄLÖN to captivate

JÄPÜLAN a mischief-maker, a trickster

JÄST a gesture

JÄSTÄD a pose

JÄTÜLÖN to tickle

JEDÖN to throw

JEDÜLÖN to scatter

JEIFALAM a razor-blade

JEIFAN a barber

JEIFÖM a razor

JEIFÖN to shave

JEIKIK awful, horrible, terrible

JEIKÖN to scare, to terrify

JEIKÜLÖN to shock

JEK a fright

JEKÖN to be frightened, to be scared

JEL protection

JELED an apron

JELETIN gelatine

JELOD a defence

JELODÖN to defend

JELÖM an umbrella

JELÖN to protect

JEM shame

JEMOD a disgrace

JEMÖN (DEMÜ) to be ashamed (about/of)

JEMÜKÖN to disgrace

JEMÜKÖL abashed

JENÄD a development

JENAV history

JENAVAN a historian

JENAVIK historical

JENET a case, an instance

JENOT an event

JENOTEM a history

JENÖFIK actual, real

JENÖFO actually, in reality, really

JENÖFOT a fact

JENÖFÜKAM fulfilment

JENÖN to happen

JENÖFÖ! indeed!

JENÜKÖN to cause, to make happen

JEP a herd (of animals)

JERAGIK precious

JERIK expensive

JEVOD a horse

JEVODANÄM horsepower

JIB game (animals)

JIBALUMAN a lady soloist

JIBIRAVAN a poacher

JIBUB a cow

JICIL a daughter, a girl

JIDAIFIDAN a hostess

JIEDAMEDIN a laxative

JIEDOT excrement

JIEL (feminine sing. form of def. article)

JIF a sheaf

JIGAM a bride

JIGEM a sister

JIGOK a hen

JIGRODAN a pregnant woman

JIJELÄB a protégeé

JIKAT a cat, a queen (=she-cat)

JIKÄLAN a nurse

JIKÄLÄB a baby

JIKEL which, who (feminine)


JIKLINÜKAN a chambermaid, a cleaner

JIKONÖMAN a housekeeper

JILEPÄDAN an abbess

JILÄT a waistcoat

JIM a (pair of) scissors/shears


* jimagivanakonot = a witch's tale

JIMARKETAN a marchioness

JIMATAN a wife

JIMEN a woman

JIMULAT a hinny, a she-mule

JINEPUEDAN a prostitute

JINIKO apparently

JINÖN to seem

JIP a sheep

JIPAL a mother

JIPLIN a princess

JIPUL a girl, a maiden

JIPÜL a lamb

JIPÜLAVULTUR a bearded vulture

JIREG a queen

JIT a shirt

JITER an aunt

JIYUFAN PATIK an (air) stewardess

JODEM rubbish

JOFIK bald

JOFÖR a chauffeur, a driver

JOG a bullrush

JOIKÖN to push, to shove

JOK a push, a shove

JOKOLADATVILÜL a chocolate bar

JOKÖN (TA) to bump (into)

JOL coast-line, shore

JOLALESÜT a (seaside) promenade


JOLÖN to approach the shore, to land

JON an indication

JONED a demonstration

JONET a (cinema/TV) screen

JONETOT a display

JONETÜKAM a demonstration

JONIAN a (clock) hand

JONIDÖN to be of use

JONIDÜKÖN to employ, to provide, to use

JONIL a hint

JONODÖN to introduce (to someone)

JONÖN to indicate, to point, to show

JONÜLÖN to demonstrate

JOT a shoulder

JOV a racket, a row, an uproar

JOVAN a hooligan, a troublemaker

JÖENIK austere, sober

JÖL eight

JÖLÄT a (computer) byte

JÖLPLIFÄTIK octavo (= paper size)

JÖN beauty

JÖNAPENAN a calligrapher

JÖNIK beautiful, fine, lovely

JÖNUL a caterpillar

JÖTASUÄM balance (= bookkeeping)

JUB dandruff

JUEG sugar


JUG a rush (plant)

JUITÖN to enjoy

JUK a shoe

JUKATANODIL a shoe-lace

JUKEL a shoemaker

JUL a school

JULAN a pupil, a scholar

JURNAL a newspaper

JUTED a rush

JUTEDÖN to rush

JUTÖN to shoot

JUÜP a skirt

JÜ until, to

JÜD a film (= a thin layer) JÜNU hitherto, until now

JÜP a spade

JÜPÖN to dig

JÜPÜL a shovel

JÜS until

JÜTÖN to shoot at

JÜTÜKÖN to fire


KA than

KAAZIAD acacia (plant)

KAB a cable (wires)

KABAAL (the) Cabala (teaching)

KABEM (LEKTINIK) wiring (electrical)

KAD a card

KADAPLEDÖN to play cards

KADÄM an academy


KAEDAV cartography

KAENAL an engineer

KAENAN a technician

KAENAV technology

KAF coffee

KAFASKAL a coffee-pot

KAFEIN caffeine

KAFETAR a cafeteria

KAGÖN to gossip, to prattle

KAGULAN a gossip

KAIL alkaline

KAIT a kite

KAJMIR cashmere (wool)

KAK cocoa

KAKAD a cockatoo

KAKTUD a cactus

KALADAPATÄD a characteristic

KALAD character

KALADÖN to characterize

KALED an almanac, a calendar

KALIB calibre, bore (of gun, etc)

KALIG a calyx (of flower)

KALKULÖN to calculate

KALOT an account, a bill

KAMALÄN a plain

KAMPANUL a campanula (flower)

KAMUFÖN to camouflage

KAN a skill

KANAD a fir tree

KANAIR a canary

KANAYAN a crook, a scoundrel

KANÄD a channel

KANDEL a candle

KANDELIKIPIAN a candle-stick

KANGUR a kangaroo

KANIBAN a cannibal

KANIT a song

KANITAN a singer

KANITÖN to sing


KANÖN ( + INFIN) to be able to, can

KANSER cancer (disease)

KANUD a canoe

KAP a head

KAPAKOSÄDÖM earphone(s)

KAPAKUSEN a cushion, a pillow

KAPAKUSENER a pillowcase

KAPÄLIFÖDÖL promoting intelligence

KAPAR a goat

KAPENAN a carpenter

KAPIT a chapter

KAPITEN a captain

KAPSIG pepper

KAPSUL a capsule (medication)

KAPSÜL a (bottle) top/cap

KAPÜT a bonnet, a hood

KAR a square

KARBINAHIDRIN carbohydrate

KARBON carbon

KARIOF a carnation

KARIP a carp


KAROD (vehicle) bodywork

KAROV a caravan ( = travelling group)

KARTILAG a cartilage

KARTON cardboard

KARUSÄL a carrousel, a merry-go-round

KASAMAT a pill-box (military)

KASÄT a box, a case, a cassette

KASED a castle, a mansion

KASER (army) barracks

KASKOD a (ship's) funnel

KASTAENITAFLAPÖN to play "conkers" (= game)

KAT a cat

KATALIT a catalyst

KATAPULT a catapult

KATAR catarrh

KATASTROF a catastrophe, a disaster

KATÄD capital, cash

KATULIK catholic

KAUL a stalk, a stem

KAV a cellar

KAVEAD a guinea pig

KAVIDAN a knight

KAYAK a kayak (boat)

KAYÜT a cabin (on ship)

KAZETÖN to emphasize

KÄBEN a cabin (of ship)

KÄD cash

KÄDÖP a cash desk

KÄFED a ruse, a trick

KÄFIK cunning, sly

KÄFOD a ruse, a trick

KÄLAN a foster-parent

KÄLÄB a foster-child

KÄLÄLÖN to care for, to mind

KÄLÖF a caring attitude

KÄLÖFIK careful, caring

KÄLÖN to attend to, to look after, to nurse

KÄLTIK celtic

KÄM a camera

KÄN a cannon

KÄNAMANAF a gunboat

KÄNEDÖN to precipitate

KÄPTEN a (ship's) captain

KÄV a dock, a quay

KEB a herb (=plant with soft, not woody stalk)

KEBLÜNÖN to contribute

KEBLÜNOT a contribution

KEDÄD a rank (=line of people)

KEDÄDIO! get in line!

KEDOTEM a scale

KEDÖBAN an accomplice (in crime)

KEDÜLÖN to link, to string

KEF a brush

KEFÖN to brush

KEINIK charming

KEINOT charm

KEK a cake

KEKUNAFLAMAT appendicitis

KEL who, which (relative); (in kel(s)= where)

KELOMÄNAN a fellow-countryman

KELÖDÖN (KO) to cohabit (with)

KELIED compassion

KELIEDÖN (KO) to sympathize (with)

KELOS what, which (relative pronoun)

KENINÜKAMÜ inclusive of

KEOLAN a mate, a pal

KEP a cape (=geographical)

KESENÄL compassion, sympathy

KESEV knowledge

KESUMÖN to take away (with)

KEV a cave, a cavern

KEVOBÖN to co-operate

KEVÖFIK cavernous, hollow

KID a kiss

KIDÖN to kiss

KIEMAN an (analytical) chemist

KIEMASANAV chemotherapy

KIEMAV chemistry

KIEMIK chemical

KIEN a knee

KIENÖN to kneel

KIF? who? (feminine)

KIFIK? which (one)? (feminine)

KIK a key

KIKODO? why?

KIL three


KILLIEN a triangle

KILTONOD a third (music)

KIM ? who? (masculine)

KIMIK ? which (one)? (masculine)

KIN ? what? which? (neuter)

KINIK ? what (one)? which (one)? (neuter)

KIOSK a kiosk, a newspaper stand/stall

KIOSOTIK whatever

KIÖPO? where?

KIPÄDÖN to contain, to hold

KIPEDÖN to maintain, to preserve

KIPIAN a rack (=for towels, etc)

KIPIDÖN to deposit

KIPLADO? where?

KIPÖN to keep, to hold, to retain

KIRAT a (gold) carat

KIRFAT cinnamon

KIS? what? (abstract)

KISIK? what (one)? (abstract)

KISOTIK? what sort of . . .

KITAZÖT a receipt

KITIMO? when?

KITOPO? where?

KITÖN to receipt, to settle (payment)

KIUD a partition

KLAD a category, a class

KLADÄT a caste

KLAF a corn (on foot)

KLAT éclat, flamboyance, glamour

KLATÄDIK classical

KLAUNÖFIK clownish, silly

KLAV a key (on keyboard)

KLAVAN a typist

KLAVÖN to key in, to type

KLÄDÖM a cradle

KLÄN a secret

KLÄNEDAPLED (a game of) 'hide and seek'

KLÄNEDÖN (OKI) to conceal, to hide (oneself)

KLÄPED a hatch, a shutter

KLEDÖM a seesaw

KLEDÖN to sway

KLEIBÖN to glue, to paste, to stick

KLEILIK clear, plain, unambiguous

KLEILILOGAM clairvoyance

KLEILIKO obviously

KLEILÜKÖN to elucidate, to explain

KLEMEDÖN to capitulate

KLEMÖN to abandon, to decline, to refuse, to relinquish

KLERÄT chapter (ecclesiastical)

KLEUDAN (HI-/JI-) a monk, a nun

KLIEN inclination, tendency

KLIENÄL an instinct

KLIENIK inclined (to)

KLIENÖN (AD) to incline, to tend (to)

KLIENÖN (LOVE) to bend (over)

KLIET refreshment

KLIETIK refreshing

KLIETÖN to refresh

KLIETOT a refreshment (klietots = refreshments)

KLIF a rock

KLIFABLÖG a boulder

KLIFIK rocky

KLILIK light (=not dark)

KLIMAT a climate

KLINIK clean

KLINÖF cleanliness

KLINÜKÖN to clean

KLIPAJOL a rocky coastline

KLIRIKÖN to call quits

KLIV a precipice

KLOK a bell

KLOKIL a handbell

KLOKÜL a doorbell

KLORIN chloride

KLOPÖN to harvest, to reap

KLOPÜP harvest time

KLOTED a dress

KLOTEM a suit


KLOTILÄGÖM a clothes hanger

KLOTÖN to dress

KLOTS clothes

KLOTUGIK elegant, smart

KLOTUGÖN to suit (of clothes)

KLÖBÜL a (bell) clapper

KLÖPIK circular, round

KLÖPÖFIK portly (of gait)

KLU consequently

KLUBAM an association

KLUBÄD a body (of people)

KLUDÖN to deduce, to infer

KLUDOD a conclusion (mental)

KLUÖ ! well now !

KLUF a nail (woodwork)

KLUINÖN to clean, to wipe

KLUR an emblem

KLUT a lock, a sluice (nautical)

KLUV a claw (of animal)

KLÜLABIKO evidently

KLÜLÄDÖN to be evident, to be obvious

KLÜLIKÖ! of course!

KLÜNACEM a cloakroom

KLÜNATAB a dressing-table

KNÄTÄRÖN to crackle

KNIBOD a gag, a muzzle

KNIBÖN to nip, to pinch

KNIRÖN to creak, to grate

KNOP a button

KO with

KOAGÜL a clot (of blood)

KOAN a shell

KOANAF a shellfish

KOANANIM a mussel (= seafood)

KOAP a (person's) body

KOAPANATÄL (physical) constitution

KOÄF a coefficient (maths)

KOBANEF a gathering (of people)

KOBÄDIK common, general

KOBÄLÄN a commonwealh (of like-minded nations)

KOBÄT solidarity

KOBIKÖN (KO) to come together, to converge

KOBIOKLEBIK agglutinative

KOBO together

KOBODRÄNÖN to compress

KOBOJEN coincidence, concurrence

KOBOJOIKÖN to collide

KOBOJOKÖN (TA) to collide (with)

KOBOKÖMÖN to converge

KOBONUMÖN to add up, to add together

KOBOPEDÖN to compress

KOBOYÜMÜKARÄT a jigsaw puzzle

KOBÖF a collectivity

KOBÜKAM an assembly, a meeting

KOD a cause, reason

KODÄ why (conjunction)

KODÄDÖN to complicate

KODED a reason

KODEDÖN to give occasion to, to give rise to

KODIDÖN (EKE BOSI) to ascribe, to attribute

KODÖN to cause

KODÜL a pretext

KOEDÖN (+ INFIN) to allow, to permit (koedön falön = to let


KOEFIDÖN (OKI) to hear someone’s confession

KOEFIKÖN to go to confession

KOEFÖN to confess

KOEG a cork

KOEGITIRET a corkscrew

KOF derision, mockery, ridicule

KOFÖN to deride, to mock, to ridicule

KOFUDÜKÖN to confuse

KOITÖM a penis

KOITÖN (KO) to have intercourse, mate (with)

KOJMAR a nightmare

KOKAIN cocain

KOKOT a coconut

KOKRETOT concrete (substance)

KOKUN a cocoon

KOL in regard to, in respect of

KOLAT coal

KOLATAN a coalman

KOLATAJUP a coal shovel

KOLED a lunch

KOLET a collar (clothing)

KOLD coldness (physical)

KOLDÄLIK coldness (emotional)

KOLDÄT a chill, a cold

KOLDÄTIKÖN to catch a chill/cold

KOLDÜKÖN to become chilly

KOLDIK cold (temperature)

KOLDÜLIK cool, fresh

KOLDÜLÜKÖM a cooler, a (car) radiator

KOLED a lunch

KOLEDÖN to lunch, to have lunch

KOLET a collar

KOLKÖM an encounter, a meeting

KOLKÖMANEF an assembly

KOLKÖMÖN to encounter, to meet

KOLPORTAN a hawker, a peddler

KOLTENÜKÖN to stretch out

KOLUM a column (architecture)

KOLUNAN a colonist

KOLUNÄNACANS colonial produce, groceries

KOMANDÖN to recommend

KOMÄDÖN to exist

KOMBINATOR many parts

KOMIK present (in attendance)

KOMIP a fight, a struggle

KOMIPÖN (TA) to fight, to struggle (against)

KOMIPÖP an arena

KOMITETANEF a committee

KOMITO on commission

KOMÖN to be present

KOMOREIDÖN to lecture, recite, to read (in public)

KOMOTANEF a community

KOMPAD a compass

KOMPAIN a company (of soldiers)

KOMPENAN a fellow-spirit, a colleague

KOMPENÄT a (commercial) company

KOMPENÄTAN a partner (in firm)

KOMPENÖN (PÖ) to share (with), to take part (in)

KOMPLEM completion

KOMPLITIK complex, complicated

KOMPOT a jam

KOMUIN (SALUDIK) communion (holy)

KOMULAN a representative

KOMULÖN to represent

KOMUNAN an average person, man in the street

KOMUNIK common, general, ordinary

KOMUNÖFIK familiar KONDÖT behaviour, conduct

KONDÖTÖN (ÄS) to behave (as)

KONÄD a legend

KONED a novel

KONFÄKOT ready to wear (clothes)

KONFIDIK close (friend)

KONFERÖN to confer (consult together)

KONFID confidence, faith, trust

KONFIDIK confident, faithful, trustful

KONFIDÖN to have faith in, to trust

KONGRUEN a congruent (maths)

KONKER a conquest, a victory

KONKERÖN to conquer, to overrun

KONLET a collection

KONLETÖN to collect

KONOT a story, a tale

KONOTÜL an anecdote

KONÖM (the) economy, (the) household

KONÖMAVAN an economist

KONÖN to narrate, to tell (= a story)

KONSÄL a (piece of) advice

KONSÄLACÄM a Council Chamber

KONSÄLIDADÜP an appointment

KONSÄLIDÖN to consult

KONSÄLÖN to advise, to counsel

KONSÄLÖP a town hall

KONSÄRT a concert

KONSIENIVESTIG an examination of conscience

KONSIENÖFIK conscientious

KONSTATÖN to take note of, to notice

KONSULÖP a consulate

KONTAG (sense of) touch

KONTAGÖN to contact, to touch

KONTROLÖN to control, to check

KONÜD a (fir) cone

KONYAK brandy

KONYUGÖN to conjugate (verbs)

KONYUN a conjunction (grammar)

KOOTIK fully cooked

KOP a body (= substance)

KOPIK physical

KOPIED a copy

KOPIEDÖN to copy

KORÄKÖN to correct, to mark (work)

KORDÜL a sinew, a tendon

KOR a choir

KORIAL coral


KORIALAREF a coral reef

KORNED a cornea (eye)

KORSÄT a bodice, a corset

KORUL coral (= pink)

KOS opposite (=facing)

KOSAM a contact

KOSÄD company, communication, social intercourse

KOSÄDAPÜK colloquial speech

KOSÄDÖN (KO) to associate (with), to get on/to go around (with)

KOSGOLÖN to approach, to go to meet

KOSID a livelihood

KOSIKÖN (KO) to communicate (with)

KOSLOGÖN to anticipate, to look forward to

KOSÜKÖN to put in touch with

KOT a code

KOTAVÖD a code word

KOTENIK contented, satisfied

KOTENÜKAM satisfaction

KOTENÜKÖN to satisfy

KOTIN cotton

KOTUR a quail

KOULT (the) occult

KOUP an occupation (military)

KOUPÖN to occupy (military)

KOVEN comfort

KOVENASTUL an easy chair

KOVENIK comfortable

KOVENIÄLIK convenient, opportune

KÖ where (correlative)

KÖB a comb

KÖBAMAYÄN worsted (cloth)

KÖBÖN (OKI) to comb (one's hair)

KÖDET an incision

KÖDÖN to carve

KÖG a cough

KÖGÖN to cough

KÖK a micrococcus (medical)

KÖL colour, paint

KÖLAN a (house) painter

KÖLÖN to paint

KÖLÜL a tint

KÖMÖN (LÜ) to come (to)

KÖNÄD a coin

KÖNÄDAV numismatics

KÖP a cup

KÖPET a (beer) glass

KÖRAMAN the knave of hearts (card games)

KÖRAREG the king of hearts (card games)

KÖRAVOM the queen of hearts (card games)

KÖRTEN a curtain

KÖSÖMIK common, habitual, usual

KÖSÖMOT a custom, a habit

KÖSÖMÖN (AD) to be accustomed (to), to be wont (to)

KÖSÖMÜKÖN to accustom

KÖST a cousin

KÖT a cut

KÖTAPÜN (point of) intersection

KÖTÄD a slice

KÖTÄDIL an incision

KÖTED a cutting edge

KÖTET a (surgical) operation

KÖTETAVAN a surgeon

KÖTOT a piece, a portion

KÖTÖN to cut

KÖTÜLÖN to prune (kötülön bimis = to prune trees)

KÖV an envelope

KRAB a crab

KRAL a claw

KRAN a skull

KRATED an abrasion, a scratch

KRATÖN to scrape, to scratch

KRAVAT a necktie

KRAXÖN to crow

KRÄKÖN to burst

KRÄN a crane

KRÄTÄD a crate

KREDÖN (MÖ) to believe (in)

KREDIDÖN to make believe, to pretend

KREF a crayfish

KREM a cream

KRET chalk

KRETÄD a crayon

KREVÄT a prawn

KRIG a war

KRIGAGOLÄD a crusade, a (military) expedition

KRIGÖN (TA) to wage war (against)

KRIK a cricket

KRIKÜL a grasshopper

KRIM a crime

KRIMAN a criminal

KRIMÖF criminality

KRINUL a crinoline

KRIPÖN to creep

KRISET a hamster

KRISID a crisis

KRISTAD crystal

KRISTADAGLÄT cut glass KRIT Christianity

KRITID Christmas

KRITIDAZÄL (festival of) Christmas

KROD a cross

KRODAM crucifixion

KROK a crocus

KROLIG a rabbit

KRONAM a coronation

KRONIG a chronicle

(jen kronigik = chronicling)

KRONÜL a wreath

KROPIKÖN to crouch down

KROT a rattle

KROTASNEK a rattlesnake

KROTÖM a castanet

KROV a crow


KRUGIK curving, winding

KRUGIKÖN to coil, to wind


KRUGÜL a curl

KRÜDIK raw, uncooked

KRÜSALID a chrysallis

KRÜSEN a chrysanthemum

KRÜT a criticism, a critique

KRÜTÖN to review (books)

KUBIT an elbow

KUD anxiety, worry

KUDIK anxious, worried

KUDÜKÖLO earnestly

KUELEL a ukulele

KUIN a quintal (= 100 kg)

KUKÖN to be boiling (vat kukon = the water's

KUKUK a cuckoo

KUL a course (= movement); a track

KULAN a pioneer, a trailblazer

KULIVIK cultured, educated

KULÖN to clear

KULTASALUDÜKAM ordination (to priesthood)

KULTÖN to worship

KUM a heap, a pile

KUMULATOR an accumulator (electric)

KÜM a swarm

KUN a cow

KUPRIN copper

KUPRINAGAVOT a copper engraving

KUR a (royal) court

KURAAN (the) Koran

KURAD bravery, courage

KURADIK brave, courageous

KURADÜKÖN to encourage

KURAN a courtier

KURATÄLIK punctual

KURATIK exact, precise

KURBIDÖM an (electric) switch

KURSÜD a course (of lessons)

KURUGIK courtly

KUSADÖN to accuse

KUSEN a cushion, a pillow

KÜ when (correlative)

KÜBÄD a cube

KÜG a cucumber

KÜID a thigh

KÜIR leather

KÜIRED a (shoe) strap

KÜKANÖG a boiled egg

KÜKÖN to boil (kükobs vati = we boil the water)

KÜMAM a swarm (of bees)

KÜMÖN to swarm

KÜNIDAN a cynic

KÜNIDIK cynical

KÜNIDIM cynicism

KÜNIK bold, cheeky

KÜNÖN to be cheeky, to dare

KÜPÄDIK remarkable

KÜPÄDIKÜN most remarkable

KÜPÄL attention

KÜPÄLIK attentive

KÜPÄLÖN to check, to make sure

KÜPÄLÜKÖN to draw attention to

KÜPEDOT an observation

KÜPEDÖN to observe, to notice, to watch

KÜPET a remark

KÜPETÖN to comment

KVAADUK an aqueduct

KVAD a (geometric) square

KVADIK square (shape)

KVAGÖN to croak, to quack

KVÄNÖN to extinguish, to turn off

KVÄNEDÖN to efface, to obliterate, to wipe out

KVÄR an acorn

KVÄREP an oak (tree)

KVÄREPABOAD oak (wood)

KVEATOR equator

KVIL an eagle

KVIP a team



KVISINAV culinary art

KVISINÖN to cook

KVISINÖP a kitchen

KVISIT (the) Inquisition


LABEDÖN to take possession of

LABIÄLIK ambitious, covetous

LABOT a possession

LABÖN to have

LABUN an album

LABÜKÖN to make have

LABÜLÖN to assume, to occupy

LAD a heart

LADÄL disposition, feeling, temperament

LADÄLOD a frame of mind

LADÄLÖF sensitivity

LADET an address

LADETÄB an addressee

LADÖFIK cordial

LAED lattice

LAEL an alley-way, a grove

LAF a half

LAFAB an alphabet

LAFADÜP half-an-hour

LAFAPLEDEDÜP half-time (in football)

LAFIK half

LAGÖN to be hanging (pänot lagon len völ = the

picture is hanging on the wall)

LAIBINÜKÖN to keep (something) going

LAIDAREMAN a regular customer

LAIDÄL insistence, perseverence

LAIDÄLÖN (PÖ) to insist (on)

LAIDÖN to be stable

LAIDULIK constant

LAIDULIKO continually

LAIDULÖN to persist

LAIDÜP eternity

LAIJÄFÖN to carry on, to continue

LAILIFÖN to live on, to survive

LAIN wool

LAJIMÖN to cut up

LAK a lake

LALÄF a slug

LALEG seaweed

LALEGORIK allegorical

LALIAD an alloy

LALKIMAN an alchemist

LALKOHOL alcohol

LALKOV an alcove, a recess

LALPIK alpine

LALT alto (music)

LAM a (sharp) blade

LAMIRAL an admiral

LAMPAD a lamp

LAMPIUN a (Chinese) lantern

LAMPÖR an emperor

LAMPÖRÄN an empire

LAN a soul, a spirit

LANAL (the) Supreme Spirit

LANAV psychology

LANÄLIK enthusiastic

LANÄLÖN to enthuse

LANÄLÜKÖN to enthuse

LÄNEDAL a landowner

LANÖFIK spiritual

LANTÄR a (decorative) lamp, a light

LANTEN an aerial, an antenna

LANUD an alder (tree)

LAOÄD an aloe (plant)

LAODIK aloud, loud

LAODIKO loudly

LAPELACÖDAL an appeal judge

LARABAN an arab

LARAM an alarm

LARAMÖN to raise the alarm

LARDAMEL (the) open sea

LARDIK extensive

LARGENTASTÖMEM (table) silver

LARGENTIN silver (substance)

LARIN a larynx

LARTÜG a (newspaper) article

LASÄR a lizard

LASBED asbestos

LASER a laser

LASIL an asylum (from an enemy), a shelter

LASIV lust

LASUMÖN to pick up

LASÜRABLÖV an azure blue

LATAR an altar

LATIK late, tardy

LATIKÖN to be late

LAUD a lark

LAUTAN an author, a writer

LAUTOT a (written) work

LAUTÖN to write (as an author)

LAVABASIN (kitchen) sink

LAVABÖVÄD a washbasin

LAVACIN a washing machine

LAVALAUK washing liquid

LAVARAN a miser

LAVARIK avaricious, mean

LAVASTITOD a laundry

LAVÄDAFLAB a face cloth

LAVOD laundry

LAVOGAN a lawyer

LAVÖN to wash

LAVÖP a laundry

LAVÜLÖN to rinse

LAY garlic

LAYET a drawer

LÄ by, with

LÄB happiness, fortune, luck

LÄBIK happy, fortunate, lucky

LÄBLIN a contribution

LÄCERIK frivolous, superficial

LÄD lady, Mrs (läd 'X' = Mrs. 'X')

LÄDÜL young lady, Miss (lädül 'X' = Miss 'X')

LÄFULÜKIK extra, supplementary

LÄGIAN a belt (supporting gun, etc)

LÄGÖN to hang (lägob pänoti len völ = I hang

the painting on the wall)

LÄKÖN to lick

LÄL garlic

LÄMPIK clear (weather)

LÄN country, land

LÄNÄD country (as opposed to town)

LÄNED ground, terrain

LÄNEM a nickname

LÄNOD scenery

LÄOD an addition, an epithet

LÄRNAHIPUL an apprentice boy

LÄRNAN a learner, a pupil

LÄRNOD a lesson

LÄRNÖN to learn

LÄS less

LÄSDIGIDÖN to underestimate

LÄSETÖN to disappoint

LÄSIKÖN to become weaker


LÄSÖFIK demeaning

LÄTEN brass

LÄTIK last (lätiküno = last of all)

LÄTIKNA the last time

LÄTIKO lastly

LÄÜKÖN to enclose

LÄYÜMIK additional

LÄZIB a side dish

LEADÖN (+ INFIN) to allow, to permit, to let (leadön

falön = to drop (to let fall)

LEADÖN DEFLUMÖN to deflate (air from tyre)

LEÄKTRONAV electronics

LEAR an olive tree

LEARAFLUK an olive

LEARALEÜL olive oil

LEBASOV double bass (music)

LEBAT a scourge

LEBAVET a shawl

LEBIT a campaign

LEBLADÖN to blow (of wind)

LEBLAM a reprimand

LEBLAMÖN to reprimand

LEBLIMÖN to make up (a bed)

LEBLUDAM a haemorrhage

LEBONED a subscription (to a magazine, etc)

LEBONEDÖN to subscribe (to a magazine, etc)

LEBÖB (the) Stock Exchange

LEBÖTAN a head waiter

LEBÖTID a drinking spree

LEBÜDAN a commander

LEBÜR a head office

LEBÜRAL a chancellor

LECÄD highness, eminence

LECED a point of view

LECEIN a conversion

LECEK a stable

LECÜD an axe

LECÜT a fraud, a swindle

LED lace

LEDAUT a princess

LEDINIK principal

LEDINO chiefly, mainly, principally

LEDITÖN (DE) to say goodbye, to take leave (of)

LEDOM a mansion, a palace


LEDROLIK ridiculous

LEDUNÖFIK elaborate

LEDUNÖN to accomplish, to attain, to carry out

LEDUTOD a property (= quality)

LEDUTÖN (LÜ) to belong (to)

LEDÜFIK rock hard

LEEFAD an elephant

LEF balm, yeast

LEFAD a line, a string

LEFANOT a quarry (hunting)

LEFAT a grandfather

LEFÄK an obsession, a passion

LEFÄKÄLIK extreme, passionate

LEFÄNÖN to wave

LEFENIKÖN to exhaust

LEFIDED a banquet

LEFIL a conflagration


LEFILAPOLDAN a fire-fighter, a fireman

LEFILÖ! fire!

LEFILÖN to be burning, to be on fire

LEFOG a cloud

LEFÖN a furnace

LEFRED (good) cheer

LEFREDIK cheerful

LEGAD a (public) park, public gardens

LEGÄT a legation (= building)

LEGIK genuine, real

LEGIVOT a gift, a present

LEGLÜG a cathedral

LEHITIK boiling hot

LEIG equality

LEIGAMAGOD an example (= parable)

LEIGAMOD a counterpart

LEIGAPENAM a homograph

LEIGATON an equivalent sound

LEIGAVET equilibrium

LEIGED a uniform

LEIGETÖN to be quits, to be straight

LEIGIK equal

LEIGO likewise

LEIGOD a comparison

LEIGODÖN (KO/TÄ) to compare (with)

LEIGODÜ in comparison with

LEIGÖN to equal, to be equal to

LEIGOSO equally, just as

LEITIK light (= not heavy)

LEJÄFIDÖN (ME) to be obsessed (with)

LEJEKIK terrified

LEJENÖF reality

LEJONOD an instruction

LEJUIT a delight

LEJUITIK delightful

LEKÄL treatment (medical)


LEKANAN an artist

LEKANÄL artistry

LEKANOT a fine art

LEKÄF a trick, a deception

LEKÄL (medical) treatment

LEKLÄR lightening (in a storm)

LEKEV a cave


LEKLIN cleanliness

LEKLUINÖN to clean, to polish

LEKLUINÖM a polisher, a scraper

LEKOEF a creed

LEKOEFÖN to admit, to confess

LEKOMIP a battle

LEKONED a novel (literature)

LEKONFIDÖN to rely on

LEKRED a belief, a faith

LEKREDAKOBÄD a (religious) sect

LEKTIN electricity

LEKTINAFLUMIKURB an electric switch

LEKTINANÄM electric power

LEKTINANIBUD a trolley bus

LEKTINIDÖN to electrify

LEKTINIK electric(al)

LEKUSEN a cushion, a pillow

LEKÜPÄLÖN (ME) to concentrate (on) (mental activity)

LEL a lily


LELILÖN to hear, to learn, to understand

LELIVAKONÖMAV a free economy (theory)


LELOBÖN to praise, to worship

LELOGÄDIK outstanding, prominent

LELOGÖN to consider

LELÖF passionate love

LELÖFÄDIK fond (of)

LELÖFÄDIKÖN (DÖ) to fall in love (with)

LELÖFIK dear, lovable

LELÖFÖN to love (passionately)

LELÖLO as a whole

LELÜGIK tragic

LEM paralysis

LEMAKET a supermarket

LEMEIL flour

LEMEKÖN to complete, to finish

LEMESED an income, a salary, a wage

LEMOT a grandmother

LEMOTEDIK (of) gentle (birth)

LEMÖD a lot of

LEMÖDOT a crowd, a great deal

LEMUDIÄR a muzzle

LEMUFÜKÖN to agitate, to shake, to shrug

LEMUAM an extreme

LEMUIK extreme

LEMÜF a locomotive

LEMÜLÖN to limp

LEMÜR a splash

LEN at, on

LENAUD a horror

LENKÖTÖN to slice

LENLABÖN (KLOTIS) to wear (clothes)

LENO certainly not, not at all

LENOS absolutely nothing

LENOID a din, a noise

LENOF an insult

LENSUMÖN to accept

LENTÜL a lens (eye)

LENUIK up-to-date

LENÜKÖN (KLOTIS) to put on (clothes)

LENÜNAN a reference (person)

LEOD an arrangement, an order

LEODÖN to arrange (in order)

LEODÜKÖN to arrange (items)

LEOG an echo

LEON a lion (leonasep = a lion's den)

LEONATOAR a sea lion

LEP an ape, a monkey

LEPÄDAN an abbott

LEPÄDANÖP an abbey

LEPEDÖN to crush

LEPID repentance

LEPLÄG a (dress) rehearsal

LEPLEKÖN to adore, to supplicate, to worship

LEPLÜT(S) manner(s)

LEPÖK a failure

LEPRAD leprosy

LERÄT a puzzle

LEROR a shout, a shriek

LERORÖN to bellow, to shout, to yell

LERÖBAPAPÜR sand paper

LESAG an assertion

LESAGÖN to assert, to claim

LESEATÖP an (army) position

LESET a theorem

LESI! sure!

LESIL outer space

LESINIK wicked


LESIÖN to assure, to ensure, to make sure of

LESIÖRADOM a manor (house)

LESKAN an outrage

LESOGÄD high society

LESON a prince

LESPAD (the) cosmos

LESPADABLUF a space probe

LESPADANAF an spaceship

LESPADANAFAN an astronaut

LESPADATIMÄD (the) space age

LESPAT an excursion

LESKRUB a (ship's) screw

LESTAB (MELA) the bottom (of the sea)

LESTEKATEGED an eiderdown

LESTIGÄDÖN to irritate

LESTIMAN an admirer, a fan

LESTRALÖN (LOVE) to outshine

LESTÜM esteem, regard, reverence

LESTÜMÖN to esteem

LESUIDIKÖN to faint away

LESÜT a highway

LETÄLEN genius

LETIDAN a headmaster

LETIK (mental) consideration

LETIKÖN to consider

LETIRÖM a wrench

LETIRÖN to drag, to haul

LETODÖN to defy, to torment LETÖBID trouble, inconvenience

LETÖN to let in

LETÜV the discovery (of continent/country)

LEÜL oil, lubrication

LEÜLÖN to oil, to lubricate

LEVALIDACED a general opinion

LEVEG a highway, a road

LEVEMIK enormous, supreme

LEVERIK absolute

LEVIP passion

LEVOTIKAM an anti-climax

LEYANAN a gate-keeper, a janitor

LEZIL fervour, zeal

LEZILIM extremism, fanaticism

LEZIÖB a (prison) cell

LIÄG holly

LIB freedom, liberty


LIBELUL a dragonfly

LIBIK free

LIBIO free (stadükön libio = to set free)

LICIN origin

LID a song

LIÄNÜLAM a foot (in verse)

LIEDAN a sufferer

LIEDIK unfortunate

LIEDÖ! unfortunately!

LIEDÖN (DEMÜ) to suffer (for/from/on account of)

LIEDÜKÖN to upset (emotionally)

LIEG riches, wealth

LIEGIK rich, wealthy

LIEGÖF richness

LIEN a line

LIENÄD a (physical) feature

LIENETIK insane, mad

LIEV a hare

LIF life

LIFICINIK bio-mechanical

LIFIK alive, living

LIFOT an experience

LIFÄDÖN to spend (time)


LIFÖFÜKÖN to invigorate

LIFÖN to be alive, to live

LIFT an elevator, a lift

LIKÖR a liqueur

LIKVIR liquorice

LIL an ear

LILAMASIEN (sense of) hearing


LILÖN to hear

LIM a limb, a member

LIMAN a (human) member

LIMONAD lemonade

LIN a ring (= a circle)


LINDIF apathy

LINDIFÖN to be indifferent

* lindifos = it doesn't matter

LINEG a tongue

LINUL linoleum

LINUMASTOF linen (cloth)

LIO? how?

LIOMÖDOTIKNA how many times

LIÖL a mile

LIÖTAN a lieutenant

LIP a lip

LISED a list


LIT light (= not dark)

LITAREKLAM an illuminated advertisement



LITERAT literature

LITIK bright, light

LITODÖN to print (photographs)

LITÜKAM illumination

LITÜKÖN to illuminate

LIUD a link (connection)

LIUNÖN to draw, to trace (a line)

LIUNÜL a comma

LIVÄTIK independent

LIVIK free, loose, slack, unfastened

LIVOD leave (in army)

LIVÖN to be loose

LIVÜKAM release (from prison, duty, etc)

LIVÜKÖN to loosen, to slacken, to unfasten

LIVÜP leisure (time); a pastime

LOASID an oasis

LOATAMON rent (payment)

LOATAN a lodger


LOATÄB a hired servant

LOB praise

LOBEDIK obedient

LOBEDÖN to obey

LOBLINÖN to bring up (a subject)

LOBÜL approval

LOBÜLÖN to applaud

LÖDADOM an apartment

LODASPAD the hold of a ship (for cargo)

LODOT a cargo, a load

LOENÖN (DE) to borrow (from)

LOETAMAPAÄL a frying-pan

LOETAMIT roast (meat)

LOETANÖG a fried egg


LOETÖN to fry, to roast

LOFOT a (specific) offer

LOFÖN to offer

LOFÜD east

LOG an eye

LOGABOB an eyebrow

LOGAGLÖP an eyeball

LOGAKEV an eye socket

LOGALIP an eyelid

LOGAM (sense of) sight, a view

LOGASAUNÜKÖP an eye clinic

LOGATOF an eye drop

LOGÄDIK visible

LOGÄDIKÖN to become visible, to be seen

LOGÄDÖN to be seen, to be visible

LOGED a glance, a look

LOGEDAHOG a peep-hole

LOGEDÖN (LÜ) to glance (at), to look (at)

LOGET a gaze

LOGETÖN to contemplate

LOGOD a face (logodakölül = complexion)

LOGODÖN (ÄS) to appear, to look (like)

LOGOT a sight

LOGOTÖN (ÄS) to appear outwardly (like)

LOGÖFOT a (tourist) attraction

LOGÖN to look, to see

LOJAD a (theatre) box

LOK a mirror

LOKTOP an octopus

LOKÖN to be mirrored/reflected

LOM home

LOMÄDÜKÖN (OKI) to settle down

LOMANEF (the) family

LOMÄNAN a (fellow) countryman

LOMÄNÄL patriotism

LOMIO homewards

LOMO at home

LOMÖFACEM a sitting room

LON a/the law

LONÄD a decision

LONÄDÖN to determine, to settle

LONEM the (body of) the law, legislation

LONÖF a particular quality


LONÖFÖN to be valid

LONÖN to arrange, to ratify

LONÜLÖN to put, to submit (for con sideration)

LOP an opera

LOPÜL an operetta

LORD a lord

LOREIDÖN to read out

LORM an elm

LOSEITÖN to present

LOTERAZÖT a lottery ticket, a raffle ticket

LOTID accommodation

LOTIDÄB a guest

LOTIDÖP an hotel, a hostelry

LOVATIK oval (shape)

LOVE over

LOVEBOTAM a (water) crossing

LOVEGOLÖN (LOVE) to cross (over)

LOVEIVOTÖN (INI) to turn / convert (into)

LOVELOGAM a bird's-eye view

LOVENAF a ferry(boat)

LOVENAFAMÖP a ferry crossing

LOVESEDÖN to transmit

LOVESUMÖN to succeed (= to follow on); to undertake (to do something)

LOVIOTIRAKLOT a pullover, a sweater

LOXIN oxygen

LOZON ozone

LÖÄDÖN to rise, to stand up

* löädön se bed = to get up

LÖBRUID effervescence

LÖDADOM a flat

LÖDAN an inhabitant

LÖDATEAD an appartment, a flat

LÖDAVAB a caravan

LÖDÖN to live, to reside

LÖDÖP place of residence

LÖDÜKÖN to inhabit, to live in

LÖF love

LÖFÄB a loved one

LÖFÄL a hobby

LÖFIDIK appealing, charming

LÖFIK lovable, dear

LÖFILÖN to like


LÖFÖN to love

LÖFÜLÖN to caress, to fondle

LÖG a leg

LÖIK upright

LÖK a lock

LÖLIK entire, whole

LÖLIKO completely, wholly, quite

LÖLÖFIK complete

LÖLIMIK extremist

LÖMIN a chemical element

LÖNAFRUTÄL self - interest


LÖNÄL one's very self, the essential self

LÖNEDIK fitting, suitable

LÖNEDIKÖN (AD) to become adapted (to)

LÖNEDÖN (PÖ) to be fitting, to be suitable (for)

LÖNEDÜKÖN to adapt, to adjust

LÖNIK (one's) own

LÖNÜLÖN to conform to

LÖODÖN to erect, to raise up

LÖÖN to stand up straight

LÖPATEGED a counterpane (on bed)

LÖPATIDÖP a college

LÖPIKÖL ascending

LÖPIO upward(s)

LÖPO up(stairs) (go löpo = topmost)

LÖPÜ above, on top of

LÖSTANÖN to stand up

LÖSTROGENIN oestrogen (drug)

LÖTIRÖN to pull up

LÖÜKÖN to raise up

LOVEMELIK overseas

LÖVIK low (= height)

LUÄG a harebell

LUBEL a hill

LUCÄD snobbery


LUEG a lung

LUF windward side (nautical)

LUFAT a stepfather

LUFLAD a jug

LUFUT a paw


LUG a lie

LUGAN a liar

LUGÖN to lie

LUKAGAM malicious gossip

LUKRÜT (bad) criticism

LUHÄT a cap (= headgear)

LUIB a wheel

LUIBAMEKAN a wheelwright


LUIMIKÖN to get wet

LUIMÖF humidity, moisture

LUIMÖN to be moist/wet


LUKÄFIK cunning, sly


LUKÖNÄDAMON loose change

LUMAN a scoundrel

LUMESED a gratuity, a tip

LUKOFIKO mockingly, sneeringly

LUKRED superstition

LUKÜNIK foolhardy

LUL five

LULAK a pond

LULIT poor light, twilight

LUM an elm (tree)


LUMAN a wretch

LUMARAT (the) rat race

LUMOT a stepmother

LUNÄDIK oblong

LUNET (geographic) length

LUNID a glimmer (= weak light)

LUNIK long

LUNOFÖN to abuse, to revile

LUNOTIK long (= measure) (lunotik mö mets

kil = three metres long)

LUNÜKÖN to lengthen

LUP a wolf

LUPANAR a brothel

LUPLEIDIK conceited, vain

LUPÖP a mob, a rabble

LUPREDIK unctuous

LUSLUGÖN to swallow up

LUSMELÖN (ÄS) to stink (of)

LUSPET an illusion

LUSPIKÖN (DÖ) to gossip (about)

LUSTÄN a pennant

LUSTEBEDÖN to miss (= neglect)

LUSTIGÄDAN a ringleader, a trouble-maker

LUSTOG a ankle-sock

LUSÜT an alley, a lane (= in town)

LUT air

• in lut lardik = in the open air

LUTAM ventilation

LUTAPED air pressure

LUTEM (the) atmosphere

LUTEDAN a hawker

LUTOFAD gossamer

LUUK an ulcer

LUVAB a cart

LUVEG a lane, a path (= in the country)

LUVERATIK probable

LUVOKÄD a cry, a shout

LUVOKÄDÖN to cry out, to shout

LUXAMÖN to glance through

LUYAL a corridor

LUYÖN to moo (like a cow)

LÜ to, toward(s)

LÜ- -in-law

(lüfat, lümot = father-in-law, mother-in-law)

LÜÄL a (mental) attitude

LÜBÄTIK tempting

LÜD wrestling

LÜFAT a father-in-law

LÜG sadness

LÜGADRAMAT (the) Passion (of Christ)

LÜGIK sad, sorry

LÜGOLOVIK accessible

LÜKAN a spy

LÜKONFIDÖN to entrust

LÜKÖLO furtively

LÜKÖM an arrival

LÜKÖMAN a new arrival (person)

LÜKÖMÖN (LÜ) to arrive (at)

LÜKÖMÖP a destination

LÜKÖN to spy on, to watch

LÜL an owl

LÜLENÜKÖN to stretch out

LÜLOGAN an onlooker, a spectator

LÜLOGANEF an audience (of members of the public)

LÜLOGED a sight, a spectacle

LÜLOGEDÄL an aspect

LÜLOGÖN to watch

LÜMÄT a match (for lighting)

LÜMF lymph (gland)

LÜNAVAN an optician

LÜNÄT (a pair of) spectacles

LÜODÄL counselling, guidance

LÜODÜKÖN to direct, to guide

LÜSPIKAVÖD a form of address

LÜSTRID a hedgehog

LÜSUMÖN to accept, to acknowledge

LÜT a lute

LÜÜKÖN to add (to), to attach

LÜVÖN to desert, to leave

LÜXÜÖD a luxury

LÜYÜMOD a determinative


MAALGAM an amalgamation

MAAT a mast

MAÄ as (= in proportion)

MABAR amber

MABOIN marble (substance)

MADIK mature, ripe

MAF a measure

MAFÄDÜ for, in relation to...

MAFIB an amphibion

MAFIDÖN to try on (clothes)

MAFOT a size (shoe, glove); a dimension (general)

MAFÖN to measure

MAG a likeness, a representation

MAGAD a shop, a store

MAGAPENÄT hieroglyphics, pictography

MAGÄD an impression

MAGÄDABIK impressive

MAGÄL a fantasy (imagery)

MAGÄLIK fantastic

MAGÄLÖN to imagine

MAGED an appearance, build (of person); a form; a phenomenon

MAGET a style (clothing)

MAGIFIK splendid, wonderful

MAGITAN a magistrate

MAGIVAN a magician

MAGNET a magnet

MAGNOL a magnolia (tree)

MAGOD a picture

MAGODAKAD a picture card

MAGODAKASÄT a video cassette

MAGODATANIL a video tape

MAGODISUMODÖN a video recorder

MAGOT a statue

MAGOVIK imaginable

MAGUL a representation, a reproduction

MAHUN mahogany (wood)


MAIFOD a gap, an opening

MAIFÜKÖN to open

MAIPADÖN to open a book

MAIT maize (= cereal)

MAJÖ! quick march!

MAKET a market

MAKRON macaroni

MAKRORIN an elephant seal

MAL a mark, a sign

MALAR malaria

MALÄD a disease, an illness

MALÄDAN a patient

MALÄDANIVABED an ambulance

MALÄDANÖP a hospital, an infirmary


MALÄDIKÖN to become ill, to fall ill

MALEDITILÖ! blow it! damn it!

MALEKÖN to march

MALET a signal

MALETALIT a traffic light

MALETAMATÜM a lighthouse

MALOD an adjunct (grammar)

MALT malt

MALUV a mallow

MAN a man

MANDOLIN a mandolin

MANID mania

MANIK male

MANÖV a manoeuvre

MAP a file, a folder, a portfolio

MARAT a marathon (= race)

MARÄD a marsh

MARÄDÜKAM swamping

MARÄDÜKÖN to swamp


MARGARIN margarine

MART a weasel

MARTÜRAN a martyr

MASADACEM an attic, a garret

MASAPEN marzipan

MASAT a mass (= great quantity)

MASET a massage

MASETAN a masseur

MASKAGUMOD chewing-gum

MASKAR a mask

MASKÖN to chew, to masticate

MASTAN a master

MASTÖN to rule

MASTURBAT masturbation

MASTÜKÖN (OKI DÖ) to master, to make oneself the master of

MAT marriage

MATABLIM (wedding) trousseau

MATAN a husband or a wife

MATEDADEL a (wedding) anniversary

MATEDATÄV a honeymoon

MATEMATAN a mathematician

MATER (basic) material

MATIKÖN (KO) to get married (to), to marry. to wed

MATIOL a stock-gilliflower, a wallflower

MATIRAJAN a betrothal, an engagement

MATITEIL a divorce

MATITEILÖN to divorce

MATRAD a mattress

MATÜKÖN to marry, to wed

MAULÄT an amulet, a charm

MAYONÄD mayonnaise (garnish)


MAXÜL a jaw

MÄGIK lean (= not fat(ty); slim, thin

MÄK a sign

MÄKÖN to (make a) mark

MÄKUN opium

MÄL six

MÄNED a mantle, an overcoat

MÄNIOTÖN to mention

MÄNIOTÜL an allusion, a remark

MÄNSIDIK thin (of hair)

MÄNT mint

MÄPETIK violent

MÄPLAT a plaster (medical)

MÄPÜDIK cheeky, impudent, insolent

MÄR a fairy tale

MÄRALÄN fairyland

MÄRKURIN mercury (substance)

MÄSÄD Mass (R.C. Church)

MÄSPIL a medlar (tree)

MÄT competitiveness MÄTED a competition

MÄTEDÖN (KO) to compete (with)

MÄTÖP an arena

MÄYÖN to bleat (sheep)


ME by means of, with

MEB a recollection

MEBAMAL a monument

MEBÖN to recall

MED a means (to an end)

MEDIN a medecine, a remedy

MEDITÖN to ponder

MEDÜ by means of...

MEGÖN to splash about

MEIB a reminder

MEIKÖN to lay (railway line), to lay out (a garden)

MEIN mining

MEKAVIK artificial

MEKÖN to do, to make

MEL a sea

MELADOG a seal


MELAKÄV a wharf

MELAMALÄD seasickness

MELAN a sailor

MELAPON a pier

MELARAVAN a pirate

MELARAKET a torpedo

MELAROVÖP (sea) straits

MELASPATAVEG a promenade

MELASÜT a strait (geographical)

MELAT molasses, treacle

MELATÄV (sea) voyage

MELOD a melody

MELUN a melon

MEM memory

MEMOT a memory

MEMOSEVÖN to recognize

MEMÖN to remember

MEN man (= a human being)

MENABIDÄD man (= human species)

MENÄD an age (= generation)

MENAMÖDOT a crowd, a multitude

MENIK human

MENOD a (general) improvement

MENS people (= in general)

MERITÖN to earn, to merit

MERUL a blackbird

MESED a (financial) reward, a salary, a wage

MESEDIK rewarding

METAL a metal

METOD a method

METÖF (the) metric system

METÖFAV metrology

MEUG an opinion, an outlook, a point of view

MEUGIJON a demonstration

MIBÖNÖN to envy

MID (human) flesh

MIDUN a fault, a misdeed

MIED a boundary, a limit

MIEDALIEN a side (maths)

MIEDETÖN to define (= bounds/limits)

MIEDÖFÜKAM restriction

MIEDÜKÖN to hem in, to restrict

MIEL honey

MIFÄT a catastrophe

MIFÄTAN a malefactor

MIGACIN a mixer

MIGOT a mixture

MIGÖM a blender, a mixer

MIGÖN to mix

MIJENOT an accident

MIKEB a weed

MIKONDÖTAN a good-for-nothing, a scoundrel

MIKRODAGRUFILASIRKOT a long-playing record (an LP)

MIKROFON a microphone

MIKROVEF a microwave

* mikrovefafurnod = a microwave oven

MIL a thousand

MILAG a miracle

MILIG milk

MILIGÖP a dairy

MILIT an army

MILITIK military

MILMET a kilometre


MIMALIKO ominously

MIMEUG hostility

MINAVAT mineral water

MINILUDIK suspicious

MINIMILEM vermin (= as a category)

MINISTER a ministry ( =government department)

MINISTERÖP a (government) ministry (= building)

MINT mint (herb)

MINUM a minimum

MINUT a minute

MIOPIK short-sighted

MIOTIK dirty, polluted

MIOTÖN to soil

MIOTÜKAM (general) pollution

MIOTÜKÖN to pollute

MISEK a fiasco

MISEKIM defeatism

MISERABIK wretched

MISMELÖN to stink

MISTAD a drawback

MISTOM a thunderstorm

MISTOMÜL a squall

MISUR a beat, a measure

MIT meat

MITEODAV mythology

MITICÖPAN a butcher

MITICÖPÖP a butcher's shop

MIVEG a trespass

MIVIM a bad mood (mivimiko = in a bad mood)

MO away (mo e ge = backwards + forwards)

MOÄDÖN to omit

MOB a suggestion

MOBÖN to propose, to suggest

MOBÜ at the suggestion of

MOD a manner, a means, a way

* in mod seimik = somehow

MODUGÖN to abduct

MOELÄT an omelette

MOFÖN to drive (= animals)

MOFUGÖN (DE) to escape, to run away (from)

MOGOLÖN to go away

MOIKÖN to be rid of

MOJÜTÖN to go through (to dispose of one after another) MOLÄDIK gentle, tender

MOLIK soft

MOMOFÖN to expel, drive away, repel

MON money

MONALAYET a (shop) till

MONAPOKÜL a wallet

MONAPÖNOD a (monetary) fine/penalty

MONIGETOT a (monetary) tribute

MONIT a ride (= on an animal)

MONITANAMAGOT a statue mounted on horseback

MONITÖN to ride (an animal)

MOSAIG a mosaic

MOST a monster

MOSTÖFIK atrocious, monstrous

MOSUMÖN to take away

MOT a mother

MOTÄVÖN (DE) to depart (from), to leave

MOTED a birth

MOTEDADEL a birthday, date of birth

MOTEDALÄN land of one's birth, native land

MOTEDÖP place of birth

MOTÖN to give birth to

MOTOR an engine, a motor

MOTORANIBUD a bus, a coach

MOTORASAIKUL a motor-cycle


MOTORAVAB an automobile, a car

MOÜKÖN to get rid of, to take away

MÖ by (=indicating quantity)

MÖBEM (a suite of) furniture

MÖDAGOD polytheism

MÖDAVÖG polyphony (music)

MÖDIK many, much

MÖDIKUM more, several

* mödo mödikumo = much more

MÖDO a great deal

MÖDOT a number/quantity/amount

MÖGABID subjunctive mood (grammar)

MÖGÄDO eventually

MÖGIK possible

* as much as possible = mögiküno

MÖGOD a chance, a possibility, potential

MÖGOV a coverage area (as in radio/TV)

MÖGÖN to be possible (mögos, das..= it may be that)

MÖKOT a (medical) preparation

MÖKÖN to prepare

MÖN an (outside) wall


MÖV a seagull

MU extremely, most

MUAD amusement, entertainment

MUADIK amusing, entertaining

MUADÖN to amuse, to entertain

MUD a mouth

MUDEL Monday

MUDOT a mouthpiece

MUF a movement

MUFAVAN a mechanic

MUFÄTÖN to flit

MUFOVÜKÖN to loosen

MUFÖN (ÄS) to move (like)

MUFÜKIAN a motor (device/machine)

MUFÜKÖN to instigate, to start off, to turn over (car engine);

MUFÜLIK unsteady

MUFÜLÖN to waddle

MUG a mouse

• mugaparat = a (computer) mouse

MUIF worry

MUIFÖN to worry

MUIFÜKIK ill at ease

MUIFÜKÖN to (cause to) worry

MUIK most

MUIKOS (the) maximum * muiko = to the maximum

MUL a month

MUN (a/the) moon (fulamun = a full moon)

MUNÄD a satellite (= the moon(s)

MU NILÜ... next to...

MU PATO above all

MURB a blackberry

MURIK sullen

MURÖN to grumble

MURÜLÖN to mumble

MUSAK a (domestic) fly

MUSED a museum

MUSIG music

MUSIGABOG a music box

MUSIGALEF an orchestra

MUSIGAN a musician

MUSIGÖM a (musical) instrument

MUSK moss

MUSKAT a nutmeg

MUSKÄN (the) tundra

MUSKÄTAN a musketeer

MUSKIT a mosquito

USKITIL a gnat

MUSKUL a muscle

MUSTAG a moustache

MUTAR mustard

MUTÖN (+ INFIN) to have to (= must)

MÜÄTIK dumb, silent

MÜDIK soft, tender (= not hard/tough)

MÜEDÖN (DUB) to divide (by) (maths)

MÜFÖN to move, to shift

MÜGÄT a lily of the valley

MÜGDAL an almond

MÜKIK humble

MÜKÜKÖN (OKI) to humble (oneself)

MÜP a vaccination

MÜPÖN to vaccinate

MÜRÖN to murmur, to ripple, to trickle

MÜSTER a mystery

MÜSTERAV mysticism

MÜTÖN to compel, to force

MÜUL a mussel (seafood)


NAARGID anarchy

NAATOM anatomy

NAÄTÜ to the power of ... (maths)

NABALENIK close-fitting, tight

NABIK narrow, tight

NABÖFIK concise

NABÖFODÖNUAM a résumé, a summary

NAD a needle

NADIV an endive

NAED a time (= once, twice, etc)

NAEDAM multiplication (maths)

NAEDILO just, simply

NAEDOT a product (= an end result) (maths)

NAEDÖN to multiply (maths)

NAEMUN an anemone

NAF a ship, a vessel

NAFASKRUB a propeller

NAFÄDOT flotsam, wreckage

NAFEM fleet, navy

NAG a barge

NAIDALEÜL aniseed oil

NAIDALIKÖR anisette (liqueur)

NAILON nylon (fabric)

NAJOV an anchovy

NAK an anchor

NAKAR mother-of-pearl

NAKLÜM an anvil

NAM a hand

NAMABÜOSAG palmistry

NAMAFRENÖM a handbrake

NAMAGLÖPÄD handball (game)

NAMAKEV palm (of the hand)

NAMAPENÄD a manuscript

NAMAPLAG chiropractic

NAMAPLAGAN a chiropractor

NANAD a pineapple

NARD valerian (flower)

NARZID a narcissus

NAT nature


NATÄDÖP a waste, a wilderness

NATÄL nature (= temperament)

NATED open country

NATEM breath

NATEMAM breathing

NATEMIBERAVÖL breathtaking

NATEMÖN to breathe

NATIK natural (= relating to nature)

NATIVESTIGAN a naturalist

NATÖFIK natural (= relating to skill/temperament)


NAUD disgust

NAUDODIK sickening

NAUDÖN to detest

NAÜTIK boring, tedious, tiring

NAÜTÖN to bore, to tire out

NAVÄT a turnip

NÄEDAM subtraction (maths)

NÄEDÖN to subtract (maths)

NÄFÄTÖN to infect

NÄG a stitch

NÄGACIN a sewing machine

NÄGÄR a negro

NÄGÖN to sew

NÄIÄDIK adjoining

NÄIBUMOT a (building) extension

NÄIJENOT an episode (in book, film, radio, TV)

NÄILUSÜT a side alley

NÄIO incidentally

NÄISINIF a connotation, a secondary meaning

NÄISÜT a sidestreet, a turning

NÄM force

NÄMÄD power

NÄMÄDAN a potentate

NÄMÄDIÄLIM imperialism

NÄMÄT authority

NÄMETÜKÖN to charge (electrically)

NÄMIK strong

NÄMÖFIKO energetically

NÄN a dwarf

NÄRVODIK nervy, jittery, jumpy

NÄTÄPRETAN an interpreter

NÄSÄK an insect

NÄSTÜLÖN (LEN) to nestle (up to)

NÄTÄPRETAN an interpreter

NÄTIK intact, unimpaired

NÄTIMIK intimate

NÄTÜKAM a repair

NÄTÜKÖN to mend, to repair

NÄZÜM an enzyme

NEAI never

NEBEN decadence

NEBENÄL ill-will

NEBEPENOVIK indescribable

NEBÖNÖN to covet, to envy

NECALIKÖN (DE/SE) to retire (from)


NEDANÖFIK ungrateful

NEDÄLÄL intransigence


NEDEMÖN to neglect

NEDETIK left-hand

NEDIBÄD shallows

NEDIGÖFIK unworthy

NEDÖB innocence

NEDÖBIK innocent

NEDÖN (+ INFIN) to need

NEDUMIK bright, light (sound)

NEDUNÖN to neglect, to omit, to miss

NEF (HI-/JI-) a nephew/a niece

NEFÄDO on purpose

NEFÄGÖFAN an invalid

NEFÄKÖF apathy

NEFIEDIK unfaithful

NEFLAGIÄLIK modest, undemanding

NEFLEN an enemy


NEFLIFEDIK old, second-hand

NEFLUKÜKÖN to sterilise

NEFOMÄLOVIK unimaginable

NEFÖLOT an offence

NEFÖLÖN to neglect

NEFÖRO never

NEFRUTIK useless

NEFÜMÄLÖN to procrastinate

NEFÜMIK indefinite, uncertain

NEFÜMÜKIKÜN indefinable

NEGAT negativity

NEGIDETÜKÖN to prove wrong

NEGIDIK unfair, unjust

NEGÖNO unfavourably

NEIF a knife

NEIT a night


NEITARAMARIL a (bedside) cabinet

NEITASKAL a chamber-pot


NEJAFOVIK inexhaustible



NEKALKULOVIK incalculable, uncountable

NEKÄLÖN to neglect

NEKLINOT an impurity

NEKOMIK absent

NEKOVENIÄLIK inconvenient

NEKÖSÖMIK extraordinary

NEKÖSÖMIKO extraordinarily

NEKREDOVIK incredible, unbelievable

NEKVÄNOVIK unquenchable

NELAB a want

NELABÖN (BOSI) not to have, to be missing, to be without

NELABÜKÖN (EKE BOSI) to deprive (someone of something)

NELAIDIK changeable (of weather, etc), gradual

NELÄBIK unfortunate, unhappy

NELEIGIK unequal

NELEIGODOVIK incomparable



NELETIAN an obstacle

NELETÖN to deny, to hinder, to prevent


NELOGÄDIKÖN to disappear

NELOGÄDÜKÖN to make disappear


NELUF lee-side (nautical)

NELUVERATIK improbable

NEMEDIKO directly, immediately

NEMU at least

NEMÜTOVIK without constraint

NENÄTÖF immunity (medical)

NENIFLAT deflation

NEM a name

NEMAPENÄT a signature

NEMEDIK direct, immediate

NEMISEVABIK unmistakeable

NEMÖDIK few, not a lot, not much, not many

NEMÖDO few, little, not a lot

NEMÖDÜKÖN to abate, to reduce

NEMÖGIK impossible

NEMU at least

NEMUIKOS (a/the) minimum

NEMUIKÜN minimum

NEN without

NENBUKO by heart

NENDANIK ungrateful

NENDÄMIK innocent


NENDEMÜ regardless of

NENDÖFIK perfect

NENFINAM infinity

NENLEIGODOVIK incomparable

NENLEKREDAN an atheist

NENEFÖLOTIK guiltless, innocent

NENITEDÄLIKO uninterestedly

NENKUDIKO unconcerned

NENMÜTIG free and easy; unconstrained

NENPLÄOTO invariably, without exception

NENROPIK continuous, unbroken, uninterrupted

NENSEKIKO in vain, unsuccessfully

NENSIN innocence, sinlessness

NENSTABÖFIK unfathamomable

NENSÜENIK piffling, trifling

NENTRUF no trumps (card games)

NENUMOVIK countless

NENVILIKO instinctively

NENVOB unemployment

NENVOBIK out of work, unemployed

NENVÖLADAN a good-for-nothing

NENZEDIKO incessantly

NEOD a need, a requirement, a want

NEODÖN to need, to require, to want

NEODÜL frustration

NEPLIDÖN to displease

NEPLITIK disagreeable, unpleasing

NEPLU less (not more)

NEPLUAMANUM a minority

NEPLUIK less (not more)

NEPLUIKAM a decrease, a fall, a reduction

NEPLUÜKÖN to diminish

NEPLÜTIK impolite, rude


NEPÖTÖFIK unsuitable

NEPUBÖN to disappear

NEPUED indecency, immodesty

NES without (+ infinitive)

NESEIMO nowhere

NESEV ignorance

NESEVÄDIK anonymous, unknown

NESEVÄLÖFIK unconscious

NESIÄDIK abstract

NESIÄM nonsense

NESKIL awkwardness

NESNATIK dishonest

NESPALIK overwhelming, unsparing

NESPÄLÖN to spend, to waste (= cash/food)

NESTIPÖFIKO absolutely

NESTÖNIK immoderate

NESTÜM contempt

NESTÜMÖN to despise

NESUDEL a weekday

NESUFOVIK unbearable

NET a nation

NETÄT a nationality

NETIK national


NEÜF a nymph

NEV a nerve

NEVASITOT a nerve system

NEVASIÜL a motor neuron

NEVED unmaking

NEVERÄTIK incorrect, wrong


NEVIKODOVIK insuperable, unconquerable

NEVIPABIK undesirable

NEVOROVIK hard-wearing

NEXÄNÖN (DE) to descend, to get down (from)

NI...NI neither...nor

NIBLIT underpants

NIBOTEL a confectioner, a pastry-cook

NIBUD a bus

NICÄST incest

NIDAIN a brilliant (cut diamond)

NIDETATATAKAN an inside right (= football)

NID a lustre

NIDIK brilliant

NIDÖN to shine

NIDUTIAN an inductor

NIDÜLON to shimmer, to sparkle

NIEDIK bright, shining

NIF snow

NIFAKUM a snowdrift

NIFILÜKAM internal combustion

NIFLAT inflation

NIFÖN to snow

NIFÜP Winter

NIG ink

NIGIÄR an ink-pot

NIGROM necromancy

NIJIT a vest

NIJUÜP a petticoat

NIK a nice, a recess

NILÄDAN a neighbour

NILÄDIK neighbouring

NILÄN interior (of country)

NILIKÖN (LÜ) to approach, to draw near (to)

NILO close-by

NILUD a notion

NILUDAM a supposition

NILUDO presumably, probably

NILUDÖN to suppose


NILÜ near

NIM an animal, a creature


NIMED livestock

NIMIKONLET a menagerie

NIMISANAN a veterinary surgeon

NINÄD contents


NINÄDIAN a container

NINÄDIANIL an insert

NINÄDÖN to contain, to include

NINÄLÖN to ponder

NINÄM(S) intestine(s)

NINEDIK in-built, intrinsic

NINIÄR a cartridge (for computer, camera)

* niganiniär = an ink cartridge (for computer)

NINIK internal

NINIKÖN (INI) to enter (into)

NINÜKÖN to insert

NISUL an island

NITED an interest

NITEDÄLÖN (DÖ/TEFÜ) to be interested (in/about)

NITEDIK interesting

NITEDÖN to interest

NIT a staple

NITÖM a stapler

NIVÄT a level

NIVER a university

NIYÄK a singlet (clothing)

NIYÖN to neigh (horse)

NO no, not (no plu/no fovo = no longer)

NOAM negation

NOAT a note (music)

NOATAPENÄT (musical) notation

NOATÄDÖN to compose (music)

NOATED (sheet) music

NOBALADÄLIK magnanimous

NOBAN a noble (= person)

NOBIK noble

NOBOIN a precious stone

NOE ... ABI not only ... but

NOET a (textual) note/remark

NOFÖN to insult, to offend

NOG still, yet (no nog = not yet)

NOGANÜKÖN to organize

NOGNA once again, once more

NOID a noise

NOIDÜLASNEK a rattlesnake

NOIDÖN to make a noise

NOIK negative

NOKÖM a (door)-knocker

NOKÖN to knock

NOL knowledge

NOLAV science

NOLAVAN a scientist

NOLIÄLIK inquisitive

NOLÖN to know (= facts)

NOLÜD (the) north

NOLÜDIK northern

NOM a rule (= regulation); (the) norm (=standard)

NOMIK regular

NOMÄDIK regular

NOMÖFIK regular

NOMÜKAM adjustment

NONIK none, not any

NONIKNA never, no kind of

NOÖN to deny

NOPLU no longer

NORMIK vertical

NOSÜKÖN to cancel, to destroy

NOTARAN a conveyancer, a notary

NOTED an advertisement, an announcement

NOTEDÖN to advertise

NOTET a detail, an item

NOTIK generally known, public

NOTOD an expression (= facial, in writing)

NOTODÖN to express (thoughts)

NOTÜKÖN to express, to make known

NOVUL November

NOYÖN to drown

NÖ! no!

NÖG an egg

* nögs pemufilöl = scrambled eggs

NÖT an (edible) nut

NÖTRON a neutron (physics)

NÖYÖN (EKI) to drown (someone)

NU now

NUD a nose

NUEL a fingernail, a toenail

NUF a roof

NUFAR a water lily

NUFATÄRAT a roof terrace

NUFED a ceiling

NUGVET an ointment

NULÄD novelty

NULÄDIK modern, up-to-date

NULÄLIK curious, inquisitive

NULÄLIKÖN (DÖ) to be curious (about)

NULÄLÖN (VA) to wonder (if/whether)


NULOD(S) (the) news (radio/TV)

NULULÖN to renew

NULÜDOT food, nourishment

NULÜDÖN to feed, to nourish

* to breast-feed = blöto nulüdön

NUM number (= an amount)

NUMAT a digit, a figure, a number

NUMÄDÖN to count

NUMÄT an exponent (maths)

NUMBRIL a navel

NUMIAN a calculator

NUN a message

NUNAN a messenger, a summoner

NUNAPENÖN to advise, to inform (= in writing)

NUNED notice, a warning

NUNEDAPENÄD a warning (sign)

NUNEDÖN to give notice, to warn

NUNIAN a computer

NUNOD an account, a report

NUNODÖN (TEFÜ) to report (about)

NUNÖN to inform

NUNS news

NUT a nod (of the head)

NUTIMIK present (time)

NUTIMO nowadays

NUTÖN to nod agreement

NÜ now that, seeing that, since

NÜBREIK a burglary

NÜBREIKAN a 'professional' burglar

NÜBREIKÖLAN an 'opportunist' burglar

NÜBREIKÖN to burgle

NÜCIDÖN to carve, to chisel

NÜDÄDAN a nude model

NÜDÄDÖN to pose in the nude

NÜDIK bare, naked, nude

NÜDUG an introduction

NÜFÄRMÜKÖN to shut in

NÜGIFÖN to pour out (drinks)

NÜGIV inspiration

NÜGOLÖN to enter, to go in

NÜGOLÖP an entrance

NÜK (nape of) neck

NÜKÖMÖN (INI) to enter

NÜM (serial) number, No.

NÜMÄDÖN to count (= recite numerals in order)

NÜMÄDIK numerate

NÜMIGÖN to blend

NÜNAMABÜR an information/inquiry office

NÜNED a (computer) file

NÜMFEAD a water lily

NÜNIÄLIK informative

NÜNÖM a computer

NÜNÖMAPROGRAM a (computer) programme

NÜNS terms (of business)

NÜPLADÒN (INI) to insert (into)

NÜSEIDOT an insert

NÜSKUTÖN to inject (medical)

NÜSLEIFÖM a chisel

NÜSUGAPAPÜR blotting-paper

NÜSUGÖN to absorb

NÜTÄVAN an immigrant

NÜVEIGÖN to import (goods)

NÜXÄNÖN (NÜ) to mount, to get on


O! oh! (vocative)

O... shall, will; next...


OBIK my (bai sev obik = as far as I know)

OBIKAN mine; my (person)

OBIKOS mine; my (thing)

OBO as for me, for my part

OBÖ! I don't care! (interjection)

OBS we


OD each other (lä od = by/near each other)

ODELO tomorrow (odelo ün timül at = tomorrow

at this time)

OF she

OFIK her

OFS they (feminine plural)

OK oneself

OKAO of one's own accord

OKDUGÄL self-discipline

OKIÄL egotism, selfishness

OKJELODIÄL self-preservation

OKIK one's own

OKKONFID self-confidence

OKKUSAD self-incrimination

OKNÄMÄTIK arbitrary, high-handed

OKNOÄD self-denial

OKNOSIKAM self-destruction

OKPLAD commitment

OKREIG self-control

OKSASEN suicide

OKSEV self-knowledge

OKSEVED self-consciousness

OKSKILÜKAM exercise, practice

OKTIDÄB self-taught person

OL you

OLIK your

OLS you (plural)

OLSIK your (plural)

OM he

OMIK his

OMO as for him (= what concerns him)

OMS they (masculine plural)

OMSIK their (masculine plural)

OMSO as for them (= what concerns them)

OMULO next month

ON it

ONEITO tomorrow night

ONIK its

ONS they (neuter plural)

ONSIK their (neuter plural)

ONU at once, in a minute

OR you (singular polite)

ORS you (plural polite)

OS it (abstract; no plural)

OSOARO tomorrow evening

OT like, same (ebo ot = just the same)

OTCEDIK of the same opinion

OTDÜPO at the same time/hour

OTGENIÄLAN a gay (person), homosexual

OTMAFÄDO equally

OTÜPO at the same time

OY one, people, they


Ö! hm! (interjection)

-ÖD! let... (imperative mood)

ÖM several, some

ÖMAN someone, such a one, such a person

ÖMIK many a...; several, such people

ÖMNA sometimes

ÖMNAIK occasional

ÖMSOTIK some kind(s) of...

ÖN under (preposition)

(ön nem foginik = under a foreign name)

(ön kodül = under the pretext)

-ÖS kindly do ... (optative form)


PAAN briefs, shorts (clothing)

PAÄL a stove

PAB a butterfly

PAD a page (of book)

PADÖN (IN) to browse (through)

PADÜL a column

PAEÄN a heath

PAELIK pale, wan

PAIK a pike (= fish)

PAKÖN to expand, to spread

PAL(S) a parent, parents

PALAT palate

PALET a party (= faction)

PAM a palm (tree)

PAMOTÖN to be born

PAMPELUT a grapefruit

PANÖN to pawn

PANEMÖN to be called/named

PANKREAT pancreas (gland)

PANTÄR a panther

PANTUF a (carpet) slipper (leisure footwear)

PAOPLÄG apoplexy

PAOSTOLAN an apostle

PAPAG a parrot

PAPÜR paper

PAPÜRACANS stationery

PAPÜROD papyrus

PARAD heaven, paradise

PARAFIN kerosene, paraffin

PARALÜD paralysis

PARARG Butterfly of species: Pararge megaera.

PARASIT a parasite

PARAT apparatus

PARDÖN (EKE BOSI) to forgive (someone something)

PARKET (theatre) circle

PARKÖN to part (vehicles)

PARKÖP a park (for vehicles)

PARTÄR (cinema/theatre) stalls

PAS not until now; only just


PASTAN an (evangelical) minister

PAT a detail

PATÄD a characteristic

PATÄDAN a specialist


PATÄDIK specific

PATÄDODILÖN (OKI) to specialize in

PATED a model, a type

PATIK particular, special

PATO especially

PATÖF a quality

PATRITAN an aristocrat

PATRONAN a patron (of arts, etc)

PATRUL a patrol

PAUD an interval, a pause

PAUN a pound

PÄDAN a (parish) priest

PÄDÄN a parish (area)

PÄDRIT a partridge

PÄK a pack

PÄKED a parcel

PÄKEM baggage, luggage


PÄKEMIKIPEDÖP Left Luggage Office


PÄKIL a packet

PÄKÖN to pack

PÄKÖP a luggage compartment

PÄM a notebook

PÄMOD a brochure

PÄNAN a (portrait) painter

PÄNOT a painting, a picture

PÄNÖN to paint (as an artist)

PÄR a couple, a pair

PÄRIDIKAM destruction, ruin

PÄRIDIKAN a ruined (person)

PÄRIDIKÖN to perish

PÄRIDÜKÖN to ruin, to destroy

PÄRJID parsley

PÄRSIG a peach

PÄRUN a (railway) platform

PÅRUNAVEG a pavement, a sidewalk

PÄSKARAN an angler, a fisherman

PÄSKARÖN to fish

PEÄDIK fat, stout, weighty

PEÄN a pin

PEB pulse (wrist)

PED pressure


PEDETEILÖL fenced off, partitioned


PEDÖN to press


PEFEIMÖL ostracized


PEIN a pine (tree)


PEL payment

PELAL a paymaster, a purser

PELÄSÜKÖL reduced (in price)

PELEK a pelican

PELÖN to pay


PEMIKO higgledy-piggledy (in no kind of order)

PEMITULÖL mutilated


PEN a pen

PENÄD a writing, a document

PENÄT handwriting

PENÄTAV graphology

PENDÜL a pendulum

PENED a letter

PENEDABOG a letter box

PENDÜLÖM a (children's) swing

PENDÜLÖN to swing

PENEDABOG a postbox

PENEDAMÄK a (postage) stamp


PENEDIL a notelet (= a short letter)


PENET a note, a notice

PENETABUKIL a note-book

PENETÖN to commit to paper, to note

PENIKIPIAN a pen holder

PENOT a dissertation

PENÖMASELIDÖP a stationer's shop

PENÖN to write

PEOLÄT an epaulette

PEP pepper


PEPIÄR a pepper pot

PEPUN a gourd, a marrow

PER loss

PERÄD a defeat, a rout

PEROT a lost (item)

PERÖN to lose

PESTED a noodle

PETEGÖL covered

PETIOL a petal

PETROL petroleum

PIAD a piazza, a town/city square

PIANIKO gradually

PIANODAHARMONÖM a piano-accordeon

PIANODÖN to play the piano

PIÄF a core, (the) essence

PID pity, regret, sorrow

PIDEÄDÖL sprawled, straddled

PIDÖ! Beg your pardon! Sorry!

PIDÖN to be sorry, to regret (pidob vemo = I am very sorry)

PIED a foot (= measure)

PIET piety

PIGMIN parchment

PIGÖN to pick (= of birds)

PIJUN a pigeon

PIK a spade (card games)

PIKIT a woodpecker

PIL an eel

PILGRIMAN a pilgrim

PIN fat, grease

PINÄDIK fat, stout

PINED bacon

PINGUEN a penguin

PINT Pentecost

PIONIR a pioneer

PIP a (tobacco) pipe

PIR a (radio) valve

PIRAMID a pyramid

PIRATAN a pirate, a privateer

PIROG a (ship's) prow

PISÄL a pea

PISUSTÜRÜLÖL scattered, sprinkled

PITAETÖL repressed, stifled

PITÖN to season

PIYAM pyjamas

PLA besides (preposition)

PLAÄDÖN to replace, to substitute

PLAD a place, a seat (on bus/train), a spot

PLADÖN to place, to put, to set (in position)

PLADULAN a representative (= person)

PLADULÖN to represent

PLAGIK practical

PLAF timidity

PLAFIK nervous, timid

PLAK an experience

PLAKIKO practically

PLAKILABIK experienced, mature

PLAKÖN to experience

PLAN a (garden/wild) plant

PLANET a planet

PLANÖN to plant

PLANT sole (= of the foot)

PLAS instead (of)


PLATÄD a plate, a sign (for information)

PLATED a platform (in general)


PLATOT a (flat) surface

PLAUD a plough

PLAUDÖN to plough

PLAÜKÖN to replace

PLÄ besides

PLÄAM an exception

PLÄAMÜ except, with the exception of...

PLÄD an (animal) coat. a fur

PLÄDOT a fur coat

PLÄG (physical) exercise, practice

PLÄGÖN to practise, to exercise (physically)

PLÄIDÖN to plead

PLÄN an explanation

PLÄNÄDÖN to explain (in detail); to interpret (dreams, etc)

PLÄNÖN to explain

PLÄO otherwise

PLÄOT an exception

PLÄÖN to except, to make an exception

PLÄYÖN to play (musical instrument)

PLED a game

PLEDADIN a plaything, a toy

PLEDAKADEM a pack (deck) of cards

PLEDÖN to play




PLEIDÜLÖN (DEMÜ) to boast (about)

PLEIFÖN to push back

PLEKÖN to pray

PLEN a plain, flat terrain

PLENÖFIK flat, level

PLIDÖN to like (plidö! = if you like!)

PLIF a crease, a fold

PLIFÄDIK pleated (clothes)

PLIFÖN to crease, to fold

PLIMÖN to compliment

PLIN a prince

PLITIÄLIK nice (disposition)

PLITIK agreeable, pleasant

PLITÖN to please

PLITÜ for the pleasure of (plitü of = to please her)

PLITÜLIK attractive, nice, pretty

PLOBIK experienced, proven

PLOBÖN (TA) to be a match (for)

PLODÖN to applaud

PLON a complaint

PLONÖN (EKE BOSI) to complain (to someone about something)

PLOP a poplar (tree)

PLOTÖN (TA) to conspire/plot (against)


PLÖDO outside

PLÖDAKIPÖN to exclude, to keep out, to shut out

PLÖDIK external, outer, outside, outward

PLÖDIKÖN to go out

PLÖDÜKÖN to put out (of one place into another)

PLÖGUN an overcoat

PLÖJAL bark (of tree), crust (of bread), rind (of meat)

PLÖKÖN to gather, to pluck

PLÖM a plum

PLÖMÄNED an overcoat

PLÖPÖN (AD) to succeed (in) (plöpön ad dunön

bosi = to manage to do something)

PLÖRAFLAMAT pleurisy (medical)

PLÖSEN a (stage) performance

PLÖSENÖN to perform, to present

PLU more

PLUAMANUM a majority

PLUIK further

PLUIKAM an increase

PLUIKÖN to increase

PLUMAFIK excessive

PLUMBAFULÜKOT a filling (dentistry)

PLUNA several times

PLUT a ball (of wool, etc)

PLUÖN (LÄ) to excel (at/in); to exceed expectations

PLUVÄT overweight

PLÜ . . . . PLÜ the more ..... the more

PLÜD goodwill (if plüdol = if you please)

PLÜM a feather, a plume

PLÜMÄD a (decorative) plume

PLÜMILABIK feathered

PLÜT politeness

PLÜTIK polite

PO after, behind (spatial)

POD an apple


PODOR a tomato

POEDAV poetry

POEDOT a poem

POF a (sea)port

POGOLÖN to follow

POK a pocket

POKALAMPAD a flashlight

POKASÄRVÄTÜL a (pocket) handkerchief

POLAN a porter

POLDABÜR a police station POLDAN a policeman

POLDANEF police (force)

POLIOMÜL polio (medical)

POLIP a polyp (medical)

POLKAT a polka (dance)

POLÖN to bear, to carry

POLÜGLOT a linguist, a polyglot

POLÜP an octopus

POMAD a (body) cream

PON a bridge

POODKED a queue

POP a poppy

PORNISELIDÖP a porn shop

PORTAT a range (= reach)

PORUD a leek

POS after, behind (time)

POSBINÜKÄB a descendant

POSBINÜKOT belongings, inheritance

POSBLIBÖN to stay behind

POSBLIBÜKÖN to leave behind

POS... grand-

POSBINÜKÖN to leave behind

POSCILS grandchildren

POSDAUT a grand-daughter

POSITIK positive

POSSON a grand-son

POSUN a trumpet

POSZEDEL afternoon

POSZIB a dessert

POT mail, post

POTAGIR a (post office) giro

POTAKAD postcard

POTAMON postage

POTASPÄLABANK a post office savings bank

POTATRET a postal order

POTAVAB a stage-coach

POTÖN to mail, to post

POTÖP a post-office

POV (geographical) pole

* povasirk nolüdik = north pole

** povasirk sulüdik = south pole

POVÖF polarity

POYÜMOT a suffix (grammar)

PÖ at

PÖB a public house, a tavern

PÖDABLIBÖN to fall short (of)

PÖDAGLUN a background

PÖDAKÖSÖMEDAN an esotericist

PÖDANAF (ship's) stern

PÖDIK back, rear

PÖDIKAM regression

PÖDIO backwards

PÖF poverty

PÖFÄDIK pitiable

PÖFIK poor

PÖJIN punch (alcohol)

PÖJUTAM persecution

PÖJUTÖN to chase away, to pursue

PÖK a mistake

PÖKAGAD a maze

PÖKÖN to make a mistake

PÖL an aberration, an error

PÖLACEDÖN (ÄS) to mistake (for)

PÖLAKALKULÖN to miscalculate

PÖLAVEGÖN to lose the way, to get lost

PÖLÖN to err, to make an error

PÖMANEF firemen

PÖMÖM a pump

PÖMÖN to pump

PÖN a punishment

PÖNIDÖN to repent

PÖNÖN to punish

PÖP a people (= a community)

PÖPEDIK popular

PÖPÖN (ME) to be inhabited (by)

PÖSOD a person

PÖSODANEM a forename

PÖSODEF personnel, staff

PÖSODIK personal

PÖSODÖF personality

PÖT an occasion, an opportunity

PÖTATIMO in (due) time

PÖTEKAN a (pharmaceutical) chemist

PÖTET a potato

PÖTIK opportune, suitable

PÖTIT an appetite

PÖTÖF feasibility

PÖTÖFIK applicable, practical

PÖTÖFÖN to be applicable, to be practicable

PÖTÖN to be convenient, to be fitting

PÖTÜ on the occasion of

PÖTRÄT a portrait

PRAFAD a paraphrase

PRÄGENÖN to impregnate

PRÄSTIG prestige

PRED a homily, a sermon

PREDAN a preacher

PREDÖN to preach

PREM a prize

PREPARÖN to prepare

PRESENIK the present (time)

PRIEL an arbour

PRIFET W.C. (= a toilet on buses, trains)


PRIM a beginning, a start

PRIMÄTABLUF an initiative test

PRIMÖFIK primitive

PRIMÖN (AD) to begin, to commence, to start (to)

PRIMÜM a (musical) overture

PRINSIP a maxim, a principle

PRINSIPÜ on the lines of

PRIOMALIDIL a (short) satirical ditty

PRISMAT a prism

PRIVATIK confidential, private

PRIVILEG a privilege

PRO for

PROAN a supporter

PROÄDÖN to tune into (radio/TV station)

PROD outcome, produce

PRODÄD a product

PRODÄT (TEATIK) (putting on) an act

PRODÖN to produce

PROFÄSOR a professor

PROFET a prophet

PROFÜL a profile

PROGED progress

PROGRAM a program

PROIBÖN to forbid, to prohibit

PROLIDIK (more) detailed

PROM a promise

PROMÖN to promise

PRONÖN to pronounce (pronön vödi = to pronounce a word)

PROPAGID propaganda

PROPOR proportion

PROSAD prose

PROSTAT prostate (gland)

PROTÄSTAN a protestant (religion)

PROTESTÖN (TA) to protest (against)

PROTOK minutes (of meeting), a report, a summary

PROVID provision

PROVIN a province

PROYEK a project

PROZED a procession

PRÜDIKO cautiously

PRULÖN to pout

PRÜDIK attentive, cautious, discreet

PRÜDÖ! Look out! Pay attention!

PRÜDÖN to take care

PRÜNÖN (EKE BOSI) to lend (something to someone)

PSAM a psalm

PSITAK a parrot

PU at the very least

PUBLÜG the (general) public

PUBÖN to appear

PUED chastity, purity

PUF a louse (= insect)

PUGÖN to slaughter

* a slaughter house = pugöp

PUID an inch

PUIN a (cosmetic) powder

PULP pith (of fruit)

PUL(S) boy(s) and girl(s)

PUN a fist

PUNC punch (alcoholic drink)

PUP a doll

PUR gunpowder

PURIDIKÖN to become rotten, to decay (= teeth)

PURIDÜKÖN to make rotten

PURUL pus (medical)

PUT (HI/JI) a (small) child

PUTAJUL a kindergarten, a play-school

PUTÜL a baby

PÜBER adolescence, puberty

PÜBOT a publication

PÜD peace (= not war)

PÜFIK dusty

PÜFISUGIAN a vacuum-cleane

PÜK a language

PÜKASOTÜL an accent (oral)

PÜL (the) insignificant

PÜLATIMIL a moment, a split second

PÜLIK modest, unassuming


PÜLOT something unimportant

PÜLSIF an outburst, a surge (of emotion)

PÜN a dot, a point

PÜNÖN to punctuate

PÜPIL a pupil (of eye)

PÜPIT a desk

PÜT a (fruit) stone


RAAGID a groundnut, a peanut

RAÄNID a spider

RAB a raven

RABAT a discount, a rebate

RABIÄTIK furious

RABITAN an arbiter, an umpire

RABOT a plane (= tool)

RADAGUM an eraser

RADIONALANTEN a radio aerial

RADIONAPARAT a wireless set; a radio

RADIONASESEDÖM a radio transmitter

RADIONASTAJON a radio station

RADÖN to erase

RAF a radish

RAFINIK pure, refined

RAGIPELAG an archipelago

RAGIV an archive

* nünömaragiv = a computer file

RAGUD a ragoût, a stew

RAID a radius

RAISTOKRAT (the) aristocracy

RAJANÖ! agreed! done!

RAJANÖN to arrange

RAK (DI NOE) an ark (=Noah's Ark)

RAKET a rocket

* raketalejedöp = a (rocket) launching pad

RAMAR a cupboard

RAMENÖN to fetch, to get (ramenolöd

sanani! = get a doctor!)

RANÜL a tadpole

RAODIK coarse, rough

RAP a turnip

RAT a rat

RATÄR an artery (anatomy)

RATID Artillery

RAUDIK hoarse

RAVAN a burglar, a robber, a thief

RAVANIM a beast of prey

RAVÜLÖN to abduct, to kidnap, to hijack

RÄFOR a horse-radish

RÄG a rag, a remnant

RÄKÄT a (tennis) racket

RÄKÖN to rake

RÄP a file (= tool)

RÄT a puzzle, a riddle

RÄTÖF a mystery


RÄYÖN to (do an) X-ray

RÄYUN a (distinctive) characteristic, a department, a domain REAFÖN to arrive, to attain, to get to, to manage (to do something)

REDABETAD a beetroot

REDABRASID a red cabbage

REDAKAN an editor

REDAVAXEN a cranberry


REDIKÖN to blush, to become flushed


REF a reef

REFORMAT (the) Reformation

REFUD a refusal

REFUDÖN to decline, to refuse

REG a king, a queen

REGADOM a palace

REGAT a regatta

REGÄN a kingdom

REGIK regal, royal

REGISTARAM registration (of letter/parcel)

REGISTARÖN to record

REIDED a reading (= passage)

REIDÖN to read

REIFÖN to reach out

REIGANEF a government (= persons)

REIGÄB a subject

REIGÄN an empire

REIGÄNADAIL parliament

REIN rain

REINABOB a rainbow

REINAJELÖM an umbrella

REINAMÄNED a raincoat


REINÖN to rain

REITAK a nightingale

REIVÖN to overtake (on road)

REKLAMÖN to advertise

REKORD a (competitive) record

* Volarekord = a world record

REKOSILÖN to forgive, to reconcile

REKRUTÄB a recruit

RELEDIK denominational

REMAN a buyer, a customer

REMÄD bribery, corruption

REMOTI(S) shopping

REMÖN to buy, to purchase

RENAKÜIR reindeer skin

RENAR a fox


RENÄSAN (the) renaissance

REPÜBLIKÄN a republic

REPÜT a reputation

RESÄRFARIF a spare tyre

RESÄRFIK reserve, spare

RESÄRFÖN to reserve

RESITÖN to declaim, to recite

RESOD a network (Vüresod = the )

RESODATOPED a web site (computer)

RESOR a spring

RET remainder, rest

RETÄD an end, a left-over, a stub

RETÖN to have left over, to remain

REUMAT rheumatism

REZÄP a recipe

REZIDIF re-offending (law)

REZIPIK mutual, reciprocal

RIAD an (operatic) aria

RIB a rib (= anatomy)

RIBEDABÄL a black/red currant

RIBOTÜL a cutlet

RIET a wrist (rietalinaglokil = a wrist-watch)

RIF a tyre

(rif döfik = a flat tyre)

RIGÄD an original

RIGET a draft, a rough copy

RIGIK original

RIKÜL (the) little finger

RIMOD a rhyme

RINOSEROD a rhinoceros

RIPRODÖN (EKE BOSI) to reproach (someone with something)

RISAT rice

RISKÄD a danger

RISKÄDIK dangerous

RISKÄDIKÖN to be in danger

RISKÖN to dare, to hazard, to risk

RITIK honest, loyal

RITMUT a rhythm

RITOR a retort

RITÖF loyalty

RIV an attainment

RIVÖN to catch (bus, train, 'plane); to reach

ROB a seal

ROD an order (religious company)

RODODEN a rhododendron

ROGIK arrogant, impudent

ROIN a kidney

ROJANIK orange (colour)

ROJAT an orange

ROJATAFLOR an orange blossom

ROLATRIDEM an escalator

ROLÖN to roll

RÖLÖN to roll

ROM rum

ROMATIK romantic

RONÄT a faucet, a tap

ROOD a category

ROPÖN to interrupt

ROR a roar

RORUD arrowroot

ROSAD a rose

ROSIN a raisin

ROT a routine

ROUL a part, a rôle (in play)

ROVIK narrow

RÖBÖN to rub

RÖBÜLÖN to caress, to stroke

RÖLETAN a relative, a relation

RÖLASTUL a wheelchair

RÖLÖN to (make) roll

RÖNAJEVOD a race-horse

RÖNÖN to race, to run

RUBRIG a rubric

RUILIK rusty

RUL a (roller) blind

RULÄD a roll

RULÄT roulette (game of chance)

RUNÄD a rush (of animals/people)

RUNÜLAN a jogger

RUPÄD an outbreak

RUPÄDÖN to break out (e.g. war)

RUR dysentery

RUTID a nettle

RÜBIKÖN to decay, to spoil

RÜBÜKÖL pernicious

RÜD a pipe, a tube (for toothpaste)

RÜDIL a (toothpaste) tube

RÜN a herring

RÜT lust (sexual desire)

RÜTÖN (DEMÜ) to lust (for), to be on heat (animals)


SA together with

SAB sand

SABOT sabotage

SABÖM a (sand) timer

SADIN silk

SADÖN to sink

SAEDÖN to add (maths)

SAF a hoof

SAFAFER a horseshoe

SAGATIK intelligent

SAGÄD a rumour (= gossip)

SAGIT an arrow

SAGLIED a (wild) boar

SAGÖN (EKE BOSI) to say, to tell (something to someone)

SAGUD sago

SAIDÄL self-confidence

SAIDIK enough, sufficient

SAIDÖN to suffice

SAIKUL a bicycle

SAIKULÖN to cycle

SAIL a sail

SAILÖN to sail

SAITÖN to cite, to quote

SAK a sack

SAKÄD a bag, a pack, a satchel

SAKED a (lady's) handbag

SAKRAM a sacrament

SAL salt

SALAD lettuce, salad

SALB sage (herb)

SALIÄR a salt- cellar

SALIF saliva

SALIG a willow (tree)

* a weeping willow = vatasalig

SALM a salmon

SALMUN a newt, a salamander


SALUDABUK holy scripture

SALUDAN a saint


SALUDÜKIK hallowed

SAM an example (as sam = for example)

SAMÄD a copy (of book); a specimen, a trial

SAMED a sample (samed nen völad = sample

without commercial value)

SAMIK patterned

SANAKÄL health care

SANAN a doctor, a medic

SANAVIK medical

SANÖN to cure, to heal

SAOV a saw

SAOVÖN to saw

SAPIK wise

SARDEN a sardine

SARK a coffin

SARKAD sarcasm

SASENÖN to assassinate, to murder

SATIK satisfied, satiated

SATIR a satire

SATÖN (DÖ) to have enough (of)


SATÜRIK satirical

SAUN health

SAUNAD a sauna

SAUNIK healthy, well

SAUNIKÖN to recover

SAVABOT a lifeboat

SAVÖN to save (from)

SAXOFON a saxophone

SÄBOIDÖN (OKI) to disembark

SÄDÖN to (make) sink, to submerge

SÄDÜNIKÖN to resign

SÄDÜNÜKÖN to abdicate, to discharge, to dismiss, to sack

SÄDÜTÖN (EKE BOSI) to deprive (someone of something)

SÄED a saddle

SÄFÄRMÜKÖN to open, to unlock

SÄFLEDÖN to download, to unload

SÄG dryness

SÄGERÜKÖN to disinherit


SÄGLEIPÖN to let go

SÄGÜKÖN to dry


SÄJADÖN to shade off

SÄJÄFÄLÜKAM entertainment, leisure activity

SÄJALÖN to peel

SÄK a query, a question

SÄKABLOG a questionnaire

SÄKALÜKÖN to deduct, to subtract

SÄKÄD a problem

SÄKIBÖN to abolish, to dispense with, to get rid of

SÄKLÄNEDÖN to bring to light

SÄKLOÄTÖN to unsneck

SÄKLOTAMACEM a changing room

SÄKLOTÖN (OKI) to undress (oneself)

SÄKNOPÖN to unbutton

SÄKÖLIKÖN to tarnish

SÄKÖLAN an inquirer

SÄKÖN to ask (a question)

SÄKURADÜKÖN to discourage

SÄKUSAD an excuse, an apology (begön säkusadi = to

beg pardon)

SÄKUSADÖN to excuse, to pardon

SÄLÄRID celery

SÄLENÜKÖN to take off (clothes/shoes)

SÄLODÖN to unload

SÄLUIMÜKÖN (OKI) to dry (oneself)

SÄLUN a sitting-room

SÄMENIKÖN to become dehumanized

SÄMENÜKÖN to dehumanize

SÄNDVIG a sandwich

SÄNÄFÄTÖN to disinfect

SÄNED an evening meal, supper (säned saludik = the last supper)

SÄNEDÖN to have supper (= evening meal)

SÄNIFLAT deflation

SÄNSUR censorship

SÄNTRETIK concentrated

SÄPÄKÖN to unpack

SÄPLANÖN to dig up, to root up

SÄPÖPÖN to depopulate

SÄRJAN a sergeant

SÄRVÄT a napkin, a serviette

SÄRVÄTÜL a cloth (bovülasärvätül = a dish-cloth)

SÄRVIG a neck


SÄSPETÜKÖN (EKI) to disappoint (someone)

SÄSTIMÖN to dishonour

SÄSTITÖN to disestablish

SÄSUN a season (= of year)

SÄTENIDÜKÖN (OKI) to relax, to unwind

SÄTRATÜKÖN to extract

SÄTÜLÖN to unwind

SÄVAFÖN to disarm

SÄVEADÖN to unsheath

SÄVEALÖN to reveal, to unveil

SÄVILUPÖN to develop (photos); to reveal

SÄYÖN to lisp

SE out (of)

SEADÄM seating

SEADÖN to sit

SEADÖP a seat

SEAFALÖN to fall apart

SEAGIVÖN to distribute

SEAIKÖN to disperse, to scatter

SEAN an ocean

SEATÖN to lie (down), (lay, lain)

SEATÖP a storehouse

SEÄDÖN to jut out, to protrude

SEBÖN to dig

SEDIT a departure, a resignation

SEDÖN to send

SEF safety

SEFANAD a safety-pin

SEFIK safe

SEFLUM mouth (of a river)

SEG a sect

SEGIVÖN to spend (money)

SEGOLÖN to go out

SEGOLÖP an exit

SEIDETÖP a display (of goods)

SEIDÖN (OKI) to sit down, to take a seat

(Seidolös oli lä ob! = Sit by me!)

SEIFÖN to sigh

SEILIK silent

SEIMAN anybody, anyone


(ün tim seimik = at any time);

(in mod seimik = somehow)

SEIMIKNA some time (or other)


SEIMO anywhere

SEIMOS anything

SEITÖN to lay, to place

SEIV recognition

SEIVIDÖN to inquire (about), to obtain information

SEIVIDAN an enquirer

SEIVÖN to get to know (people and places)

SEJEDÖN to eject, to throw out

SEK an outcome, a result

SEKALIEGIKO successfully

SEKÄT a function (maths)

SEKIDAN a hanger-on

SEKIDÖN (DE) to depend (on)

SEKIK eventual

SEKÖN to result

SEKRETAN a secretary

SESKRUBÖN to unscrew

SEKUN a second (= time)

SEKURBÖN to switch off

SEKÜ as a result of

SEL a sale

SELAN a salesperson


SELEDO seldom

SELIDÖPAZÄN a shopping precinct

SELETÖN to omit, to miss

SELIBAN a single person

SELIDÖP a shop

SELOGAM an aspect, a look-out, a view

SELÖN to sell

SEMAN a (certain) person

SEMANAEDO sometimes

SEMIK (a) certain one (= specified)

SEMIKNA now and again, sometimes

SEMIKNAIK occasional

SEMO in a sense



SEN sensation, sense (general/physical)

SENÄL (inner) feeling

SENÄLÖN to be aware, to feel inwardly

SENÄLÖFIK sensitive

SENIDÖN to feel (one's way), to grope

SENÖN to feel (= ill/well/happy/uncomfortable)

SEP a den

SEPÜL a grave, a tomb

SEPÜLÖN to bury, to inter

SEPÜLEMÖP a cemetery

SESEDÖN to broadcast

SESTÜRÖN to pour out (also: emotions)

SESUMÜ with the exception of

SET a sentence (= a group of words)

SETEM a paragraph

SETEVÖN to migrate

SETIRÄDÖN to pull out

SETRATÖN (DE/SE) to extract (from)

SETUL September

SETÜL a verse

SEVABO that is to say...

SEVÄDAN (HI-/JI-) an acquaintance

SEVÄDIKÜN famous, very well-known

SEVÄDOVIK recognizable

SEVÄDÖN to be acquainted, to get to know (someone)

SEVÄDÜKÖN to make known

SEVÄLÖFIKÖN to come to one's senses

SEVÄLÖFÖN to be conscious

SEVÄRIK harsh, strict, severe

SEVED conciousness

SEVEDIKÖN to become aware

SEVEDÖN to be aware of

SEVÖN to know, to understand

SEXÄNÖN (DE) to alight (from), to dismount, to get off

SFIN (the) sphinx

SI! yes!

SIAM an affirmation

SIÄMO positively

SIÄMÖF meaning

SIB a colander, a sieve

SIBLÄGAHOG a black hole

SID a seed


SIDIN indignation

SIEM a border, an edge

SIEN (one of the five) sense(s)

SIENAM a perception

SIENOVIK noticeable

SIENÖN to be aware of, to notice

SIFAL (the) Mayor

SIFAN a citizen

SIFANAKRIG a civil war

SIFÄDAN a civilian

SIGAYEB hay (sigayebamasad = a hay loft)

SIIK positive

SIJIDÖN to hiss, to sizzle

SIKAPSÜL a space capsule

SIKLOPED an encyclopedia

SIL sky


SILHUÄT a silhouette

SILVID a warbler

SIM an edge, a margin, a side

SIMÖN to border

SIMULAN a hypocrite

SIMULÖN to pretend

* = simulön oki = to kid oneself

SINIF meaning

SINIFÖN to mean, to signify

SINISTIAM absolution

SINOD a sin

SINUD a sinus (medical)

SIOLÖM an insulator

SIÖFIK positive

SIÖR gentleman, sir

SIPÖN to emancipate

SIRKÖFIK circular, round

SIRKOT a (gramophone) record

SIRKOTIL a floppy disk (computer)

SIRKÜL a circle, a ring

SIRKÜLAM a cycle (of events)

SIRKÜLAPENÄD a circular (letter)

SIRKÜLÖN to circulate (= be in circulation)

SIRKÜLÜKÖN to (cause to) circulate

SIRUP a syrup

SIS for, since (preposition)

(no elogob oli sis lunüp = I haven't seen

you for a long time)

SISO ever since

SISOIKO from then on

SISTAJON a space station

SIT a system

SITIKO systematically

SITATÖN to summon

SIÜL a (body) cell

SIVOVIK available, obtainable

SIVÖN to obtain, to receive


SKAFÄD an easel

SKAFED a catafalque

SKAFOD a scaffold

SKALP a scalp

SKANO gloomily, morosely

SKANÖN to be shocked

SKANÜKÖN to shock

SKAPIK steep

SKAR a scar

SKARABED a beetle

SKARAF a cockroach

SKÄNIK offensive, scandalous

SKÄNÖN to annoy, to irritate, to offend

SKÄT a sketch

* skäto = in outline

SKÄULEP a horse chestnut (tree)

SKEAPÖN to escape

SKEL a (large) dish

SKEMAT a scheme

SKET a skate

SKETÖN to skate

SKRETÖN to secrete

SKILÄDIK fluent (spikön skilädiko = to speak

SKILÄLIK efficient

SKILIK experienced, skilled

SKIN skin

SKIP a (ship's) crew

SKIPÖN to man


SKOMB a mackerel

SKIYÖN to ski

SKIY a ski

SKIYAM skiing (= sport)

SKOLIM scholasticism

SKORBUT scurvy (medical)

SKÖM foam, froth, lather

SKÖT a coat of arms

SKÖTAV heraldry

SKRÄDAN a tailor

SKRET a secretion

SKRIN a (TV/ cinema) screen

SKROT a scrotum (medical)

SKRUB a screw

SKRUBAKIK a spanner

SKRUBÄT a spiral

SKRUBITULÖM a screwdriver

SKRUTÖN to scan

SKULTURAV sculpture


SKUTILEMOFIK jet-propelled

SLAFAN a slave

SLÄM mud

SLÄNÖN to slander

SLAPIK slipshod, slovenly

SLEAFABLIT (a pair of) knickers

SLEAFÖN to glide

SLEIFAKÄT a sliding section

SLEITÖN to rend, to rip. to tear, to slash

SLENIK slim, thin

SLETOT a (school) slate

SLIFAVABÖN to toboggan

SLIFÄDÖN to slip

SLIFÖN to glide, to slip

SLIM dirt, slime

SLIP sleep

SLIPACEM a bedroom

SLIPATIM bedtime

SLIPIKÖN to fall asleep

SLIPIL a nap


SLIPÖN to sleep

SLIPÜLÖN to slumber

SLIT an opening

SLITOD a cleft, a crack, a fissure

SLITÖN to split

SLIV a sleeve

SLIVÜL a (shirt) cuff

SLOBIKO loosely

SLOKÖN to sob

SLOPAN an adherent, a supporter

SLOPÖN to adhere (to)

SLOPÜKÖN to recruit, to gain supporters

SLÖM a slum

SLUDAM a decision

SLUDÖN (AD) to decide (to)

SLUG a gullet, a throat

SLUGÖN to swallow

SLÜDÖN (EKI AD) to persuade (someone to)

SMALAMON (loose) change

SMALIK small

SMALÜKAM diminutive

SMARAGOIN an emerald

SMEILASIEN sense of smell

SMEILÖN to smell (something)

SMEITÖN to melt, to smelt

SMEKÖN (ÄS) to taste (of)

SMEL a smell

SMELÖN (ÄS) to smell (of)

SMETÖN to melt, to thaw

SMIL laughter

SMILARORÜL a burst of laughter

SMILIL a smile

SMILILÖN (DÖ) to smile (about)

SMILÖFIK ridiculous

SMILÖN (DÖ) to laugh (at)

SMITAN a (black)smith

SMIVÖN to lubricate, to smear

SMOK smoke

SMOKÖN to smoke

SMÖKÖN to smoke (tobacco)

SMOLÖN to smoulder

SMUDIK even, smooth

SMUFÜKAMAFER an iron (= smoothing-iron)

SMUFÜKÖN to iron (clothes)

SMUGAN a smuggler

SMUGIK contraband

SNAB a buckle

SNAL a noose, a sling

SNAPÖN to snatch

SNATIK fair, honest (= without fraud)

SNEK a serpent, a snake

SNEL a snail

SNIDÖN to sneeze

SNILÖN to seal

SNOB a knot

SNOKÖN to snore

SNÖF catarrh

SNÖTÖN (NUDI) to blow (one's nose)

SNUD a snout

SNURÖN to purr


SO so, thus

SOAF thirst

SOAFIK thirsty

SOALÄLIK introvert

SOALÖFÖP a waste, a wilderness (= a lonely place)

SOALÜKÖN (OKI) to retire

SOAR evening


SOARAVOAL evening mist

SOÄS just like (preposition)

SOELOT a single detail (or event)

SOB soap


SOCENIK obscene

SOD sauce

SOELIK alone (ai binom soelik = he's

always by himself)

SOELÖLIK isolated

SOFÄLIK mild, gentle (quality)

SOFÄLÜKÖN to appease

SOFIK soft, gentle

SOFÜKÖN to relieve, to soothe

SOG company, society

SOGALIF socializing

SOGÄDIM socialism

SOGOD a (social) circle

SOL (the) sun

(modonikam sola = the setting of the sun)

(solamoikam = sunset)

(sülöpikam sola = the rising of the sun)

SOLDAT a soldier

SOLDÖN to weld

SOLIAD a threshold

SOLIDOT a clot


SOLÖN (OKI) to sunbathe

SOLUÖN to dissolve

SOMAN such a one (= person)

SOMIK such, that kind of

SON a son

SONEMIK so-called

SORBABIM a mountain-ash, a rowan (tree)

SORDITIK numb, unresponsive (figurative)

SOSIT a sausage

SOSITARULÄD a sausage roll

SOSUS as soon as

SOT a kind, a sort

SOTÜL a variation

SOTEFO whereas

SOÜLÖN to dissolve

SOVADIK wild (= not domesticated)

SOVÖN to sow

SOVÜO (JÜS) so long (as)

SÖF a settee, sofa

SÖKALEOD a sequence

SÖKALEODIK consecutive

SÖKÖN to follow (after)

SÖL gentleman, Mr. sir

SÖLIT a sole (= seafood)

SÖMÄL a sole (= of shoe)

SÖMIT a top, a summit


SÖP a ditch

SÖR a sister

SÖRÖNÖN to pursue

SÖT a (moral) duty

SÖTO nice, well-behaved

SÖTÖN (+ INFIN) to be duty bound (= ought)

SPAD room, space

SPADÄD an (ample) space, an area

SPADÖFIK roomy, spacious

SPADÖN (PRO) to make room/space (for)

SPAG a spark

SPAL forbearance

SPALÖN (EKE BOSI) to spare (someone something)

SPARAG asparagus


SPAT a stroll, a walk


SPATAKLOTEM outdoor wear

SPATAM a walk

SPATASTAF a walking stick

SPATAVABAM a drive (up to a house)

SPATÖN to go for a walk

SPÄK a ghost, a phantom, a spook

SPÄKTRUM a spectrum

SPÄLIÄLIK frugal, sparse

SPÄLÖN to economize, to save (money)

SPÄR a sparrow

SPED a lance

SPEARÜKÖN to spread around, to circulate (gossip)

SPEDIJEDAM (the) javelin throw (= Olympics)

SPEL hope

SPELÖN to hope

SPETÄTIKO expectantly

SPETIDÖN to anticipate

SPETIKO expectantly

SPETÖF awareness, a (mental) realisation

SPETÖFÖN to be aware (of)

SPETÖN to anticipate, to expect

* no pespetöl - unexpected

SPETÜKÖN to anticipate

SPID haste, hurry, speed

SPIDIÄL haste, hastiness

SPIDO hastily, in haste

SPIDÖN to hurry, to make haste, to rush

SPIG a spike

SPIK (power of) speech

SPIKAMAHORN a megaphone

SPIKAMAMOD language (= style/manner of expression)

SPIKAN an orator, a speaker

SPIKÄD a discourse, an oration, a lecture, a speech, a talk

SPIKED a motto, a saying

SPIKET a proverb

SPIKOT a chat, a conversation, a dialogue

SPIKOTAN a conversationalist

SPIKOTÄLIK chatty, conversational, talkative

SPIKOTÖN (KO) to chat (with), to converse (with)

SPIKÖF eloquence

SPIKÖN to speak (spikön nelaodiko = to whisper)

SPIKÜLÖN to stammer

SPILÖN to spill

SPIN a thorn

SPINAD spinach

SPION a spy


SPIRUT spiritism, spiritualism

SPITIFABRIK a distillery

SPITIN an alcoholic drink

SPLODÖN to explode

SPLODÜLÖN (ME) to burst (into)

SPOD correspondence, mail

SPODÖN (KO) to correspond (with)

SPOT a sport

SPÖNAN (HI/JI) a godfather, a godmother, a sponsor

SPÖRINASENÖFIK hormone-sensitive

SPRANÖN to blow up, to destroy

SPRANÜLÖN to spring

SPROTIANABRASID a Brussels-sprout

SPROTÖN to shoot up, to sprout

SPRÖTÖN to make sprout

SPUKÖN to spit

SPULED a cobweb, a spider's web

SPULÖM a spinning wheel

SPUN a spoon

SPUNET a spoonful

SPUTÖN to throw up, to vomit

SPÜL a coil

STAB a basis

STABALIENS basics, guide lines

STABÄD a (basic) unit

STABÖFO radically

STABÜL (the) bottom (stabül tuba = the

bottom of a barrel)

STAD a condition, a state

STADÄD a phase, a stage

STADION a (sports) stadium

STADÖN to find itself, to stand (= to be)

(lio saun ola stadon-li? = how are you?)

STAF a rod, a stick

STAFÄD a post, a stake

STAFÄDAKIUD a partition (of staves)

STAG a shaft, a stalk

STAFAFER rod iron

STAJON a station

STAJONACIF a station-master

STAL steel

STALADÜFIK hard as steel

STAM a stem

STAMEN a stamen (botany)

STAMOD a (tree) trunk

STANED a position

STANIN tin (= metal)

STANÖN to stand

STAR an eye disease (star gedik = a cataract;

(star grünik = glaucoma;

(star blägik = amaurosis)

STATIT a statistic

STATITAV statistics (discipline)

STAUDAVAB a restaurant (dining) car (= railway)

STAUDÖN to refresh oneself

STAUDÖP a restaurant

STÄATIK ecstatic

STÄÄNIK comprehensive


STÄÄNIKÖN to extend (= over an area)

STÄÄNÜKAM expansion, extension

STÄÄNÜKÖN to expand, to extend

STÄD a stage (theatre)

STÄF personnel (staff)

STÄG a stag

STÄN a banner, a flag

STÄPEDÖM a stamping device/machine

STÄPODÖN to impress (on the mind)

STEB a sojourn, a stay

STEBEDALECEM a waiting room

STEBEDÖN to await, to wait for

STEBÖN to stay (= for a certain time)

STEDAGUL a right-angle

STEDÄLIK sincere, straight

STEDIK straight

STEDIKO exactly, precisely


STEDÖLO all of a sudden, directly

STEIF an effort

STEIGÄDÖN to cram, to stuff

STEGÜLÖN to sting (= insect)

STEIFÄDAN a candidate

STEIFÖN to strive

STEIFÜL an attempt

STEIFÜLÖN to attempt, to try

STEIGÄDÖN to cram, to fill (a pipe)

STEIGÖN to insert, to stick (into)

STEILÖN to distill (steilavat = distilled water)

STEL a star

STELANAF a spaceship

STELANAFAN an astronaut, a cosmonaut

STELAV astronomy

STELÄD a constellation

STELÜL an asterisk

STEM steam

STEMANAF a steamer (= boat)

STEN a blot, a mark, a spot

STENOGRAF shorthand, stenography

STENÖN to stain

STEP a pace, a step

STETÖN to declare, to elucidate

STIB a pencil

STIFIK rigid, stiff


STIGÄD an impulse, an incentive

STIGÄDÖN to induce, to stimulate

STIGEDÖN to charm, to entice

STIGIK stinging

STIGÜL a tingling (sensation)

STILIK calm, quiet, still

STIM esteem, honour

STIMADIG dignity, respectability

STIMO respectfully

STIMÖN to esteem, to honour

STIP a condition, a stipulation (stipä = on condition that)

STIPÖFIK conditional

STIRAGÖB a fin (of fish)

STIRALUIB a steering wheel

STIRAN a helmsman, a steersman

STIRÖN to lead, to steer

STITOD an institute

STITÖN to install

STOF cloth, material

STOFÄDEM (BEDA) bed-linen

STOFÄDEMILAV (the) wash/washing (= of clothes/linen)

STOFÄDIKNIBÒM a clothes-peg

STOFED a table cloth

STOFEDÖN to put the table cloth on STOG a stocking

STOL a straw

STOLAJUGED a straw mat

STOM weather (stomanunod = a weather forecast)

STOMÄG a stomach

STON a stone

STONÖP a quarry


STONATVIL a flagstone, a paving stone

STOPÖN to cease, to stop

STOPÖP a (bus / rail) stop

STORDIT an anaesthetic

STORK a stork

STÖBÖN to bar, to block (stöbön vegi = to block the way)

STÖFIM materialism

STÖFIKÖN to materialize

STÖM an implement

STÖMÖN to fasten, to harness

STÖPÄDÖN to delay, to detain, to hinder, to hold up

STÖPÖN to cease, to stop

STÖRÖM a poker (for fire)

STÖTÖN to mumble, to stutter

STRABÖN to squint

STRAIKÖN to (go on) strike

STRAL a ray

STRALAMIKODAB radio activity

STRALÖN (LOVE) to shine (over)

STRIP a streak, a wisp

STUDAN a student

STUDÖN to study

STUKÖN to construct

STUL a chair, a seat

STUM a (technical) instrument, a tool

STUN amazement, astonishment

STUNABIK wonderful

STUNIDABIK admirable

STUNIDOT a wonder

(stunidots vel vola = the seven wonders of

the world)

STUNIDÖN to admire

STUNIK amazed, astonished

STUNÖN (TEFÜ) to be astonished (at), to wonder (at)

STUNÜKAM a commotion, a sensation, a stir

STUNÜKÖL sensational

STUNÜKÖN to cause a stir/uproar, to astonish

STUPAN an idiot

STUPOT a folly, stupidity

STUR a clatter, a crash

STURNOD a starling

STURÖN to hurl

STUTÖMASTUL an armchair

STUTÖN (LEN) to lean (against/on)

STÜL a (literary) style

STÜM esteem, respect

STÜMÖN to esteem, to respect

STÜRÖN to throw (onto a pile); to shed (tears)

STÜT a support

STÜTODS crutches (golön stutü stütods = to go on crutches)

STÜTÖN to second, to side with, to support

SU on, upon

SÜADÖN (DÖ/TEFÜ) to be convinced (of/about); to come to a conclusion (about)

SÜADÜKÖN to persuade

SUÄM a price, an amount (of money)

SUÄMÖN to amount (to), to total

SUBLIMIK grandiose, sublime

SUBLIMÜKÖN to soar (spiritually)

SUDEL Sunday

SUDIK deaf

SUEMOD a concept, a notion

SUEMOVIK comprehensible

SUEMÖN to comprehend, to understand

SUETÖN to perspire, to sweat

SUFALEFOM passive (grammar)

SUFÄDIK patient

SUFÄLÖN to tolerate

SUFÄLIK tolerant

SUFEDÖN to resign (oneself)

SUFIDALAIDÜKÖN to tolerate (= over a long period)

SUFIDIK resistant

SUFIDÖN to bear, to tolerate

SUFÖN to suffer (sufön malädi = to have an illness); to tolerate

SUG suction

SUI onto, upon

SUIDIKÖN to become giddy/dizzy

SUIMÖN to follow (mentally)

SUKADOG a tracker (dog)

SUKAM research

SUKÖN to look for, to seek

SUKUBÖN (SEKÜ) to collapse, to give way (under)

SULÜD south

SUMÄTÖFÜ under the command of

SUMÄTÜKÖN to oppress, to subject

SUMODÖN to accept, to take up

SUMÖN to take

SUNÄDIK at once, immediately, without delay

SUNIK soon

SUP a soup

SUR insurance

SURAD calf (anatomy)

SURÖN to insure (finance)

SUS above, over

SUSBÄLDIK very ancient


SUSFULIK full to overflowing

SUSLANÄLIK overenthusiastic

SUSLOMÄNÄL chauvinism

SUSNUMIK innumerable

SUSTONÄD disintegration

SUVO often

SÜADÖN (DÖ/TEFÜ) to be convinced (about)

SÜADÜKÖN to convince

SÜDAV ethics, morals

SÜDÖF morality

SÜD(S) manner(s), more(s)

SÜEN presence of mind

SÜENIK discreet, sensible, sober, prudent

SÜENIKÖN to consider, to stop and think

SÜFÜL a scene, an episode

SÜG sucking

SÜGAF a mammal

SÜGÄB a baby

SÜGÖN to suck

SÜIKÖN to emerge, to come to the fore

SÜL heaven

SÜLOGEDÖN to peep (at)

SÜMÄDOT an imitation, a simulation

SÜMÄDÖN to imitate

SÜMÄTÖN (LÜ) to appear, to resemble

SÜMIK like, similar

SÜMÖN (AD) to resemble

SÜMPTOM a symptom

SÜPALÖÜKAM an (impromptu) rising

SÜPÄD a surprise

SÜPÄDÖN to surprise

SÜPERIK excellent

SÜPIK sudden, unexpected

SÜRAMENÖN to fetch out

SÜREN a lilac

SÜRFAT a surface (= outer opposed to inner)

SÜSTEGÖN to be rooted

SÜT a street

(sütilovegolöp stripik = a zebra crossing)

(sütitraväröp = a crossroad)

SÜTASEFÄDÖP a (traffic) refuge

SÜÜKÖN to give rise to; to release (spring)

SÜVOKÖN to cause, to engender, to give rise to

SVAL a swallow

SVAN a swan

SVELÖN to be swollen

SVELIKÖN to swell up

SVENÖN to faint

SVIDIK sweet

SVIET (soft) light, a glow

SVIMABLITIL swimming trunks

SVIMÖN to swim

SVIN a pig


SVINIBECÖPAN a pork butcher

SVIP a broom

SVIST (universal) brotherhood, a colleague

SVÖNÖN to swing, to wave


TA against

TAAN an adversary, an opponent

TAÄD a contrast, (the) reverse

(in contrast with = in taäd tefü)

TAÄDAM a contrast

TAÄDIK contrary, counter

TAÄDO on the contrary

TAÄDÖN (KO) to compare (with), to contrast (with)

TAB a table

TABAK tobacco

TABALETANED a runner (= a long, narrow table cover)

TABASTOFED a table cloth

TABLÖFÄDÖN to disprove

TADILO on the contrary

TADUN resistance

TADUNÖN to oppose, to resist, to withstand

TAEDIK defensive

TAEDÖN to prevent

TAETÖN to hold back, to restrain

TAID a (sea) tide

TAIL earth (= substance)

TAIM clay

TAJEDAPLED ball-bouncing (= game)

TAKÄD repose, rest (takädastul = a deckchair)

TAKÄDASTAD retirement

TAKÄDÖN to repose, to rest

TAKÄT a dead centre (maths)

TAKEDIK calm, quiet

TAKEDÖ! quiet! silence!

TAKEDÖN to be calm, to be quiet

TAKEDÜKÖLO soothingly

TAKEDÜKÖN to calm, to quieten

TAKIK static

TAKOMIP a defence

TAL (the) earth

TALAKRUT (the) earth's crust

TALAP a mole

TALAV geology

TALEAB an apprentice's indenture

TALEDAV geography

TALP a mole

TAMBUR a fanfare

TAMBUREN a tambourine

TAMED a remedy

TAN a bond

TANÄDÖN to bind (books)

TANÄT a contact, a link

TANED a strip

TANGÄNT a tangent (maths)

TANOD a neckerchief, a scarf

TANÖN to bind, to tie

TAÖF a contradiction

TAÖN (TA) to object (to)

TAPÄD a carpet

TAPED a tapestry

TAPLADÜ in contrast to...

TAPÖN to (wall)paper

TAPOT wallpaper

TAR tar

TARIF a tariff

TARM a (clothes) moth

TASPIKÖN (EKE BOSI) to contradict (someone about something)

TAT (the) state (= government)

TATAK an attack

TATAKÖN to attack

TATAMONOPUL a (state) monopoly

TATAREIGÄBAM counter-resistance

TATÄT citizenship (= of a state)

TATIKÄLIK absurd, ridiculous

TAUL a towel

TAUM an atom

TAVIENVITÜR a windscreen

TAVIENVITÜRAKLINIAN a windscreen wiper

TAXID a taxicab

TAXUD a yew (tree)

TÄ for (a price); in relation to (preposition) (tel proporos tä fol, äs kil tä mäl =

2 is in proportion to 4, as 3 is to 6)

TÄDÖN to menace, to threaten

TÄIN a (facial) colour

TÄK credit (cash)

TÄKO on credit, on tick

TÄKOGETÖN to obtain on credit/on tick

TÄLÄKT intellect

TÄLÄKTIK intellectual, reasonable

TÄLEN a talent

TÄMEP temple (anatomy)

TÄM moderation, restraint

TÄMIK controlled, moderate, restrained, tempered

TÄNAD a tent

TÄNADÖP a campsite

TÄNIT tennis

TÄNO then

TÄRAT a terrace

TÄRMIT a termite

TÄRMOMET a thermometer

TÄSTIG a testicle (medical)

TÄSTUM a testament, a will

TÄSTUMÖN to make one's will

TÄTÖN to milk (animals)

TÄTUVÖN to tattoo

TÄVABÜR a travel agency


TÄVAKAD a ticket

TÄVAN a traveller

TÄVAPAS a passport

TÄVAZEIL a destination

TÄVÖN (LÜ) to journey, to travel (to)

TÄXETÖN to estimate

TE mere, only

TEAD a floor, a storey

TEAFÖN to choke, to suffocate

TEAMIK domesticated, tame

TEAN a toe

TEATÖP (the) theatre

TED business, commerce, trade

TEDAN a businessman, a tradesman

TEDIK commercial, mercantile

TEDOT a transaction

TEDÖN to do business, to trade

TEDRIL a tendril

TEDRILÖN to entangle

TEDÜLAN a retailer, a shopkeeper

TEF relation

TEFÄDIK respective

TEFÄDIKO relatively

TEFIK corresponding to; relating to

TEFÖN to affect, to be a question of, to concern

TEFÜ concerning, with regard to...

TEGÄD a cover (tabategäd = a table cover)

TEGED a blanket, a cover, a sheet

(bedateged = a coverlet, a quilt)

(tävateged = a travelling rug/blanket)

TEGOT a cover, a lid

TEGÖN to cover

TEGÜL a scale (= of fish)

TEIFÖN to choke, to suffocate (someone)

TEIFÜLIK heavy (weather); stifling

TEIL a separation

TEILÖN to part, to separate (teilön heremi = to

part one's hair)

TEIMÖN to tame (= animals/birds)

TEIN a (roof) tile

TEL two

TELAT a couple

TELÄD twins

TELÄL a dissension

TELEFONALEZIÖB a telephone booth

TELEFONALIEN a connection, a telephone line

TELEFONAPARAT a telephone (= complete unit)

* a mobile ('phone) = telefon polovik

TELEFONÖN to ring up, to telephone

TELEGRAFOT a telegram

TELEVID television

TELEVIDADAÄD a television channel

TELEVIDADANUNAM a television commercial (= advertisement)

TELEVIDASÖKOD a television series

TELEVIDASKRIN a television screen

TELID second

TELIDAN a second (= person)

TELIDKLAD second class

TELIDNAEDO for the second time

TELIK double

TELÖN to double

TELPAD a double page


TELRÜDEDAGÜN a double - barrelled gun

TELSPIKOT a dialogue

TELTON a diphthong

TELÜM a duet

TEM a synagogue, a temple

TEMUNAN a witness

TEMUNÖN to bear witness

TEMÜL a chapel

TENID tension

TENIDÜKÖN to flex, to span, to stretch

TENOR a tenor (music)

TENÖN to range, to stretch

TENÜKÖN to make tense, to stretch out

TEORIK theoretic(al)

TEOROD a theory (teorod lita = the theory of light)

TEP a storm

TER an aunt/uncle

TEREBEN turpentine

TET a (cow's) udder

TEUP oakum

TEVAN an itinerant, a wanderer

TEVÖN to roam, to wander

TI almost, nearly

(ti mens mil = almost a thousand people)

(binos ti düp zülid = it's nearly 9 o'clock)

TIÄD a title (= of a book/publication)

TID instruction

TIDABUK a text-book

TIDADÜP a lesson (= in classroom)

TIDAGITOD a teaching qualification

TIDAN a teacher

TIDANAJUL a teacher training college

TIDANEF (the) teaching staff

TIDASTEIFÄDAN a candidate for the teaching profession

TIDÄB a pupil

TIDIÄL motivation (= of a teacher)

TIDOD a lesson (= in course/text-book)

TIDODEM a course (of lessons)

TIDÖN (EKE BOSI) to teach (someone something)

TIED tea

TIEDALEPLANÄN a tea plantation

TIEDASKAL a teapot

TIEDIÄR a tea caddy

TIF theft

TIFALÖL staggering, stumbling

TIFALÖN to stumble, to stagger, to trip up

TIFALÜKÖN to trip (someone else) up

TIFAN a thief

TIFÖN (EKE BOSI) to steal (something from someone)

TIGRID a tiger

TIJOD an artichoke

TIK a thought


TIKAN a thinker

TIKASÖKÖD a line of thought

TIKAV logic (= science)

TIKAVIK logical

TIKÄD a concept

TIKÄDÖN to consider, to take into consideration

TIKÄL mind, reason

TIKÄLAMOD reasoning

TIKÄLIK mental

TIKET a (sudden) idea

TIKIT a ticking sound

TIKOD a mental image, a thought

TIKODÖN to imagine

TIKODÜKAM a suggestion

TIKOLOGÄDÖN to turn over (in the mind)

TIKÖN (DÖ) to opine, to think (about)

TIKTÖ! tick-tack!

TIL a thistle

TILIAD a lime (tree)

TILURÖBÖN to brush against (= almost touch)

TIM time

• at the same time = ün tim ot

• ün tim, das = so long as

TIMAKOMPENAN a contemporary (person)

TIMAPENÄD a periodical

TIMAV chronology

TIMÄD an era

TIMIL a short time, a while

TIMIMAFIAN a timer (= a timing device)

TIMPUN a kettledrum, timpani

TIMÜ at the time of...

TIMÜL a moment

TINISUL a peninsula

TIPIK pointed

TIPOT a point, a (sharp) end

TIPÜL a (coat)tail

TIRAHARMONÖM an accordeon

TIRÄDANÄM (power of) attraction

TIRÄDIKÖN to become irritated

TIRÄDÖN to attract (magnetically)

TIREN tyranny

TIRENAN a tyrant

TIREDÖN to draw (a prize)

TIRIDÖN to draw (tiridön drati de largent = to

draw silver wire)

TIRÖN to draw, to pull

(jevods tirons vabi = the horses pull the carriage)

TIRÜLÖN to tug

TISOPRAN a mezzo-soprano (singer)

TITENOR a baritone (singer)

TIVÖN (TEFÜ) to negotiate (regarding)

TO despite, in spite of (preposition)

TOÄ despite, in spite of (conjunction)

TOBUL October

TODÄLIK rebellious, spiteful

TODIKO defiantly, obstinately

TOED a cake

TOENÖN to chink, to clink, to (make a) sound, to ring out

TOF a drip, a drop

TOFIL a droplet, a tricklet

TOFÖN to drip

TOLABOT something to declare (at customs)

TOLATÖN to manipulate

TOLÄDABÜR Customs Office

TOLÄDAN a customs officer

TOMAT a tomato

TOMÖN to annoy, to pester, to worry

TONAT a letter (= of the alphabet)

TONATAM spelling

TONATANIL a (cassette) tape

TONATÖN to spell

TONATÜKAM alliteration

TONAV phonetics

TONÄRÖN to thunder

TONIK phonetic

TONINÄMÜKIAN a volume control (= sound)

TONOD a sound, a resonance

TONODAKASÄT an audio cassette

TONODALÖPOT volume (of sound)

TONODASIRKOT a (gramophone) record, a disc

TONODAV (study of) harmony (= in music)

TONODIREGISTARÖM a tape-recorder

TONODISUMODÖM a record-player

TONODÖN to intone, to start (a tune)

TONÖM a loudspeaker (radio, TV)

TONÖN (ÄS) to ring, to sound (like)

TOO however, nevertheless, notwithstanding

TOOD automobile, car, motor-car

TOODALEVEG a motorway

TOODAMAZÖT a driving licence

TOODIPARKÖP a car park

TOP a place

TOPAGASED a local newspaper

TOPÄD a region

TOPÄT a locality

TOPÄTIKÖN to move on

TOPIK local

TOPÖN (LEN) to lie, to be situated (by/on) (zif topon len flumed = the town is situated/lies on the river)

TOR a bull

TORADOEG a bulldog

TORF peat

TORTUG a tortoise

TOST a toast (drink)

TOUM a volume (book)

TOVÄDÖN to lift (= dig up)

TOVEDÖN to haul up, to hoist

TOVIAN a lever (= lifting device)

TOVÖM a jack (= for car)

TOVÖMATIG a lever (= arm)

TOVÖN to lift, to raise

TOVÜLÖN to shrug

TOÜN tunny (= fish)

TÖ at, in (preposition)

(lödof tö top at = she lives at/in this place)

(de veg tö fagot stepas tel = a couple

of steps away from the road)

TÖB inconvenience, trouble

TÖBID effort

TÖBIKÖN to take aback

TÖBO hardly, scarcely

TÖDIK tactful

TÖKÖN to (ex)change (=one thing for another)

TÖKÜ in exchange for

TÖLATÖN to handle, to manipulate, to operate, to treat.

TÖNIK ropy, tenacious, tough, viscous

TÖNUL a tunnel

TÖRAN a tourist

TRAB transmission

TRABAKÜIRED a conveyer belt

TRABÖM a (car) clutch

TRADUTOD a translation

TRADUTÖN to translate

TRAKÖN to shrink, to shrivel

TRAKTOR a tractor

TRAVÄRÖN to cross

TRAVÄRÖP a transept (of church)

TRAVÄRÜ across

TRÄF a clover

TRÄIT a treatment

TRÄITÖN to treat, to manage

TRÄKÖN to condense, to (make) shrink/shrivel

TRÄM a tram

TRÄNANAF a tug (boat)

TRÄNÖN to pull

TRÄPÖN to trap

TRÄT betrayal, treachery

TRÄTAN a traitor

TRÄTÖN to betray

TREIL a trellis-work (fire)-

TREILAKIUD a trellis-work fence

TREILAYAN a trellis-work gate

TRELÜLAGUN a tail coat, a dress coat

TREN a (railway) train

TRENABILIET a train ticket

TRENAGALEDAN a guard (= railway)

TRENAVEG a railway

TRENAVEGAMÖP a (railway) level-crossing

TRENÖN to travel by train

TRET a bill of exchange

TRETÖN (EKI) to draw on someone (= financial)

TRIB plush

TRIBÜT a tribe

TRIBÜTABIM a family tree

TRID a step, a stair

TRIDEM a (flight of) stairs, a stairway

TRIDOD a kick

TRIDODÖN to kick

TRIDÖM a pedal

TRIDÖN to tread on

TRIFUL a clover

TRIG intrigue

TRIGONOMET trigonometry

TRIGÖN to be intrigued

TRIKANAD a knitting needle

TRIKOTS knitwear

TRIKÖN to knit

TRIP a tax

TRIPABIK taxable

TROD consolation

TRODÖN to comfort, to console

TROIVÖN to shatter

TROMPET a trumpet

TRON a throne

TRONÖN to enthrone

TROTÖN to trot

TROVÖN to crash

TRÖG laziness


TRÖK a suitcase, a trunk

TRUB dimness, dullness

TRUBADUR a (travelling) minstrel, a troubadour

TRUF a trump (card)

TRUL a drum roll

TRUM a drum

TRUPÖN (LÜ) to flock (to)

TRÜF a truffle

TRÜIT a trout

TSUG a maple tree

TU too (= excessively)

TUB a barrel, a keg, a tub

TUBAT a tuba (musical instrument)

TUDEL Tuesday


TUF a bunch, a bundle

TUFAV disgust, nausea

TUFRUTIDÖN to exploit

TUG a virtue

TUGÖFIK virtuous

TUIG a branch

TUIGAHON antlers

TUIN a hosepipe

TUITIK jagged, serrated

TUL revolving, turning

TULIP a tulip

TULITIK dazzling

TULÖN to be revolving/turning

TUM a hundred

TUMÖDIK excessive

TUMYEL a century

TUPIK bothersome, inconvenient

TUPIT a (whipping) top (= child's toy)

TUPITÖN to play at whip and top (= game)

TUP (radio/TV) interference

TUPÖN to disturb

TUR (physical) exercise

TURAV gymnastics, physical training

TURB peat

TURD a song-thrush

TURN a turn (binos turn oba = it's my turn)

TURNO in turn

TURÖP a gymnasium, a fitness suite

TUT a tooth

TUTADOL a toothache

TUTAKREM toothpaste

TUTATAK an onslaught, a (surprise) attack

TUTATAKÖN to invade, to take by surprise

TUTÄD teething

TUTEM a set of teeth

TUTIKEF a toothbrush


TUTISANÖP a dentist's surgery

TUTÖBIDÖN to overexert, to overstrain

TUÜKAM an exaggeration

TUÜKÖN to exaggerate

TUVATAM flooding

TUVATÖN to flood, to inundate

TUVÄBÖP an orphanage

TUVEDÖN to decipher, to solve (= puzzle/riddle)

TUVEMIK colossal, gigantic

TUVÖN to find

TUZIL overenthusiasm

TÜ at, on (= time) (preposition)

(tü del balid mayula = on the lst May)

TÜB a barrel, a tub

TÜBEL a cooper

TÜI about, approximately (preposition)

(tüi düp kilid = about 3 o'clock)

TÜIM thymus (gland)

TÜLAKURB a crank

TÜLÖN to turn, to twist

TÜM a tower

TÜMAGALAN a look-out, a watchman (on tower)

TÜMOLOG etymology (= word derivation)

TÜN tin

TÜNABOK a tin (box, container)

TÜREOID thyroid (gland)

TUTÄD teething

TÜPÜ within (= time)

(tüpü vig bal = in a week's time)

TÜRKIG a turkey

TÜRKOT turquoise

TÜTEDÖN to discipline

TÜVÖN to discover

TVALET a toilet

TVALETABASIN a lavatory pan TVILAPLATOT a tiled hearth (fireplace)

TUVEDOT an answer, a solution (to a puzzle/riddle)

TUVEDÖN to solve (puzzle/riddle)

TYILPÖN to cheep, to chirp, to twitter


U or (dels tel u kil = 2 to 3 days)

U.......U either.......or

UD or (= before a vowel)

UD......UD either.......or (= before vowels)

U VA....U VA whether......or else

UDEL the day after to-morrow

UDELO on the day after to-morrow

US there (us dono = down there)

USAO from there

USIO to there, thither

(usio ed isio = hither and thither)

USIOVEG (the) outward journey

USIÖ! Get out!

USOARO to-morrow evening

UT the one

(hiut, jiut, utos, kel = the one who/that)

UTAN, (KEL) the person, (who)

UTO, (KÖ) there, (where)


Ü or (= corresponding to Latin sive/seu)

ÜD or (= before a vowel)

ÜF in case of, insofar as

(üf zesüdosöv = should it be necessary)

ÜFO in that case, then (= questioning) (Kikodo üfo eselol-li osi? = then why have you sold it?)

ÜFÜ in case of

ÜN at, in, on (time)

(ün neit = at night)

(ün del mu litik = in broad daylight)

(ün soar fovik = on the following evening)

(ün hitüp = in summer)

(ün mul alik = from month to month) ÜNÜ within, in the course of (= time)

(ünü brefüp = within a short time)


VA whether

VAÄLANÖT a hazel-nut

VAB a car, a carriage, a coach, a vehicle

VABADILÄD a compartment (= of coach)

VABAM a drive (= in a vehicle)

VABAMAKUL a highway, a thoroughfare

VABAVEG a carriageway

VABISTIRAN a car driver

VABÖM a vehicle

VABÖN to drive

VAEN oats

VAENABÜL oatmeal porridge

VAET juice

VAETIK juicy

VAETÖFIK succulent

VAF a weapon

VAFÄDÖN to drill (= soldiers on parade)

VAFÖN to arm

VAGIK empty

VAGÜKÖN to empty

VAIBÖN to drive (a vehicle)

VAKEN a holiday

VAKENÖN to be on holiday

VALÄDÖN to generalize

VALEMIK general, universal

VALEMO in general


VALIKOS all, everything

(dunob valikosi, kelosi kanob dunön =

I am doing everything that I can do)

VALODIK overall, total

VALODO in total

VALÖPO everywhere

VALROD a walrus

VALT a waltz (dance)

VALUT (currency) exchange

VALÜT a whale

VAMIK warm

VAMOT heat, temperature

VAMPIR vampire

VAMÜKIAN a heater

VAMÜKÖN to heat, to warm

VAMÜLIK lukewarm, tepid

VANELAGLADET a vanilla ice-cream

VANIK futile, vain

VANÜKÖN to frustrate, to thwart

VAOGAD an avocado (pear)

VAP gas

VAPATRIDÖM accelerator pedal

VAPIKÖN to evaporate

VAPÜKÖM a carburettor

VARÄK kelp

VART a nodule, a wart

VASOD a vase

VAT water

VATAFAL a cascade, a waterfall

VATAM irrigation, watering

VATANIVOD water level

VATASALIG a weeping willow (tree)

VATATIDEF a water shortage

VATAVÄR a tumbler (= a glass for water)

VATONEDUGOLOVIK water-proof, water-tight

VATÖFIK watery

VATÖN to irrigate, to water

VAULÖN to bark

VAXEN a bilberry

VÄK wax

VÄKAMAGOT a wax figure/model

VÄKIK waxen

VÄKÖN to (coat with) wax

VÄL a choice

VÄLID a selection

VÄLÖN to choose, to elect

* välön (me mugaparat) = to click [computers]

VÄNTAR an inventory (= stocktaking)

VÄNTIL a valve

VÄNTRILOKAN a ventriloquist

VÄP an aroma, a perfume

VÄR a (drinking) glass, a tumbler

VÄRBATIM a verb tense

VÄRET (+ GENITIVE) a glass (of)

VÄRULÖN to bolt (a door)

VÄT weight

VÄTÖM a (weigh)scale

VÄTÄLÖN to consider (mentally)

VÄTÄLÜ in consideration of

VÄTÖN to weigh (objects)

VE along

VEAD a case, a container

VEADÖN to insert

VEAL a veil

VEBÖN to hover

VEDEL Wednesday

VEDÖN to become

VEDÜKÖN to cause to be(come)

VEF a (sea) wave

VEFAPAPAGIL a budgerigar

VEFAFOMÖN to wave (hair)

VEFALUNOT a wavelength (radio/TV)

VEFAPAPAGIL a budgerigar

VEG a road, a way

VEGABLEGOD a bend (in the road)


VEGAMATAIB a timetable

(vegamataib trenas = a train timetable)



VEGÄD a distance

VEGIJONIAN a signpost

VEGIKÖN (LÜ) to set off (for)

VEGIL a lane

VEIG transport

VEIGAMEDÖM a means of transport

VEIGÖM a vehicle

VEIGÖN to transport

VEIN a vein (anatomy)

VEITAFIT haddock


VEITOT width (= a measure)

VEL seven



VELUVIK velvet

VEMO very

VEMÖFIK intense

VEN when (conjunction)

VENEN poison

VENENÖFIK poisonous, toxic

VENENÖN to poison

VENTÜR an adventure

VENUD Venus (planet)

VEOT crêpe, gauze

VERAT (the) truth


VERÄTIK correct, right (= not wrong)

VERÄTO properly

VERÄTÜKÖN to correct, to rectify

VERIK absolute

VERIM absolutism

VESEP a wasp

VESID a bladder (anatomy)

VESTIB a hall, a lobby

VESTIBÜL an entrance-hall

VESTIG an investigation

VESTIGÖN to investigate

VESÜD west

VESÜDIK western

VETER cattle

VETIK heavy

VETOT weight (= how heavy something is)

VETOTÖN (MÖ) to weigh (= a certain amount)

VETÖFIK heavy, ponderous

VEÜTIK important

VI! oh, dear!

VIADUK a viaduct

VIÄL a violin

VIDASIMIK wide-seamed

VIDIK broad, wide

VIDOT width (dom labon vidoti piedas teldeg = the house is twenty feet wide)

VIDÜKÖN to disseminate, to spread

VIELIK colourful, pretty

VIEN (the) wind

VIENIK windy

VIENÖN to be windy (vienos = it's windy)

VIETABON a kidney bean


VIETASTOFÄD household linen

VIETIK white

VIF speed

VIFAGOL running, sprinting


VIFIK fast, quick, rapid

VIFIKUMÖN to get a move on, to hurry up

VIFO quickly

VIFOTAKURB a (vehicle) accelerator

VIFÖ! Get a move on! Hurry up!

VIFÜKUMÖN(EKI/BOSI) to hasten (someone/something)

VIG a week

VIKOD a victory

VIKODÖN to defeat, to conquer

VIKTUALACEM a larder, a pantry

VIKTUALS provisions (eatables)

VIL (the) will

VILAD a villa

VILAG a village

VILÄDIK arbitrary

VILÄL will-power

VILÄLIK strong-willed, stubborn

VILOD a willow (tree)

VILÖFIK willing

(vilöfik ad yufön = willing to help)

VILÖFO willingly

VILÖN (+ INFIN) to want

VILUPÖN to envelop, to wrap up

VIM a fancy, a humour, a mood, a whim

VIMIK moody

VIN wine

VINAKAV a wine cellar

VINDIT revenge, vindictiveness

VINDITÖN (EKE ME) to wreak revenge (on someone by means of)

VINEGÖN to wave

VINIG vinegar

VINIGEDÖN to marinate

VIO how (correlative)

VIOD a hurt, an injury, a wound

VIODÖN to hurt, to injure, to wound

VIOL a violet

VIOLÄTIK violet (colour)

VIOR ivory

VIÖN (DEMÜ) to lament, to wail (over)

VIP a wish

VIPÄR a viper

VIPÖN to wish

VIPRESIDAN a vice-president

VIRATEP a tornado

VIRGAN a virgin

VIRIK turning, twisting

VIRILÖN to swirl

VIRÖN to twirl, to twist, to whirl

VIRUD a virus

VISEDÄLIK alert, clever, intelligent

VISEDIK canny, clever, wise

VISIPÖN to rustle (= of leaves), to whisper

VISIT a visit

VISITAN a visitor

VISITÖN to attend, to visit

VISKID whisky

VISO face to face, opposite, vis-à-vis

VISOIK facing

VISUL a weasel

VISUM a visa

VISÜ opposite

(lödom visü glüg = he lives opposite the church).


VITIDAGAD a vineyard

VITIDAKLOP (the) grape harvest

VITIDAVAET grape juice

VITÖN to avoid

VITÜR a pane (of glass)

VITÜRAGLÄT a window-pane

VITÜRÖN to glaze

VIUDAN a widow, a widower

VIUDIKÖN to be widowed

VIVAN a weaver


VIVASPÜL a shuttle

VIVOT cloth, a fabric, a textile

VIVÖN to weave

VO indeed (vo-li? = isn't it?)


VOADIK leaky

VOADÖN to leak

(to spring a leak = voadikön)

VOAL a veil


VOÄTIK candid, to the point

VOB work

VOBADEL a working day

VOBAN a worker

VOBÄDÖN to make, to produce

VOBED an effect

VOBEDIK effective

VOBEDÖN to act upon, to effect

VOBIÄLIK diligent

VOBOD a job, a task

VOBÖN to work

VOBÖP a laboratory, a study (room), a workshop

VOBÜKAN an employer

VOBÜKÄB an employee

VOBÜKÖN (EKI) to employ (someone)

VOD cotton wool (wadding)

VODÖN to pad (with cotton wool)

VOGÄD (the) fashion

VOGÄDAN a (fashion) designer

VOGÄDIK fashionable

VOGIKÖN (AS) to become fashionable (as)

VOIKO really

VOK a call

VOKAT a vowel

VOKÄDÖN to cry out, to shout

VOKED a calling, a vocation

VOKÖN to call, to fetch

(egolof ad vokön sanani =

she's gone to fetch the doctor)

VOL (the) world

VOLÄD (the) world (in regard to human behaviour)

VOLÄDAN a worldling

VOLED kingdom (as in: planavoled = the plant kingdom)

VOLF evolution

* ma volf dinäda = as things have turned out

VOLFÖN to develop, to evolve

VOLKAN a volcano

VOLUT a revolt

VOLUTAN a rebel

VOLUTÖN (TA) to revolt, to rise up (against)

VOM a woman

VOMITÖN to throw up, to vomit

VOMÖF femininity, womanhood

VOMÜL a young woman, Miss

VORÄDIK banal, boring, commonplace, derelict, run-down

VORÄDIKÖN to fall into disuse, to run down

VOREDIK worn out

VORIK derelict, ruined

VOTAFLANO on the other hand

VOTAFLANÜ on the other side of...

VOTAFOMAM a transformation

VOTAFOMÖN to transform

VOTAKLOTÖN to disguise


VOTASEIMO elsewhere

VOTASTIDÖN to reform

VOTIK another, other

(bal pos votik = one after another)

VOTIKAM an alteration

VOTIKNA once more, one more time, other times

VOTIKÖN to alter, to change

VOTIKO otherwise

VOTO else

VOTÖFÖN to transform

VOTÜKAM change

VOTÜKAMIÄL a hankering after change

VOTÜKÖN to alter, to change

VÖD a word

VÖDABID a part of speech (grammar)

VÖDABUK a dictionary, a lexicon

VÖDAFEIT an argument

VÖDANUNIL a text message

VÖDASTOK a vocabulary

VÖDED a (specialized) expression

(vödeds jäfüda = jargon)

VÖDEM a text

VÖG a voice

VÖGÄD an outcry, a shout, a tone (of voice)

VÖGIK vocal

VÖGOD a vote

VÖGODAN a voter

VÖGODÖN (PRO) to vote (for)

VÖGODÖP a voting booth

VÖL an inside wall

VÖLAD value

VÖLADIK valuable

VÖLADÜ to the value of...

VÖN antiquity

VÖNAOLOVEIK traditional

VÖNÄD the past (not antiquity)

VÖNÄDIK old (not ancient)

VÖNÄDAVOGÄDIK old-fashioned

VÖNÄDOT antiquity

VÖNIK ancient

VÖNOTAV archeology

VÖNOTS antiques

VUIT wheat

VUKÖN to practise usury, to profiteer

VUL a root

VULIKÖN to take root

VULTUR a vulture

VUM a worm

VUMODÄMIK worm-eaten

VUN an injury, a wound

VUNÄB an injured/wounded person

VUNÖN to injure, to wound

VUT anger, fury

VUTIK furious

VUTÖN to rage

VÜ between

VÜD an invitation

VÜDÄB a guest

VÜDÖN to invite

VÜGOLÖN to interfere

VÜKÖMÖN to intervene, to step in

VÜM a lap, a womb

VÜO meantime, meanwhile

VÜPLADOTAYEL a leap year

VÜPLADÖN to insert

VÜSPAD a space (between two objects)

VÜSÜF an entr'acte (= theatre)

VÜTIM an interval

VÜTIMO in the meantime, meanwhile

VÜTROPÄN (the) tropics

VÜYÜMÄD a connecting piece, a connection


XAB an axle

XABABREK an axle breakdown

XABAKLUF a linch-pin

XABATUL axle rotation

XAMEN an examination

XAMAN an examiner

XAMÄB a candidate (for an examination)

XAMÖN to examine, to test

XAMÜL an (oral) examination/test

XAMÜLAN an (oral) examiner

XAMÜLÖN to examine/test orally

XÄAN a skin rash

XÄINÖN to augment, to increase

XÄN an increase

XÄNABIM (extending) steps/ladder

XÄNABOIB a stirrup (= for horses)

XÄNAKÄV a (railway) platform

XÄNÖM a step-ladder

XÄNÖMATRID a rung (of a ladder)

XÄNÖN to ascend, to climb, to go up, to mount

(xänön tu geiliko sodas no kanoy golön

föfio ni pödio = to climb too high so

that one is unable to go either forwards

or backwards)

XIFIAD a sword-fish

XILED banishment, exile, expulsion

XILÄB an exile, an outlaw

XILÖN to banish, to exile, to expel

XILÖP a place of exile

XILÜP (the length of) time of banishment/exile

XIOM an axiom

XÜD oxidation

XÜDAJENÄD (the) process of oxidation

XÜDÖN to oxidize


YA already

YAD a (court)yard

YAG a hunt

YAGADOG a beagle, a hound

YAGADOM a hunting lodge

YAGAN a hunter, a huntsman

YAGÖN to hunt

YAKT a yacht

YAL a veranda

YAM calamity, woe

YAMEDÖN to snarl, growl

YAMÖN to moan, to wail, to whine

YAMÜLÖN to be monotonous/tedious

YAN a door

YANAN a commissionaire, a door-keeper

YANANOKÖM a door-knocker

YANUL January

YAT a squirrel

YÄK a jacket

YÄN yarn (= in textiles)

YE however

YEB grass


YEBAGIK grassy

YEBALÄN grassland, a meadow

YEBÄN a prairie, a steppe

YEBIDÖN to graze

YEBIFODIAN a grass-cutter, a mower

YEBIFODÖN to cut/mow grass

YEG an article, an object

YEGÄD a subject, a theme, a topic

YEL a year

YELACEN (the) turn of the year, New Year

(pö yelacen = at the start of a New Year)

YELAFOLDEGAN a middle-aged person

YELALUNÜPIK of many years' duration/standing

YELAM an anniversary

YELASÄSUN a season (of the year)


YELOVATÜFUD yellow fever

YELOVIK yellow

YILIDÖN (LO) to yield (to)

YILÖN to dodge, to evade, to give way to

YIONÜKÖN to ionize


YOF enjoyment, pleasure

YOFIÄL pleasure-seeking

YOFÖN (OKI) to enjoy (oneself)

YOGURT yogurt

YOK a yoke (= for animals)

YOKÄD a collar, a harness (= for animals)

YOKÖN to harness, to subject

YOYOD yo-yo (toy)

YÖ! Hurrah!

YÖBAVOKÄD a cry of jubilation

YÖBÖLO jubilantly, triumphantly

YÖBÖN to rejoice

YÖGAN a juggler

YUB jubilation, rejoicing

YUBID a jubilee

(yubid luldegyelik = a golden jubilee)

YUBIDAN a jubilarian

YUBIDÖN to celebrate an anniversary

YUBIK jubilant

YUBÖN to rejoice

YUF assistance, help, support

YUFAN an assistant, a helper

YUFATIDAN a student teacher, an assistant teacher

YUFAVÄRB an auxiliary verb

YUFIÄL a willingness to help/serve

YUFIDÖN to appeal to, to have recourse to

YUFOT a service rendered

YUFÖ! Help!

YUFÖN to assist, to help

YUFÜ with the help of...

YUGABOM a cheek-bone


YUL an oath


YULAKOMPENANEF a confederacy

YULAN a person under oath

YULID affirmation under oath

YULIDÄB a person who has taken the oath

YULIDÖN (EKI) to administer the oath (to someone)

YULIK sworn under oath

YULO under oath

(fümükön bosi yulo = to affirm under oath)

YULÖN to swear the oath


YUM connecting, joining


YUMÄDATREN a connecting train, a connection

YUMÄDÖN to connect, to join

YUMED a context

YUMEDÜ in relation to...

YÜMET a connection (personal)

YUMOD a connection, a joint, a junction

YUMÖF continuity

YUMÜ in connection with...

YUNIK young

YUNIPABÄL a juniper berry

YUNIPAGEIN juniper wine

YUNÖF youthfulness


YUNÜKÖN to make young again, to rejuvenate

YUNÜP adolescence, youth

YUPITÄR Jupiter (planet)

YURINAVAN a urologist

YURINÖN to make water, to piss, to urinate

YUTOPIK ideal, utopian

YÜLÖN to bet, to wager

YÜM joining, linking

YÜMAMALÜL a dash, a hyphen

YÜMATONAT a connecting letter

YÜMÄTÖN (KO) to combine (with), to connect (with)

YÜMOT an affix

YÜMÖF continuity

YÜMÖN to assemble, to link, to put together


ZA about, approximately (preposition)

ZAÄR a maple (tree)

ZAD fondness, tenderness

ZADID molly-coddling, pampering

ZADIDÖN to pamper

ZANÄDANEM an abusive name, a nickname

ZAN a quarrel

ZANÄDÖN to chide, to scold, to curse

ZANIÄLIK quarrelsome

ZANIÄLÖN to quarrel

ZANÖN to bicker, to quarrel

ZAO at about, at approximately (adverb)

ZASTELIKOS a quasar (astronomy)

ZÄDEL Saturday

ZÄDÖN to spoil (children)

ZÄL a feast, a festivity, a holiday

ZÄLADEL(S) a holiday, (holidays)

ZÄLALADÄLOD a festive atmosphere

ZÄLAPLAD an amusement park

ZÄLIZELÖN to celebrate/keep a feast, to make merry

ZÄLÜL a party (= social gathering)

ZÄLÜLAKLOTEM evening dress

ZÄM cement

ZÄMÖN to cement

ZÄN (the) centre, (the) middle

ZÄNABÜR Head Office

ZÄNAHITÜKAM central heating

ZÄNÄDAVAMÜKAM central heating

ZÄNÄDÖN to centralize, to concentrate

ZÄNED (the) average, (the) standard

ZÄNEDÖFIK average, standard

ZÄNEDASUÄM an average price

ZÄNEDIK average

ZÄNEDO on average

ZÄNEDÖF mediocrity

ZÄNEDÖFIK mediocre

ZÄNOD middle

ZÄNODAMEL Mediterranean

ZÄNODAPALET a centre (political) party

ZÄNODATIMÄD (the) Middle Ages

ZÄNODÄN (the) Midlands (= region of country)

ZÄNODÜ in the middle of...

ZÄNÖN to centre

ZÄP a (pair of) pincers, pliers, tongs, tweezers

ZE about, approximately (adverb), rather

ZEAD cedar

ZEDEL noon

ZEDÖ! Let it be! Leave well alone!

ZEDÖN to desist (from doing something)

ZEHITÜP midsummer

ZEIL an aim, a goal, an object (to be attained)

ZEILIGALEDAN a goalkeeper (= sports)

ZEILÖN to aim for

ZEKOAP (the) waist

ZEL a holiday

ZELÖN to celebrate

ZEM limestone

ZEN ash

ZENABLONIK ash blonde

ZENAGEDIK ash grey


ZENEIT midnight

ZENIÄR an ashtray

ZENOLEFILÜKÖN to burn to ashes

ZENÖN to (cover with) ash(es)

ZEKOAP (the) waist

ZEP confirmation, permission

ZEPABIK acceptable

ZEPÖN to accept, to confirm, to permit

ZEPÜ with the permission of...

ZERAT a carab (tree)

ZERÖNAN a midfield player (= football)

ZESÜD necessity

ZESÜDIK necessary

ZESÜDO necessarily, of necessity

ZESÜDÖN to be necessary

ZEVEG a middle course

ZI round about (adverb)

(zi in top et = all round the place)

(ai binof zi nilü ob = she never leaves me alone)

ZIAN an aunt

ZIB food

ZIBABLÖGÄD a bite (to eat), a snack


ZIBAM nourishment

ZIBÄD a course (= of a meal)

ZIBÄDAKAD a menu (à la carte)

ZIBIDESIRIK gluttonous, greedy

ZIBÖN to feed, to nourish

ZIF a city, a town

ZIFAN a citizen

ZIFASEKRETAN a town clerk

ZIFAZILÄK a (city/town) district/quarter

ZIFIK municipal

ZIFLOTÖN to drift about

ZIGAN a gipsy

ZIGAR a cigar

ZIGARÜL a cigarette

ZIGARÜLIÄR a cigarette-case

ZIGLIBÖN to wander around

ZIGOLÖN to walk around

ZIGZAGO zig-zag

ZIIKÖN to circulate

(nun at ya eziikon da zif lölik =

this news is already all around town)

ZINGIB ginger

ZIPORÜT a goldfish

ZIJEDÖN to throw about

ZIKZAKIK forked (lightning) zigzag

ZIKÖMÖN to stroll about

ZIL diligence, keenness

ZILÄK an area, a region

ZILÄKÖN to incorporate, to integrate

ZILÄL rivalry

ZILÄLÖN (TA/KO) to compete (against), to vie (with)

ZILID a cylinder, a roll

ZILIK diligent, eager, keen

ZILOGAM circumspection, review

ZILOGÖN to look around

ZILÖN to be enthusiastic, to be keen

ZIOBEDEM a battery (electric)

ZIOM an uncle

ZIPORÜT a goldfish

ZIÖBEDEM a battery (electric)

ZIÖN to circulate

ZISPATÖN to walk about

ZITER a zither

ZISPATÖN to walk around (for pleasure)

ZISÄK an opinion poll

ZITRON a lemon

ZIVABAM a walk-about

ZIVEGÖN to hike

ZON a zone

ZÖ! Just fancy that!

ZÖG a delay, a postponement

ZÖGAFIEN interest in arrears (= financial)

ZÖGED prolongation

ZÖGÖN to delay, to postpone, to put off

ZÖNÜL a belt, a girdle

ZÖT a coupon, a note (= small document)

ZÖTÖN to certificate

ZU further, in addition, moreover

ZUG a course

ZUGOT an excursion, a tour, a walk-about

ZUGÖN to extend, to lead, to stretch

(söp zugon zü zif = a trench goes all

round the town)

(veg zugon love bel = a path goes over

the mountain)

ZUIK extra

ZUN anger, wrath

ZUNIÄL ill-temper

ZUNIK angry

ZUNÜLIK sarcastic

ZUO in addition

ZÜAMÖP (the) environment, a suburb, (the) surroundings

ZÜAN a bystander

ZÜDIK acid

ZÜDÖFIK acid(ic), sour

ZÜFLUMÖN to flow around

ZÜIK surrounding

ZÜJADÖN to shade

ZÜKLOPÄOD an encyclopedia

ZÜL nine

ZÜLIUN an outline

ZÜLOGOT a view

ZÜMUF an orbit

ZÜO around

(golobs züo ve sirkül = we're walking around in circles)

ZÜOT a circumference

ZÜÖN to embrace, to surround

ZÜPÄD an imitation

ZÜPAN a disciple, a follower

ZÜPÄDÖN to emulate, to imitate

ZÜPÖN (EKI) to succeed (someone)

ZÜXÄNÖN to change (buses. trains, 'planes)


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