Office Address: Department of Medicine

Louisiana State University School of Medicine

1542 Tulane Avenue

Suite 421, Box T4M-2

New Orleans, LA 70112

Office Phone: (504) 568-4618

Fax: (504) 568-2127


Date of Birth: October 19, 1939

Place of Birth: Shreveport, Louisiana

Marital Status: Married (Julia)

Number of Children: Three


B.S. – 1964: Louisiana College, Pineville, Louisiana (awarded coincident with the MD)

M.D. – 1964: Louisiana State University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana

Training and Positions Held

July 1964- Rotating Internship

June 1965: Confederate Memorial Medical Center

Shreveport, Louisiana

July 1965- Resident in Internal Medicine

June 1968: Confederate Memorial Medical Center

Shreveport, Louisiana

July 1968- USPHS Fellowship in Infectious Diseases

June 1970: Department of Internal Medicine

University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas

Dallas, Texas

June 1970- Assistant Professor

June 1975: Department of Internal Medicine

Louisiana State University School of Medicine

New Orleans, Louisiana

June 1975- Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine

July 1980: Chief, Section of Infectious Diseases

Louisiana State University School of Medicine

New Orleans, Louisiana

July 1980: Professor of Medicine

Chief, Section of Infectious Diseases

Department of Internal Medicine

Louisiana State University School of Medicine

New Orleans, Louisiana

July 1988: Acting Head, Department of Medicine

Professor of Medicine

Chief, Section of Infectious Diseases

Department of Internal Medicine

Louisiana State University School of Medicine

New Orleans, Louisiana

July 1989- Edgar Hull Professor and Chairman

Present: Department of Medicine

Louisiana State University School of Medicine

New Orleans, Louisiana

January 1995- Medical Director

Present: Medicine Hospital Center

Charity and University Campuses

Charity Hospital and Medical Center of Louisiana at New Orleans

July 1998- Professor of Microbiology, Immunology, and Parasitology

Present: Louisiana State University School of Medicine

New Orleans, Louisiana

April 2007- Staff

Present Ochsner Medical Center – Kenner

Major Research Interest

▪ Clinical and laboratory evaluation of newer antimicrobial agents in the treatment of aerobic and anaerobic infections

Hospital Appointments

▪ Senior Visiting Physician, Charity Hospital at New Orleans

▪ Consultant in Microbiology, Charity Hospital at New Orleans


▪ Alpha Omega Alpha

▪ Undergraduate Medical Society, LSU School of Medicine

▪ Phi Kappa Phi

▪ Best Clinical Professor, 1975

▪ Armine T. Wilson Memorial Lecturer, Wilmington Symposium, Delaware, 1986

▪ Quoted in March 23, 1987, issue of Medical World News

▪ Outstanding Clinical Professor, 1989-1990

▪ Best Overall Speaker, 12th Annual New Orleans Internal Medicine Board Review Course, 1990

▪ Listed as one of the 40 best doctors in the Infectious Disease Specialties of Internal Medicine in The Best Doctors in America, eds. Naifeh S, Smith G

▪ Chosen for first edition of The Best Doctors in America: Southeast Region, 1996-97, 1997-98

▪ Appeared on ABC’s “20/20” for feature story on Vibrio vulnificus

▪ Appeared on Lifetime Medical Television’s “Clinical Pearls in Infectious Disease, Parts I and II,” June 1992

▪ Best Clinical Speaker, String of Pearls session of the New Orleans Internal Medicine Board Review Course, 1993

▪ LSU Medical Alumni Association Alumnus of the Year, 1995

▪ Chosen by LSU School of Medicine Classes of 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2011 to participate in Precommencement Hooding Ceremony

▪ Named Foreign Academic Correspondent, Section of Natural Sciences

Royal Academy of Exact, Physical, and Natural Sciences

Madrid, Spain, July 1996

▪ Named Laureate, Louisiana Chapter, American College of Physicians, 1997

▪ Named one of American College of Physicians/American Society of Internal Medicine’s Top Ten Key Contacts, 2000-2001

▪ 2004 Orleans Parish Medical Society Award for Outstanding Achievement in Public Service/Education

▪ Listed in New Orleans Magazine as one of the Best Infectious Diseases Doctors in the city, August 2004, August 2008, August 2009

▪ Listed in Louisiana Life as one of the 2006 Top Louisiana Doctors in Infectious Disease, Autumn 2006

▪ Recipient, 2008 Southern Society for Clinical Investigation Founders’ Medal

▪ Included in the Best Doctors in America 2009-2010 database

▪ Nominated for Aesculapian Award for Faculty Excellence in Teaching, LSU School of Medicine, 2011

▪ Recipient, Spirit of Charity Award, October 2011

Other Activities

▪ Invited leader of China Delegation to the Peoples’ Republic of China under the auspices of People to People International, 1983

▪ Co-chair with Kenneth E. Aldridge, M.D., of Symposium on Antimicrobials for the Infectious Disease Society of America, September 8, 2000

▪ Invited guest speaker, Aesculapian Society Banquet, April 20, 2010

▪ Served as judge for 22nd Annual LSU Department of Medicine Research Day, February 3, 2012


▪ American Board of Internal Medicine

Diplomate: February 1970

Recertified: 1977

▪ American Board of Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases

Diplomate: October 1972

▪ American Board of Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine

Certificate of Added Qualifications: 1994-2004

Recertified: 2004-2014

Professional Societies

Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine

Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics

American Association for Advancement of Science

American Association of University Professors

American Clinical and Climatological Association

American College of Physician Executives

American College of Physicians Council, Louisiana Chapter

American College of Physicians, Master

American Federation for Medical Research

American Foundation for AIDS Research

American Geriatrics Society

American Lung Association of Louisiana

American Medical Association

American Society of Internal Medicine

American Society of Microbiology

American Thoracic Society of Louisiana

American Venereal Disease Association

Association of American Medical Colleges

Association of American Physicians

Association for Practitioners in Infection Control

Association of Professors of Medicine

Infectious Disease Society of America, Fellow

Infectious Disease Society, Louisiana-Mississippi Chapter

Infectious Disease Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology

Inter-American Society for Chemotherapy

Louisiana State Medical Society

Louisiana Society of Internal Medicine, Honorary Member, 1992

New Orleans Southeastern Club

Orleans Parish Medical Society

Royal Society of Medicine

Sigma Xi

Society of General Internal Medicine

South Central Association for Clinical Microbiology

Southeastern Clinical Club

Southern Infectious Disease Group

Southern Medical Association

Southern Society for Clinical Investigation

Southwestern Association of Clinical Microbiology

Southwestern Association of University Professors

Committees, Boards, and Offices

▪ Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine

• Planning Committee, 2004 AAIM Forum for Chiefs and Chairs of Departments of Internal Medicine

• Program Planning Committee, 2005

▪ American Clinical and Climatological Association

• Audit Committee, 2006 Annual Meeting

• Member, 2009 Nominating Committee

▪ American College of Physicians

• Vice-President, Louisiana-Mississippi Chapter


• Chairman, Louisiana Chapter Credentials Committee


• Member, Louisiana Chapter Program Committee


• Chairman, Louisiana Chapter Nominations Committee


▪ American College of Physicians/American Society of Internal Medicine

• Governor-elect, Louisiana Chapter


• Governor, Louisiana Chapter


• Board of Regents Membership Committee, 2001-2003

• Membership Committee, 2001-Present

• Scientific Program Committee 2004

▪ American Federation for Clinical Research/Southern Society for Clinical Investigation

Southern Section

Session Co-chair, Infectious Diseases II, February 9, 1998

▪ American Hospital Formulary Service Reference Panel Member

▪ American Medical Association Medical Student Section

Chapter Advisor for LSUMC, Fall 1998

▪ Association of American Medical Colleges

Section on Resident Education

Professional Development

▪ Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine

▪ Association of Professors of Medicine

• 1996 Winter Meeting Planning Committee

• 2004 Academic Internal Medicine Week Special Session Planning Committee

• Advocacy Advisory Board, February-March 2002 (2002 Winter APM Meeting)

• Affiliate and Emeritus Members Committee

• Board of Directors, July 1, 1998-June 30, 1999 and July 1, 2001-June 30, 2005

• Chair, Constituency Task Force, 2002

• Chair, Subcommittee on Editorials and Articles, July 1, 1998-June 30, 2000

• Chair, Publications Committee, July 1, 1998-June 30, 1999

• Meeting Planning Committee, 2004

• Membership Task Force, 1997-1998

• Nominating and Membership Committee, July 1, 2000-June 30, 2002

• New Revenues Task Force, November 2002-Present

▪ Baptist Community Health Services

• Member, Board of Directors, October 2013-Present

▪ Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans Medical Staff

• Secretary/Treasurer, 1988-1989

• Vice-President, 1990-1992

• President, 1992-1994

• Clinical Affairs Committee

• Organization Steering Committee

▪ Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans

• Antibiotic Audit Committee

• By-Laws Committee

• Local Board, 1992-1995

• Clinical Services Planning/Transition Committee, 1992

• Chairman, Credentials Committee, 1992-1994

• Executive Committee

• Family Medicine Development Task Force

• Friends of Charity

• General Clinical Research Center Advisory Committee

• Infection Control Committee

• Internal Medicine Committee

• Nutrition Committee

• Planning Committee

• Quality Assurance Committee

• Quality Care Committee

• Vascular Access Committee

▪ Chinese Medical Doctor Association Advisory Board, 2009-Present

▪ Editorial Board

• The American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 2002-Present

• American Journal of Medicine, 1996-2000

• Infectious Disease Practice

• Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society, 2001-2005, 2009

• Patient Care, 1989-1993

• Southern Medical Journal, 1992-1995

• Macmillan Healthcare Information

▪ Faith Baptist Church

• Charter Member, 2001

• Finance Committee, 2001

• Founding Member, 2001

• Trustee, 2001-2004

• Chair, Finance Committee, 2003-2006

• Pastor Selection Search Committee, 2003-2004

• Property Search Committee, 2004

▪ FGP Cooperative Endeavor Agreement Revision Committee, September 2000

▪ Fitness and Wellness Facility Planning Committee, 1992

▪ Greater Baton Rouge Association of Health Care Providers

▪ Health Care Quality Alliance, Louisiana Chapter, 1992

▪ Hotel Dieu Hospital

• By-Laws Committee

• Chairman, Pharmacy Committee

• Infection Control Committee

• Long-Range Planning Committee, 1990-1991

• LSU Advisory Council

• Medical Staff Development Task Force

• Member-at-Large, Executive Committee

▪ Infectious Disease Society of America Publication Committee, 1994-1996

▪ Louisiana State University

• Advisory Committee, 1992

• Medical Alumni Association

o Committee of 100

▪ Louisiana State University Dental School Infection Control Consultant

▪ Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Bioterrorism Committee Chairman, October 2001-March 2002

▪ Louisiana State University Healthcare Network

• Board of Directors, 1996-2002

• Board of Directors Vice-President, 2002

• Executive Committee, 1996-Present

• Quality Improvement Committee, 2000

• Overhead Allocation Committee, 2004

• Preferred Provider Organization Steering Committee, 1988

• Professional Practice Association Reorganization Subcommittee

• Strategic Planning Committee, 2004

▪ Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center

• Ad Hoc Committee, February 1999 and August 2000

• Allen Copping Teaching Award Nominations Committee, 1997-1998 and 2001-2002

• Billing and Collections Committee, 1998

• Clinical Education Building Space Utilization Committee, September 2000

• Clinical Strategic Planning Committee, 2001

• Committee on Faculty Development, 1997-1998

• Committee to Make Recommendations on Center-Department Relationships, 1994

• Compliance Oversight Committee, September 2001

• Faculty Group Practice Board Executive Committee

Vice-President, 1996

• Foundation Advisory Board, 1993

• Foundation Annual Fund

Co-Chairman, 1993

• Health Management Organization/Preferred Provider Organization Subcommittee

• Institutional Graduate Medical Education Committee

• Long-Range Planning Committee

o Five-Year Planning Committee, 1992

o Subcommittee on Finance

o Extended 28-Year-Plan Group: Vision of the Year 2020

• Louisiana Primary Health Care Initiative Committee

• LSUHSC Mentor Program, Member – 2005-Present

o Mentor

o Clinical Advisor

• National Medical Enterprises – LSU Planning Committee

• New Earl K. Long Hospital Planning Committee

• Pandemic Influenza Planning Committee

• Parking Committee Subcommittee

• Professional Practice Association Managed Care Planning Subcommittee

• Promotion Committee

Chairman and Member, 1982-1987

• Public Health Department Reactivation Feasibility Committee, 1993

• Search Committee for Chief Executive Officer of University Hospital

• Space Committee

• Steering Committee for Molecular and Human Genetics

• Strategic Task Force Committee on Medical Education, 1988

• Student Disability Insurance Committee

• University Hospital Antibiotic Audit Committee

• University Medical Center Planning Committee, 1992

• Utilization Review Committee

• LSUMC/Tenet Negotiation Team

▪ Louisiana State University School of Medicine

• Accelerated Program Faculty Committee

• Ad Hoc Committee on the Boarding Process for New Clinical Faculty Members, 2012

• Ad Hoc Committee on Swine Influenza – Chairman, 2009

• Administrative Council

• Cancer Center Planning Committee

• Cardiovascular Center of Excellence Steering Committee

• Career Advisor – Student Government Association

• Clinical Chairs Advisory Group

• Clinical Chairs Advisory Working Group on Distribution of Clinical Funds, 1997-1998

• Clinical Department Heads Committee

• Clinical Sciences Research Building Advisory Committee

• Committee on Women’s Affairs, 1996-1998 and 2003-2004

• Compliance Oversight Committee, 2001

• Consortium for Rural Primary Care, 1992

• Cost Accounting Committee

• Curriculum Committee

• Dean’s Special Advisory Group

• Disability Insurance for Students, Residents, and Fellows Committee

• Faculty Development and Mentoring Committee

• Mentor, Guidance Program for Junior Faculty, 2010

• Primary Care Task Force, 1996

• Search Committee for the Dean of the School of Medicine, 2007

• Selection Committee – Daniels Award for Teaching Excellence, 2008

• Strategic Planning Effort Work Group on Faculty Development and Mentoring, 2008

• VAMC Dean’s Committee

• Women in Medicine Committee

o Organizing Subcommittee, 2002 Symposium

o Organizing Subcommittee, 2003 Symposium

▪ Louisiana State University Department of Medicine

• Residency Evaluation Committee

▪ Louisiana Area Health Education Center Planning Committee, 1990

▪ Medical Center of Louisiana at New Orleans

• Case Management Advisory Committee, 1999

• Chair, Transitional Unit Performance Improvement Team

• Clinical Quality Management Committee

• Medical Executive Committee

• Medical Executive Committee representative to the Medical Records Committee, 2007

• Policies/Bylaws Review Committee

• Screening and Assessment Committee

• Search Committee for Chairman of Department of Family Medicine

o Member, 1994

o Chairman, 2001

• Search Committee for Chairman of Obstetrics and Gynecology


• Search Committee for Director of the Center for Cardiovascular Diseases and Chief of Section of Cardiology


• Search Committee for Chairman of Radiology

• Spirit of Charity 2009 Committee

• Staff Advisory Committee, Strategic Planning Initiative, 1999

• Throughput Committee, Interim LSU Public Hospital, 2009

• Transitional Planning Committee, MCLANO-Hotel Dieu

▪ Medical Meetings: Pearls & Perspectives on Internal Medicine, March 1999

▪ Mid-Course Correction Workshop

• Education Committee, 1990

• Strategic Planning Task Force Committee on Medical Education, 1989-1990

▪ New Orleans Academy of Internal Medicine

• Treasurer, 1996-1997

• Vice-President, 1997

• President-elect, 1998

• President, 1998-1999

▪ Orleans Parish Medical Society

• Board of Governors, 1992-1994

• Health System Reform Task Force

• Executive Committee, 1996-1997

• E.L. King Memorial Trust Fund Trustee, March 1996-November 1998

• Finance Committee, 1996-1997

• Membership Retention, Recruitment, and Development Subcommittee, 1996-1997

• Service Bureau Treasurer, 1996-1997

• Treasurer, 1996-1997

• Long-Range Planning Committee, 1997

• President, 1999-2000

• Bioterrorism Committee, October 2001

▪ Southeastern Louisiana Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Curriculum Committee

▪ Southern Society for Clinical Investigation

• Councilor, 2004-2009

• Nominating Committee, 2003-2008

• Membership Committee, 2004-Present

• President-Elect, 2009-2010

• President, 2010-2011 (For a summary of accomplishments as president, please see .)

• Chair, Nominating Committee, 2011-2012

• Member, Philanthropy Task Force, 2013-2014

▪ State of Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals/LSUMC Partners Advisory and Technical Assistance Board, 1998

Editorial Activities

▪ Editorial Board.

• Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society

▪ Managing Editor. Infectious Diseases. eMedicine from WebMD. Available at:  .

▪ Reviewer

• American College of Physicians

Infectious Diseases Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program (MKSAP) syllabus, 2nd edition, 1996

• American College of Physician Executives

Physician Executive

• American Journal of Epidemiology

• American Journal of Medical Sciences

• American Journal of Medicine

• Annals of Internal Medicine

• Archives of Internal Medicine

• Clinical Infectious Diseases

• Drug Investigation

• Journal of Infectious Disease

• Postgraduate Medicine

• Western Journal of Medicine


▪ Past Principal Investigator

National Institute of Health Grant No. A1 10282

Title: Host Factors Which Modify Human Interferon Responses

Total Funds: $63,298

▪ Co-Investigator

National Institute of Health Grant (NIAID): 5-U01 AI27674-03

Title: AIDS Clinical Trial Unit

Total Funds: $4.2 million

▪ Principal Investigator

Smith Kline & French Laboratories

Title: Comparison of the Safety and Efficacy of Ceftizoxime Versus Cefoxitin in the Treatment of Lower Extremity Infections in Diabetic Patients

Total Funds: $22,555

▪ Principal Investigator

Miles Pharmaceuticals

Title: A Prospective, Open, Non-Comparative Study of Ciprofloxacin in the Treatment of Patients with Selected Tissue Infections

Total Funds: $51,274

▪ Principal Investigator

Miles Pharmaceuticals

Title: Prospective Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Intravenous Ciprofloxacin in the Treatment of Selected Infections

Total Funds: $56,617

▪ Principal Investigator

Miles Pharmaceuticals

Title: Mezlocillin Study

Total Funds: $10,180

▪ Principal Investigator

Beecham Laboratories

Title: Open-Label Safety and Efficacy Study of Parenteral Timentin (Ticarcillin/ Clavulanic Acid) in the Treatment of Hospitalized Patients with Systemic or Urinary Tract Infections

Total Funds: $47,000

▪ Principal Investigator

Beecham Laboratories

Title: A Bacteriologically Controlled Comparative Study of the Safety, Tolerance, and Efficacy of Timentin with Gentamicin/Clindamycin in the Treatment of Hospitalized Patients with Intra-Abdominal Infections

Total Funds: $151,000

▪ Principal Investigator

Beecham Laboratories

Title: An Open-Label, Non-Comparative Study of the Safety, Tolerance, and Efficacy of Intravenous Timentin in the Treatment of Adult Hospitalized Patients with Intra-Abdominal and/or Gynecologic Infections

Total Funds: $7,500

▪ Principal Investigator

Wyeth Laboratories

Title: Open Multicenter Study of Intravenously Administered Cefpiramide in the Treatment of Hospitalized Patients with Infections Caused by Susceptible Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria

Total Funds: $9,925

▪ Principal Investigator

Glaxo Inc.

Title: A Multicenter Randomized Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of Cefuroxime Axetil and Cephalexin in the Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections

Total Funds: $6,000

▪ Principal Investigator

Burroughs Wellcome Co.

Title: Efficacy and Safety of Septra I.V. Infusion Versus Claforan (Cefotaxime Sodium) in the Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections

Total Funds: $17,908

▪ Principal Investigator

Merrell Dow

Title: A Randomized Blinded Comparative Study of Teicoplanin Versus Vancomycin in the Treatment of Vascular-Access Associated Bacteremia/Septicemia Caused by Gram-Positive Organisms

Total Funds: $5,400

▪ Principal Investigator

Merrell Dow

Title: An Open Study of Teicoplanin in the Treatment of Intravenous Drug Abuse Associated Endocarditis Caused by Gram-Positive Bacteria

Total Funds: $5,601

▪ Principal Investigator

Merrell Dow

Title: An Open Study of Teicoplanin in the Treatment of Acute Bone and Joint Infections Caused by Gram-Positive Bacteria

Total Funds: $6,514

▪ Principal Investigator


Title: A Multicenter Trial to Determine the Safety and Efficacy of Antiendotoxin Antibody XMMEN-OE5 in the Treatment of Patients with Suspected Gram-Negative Bacteremia or Endotoxemia

Total Funds: $8,000

▪ Principal Investigator

Stuart Pharmaceuticals

Title: Comparison of Cefotetan and Cefotoxin in the Treatment of Post-Caesarean Section Endomyometritis

Total Funds: $104,881

▪ Co-Investigator

Tulane University – Subcontract

Title: AIDS Treatment and Evaluation Unit

Total Funds: $192,326

Invited Presentations and Other Speaking Engagements

• “Hurricane Katrina and the LSU-New Orleans Department of Medicine: Impact and Lessons Learned”

The Tenth Maxim Brettler, M.D., Lecture on the Medical Humanities

North Shore University Hospital

Medical Grand Rounds

Long Island, New York

April 17, 2008

• “Cutaneous Manifestations of Infectious Diseases”

LSU Health Sciences Center

Medicine Grand Rounds

New Orleans, Louisiana

September 12, 2008

• “Cutaneous Manifestations of Infectious Diseases”

Infectious Diseases Citywide Conference

New Orleans, Louisiana

September 19, 2008

• “Medical Knowledge: Competency”

Co-facilitator of this workshop presented in affiliation with the PACE/HOPE Workshop Series

Sponsored by the LSU Department of Medicine and the LSU Office of Medical Education Research and Development

New Orleans, Louisiana

December 11, 2008

• “The SSCI at 65: Older and Wiser”

Southern Society for Clinical Investigation Annual Meeting

New Orleans, Louisiana

February 18, 2011

• “Is the Physical Exam Obsolete?”

Louisiana-Mississippi ACP Regional Meeting

New Orleans, Louisiana

March 25, 2011

• “Is the Physical Exam Obsolete?”

LSU Medical Alumni Weekend – Scientific Session

New Orleans, Louisiana

June 7, 2014


Abstracts, Posters, and Preliminary Notes

1. Sanders CV, Luby JP, Johanson WG, Barnett JA, Sanford JP. An outbreak of nosocomial infections due to Serratia marcescens traced to contaminated inhalation-therapy medication. Abstract No. 150. J Lab Clin Med 74:1005, 1969.

2. Gilbert DN, Kutscher E, Sanders CV, Luby JP, Barnett JA, Sanford JP. The apparent emergence of non-nosocomial/nosocomial wound infections: a study of tornado casualties. J Lab Clin Med 76:999, 1970.

3. Sanders CV, Luby JP, Sanford JP. Suppression of interferon response in uremic lymphocytes. Clin Res 18:446, 1970.

4. Repath F, Sanders CV, Dascomb HE. An agar plate capillary rod method for testing antibiotic sensitivity of bacteria. Clin Res 20:83, 1972.

5. Lewis AC, Sanders CV, Mickal A, Redmond K, Torres J. Anaerobic microflora of the endocervix in healthy women and women with abnormal papanicolaou (Pap) smears. South Central Branch of the American Society for Microbiology. Hattiesburg, Mississippi. October 11-12, 1974.

6. Sanders CV, Mickal A, Lewis AC, Torres J. Anaerobic flora of the endocervix in women with normal versus abnormal papanicolaou (Pap) smears. Clin Res 23:30A, 1975.

7. Sanders CV. Localization of site of urinary tract infection by detection of antibody-coated bacteria in urine. South Central Branch of American Society for Microbiology. New Orleans, Louisiana. March 21, 1975.

8. Hanna BJ, Sanders CV, Lewis AC, Williams WL, Sands ML. Treatment of anaerobic infections with metronidazole. Sixteenth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago, Illinois. October 27-29, 1976.

9. Rojas M, Williams WL, Jones RJ, Taylor S, Sanders CV, Dascomb HE, Boudreaux V. Experience with Mycobacterium kansasii infection occurring in employees of a large general hospital. Sixteenth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago, Illinois. October 27-29, 1976.

10. Burlington DB, Sanders CV. The effects of aspirin and prostglandins on lymphocyte interferon production. Sixteenth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago, Illinois. October 27-29, 1976.

11. Bracis R, Sanders CV, Kimbrough R, Gilbert DN. Methicillin hemorrhagic cystitis. Sixteenth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago, Illinois. October 27-29, 1976.

12. Sands M, Torres J, Sanders CV. In vitro sensitivity of Mycobacterium marinum to minocycline and doxycycline. Seventy-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. New Orleans, Louisiana. May 8-13, 1977.

13. Ivens MS, Singleton B, Sanders CV. Experiences with skin testing of hospital patients with antigenic substances derived from Sporothrix schenckii. South Central Branch, American Society for Microbiology. Jackson, Mississippi. October 21-22, 1977.

14. Singleton B, Ivens MS, Sanders CV. Studies with skin testing of hospital patients with antigenic substances derived from Sporothrix schenckii. Minority Biomedical Support Symposium. Atlanta, Georgia. March 27-29, 1978.

15. Torres-R J, Swenson RM, Hanna B, Lorber B, Sanders CV. Treatment of anaerobic infections with tiarcillin, clinical and laboratory aspects. Eighteenth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Atlanta, Georgia. October 1-4, 1978.

16. Greenberg RN, Scalcini MC, Sanders CV. Cefamandole therapy for anaerobic infections. Eighteenth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Atlanta, Georgia. October 1-4, 1978.

17. Greenberg RN, Sanders CV, Lewis AC, Shaik LM. Localization of urinary tract infection in the adult non-pregnant female. Clin Res 26:769A, 1978.

18. Moss SW, Sanders CV. Adherence of Escherichia coli to human vaginal cells mediated by mannose receptors in women with recurrent urinary tract infection. Clin Res 26:770A, 1978.

19. Singleton B, Ivens MS, Sanders CV. Cutaneous hypersensitivity to sporotrichin in hospital patients and other population groups. VII Congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology. Jerusalem, Israel. March 11-16, 1979.

20. Sanders CV, Hanna BJ, Lewis AC, Scalcini M. The use of metronidazole in the treatment of anaerobic pleuropulmonary infections. The Second International Metronidazole Conference. Geneva, Switzerland. April 25-27, 1979.

21. Sanders CV, Shaik LM, Marier RL, Lehmann HP. Rapid assay of gentamicin in serum by the enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT). Nineteenth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Boston, Massachusetts. October 1-5, 1979.

22. Greenberg RN, Sanders CV, Shaik LM, Marier RL, Lewis AC, Moise P. Single dose therapy of urinary tract infections with cefaclor. Clin Res 27:751A, 1979.

23. Torres-R JR, Stratton CW, Sanders CV, Horsman TA, Hawley HB, Dascomb HE, Vial LJ. Candidal suppurative peripheral thrombophlebitis. Clin Res 27:754A, 1979.

24. Sande MA, Korzeniowski OM, Endocarditis Collaborative Group (including CV Sanders), UVA Medical School, Charlottesville, VA. Comparison of nafcillin + gentamicin (NG) in the treatment of addicts with S. aureus endocarditis. Nineteenth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. October 1-5, 1979.

25. Palmisano B, Marier RL, Pan YJ, Bernstein D, Sanders CV, Ragan FA, Saum R. Stat gentamicin levels in premature infants by latex agglutination inhibition. Conference of the American Society of Microbiology. September 1980.

26. LeGrand P, Bordelon JY, Gewin WC, Sanders CV. The telescoping plugged catheter in suspected anaerobic infections: a controlled series. American Thoracic Society/American Lung Association Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C. Am Rev Resp Dis 121:157, 1980.

27. Marier RL, Sanders CV. Piperacillin versus carbenicillin in the therapy of severe infections. Twentieth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. New Orleans, Louisiana. September 22-24, 1980.

28. Greenberg RN, Sanders CV, Marier RL, Shaik LM, Moise P, Lewis AC. Single-dose therapy of urinary tract infection with cefaclor. Twentieth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. New Orleans, Louisiana. September 22-24, 1980.

29. Zide MF, Sanders CV, Marier RL, Scalcini MS. Treatment of hospitalized patients with severe odontogenic infections with cefuroxime. Twentieth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. New Orleans, Louisiana. September 22-24, 1980.

30. Sanders CV, Shaik LM, Marier RL, Lehmann HP. Rapid assay of gentamicin in serum by the enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress of Chemotherapy. October 1-5, 1980.

31. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV, Marier RL. Comparison of the susceptibility of anaerobic bacteria to various beta-lactam antibiotics. Eighty-first Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Dallas, Texas. March 1-6, 1981.

32. Martin DA, Sanders CV. N-formimidoyl thienamycin (MK0787): in vitro activity against anaerobes. Eighty-first Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Dallas, Texas. March 1-6, 1981.

33. Sanders CV. Piperacillin versus carbenicillin in the therapy of serious infections. Problem Pathogens and Serious Infections: Management with Piperacillin. Florence, Italy. July 19, 1981.

34. Marier RL, Sanders CV, Williams W, Derks F, Faro S, Dabezies E, Aldridge K. Piperacillin versus carbenicillin in the therapy of severe infections. Twelfth International Congress of Chemotherapy. Florence, Italy. July 19-24, 1981.

35. Marier RL, Faro S, Sanders CV, Williams W, Derks F, Aldridge K. Moxalactam in the therapy of serious infections. Twelfth International Congress of Chemotherapy. Florence, Italy. July 19-24, 1981.

36. Emison JW, Zide MF, Sanders CV. Treatment of fifty hospitalized patients with severe odontogenic infections with cefuroxime. Sixty-third Annual Meeting, American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Washington, D.C. September 18-22, 1981.

37. Martin DA, Aldridge KE, Janney A, Sanders CV, Marier RL. In vitro sensitivity patterns of Bacteroides fragilis to fifteen antimicrobial agents and occurrence of beta-lactamase production. American Society for Microbiology, South Central Branch. New Orleans, Louisiana. October 23-24, 1981.

38. Levison ME, ALA Collaborative (including CV Sanders). Penicillin (P) versus clindamycin (C) treatment of anaerobic lung abscess (ALA). Twenty-first Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago, Illinois. November 4-6, 1981.

39. Chambers HF, Korzeniowski OM, Sande MA, National Collaborative Endocarditis Study Group (including CV Sanders). Clinical manifestations of Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis. Twenty-first Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago, Illinois. November 4-6, 1981.

40. Dismukes WE, Graybill JR, Steven DA, Shadomy S, Cloud C, Horton R, Cryptococcal Meningitis Study Group (including CV Sanders). Phase II studies on ketoconazole (K). Twenty-first Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago, Illinois. November 4-6, 1981.

41. Espinel-Ingroff A, Shadomy S, Porter D, Steltz M, Dismukes WE, the CMSC Group (including CV Sanders). Ketoconazole: serum levels as determined by bioassay (BA) and HPLC. Twenty-first Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago, Illinois. November 4-6, 1981.

42. Shadomy S, Yu HP, White SC, Dismukes WE, CMCS Group (including CV Sanders). Ketoconazole: susceptibility testing of clinical isolates of pathogenic fungi. Twenty-first Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Chicago, Illinois. November 4-6, 1981.

43. Marier RL, Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. The role of anaerobes in sinus and middle ear infection: implications for the future. First United States Metronidazole Conference. Tarpon Springs, Florida. February 19-21, 1982.

44. Sanders CV, Aldridge KE, Marier RL. Diagnosis of anaerobic infections. First United States Metronidazole Conference. Tarpon Springs, Florida. February 19-21, 1982.

45. Marier RL, Aldridge KE, Martin D, Derks F, Williams W, Janney A, Sanders CV. Thienamycin versus cefazolin in vivo. Twenty-second Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Miami, Florida. October 4-6, 1982.

46. Stith HD, Zide MF, Sanders CV, Aldridge KE, Marier RL. Parenteral and oral cyclacillin in treatment of mild to severe maxillofacial infections. Sixty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Atlanta, Georgia. October 22-25, 1982.

47. Aldridge KE, Bednar NM, Marier RL, Sanders CV. Comparison of the sensitivity of coagulase-negative staphylococcal species to various antibiotics. Eighty-third Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. New Orleans, Louisiana. March 6-11, 1983.

48. Pepper L, Zide MF, Sanders CV, Marier RL. Intravenous and oral cyclacillin in anaerobic maxillofacial infections. Sixty-fifth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Las Vegas, Nevada. 1983.

49. Sanders CV, Marier RL. Penetration of sulbactam (CP-45, 899) into human cerebrospinal fluid. Thirteenth International Congress of Chemotherapy. Vienna, Austria. August 28-September 2, 1983.

50. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV, Faro S, Marier RL. Comparison of the in vitro activity of azlocillin and mezlocillin with other antibiotics against clinical isolates of Bacteroides fragilis, B. melaninogenicus, and B. bivivus. Thirteenth International Congress of Chemotherapy. Vienna, Austria. August 28-September 2, 1983.

51. Marier RL, McCloskey RV, Dickinson G, Sanders CV, Hoffman T, Gutterman D, Aldridge KE. Comparative clinical trial of N-formimidoyl-thienamycin-dehydropeptidase inhibitor (MS0787/0791) and cefalozin. Thirteenth International Congress of Chemotherapy. Vienna, Austria. August 28-September 2, 1983.

52. Marier RL, Sanders CV, Yu SL, Rounds O, Martin DH, Derks FW, Aldridge KE. Single dose bacampicillin versus multidose amoxicillin therapy or urinary tract infection. International Congress of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Las Vegas, Nevada. October 24-27, 1983.

53. Marier RL, Sanders CV, Yu SL, Rounds O, Martin DH, Derks FW, Aldridge KE. Single dose bacampicillin versus multidose amoxicillin therapy or urinary tract infection. International Congress of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Las Vegas, Nevada. October 24-27, 1983.

54. Janney A, Robichaux CJ, Marier RL, Sanders CV. Evaluation of the antimicrobial removal device (ARD) for detection of bacteremia in patients receiving antibiotics. International Congress of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Las Vegas, Nevada. October 24-27, 1983.

55. Sanders CV, Marier RL, Aldridge KE, Derks FW, Martin DH. Ticarcillin/clavulanic acid (TIC-CIA) (BRL 28500) in the therapy of serious infections. International Congress of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Las Vegas, Nevada. October 24-27, 1983.

56. Soto LF, Sanders CV, Marier RL. Acinetobacter community-acquired pneumonia. American College of Physicians Louisiana Chapter Associates Scientific Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. November 19, 1983.

57. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV, Martin DH, Marier RL. In vitro comparison of β-lactam antibiotics, alone and in combination with clavulanic acid and sulbactam and effect of inoculum against clinical isolates of bacteria. Clin Res 31:879A, 1983.

58. Hanna BJ, Schechter FG, Sanders CV. Infective endocarditis (IE) in the patient over 50. Southern Society for Clinical Investigation. New Orleans, Louisiana. 1984.

59. Aldridge KE, Kogos C, Sanders CV, Marier RL. Comparison of commercial serological kits with the tube coagulase test in the identification of Staphylococcus aureus. Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. St. Louis, Missouri. March 4-9, 1984.

60. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV, Marier RL. Synergism and potentiation of ceftaxime by desacetylcefotaxime in vitro against strains of Bacteroides fragilis group. Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. St. Louis, Missouri. March 4-9, 1984.

61. Aldridge KE, Schiro D, Sanders CV, Marier RL. Ciprofloxacin (BAY09867): comparative activity with beta-lactam antibiotics and gentamicin against aerobic gram positive and negative bacteria. Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. St. Louis, Missouri. March 4-9, 1984.

62. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV, Marier RL. The effect of inoculum on the in vitro activity of beta-lactam antibiotics alone and in combination with clavulanic acid and sulbactam against clinical isolates of bacteria. Charter Conference of the Inter-American Society for Chemotherapy, Inc. St. Petersburg, Florida. December 9-12, 1984.

63. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV, Faro S, Marier RL, Pastorek J. Comparison of the in vitro activity of HR810, a new cephalosporin with other beta-lactam antibiotics against Streptococcus agalactiae. Charter Conference of the Inter-American Society for Chemotherapy, Inc. St. Petersburg, Florida. December 9-12, 1984.

64. DeBoisblanc BP, Sanders CV. Actinomycosis: the Charity Hospital experience. American College of Physicians Louisiana Chapter Associates Scientific Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. 1984.

65. Derks FW, Sanders CV. Choosing antibiotics for anaerobic infections. Extracta Series, Acron Verlag Publishers. Berlin, Germany. 1984.

66. Aldridge KE, Janney A, Sanders CV. Comparison of the activity of coumermycin, ciprofloxacin, teicoplanin, and other non-β-lactam antibiotics against clinical isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from various geographical locations. Eighty-fifth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Las Vegas, Nevada. March 3-7, 1985.

67. Aldridge KE, Tsai L, Sanders CV. Comparative activity of ciprofloxacin (BAY o 9867) with beta-lactam antibiotics and gentamicin, and the effect of inoculum size, against aerobic gram positive and negative bacteria. Fourteenth International Congress of Chemotherapy. Kyoto, Japan. June 23-28, 1985.

68. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Increased in vitro anti-bacteroides activity of cefotaxime: synergistic interaction of cefotaxime and desacetylcefotaxime. Fourteenth International Congress of Chemotherapy. Kyoto, Japan. June 23-28, 1985.

69. Aldridge KE, Pastorek JG, Faro S, Sanders CV. Significant changes in genital flora in women receiving antibiotic prophylaxis for vaginal hysterectomy: comparison of cefoxitin, mezlocillin, and piperacillin. Annual Meeting of the Infectious Disease Society of Obstetrics-Gynecology. Vancouver, British Columbia. August 1985.

70. Aldridge KE, Janney A, Sanders CV. Carumonam (RO 17-2301), a new monobactam: comparison of in vitro activity with other broad spectrum antibiotics. Twenty-fifth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Minneapolis, Minnesota. September 29 – October 2, 1985.

71. Verrette PR, Sanders CV. A brain abscess caused by Haemophilus aphrophilus: a case report and review of the literature. American College of Physicians Louisiana Chapter Associates Scientific Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. 1985.

72. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Carumonam (RO 17-2301), a new monobactum: in vitro synergistic interaction with aminoglycosides against P. aeruginosa, S. marcescens, E. cloacae, and A. caloaceticus. Annual Conference II of the Inter-American Society for Chemotherapy, Inc. Tampa, Florida. December 8-11, 1985.

73. Grandon PW, Sanders CV. Group JK diphtheroid meningitis associated with post-operative CSF leak. American College of Physicians Louisiana Chapter Associates Scientific Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. 1985.

74. Aldridge KE, Janney A, Sanders CV. Cefamandole and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: true or false susceptibility patterns? Eighty-sixth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Washington, D.C. March 23-28, 1986.

75. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Pefloxacin, a new fluorinated quinolone antibiotic: comparison of in vitro activity to other broad spectrum antibiotics. International Symposium on New Quinolones. Geneva, Switzerland. July 17-19, 1986.

76. Sanders CV, Aldridge KE. Comparative in vitro activity of ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxain, beta-lactam antibiotics, and gentamicin against aerobic gram positive cocci and gram negative bacilli. International Symposium on New Quinolones. Geneva, Switzerland. July 17-19, 1986.

77. Aldridge KE, Stratton CW, Weeks LP, Sanders CV. Bactericidal activity of cefotaxime (cefotax), cefoxitin (cefox), ceftizoxime (ceftiz), chloramphenicol (chloro), clindamycin (clinda), and metronidazole (metro) using kill-kinetic studies against Bacteroides fragilis group ( isolates. Ninth International Congress of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. Munich, Germany. July 20-26, 1986.

78. Aldridge KE, Stratton CW, Sanders CV. The role of desacetylcefotaxime (des-cefotax) in the potentiation of cefotaxime (cefotax) against Bacteroides species: comparison of in vitro versus in vivo studies. Ninth International Congress of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. Munich, Germany. July 20-26, 1986.

79. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Comparative in vitro activity of ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin and norfloxacin with beta-lactam antibiotics against aerobic gram positive cocci and gram negative bacilli. Ninth International Congress of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. Munich, Germany. July 20-26, 1986.

80. Aldridge KE, Stratton CW, Weeks LP, Sanders CV. Synergistic bactericidal activity of cefotaxime and desacetyl-cefotaxime in combination versus the antibiotics alone against strains of Bacteroides fragilis group. Ninth International Congress of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. Munich, Germany. July 20-26, 1986.

81. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Susceptibility testing of anaerobes: medium-dependent variations in results. Twenty-sixth International Congress on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. New Orleans, Louisiana. September 1986.

82. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Comparison of the in vitro activity of BMY-28100, a new cephalosporin, with other oral antibiotics. Twenty-sixth International Congress on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. New Orleans, Louisiana. September 1986.

83. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Variations in results and interpretation of susceptibilities of Bacteroides fragilis group isolates which are methodology dependent. Third Pan American Congress of Infectious Diseases and Chemotherapy. San Juan, Puerto Rico. December 1986.

84. Sanders CV, Besch CL, Zide MF, Marier RL, Aldridge KE, Derks FW. Ampicillin/ sulbactam versus clindamycin for maxillofacial infections. Therapeutic Considerations in the Management of Infectious Diseases: Today and Tomorrow. Montreux, Switzerland. July 1987.

85. Fan Y-D, Pastorek JG, Sanders CV. Listeriosis as an obstetric complication in the immunocompromised patient. American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology, District VII Annual Meeting. Little Rock, Arkansas. October 11-15, 1986.

86. Aldridge KE, Valainis G, Sanders CV. Comparison of the activity of ciprofloxacin and 23 other antimicrobial agents against clinical strains of Chromobacterium violaceum. Twenty-seventh Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. New York, New York. October 4-7, 1987.

87. Aldridge KE, Wexler HM, Sanders CV, Finegold SM. In vitro antibiograms of Bacteroides fragilis group isolates: differences in resistance rates in two institutions due to susceptibility methodology. Twenty-seventh Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. New York, New York. October 4-7, 1987.

88. Bedsole G, Wallace RJ Jr., Sanders CV, Steele LC, Graham DR. Activity of ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin against Mycobacterium fortuitum with emergence of drug resistance during therapy. Twenty-seventh Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. New York, New York. October 4-7, 1987.

89. Sanders CV. Beta-lactamase inhibitor in the treatment of post C-section endomyometritis. Symposium on Beta-lactamase Inhibition: Therapeutic Implications in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Baylor College of Medicine. Houston, Texas. November 12-15, 1987.

90. Hoadley DJ, Sanders CV, Schlievert PM. Toxic shock-like syndrome due to Streptococcus pyogenes in the setting of soft tissue infection and bacteremia. American Federation for Clinical Research, Southern Section. New Orleans, Louisiana. February 3-5, 1988.

91. Sanders CV, Besch CL, Zide MF, Marier RL, Aldridge KE, Derks FW. Sulbactam/ ampicillin versus clindamycin for maxillofacial infections. American Federation for Clinical Research, Southern Section. New Orleans, Louisiana. February 3-5, 1988.

92. Sanders CV, Aldridge KE, Yu SL, Derks FW. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/ SMX) versus cephalosporin in adult women with community-acquired acute pyelonephritis (P). American Federation for Clinical Research, Southern Section. New Orleans, Louisiana. February 3-5, 1988.

93. Aldridge KE, Wall JH, Facklam R, Reller LB, Janney A, Sanders CV. Identification of viridans streptococci by three commercial systems: comparison with the reference CDC method. Eighty-eighth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Miami Beach, Florida. May 8-13, 1988.

94. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Schiro DD, Sanders CV. Comparison of the in vitro activity of broad-spectrum cephalosporin-cephamycin and penicillin antimicrobial agents against clinical strains of the Bacteroides fragilis group: correlation of cross-resistance and B-lactamase production. Eighty-eighth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Miami Beach, Florida. May 8-13, 1988.

95. Henderberg A, Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Comparison of the in vitro activity of SC-47111 (NY-198), a new fluoroquinolone, to other antimicrobial agents against staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, and Branhamella catarrhalis. Eighty-eighth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Miami Beach, Florida. May 8-13, 1988.

96. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Sanders CV. SC-47111 (NY-198), a new fluorinated quinolone: comparison of the in vitro activity with other broad-spectrum antimicrobials against Enterobacteriaceae acinetobacter and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Sixth Mediterranean Congress of Chemotherapy. Taormina, Sicily, Italy. May 22-27, 1988.

97. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Sanders CV. Lomefloxacin: comparison of the in vitro activity with other broad-spectrum antimicrobials against gram-positive and -negative bacteria. Second International Symposium on New Quinolones. Geneva, Switzerland. August 25-27, 1988.

98. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Sanders CV. Mutational frequency rates of gram-positive and -negative bacteria to lomefloxacin and other quinolones. Second International Symposium on New Quinolones. Geneva, Switzerland. August 25-27, 1988.

99. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Sanders CV, Multicenter Study Group. A multicenter study of resistance and cross-resistant patterns of the Bacteroides fragilis group and various species. International Symposium on Anaerobic Bacteria and Bacterial Infections. Monte Carlo, Monaco. September 25-28, 1988.

100. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Sanders CV. In vitro activity of lomefloxacin, a new difluoroquinolone, compared to other broad-spectrum antimicrobials. Twenty-eighth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Los Angeles, California. October 1988.

101. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Schiro DD, Sanders CV. Comparison of resistance and cross-resistance rates of B. fragilis group isolates to ceftizoxime, cefoxitin, cefotetan, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, piperacillin, and clindamycin. Third European Congress on Anaerobic Bacteria and Infections. Munich, Germany. March 1989.

102. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Schiro DD, Sanders CV. Enhanced in vitro activity against Bacteroides fragilis species of ticarcillin/clavulanic acid and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid: comparison to the activity of other beta-lactams, clindamycin and metronidazole. Third European Congress on Anaerobic Bacteria and Infections. Munich, Germany. March 1989.

103. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Schiro DD, Sanders CV. In vitro activity of ampicillin and cefoperazone alone and in combination with sulbactam against the B. fragilis group, B. bivivus, and B. disiens. Third European Congress on Anaerobic Bacteria and Infections. Munich, Germany. March 1989.

104. Henderberg A, Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. The effect of subinhibitory concentrations of lomefloxacin and other quinolones on in vitro resistance levels among clinical strains of bacteria. Eighty-ninth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. New Orleans, Louisiana. May 1989.

105. Gebbia K, Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Comparison of the in vitro activity of oral antimicrobials against clinical strains of Gardnerella vaginalis. Eighty-ninth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. New Orleans, Louisiana. May 1989.

106. Schiro DD, Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Disk-elution susceptibility testing of anaerobes: a re-examination of testing parameters. Eighty-ninth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. New Orleans, Louisiana. May 1989.

107. Risi G, Gaumer R, Weeks S, Leete J, Sanders CV. The risk of exposure to human immunodeficiency virus among health care workers (HCW) at a southern U.S. urban hospital. Fifth International Conference on AIDS. Montreal, Canada. June 1989.

108. Aldridge KE, Gebbia K, Henderberg A, Pastorek J, Sanders CV. In vitro activity of old and new beta-lactams compared to that of clindamycin, doxycycline, and metronidazole against anaerobes isolated from OB-GYN specimens. Annual Meeting of the Infectious Disease Society for Obstetrics-Gynecology. Quebec, Canada. August 1989.

109. Gorelick K, Jacobs R, Chmel H, Trenholme G, Greenman R, The Xoma Sepsis Study Group (including CV Sanders), Xoma Corp. Efficacy results of a randomized multicenter trial of E5 antiendotoxin monoclonal antibody in patients with suspected gram-negative sepsis. Twenty-ninth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Houston, Texas. September 17-20, 1989.

110. Martin MA, Wenzel RP, Gorelick KJ, Xoma Sepsis Study Group, University of Maryland. Prospective national study of gram-negative bacterial (GNB) sepsis—natural history in the 1980s. Twenty-ninth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Houston, Texas. September 17-20, 1989.

111. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Sanders CV. In vitro activity of beta-lactam/beta-lactamase inhibitor (B-L/B-L-I) combinations against B. fragilis, group isolates compared to cefotoxin (FOX) and clindamycin (CLIN). Twenty-ninth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Houston, Texas. September 17-20, 1989.

112. Reynaud P, Goodfellow K, Svec F, Sanders CV. Porphyria cutanea tarda as initial presentation in acquired immune deficiency syndrome: two case reports. American Federation for Clinical Research, Southern Section. New Orleans, Louisiana. January 17-19, 1990.

113. Aldridge KE, Schiro DD, Sanders CV. An in vitro study of the activity of fleroxacin and metronidazole alone and in combination against mono- and polymicrobial inocula. American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting. Anaheim, California. May 13-17, 1990.

114. Hill MK, Sanders CV. Treatment of the brain abscess. Ochsner Clinic Reports on Serious Hospital Infections 5(1):1-8, 1990.

115. MacIntyre NR, Emmanuel G, Wedel NI, Gorelick KJ, Xoma Sepsis Study Group (including CV Sanders). E5 antibody improves outcome from multi-organ failure in survivors of gram-negative sepsis. Society for Critical Care Medicine. Washington, D.C. May 22-26, 1991.

116. Aldridge KE, Pastorek J, Martin D, Sanders CV, Espinosa T. A randomized, blinded comparison of cefotetan and cefoxitin for the treatment of post-Caesarean infection. Annual Meeting of the Infectious Disease Society for Obstetrics-Gynecology. Hamilton, Bermuda. August 1-4, 1991.

117. Sanders CV, Aldridge KE. Treatment of anaerobic infections: 1992. Second International Symposium on Anaerobic Bacteria and Infections. Vienna, Austria. March 3-12, 1992.

118. Sanders CV. Treatment of anaerobic infections with tazobactam/piperacillin. Biennial Conference on Chemotherapy of Infectious Diseases and Malignancies. Prague, Czechoslovakia. August 30 – September 1, 1992.

119. Sanders CV. Piperacillin/tazobactam in the treatment of lower respiratory tract infections. The Sixth European Congress on Intensive Care Medicine 1992. Barcelona, Spain. October 26-31, 1992.

120. Marier RL, Sanders CV, Aldridge KE. Treatment of mixed surgical infections. World Congress of Surgery. Sao Paulo, Brazil.

121. Sanders CV. Role of piperacillin/tazobactam in the treatment of polymicrobial gynecological and skin and skin-structure infections: review of worldwide clinical trials. Eighteenth International Congress of Chemotherapy. Stockholm, Sweden. June 27 – July 2, 1993.

122. Aldridge KE, Schiro DD, Sanders CV. In vitro activity of various β-lactam and β-lactam/ β-lactamase inhibitor combinations against β-lactamase-positive and -negative non-Bacteroides fragilis group. Thirty-third Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. New Orleans, Louisiana. October 1993.

123. Aldridge KE, Schiro DD, Sanders CV. Louisiana hot sauce versus Vibrio species: never eat oysters without it? Thirty-third Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. New Orleans, Louisiana. October 1993.

124. Aldridge KE, Schiro DD, Sanders CV. Susceptibility of non-Bacteroides anaerobes to β-lactam, β-lactam/β-lactamase inhibitor combinations, and metronidazole. Ninety-fourth General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Las Vegas, Nevada. May 23-27, 1994.

125. Aldridge K, Schiro D, Pastorek J, Sanders CV. Comparison of the in vitro susceptibility of anaerobic bacteria associated with female pelvic infection to old and new antimicrobial agents. 1994 Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology. Monterey, California. August 3-6, 1994.

126. Hilton CW, Sanders CV. A relative-value-based system to quantitate faculty performance. American Federation for Clinical Research/Southern Society for Clinical Investigation 1996 Southern Section Meetings. New Orleans, Louisiana. January 31 – February 2, 1996. J Invest Med 44:43A, 1996.

127. Aldridge KE, O’Cain P, Ashcraft D, Sanders CV. Prevalence and distribution of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae among strains endemic to Louisiana. Thirty-sixth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. New Orleans, Louisiana. September 14-16, 1996.

128. Aldridge KE, Ashcraft D, O’Cain P, Sanders CV. The prevalence of multiple-antibiotic-resistance among strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae with reduced susceptibility to penicillin G. J Invest Med 45:13A, 1997.

129. Fisher WP, Vial RH, Sanders CV. Removing rater effects from medical clerkship evaluations (abstract). Academic Med 72:443-444, 1997.

130. Clark RA, Sanders CV. An update on management of persons with human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: introduction to symposium. Am J Med Sci 1:1-2, 2004.

131. Lopez FA, Wilson S, Soileau S, Sanders CV. Update on vibrio vulnificus infections in Louisiana: 1977-2002 (abstract). Southern Med J 97(10):S22-S23, October 2004 Supplement.

132. Chauvin SW, Scott JR, Tang T, Sanders CV, Lopez FA, Culotta R, Jain N, Daberkow DW, Figueroa JE, Wiggins GS. A Department of Medicine Model for Educational Development (abstract). Research Day 2005. Louisiana State University – New Orleans School of Medicine, Department of Medicine. February 18, 2005.

133. Salassi M, Narula T, Sanders CV, Lillis R. Vasculopathy of the Ears and Breast Associated with Levamisole-Containing Cocaine. Research Day 2011. Louisiana State University – New Orleans School of Medicine, Department of Medicine. January 28, 2011.

134. Thayalakulasingam T, Guillory S, Narula T, deBoisblanc B, Sanders CV. Christmas Treat to Chronic Cough. Research Day 2011. Louisiana State University – New Orleans School of Medicine, Department of Medicine. January 28, 2011.

135. Mabry C, Hutchings JJ, Sanders CV. Nausea, Vomiting, and Diarrhea in a Patient with Hepatitis C and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Research Day 2012. Louisiana State University – New Orleans School of Medicine, Department of Medicine. February 3, 2012.

136. Mabry C, Hutchings JJ, Sanders CV. Nausea, Vomiting, and Diarrhea in a Patient with Hepatitis C and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. 2012 Annual Meeting of the Southern Society for Clinical Investigation. New Orleans, Louisiana. February 11, 2012.

137. Weems R, Rodriguez M, Sanders C, Diaz J. That’s Snot What You Think It Is: A Case of Nasal Myiasis. 2014 MS/LA American College of Physicians Annual Conference. Point Clear, Alabama. September 6, 2014.

Original Articles

1. Burda CD, Sanders CV. Chronic post-rheumatic fever (Jaccoud’s) arthritis. Arch Intern Med 120:212-216, 1967.

2. Sanders CV, Hahn R. Analysis of 106 cases of tularemia. J La State Med Soc 120:391-393, 1968.

3. Luby JP, Sanders CV. Green monkey disease (“Marburg virus” disease): a new zoonosis. Am Intern Med 71:657-659, 1969.

4. Sanders CV, Luby JP, Johanson WG, Barnett JA, Sanford JP, Pierce AK. Serratia marcescens infections from inhalation therapy medications: nosocomial outbreak. Ann Intern Med 73:15-21, 1970.

5. Luby JP, Sanders CV, Sulkin SE. Interferon assays and quantitative virus determinations in a fatal infection in man with western equine encephalomyelitis virus. Am J Trop Med Hygiene 60:765-769, 1971.

6. Allison FA Jr., Sanders CV. The extragenital manifestations of genococcal infection. South Med Bull, 59:38-44, 1971.

7. Sanders CV, Luby JP, Sanford JP, Hull AR. Suppression of interferon response in lymphocytes from patients with uremia. J Lab Clin Med 77:768-776, 1971.

8. Hargrove MD, Sanders CV. Extreme elevation in total serum bilirubin: a study of the causes in 32 consecutive cases. South Med J 64:213-217, 1971.

9. Luby JP, Sanders CV, Johanson WG, McCubbin JH, Barnett JA, Sanford JP. Trinity serologic survey: a survey of residents of communities along the course of the Trinity River between Houston and Dallas, Texas, for antibodies to the viruses of St. Louis encephalitis, western equine encephalitis and California encephalitis. Am J Epidemiol 94:479-486, 1971.

10. Gilbert DN, Sanford JP, Kutscher E, Sanders CV, Luby JP, Barnett JA. Microbiologic study of wound infections in tornado casualties. Arch Environ Health 26:125-130, 1973.

11. Glancy DL, Sanders CV, Porta A. Posterior chest wall pulsation in congenital complete absence of the left pericardium. Chest 65:564-566, 1974.

12. Sanders CV. Prescribing for upper respiratory infections. Monograph prepared for patient-care projects. 1976.

13. Sanders CV, Saenz RE, Lopez M. Splinter hemorrhages and onycholysis: unusual reactions associated with tetracycline hydrochloride therapy. South Med J 69:1090-1092, 1976.

14. Brown JW, Nadell J, Sanders CV, Sardenga L. Brain abscess caused by Cladosporium trichoides (bantianum): a case with paranasal sinus involvement. South Med J 69:1519-1521, 1976.

15. Repath F, Seabury JH, Sanders CV, Domer J. Prosthetic valve endocarditis due to Mycobacterium chelonei. South Med J 69:222-224, 1976.

16. Mackowiak PA, Sanders CV, Thomason J. Acute meningococcemia without meningitis in association with influenza-like illness. South Med J 69:222-224, 1976.

17. Bracis R, Sanders CV, Gilbert DN. Methicillin hemorrhagic cystitis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 12:438-439, 1977.

18. Torres JR, Sands M, Sanders CV. In vitro sensitivity of Mycobacterium marinum to monocycline and doxycycline. Tubercle 59:193-195, 1978.

19. Greenberg RN, Brooks BJ, Sanders CV. The isolated case of Legionnaires’ disease. South Med J 71:1141-1144, 1978.

20. Torres JR, Sanders CV, Strub RL, Black W. Cat-scratch disease causing reversible encephalopathy. JAMA 240:1628-1629, 1978.

21. Greenberg RN, Eversmeter WH, Sanders CV. Hepatitis B presenting with tenosynovitis. South Med J 72:375-376, 1979.

22. Greenberg RN, Scalcini MC, Sanders CV, Lewis AC. Cefmandole therapy in anaerobic infections. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 15:337-341, 1979.

23. Bryan CS, Huffman LJ, Del Bene VE, Sanders CV, Scalcini MC. Intravenous metronidazole therapy for Bacteroides fragilis meningitis. South Med J 72:494-497, 1979.

24. Greenberg RN, Sanders CV. Typhoid fever: a public health concern. JCE Clin Med 25:16-22, 1979.

25. Klein RC, Sanders CV, Cook EW. Anaerobic lung infections. JCE Clin Med 25:24-31, 1979.

26. Torres-R JR, Maki NJ, Taddonio RF, Sanders CV. Cutaneous rhizophus infection associated with elastoplast wound dressing. Orthopedics 2:384-386, 1979.

27. Sanders CV, Hanna BJ, Lewis AC. Metronidazole in the treatment of anaerobic infections. Am Rev Resp Dis 120:337-343, 1979.

28. Torres-R JR, Taddonio RF, Sanders CV. Spondylitis caused by Brucella abortus. South Med J 72:1166-1169, 1979.

29. Torres-R JR, Sanders CV, Lewis AC. Vancomycin concentration in human tissues—preliminary report. J Antimicrob Chemother 5:475-477, 1979.

30. Greenberg RN, James RB, Marier RL, Wood WH, Sanders CV, Kent JN. Microbiologic and antibiotic aspects of infections in the oral and maxillofacial region. J Oral Surg 37:873-884, 1979.

31. Sanders CV, Hanna BJ, Lewis AC, Scalcini M. The use of metronidazole in the treatment of anaerobic pleuropulmonary infections. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Anaerobic Infections. Geneva, Switzerland. April 25-27, 1979. International Congress and Symposium Series, No. 18. The Royal Society of Medicine, New York, Grune & Stratton, 1979.

32. Sanders CV, Bourge RC. When and how to use the new cephalosporins. Contemp Ob Gyn 14:67-77, 1979.

33. Torres-R JR, Sanders CV. Guidelines for using aminoglycosides. Contemp Ob Gyn 14:39-47, 1979.

34. Scalcini MC, Sanders CV. Endocarditis from human-to-human transmission of Staphylococcus aureus. Arch Intern Med 140:111-112, 1980.

35. Sanders CV. Treating anaerobic infection in the 1980s. Contemp Ob Gyn 15:69-89, 1980.

36. Sanders CV. The aminoglycosides: an overview. Syva Monitor, No. 6, pp 1-8, May 1980.

37. Greenberg RN, Scalcini MC, Sanders CV, Lewis AC. The treatment of serious anaerobic infections. Scan J Infect Dis, Suppl 25:84-88, 1980.

38. Torres-R JR, Sanders CV, Swenson RM, Hanna B, Lorber B, Lewis AC. Treatment of anaerobic infections with ticarcillin: clinical and laboratory results. Curr Ther Res 30:528-534, 1981.

39. Greenberg RN, Sanders CV, Lewis AC, Marier RL. Single dose cefaclor therapy of urinary tract infection: evaluation of antibody coated bacteria tested and C-reactive protein assay as predictors of cure. Am J Med 71:841-845, 1981.

40. Torres-R JR, Stratton CW, Sanders CV, et al. Candidal suppurative peripheral thrombophlebitis. Ann Intern Med 96:431-435, 1982.

41. Martin DH, Sanders CV, Marier RL. N-formimidoyl thienamycin (MK0787): in vitro activity against anaerobic bacteria. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 21:168-169, 1982.

42. Derks FW, Sanders CV, Marier RL. Choosing initial antimicrobial therapy. Consultant 22:117-129, 1982.

43. Marier RL, Marinaccio AT, Sanders CV, Aldridge KE, Mitchell JW. Susceptibility patterns of bacteria following therapy with piperacillin. J Antimicrob Chemother 9 (Suppl B):85-91, 1982.

44. Marier RL, Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. The role of anaerobes in sinus and middle ear infections—implications for the future. Proceedings of the First United States Metronidazole Conference, S Finegold (ed), pp 345-356, Biomedical Information Corporation, 1982.

45. Sanders CV, Aldridge KE, Marier RL. Diagnosis of anaerobic infections. Proceedings of the First United States Metronidazole Conference, S Finegold (ed), pp 11-23, Biomedical Information Corporation, 1982.

46. Marier RL, Faro S, Sanders CV, Williams WL, Derks FW, Janney A, Aldridge KE. Moxalactam in the therapy of serious infections. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 21:650-654, 1982.

47. Marier RL, Sanders CV, Faro S, Janney A, Williams WL, Derks FW, Aldridge KE. Piperacillin versus carbenicillin in the therapy for serious infections. Arch Intern Med 142:2000-2005, 1982.

48. Korzeniowski OM, Sande MA, National Collaborative Endocarditis Study Group (including CV Sanders). Combination antimicrobial therapy of Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis in patients addicted to parenteral drugs and in nonaddicts: a prospective study. Ann Intern Med 97:496-503, 1982.

49. Faro S, Sanders CV, Aldridge KE. Use of single agent antimicrobial therapy in the treatment of polymicrobial female pelvic infections. Obstet Gynecol 60:232-236, 1982.

50. Brooks BJ Jr., Marier R, Sanders CV. Ulcer of the hard palate. JAMA 247:819-820, 1982.

51. Franklin RM, Bond W, Sanders CV, Joffe L. Presumed blastomycosis endophthalmitis. Ann Ophthal 14:1183-1188, 1982.

52. Jain A, Sanders CV, Nicholle FI. Drug fever during treatment of pulmonary edema. South Med J 75:1140-1141, 1982.

53. Brooks BJ, Williams WL, Sanders CV, Marier RL. Apparent ketoconazole failure in candidal cholecystitis. Arch Intern Med 142:1934-1935, 1982.

54. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV, Lewis AC, Marier RL. Susceptibility of anaerobic bacteria to beta-lactam antibiotics and beta-lactamase production. J Med Microbiol 16:75-82, 1983.

55. Chambers HF, Korzeniowski OM, Sande MA, National Collaborative Endocarditis Study Group (including CV Sanders). Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis: clinical manifestations in addicts and nonaddicts. Medicine 62:170-177, 1983.

56. Wickboldt LG, Sanders CV. Vibrio vulnificus infection: case report and update since 1970. J Am Acad Dermatol 9:243-251, 1983.

57. Sanders CV, Aldridge KE. The microbiology lab: garbage in, garbage out. Clin Micro Newsletter V5(18), September 15, 1983.

58. Bordelon JY, Legrand P, Gewin WC, Sanders CV, Marier RL. Interlaboratory variation of antibiograms of methicillin-resistant and methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus strains with conventional and commercial testing systems. J Clin Micro 18:1226-1236, 1983.

60. Sanders CV. Anaerobic infections. Turning Points in Infection, No. 3. Lederle Laboratories: Wayne, New Jersey, 1983.

61. Marier RL, McCloskey RV, Dickenson G, Sanders CV, Aldridge KE, Hoffman T, Gutterman D, Janney A. Comparative clinical trial of imipenem-cilastatin (N-formimidoyl-thienamycin-dehydropeptidase inhibitor) and cefazolin. J Antimicrob Chemother 12 (Suppl D): 133-139, 1983.

62. Karam GH, Sanders CV. Acute sinusitis. Dial Access Program. Southern Medical Association, 1984.

63. Karam GH, Sanders CV. Subacute and chronic sinusitis. Dial Access Program. Southern Medical Association, 1984.

64. Derks FW, Sanders CV, Marier RL. Anaerobic infections: a guideline for choosing antibiotics. Consultant, January:206-226, 1984.

65. Aldridge KE, Kogos C, Sanders CV, Marier RL. Comparison of rapid identification assays for Staphylococcus aureus. J Clin Microbiol 19:703-704, 1984.

66. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV, Janney A, Faro S, Marier RL. In vitro synergy and potentiation between cefotaxime and desacetylcefotaxime against clinical isolates of Bacteroides. Diag Microbiol Inf Dis 2:47S-53S, 1984.

67. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV, Janney A, Faro S, Marier RL. Comparison of the activities of penicillin G and new beta-lactam antibiotics against clinical isolates of Bacteroides species. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 26:410-413, 1984.

68. Sanders CV, Greenberg RN, Marier RL. Cefamandole and cefotoxin. Ann Intern Med 103:70-78, 1985.

69. Aldridge KE, Schiro D, Tsai L, Janney A, Sanders CV, Marier RL. Ciprofloxacin (Bay o 9867): an in vitro comparison with other broad spectrum antibiotics. Curr Ther Res 37:754-762, 1985.

70. Sanders CV, Marier RL, Aldridge KE, Derks FW, Martin DH. The safety and effectiveness of ticarcillin/clavulanic acid in the treatment of community-acquired acute pyelonephritis in adult women. Am J Med 79 (Suppl 5B):96-100, 1985.

71. Aldridge KE, Janney A, Sanders CV. Comparison of the activity of coumermycin, ciprofloxacin, teicoplainin, and other non-beta-lactam antibiotics against clinical isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from various geographical locations. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 28:634-638, 1985.

72. Kumar P, Bentley FR, Leech SH, Sanders CV. Accidental administration of hepatitis B immune globulin to a patient positive for hepatitis B surface antigen. Ann Allergy 55:683-685, 1985.

73. Aldridge KE, Tsai L, Sanders CV. Comparative activity of ciprofloxacin (BAY o 9867) with beta-lactam antibiotics and gentamicin, and the effect of inoculum size, against aerobic gram-positive and -negative bacteria. Recent Advances in Chemotherapy: Antimicrobial Section, University of Tokyo Press, pp 606-607. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Chemotherapy: Kyoto, Japan, June 23-28, 1985.

74. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Increased in vitro anti-Bacteroides activity of cefotaxime: synergistic interaction of cefotaxime and desacetylcefotaxime. Recent Advances in Chemotherapy: Antimicrobial Section, University of Tokyo Press, pp 606-607. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Chemotherapy: Kyoto, Japan, June 23-28, 1985.

75. Besch CL, Sanders CV. Managing sepsis—a common cause of geriatric death. Geriatrics 41:55-66, 1986.

76. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV, Marier RL. Variation in the potentiation of β-lactam antibiotic activity by clavulanic acid and sulbactam against multiply antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 17:463-469, 1986.

77. Zide MF, Sanders CV, Marier RL, Aldridge KE, Derks FW. Cefuroxime therapy for maxillofacial infections. Curr Ther Res 40:278-287, 1986.

78. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Comparison of the activity of carumonam (RO 17-2301) with other broad-spectrum antibiotics: in vitro antibacterial spectrum, inoculum effect, and synergy studies. Curr Ther Res 40:515-527, 1986.

79. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Comparison of the activity of cefpirome (HR 810), a new cephalosporin, to other beta-lactam against clinical isolates of Streptococcal agalactiae. Curr Ther Res 40:1069-1077, 1986.

80. Aldridge KE, Schiro DD, Sanders CV. Pefloxacin (RB 1589): an in vitro comparison with other oral antimicrobial agents and imipenem. Curr Ther Res 40:1103-1113, 1986.

81. Besch CL, Sanders CV. Managing sepsis—a common cause of geriatric death. Geriat Dig 8:29-30, 1986.

82. Sanders CV, Derks FW. Drugs as a cause of unexplained fever. Modern Med 55:72-77, 1987.

83. Aldridge KE, Schiro DD, Sanders CV. RO 23-6240, a new absorbed quinolone: in vitro comparison with other broad-spectrum oral antimicrobial agents and imipenem. Diag Microbiol Infect Dis 7:9-19, 1987.

84. Saenz C, Sanders CV, Nguyen BP, Reisin E. Macronodular lesions associated with Staphylococcal aureus bacteremia: a condition that resembles a “lymphocutaneous” syndrome. Arch Intern Med 147:793, 1987.

85. Aldridge KE, Schiro DD, Sanders CV. Comparative in vitro activity of new oral cephalosporin BMY-28100. Eur J Clin Microbiol 6:170-172, 1987.

86. Aldridge KE, Schiro DD, Sanders CV. Comparative in vitro activity of the two new oral cephalosporin metabolites RO 19-5247 and RO 15-8074. Eur J Clin Microbiol 6:564-569, 1987.

87. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Antibiotic- and method-dependent variation in susceptibility testing results of Bacteroides fragilis group isolates. J Clin Microbiol 25:2317-2321, 1987.

88. Sanders CV. Comparative in vitro activity of ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, β-lactam antibiotics, and gentamicin against aerobic gram-positive cocci and gram-negative bacilli. Rev Infect Dis 10(S1):S42, 1987.

89. Sanders CV. Role of newer antimicrobials in the treatment of mixed aerobic/anaerobic infections (monograph). Therapeutic Advances in the Treatment of Infectious Diseases. Pragmaton Publications: Chicago, Illinois, 1987.

90. Hill MK, Sanders CV. Localized and systemic infections due to vibrio species. Inf Dis Clin NA 1:687-707, 1987.

91. Bone RC, Fisher CJ Jr., Clemmer TP, Slotman GJ, Metz CA, Methylprednisolone Severe Sepsis Study Group (including CV Sanders). Early methylprednisolone treatment for septic syndrome and the adult respiratory distress syndrome. Chest 92:1032-1036, 1987.

92. Bone RC, Fisher CJ Jr., Clemmer TP, Slotman GJ, Metz CA, Balk RA, Methylprednisolone Severe Sepsis Study Group (including CV Sanders). A controlled clinical trial of high-dose methylprednisolone in the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock. N Engl J Med 317:653-658, 1987.

93. Bartlett JG, Ledger WJ, Sanders CV. A site-by-site attack on anaerobes. Patient Care. March 30, 1987.

94. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Pefloxacin, a new fluorinated quinolone: comparison of its in vitro activity with that of other broad-spectrum antibiotics. Rev Infect Dis 10(S1):S40-S41, 1988.

95. Hill MK, Sanders CV. Principles of antimicrobial therapy for head and neck infections. Inf Dis Clin NA 2:57-83, 1988.

96. Sanders CV, Pastorek JG, Miller JM, Aldridge KE. Ticarcillin disodium and clavulanate potassium in the treatment of post-Cesarean-section endomyometritis. J Reprod Med 33 (Suppl):584-587, 1988.

97. Dudley MN, Neu HC, Pankey GA, Sanders CV, Sweet RL. Roundtable discussion: use of β-lactamase inhibitors in antibiotic therapy: AP&T Committee review of ampicillin/ sulbactam. Hosp Formul 23 (Suppl A):9-14, 1988.

98. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Schiro DD, Sanders CV. Susceptibility of Bacteroides fragilis group isolates to broad spectrum beta-lactams clindamycin and metronidazole: rates of resistance, cross-resistance, and importance of beta-lactamase production. Advan Ther 5:273-282, 1988.

99. Aldridge KE, Valainis GT, Sanders CV. Comparison of the in vitro activity of ciprofloxacin and 24 other antimicrobial agents against clinical strains of Chromobacterium violaceum. Diag Microbiol Inf Dis 10:31-39, 1988.

100. Bone RC, Fisher CJ, Clemmer TP, Slotman GJ, Metz CA, Balk RA, Methylprednisolone Severe Sepsis Study Group (including CV Sanders). The sepsis syndrome: a valid clinical entity. Crit Care Med 17:389-393, 1989.

101. Aldridge KE, Weeks LS, Stratton CW, Sanders CV. Comparison of the bactericidal activity of cefotaxime and desacetylcefotaxime alone and in combination against Bacteroides fragilis group organisms. Diag Microbiol Inf Dis 12:165-170, 1989.

102. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Sanders CV. Lomefloxacin, a new fluoroquinolone: studies on in vitro antimicrobial spectrum, potency, and development of resistance. Diag Microbiol Inf Dis 12:221-233, 1989.

103. Champagne KJ, Sanders CV, Hastings PR. Aeromonas hydrophilia in water and soil contaminated injuries. Infect Med Jan/Feb:19-25, 1989.

104. Fan Y-D, Pastorek JG, Janney FA, Sanders CV. Listeriosis as an obstetric complication in an immunocompromised patient. South Med J 82:1044-1045, 1989.

105. Risi GF, Gaumer R, Weeks S, Leete J, Sanders CV. Human immunodeficiency virus: risk of exposure among health care workers at a southern US urban hospital. South Med J 82:1079-1082, 1989.

106. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Sanders CV. Lomefloxacin (SC 47111 or NY-198), a new difluorinated quinolone: comparison of the in vitro activity with other broad spectrum antimicrobials against Enterobacteriaceae, Acinetobacter spp, Aeromonas spp, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Diag Microbiol Infect Dis 12:1S-6S, 1989.

107. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Gebbia K, Schiro DD, Janney A, Sanders CV. Lomefloxacin, a new fluoroquinolone: studies on in vitro antimicrobial spectrum, potency, and development of resistance. Diag Microbiol Infect Dis 12:221-233, 1989.

108. Champagne KJ, Sanders CV, Hastings PR. Aeromonas hydrophilia in water and soil contaminated injuries. Infections in Surgery: Epidemiology of Inf April:139-142, 1989.

109. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Sanders CV. Mutational frequency of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria to resistance to lomefloxacin and other quinolones. Rev Infect Dis 11 (Suppl 5):S974-S975, 1989.

110. Risi GF, Sanders CV. The genital mycoplasmas. Obstet Gynecol Clin NA 16:611-626, 1989.

111. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Sanders CV. In vitro activity of lomefloxacin against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Rev Infect Dis 11:S935, 1989.

112. Wallace RJ Jr., Bedsole G, Sumpter G, Sanders CV, et al. Activities of ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin against rapidly growing mycobacteria with demonstration of acquired resistance following single-drug therapy. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 34:65-70, 1990.

113. Aldridge KE, Wexler HM, Sanders CV, Finegold SM. Comparison of in vitro antibiograms of Bacteroides fragilis group isolates: differences in resistance rates in two institutions because of differences in susceptibility testing methodology. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 34:179-181, 1990.

114. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Sanders CV. Susceptibility of cefoxitin-resistant Bacteroides fragilis group strains to other beta-lactam and non-beta-lactam antimicrobials. Advan Ther 7:16-21, 1990.

115. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Schiro DD, Sanders CV. Discordant results between the broth disk elution and broth microdilution susceptibility tests with Bacteroides fragilis group isolates. J Clin Micro 28:375-378, 1990.

116. Sanders CV, Aldridge KE. In vitro anaerobic data on ticarcillin/clavulanate: a review of an ongoing survey. J Reprod Med 35:313-316, 1990.

117. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Sanders CV. In vitro study of the susceptibility of cefoxitin/cefotetan resistance Bacteroides fragilis group strains to various other antimicrobial agents. J Antimicrob Chemother 26:353-359, 1990.

118. Aldridge KE, Weeks LS, Stratton CW, Sanders CV. Differences in the in vitro inhibitory and bactericidal activity of ceftizoxime, cefoxitin, cefotetan, and penicillin G against Bacteroides fragilis group isolates: comparison of time-kill kinetic studies with MIC values. Diag Microbiol Infect Dis 13:311-316, 1990.

119. Aldridge KE, Wexler HM, Sanders CV, Finegold SM. Comparison of in vitro antibiograms of Bacteroides fragilis group isolates: differences in resistance rates in two institutions because of differences in susceptibility methodology. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 34:179-181, 1990.

120. Greenman RL, Schein RMH, Martin MA, et al, and the Xoma Sepsis Study Group (including CV Sanders). A controlled clinical trial of E5 murine monoclonal IgM antibody to endotoxin in the treatment of gram-negative sepsis. JAMA 266:1097-1102, 1991.

121. Hill MK, Sanders CV. Tuberculosis in pregnancy. Contemp OB/GYN 36:104-110, 1991.

122. Pastorek JG II, Sanders CV. Antibiotic therapy for post-Caesarean endomyometritis. Rev Infect Dis 13:S752-S757, 1991.

123. Sanders CV, Aldridge KE. Antimicrobial therapy of anaerobic infections—1991. Pharmacother II:72S-79S, 1991.

124. Karam GH, Sanders CV, Aldridge KE. Role of newer antimicrobial agents in the treatment of mixed aerobic and anaerobic infections. Surg Gynecol Obstet 172 (Suppl):57-64, 1991.

125. Hill MK, Sanders CV. Anaerobic disease of the lung. Infect Dis Clin NA 5:453-466, 1991.

126. Rodriguez MC, Musher DM, Hamill RJ, Dowell M, Bagwell JT, Sanders CV. Unusual manifestations of pneumoccal infection in human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals: the past revisited. CID 14:192-199, 1992.

127. Sanders CV, Aldridge KE. Current antimicrobial therapy of anaerobic infections. Eur J Clin Microbiol & Infect Dis 11:999-1011, 1992.

128. Hill MK, Sanders CV. Tuberculosis and pregnancy. In: Mead PB, Hager WD, Faro S, eds. Infection Protocols for Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2nd ed. Montvale, NJ: Medical Economics. 1992.

129. Marier RL, Sanders CV, Aldridge KE. Treatment of polymicrobial infections. Proceedings of an International Conference: Advances in Beta-Lactamase-Inhibitor Combination Therapy: A Perspective in Piperacillin/Tazobactam in Surgery. São Paulo, Brazil. Complications in Surgery 12 (Suppl A):70-76, 1993.

130. Sanders CV, Hill MK. Vibrio vulnificus. Infect Dis Prac 17:1-4, May 1993.

131. Aldridge KE, Gelfand M, Reller LB, Ayers LW, Pierson CL, Schoenknecht F, Tilton RC, Wilkins J, Henderberg A, Schiro D, Johnson M, Janney A, Sanders CV. A five-year multicenter study of the susceptibility of the B. fragilis group isolates to cephalosporins, cephamins, penicillins, clindamycin, and metronidazole in the United States. Diag Microbiol Infect Dis 18:235-241, 1994.

132. Sanders CV. Respiratory RX: new broad spectrum agent addresses beta-lactam resistance. Advance Managers Resp Care 3:39-40, Mar 1994.

133. Sanders CV Jr. Piperacillin/tazobactam in the treatment of community-acquired and nosocomial respiratory tract infections: a review. Intens Care Med 2:S21-S26, 1994.

134. Hill MK, Sanders CV. Polymicrobial infections. Ochsner Clinic Reports on Serious Hospital Infections 6:1-8, 1994.

135. Sanders CV. Treatment of polymicrobial gynecologic and skin and skin-structure infections: worldwide clinical trials. Piperacillin/Tazobactam: A New Dimension in Antibiotic Therapy. Infect Dis Clin Prac 4:S26-32, 1995.

136. Hill MK, Sanders CV. Community-acquired pneumonia. Ochsner Clinic Reports on Serious Hospital Infections 7:1-8, 1995.

137. Hill MK, Sanders CV. Leptospiral pneumonia. Seminars in Respiratory Infections 12:44-49, 1997.

138. Hilton CH, Fisher WP, Lopez-S A, Sanders CV. A relative-value-based system for quantification of faculty productivity: a simple, adjustable, weighted system for calculating faculty productivity in teaching, research, administration, and patient care. Academic Med 72:787-793, 1997.

139. Aldridge KE, Ashcraft DS, Sanders CV. RP 59,500 (Quinupristin/Dalfopristin): a new streptogramin with potent activity against penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. Adv in Therapy 15(3):158-164, May/Jun 1998.

140. Sanders CV. Introduction. Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America: Infectious Arthritis 24(2):xiii-xiv. May 1998. LR Espinoza, ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.

141. Hill MK, Sanders CV. Skin and soft tissue infections in critical care. Critical Care Clinics: Infections in Critical Care II 14(2):251-262. April 1998. B.A. Cunha, ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.

142. Aldridge KE, Ashcraft D, Sanders CV. Trovafloxacin (CP 99,219), a new azabicyco-naphthyridone antimicrobial: inhibitory and bactericidal activity against clinical isolates of penicillin-susceptible and -resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. Adv in Ther 15:65-74, 1998.

143. Clark R, Martin DH, Hilton C, Sanders CV. The impact of human immunodeficiency virus disease on academic health centers. APM 105:87-90. Aug 1998.

144. Aldridge KE, Ashcraft DS, O’Cain P, Sanders CV, Janney A, Brown W, Silberman R, Pankey G. A multicenter study of the prevalence and susceptibility patterns of isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae with reduced susceptibility to penicillin G in Louisiana. Amer J Med Sci 316(4):277-284. Oct 1998.

145. Sanders CV. Community-acquired pneumonia: triage in the emergency room. J Resp Dis 19(Suppl 10A): S27-32. Oct 1998.

146. Saenz RE, Sanders CV, Aldridge KE, Patel MM. Purulent pericarditis with cardiac tamponade caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae highly resistant to penicillin, cefotaxime, and ceftriaxone. Clin Infect Dis 26:762-763. Mar 1998.

147. Mendez EA, Espinoza LM, Harris M, Angulo J, Sanders CV, Espinoza LR. Systemic lupus erythematosus complicated by necrotizing fasciitis. Lupus. Feb 1999.

148. Taylor S, Sanders CV. Unusual manifestations of pneumococcal infection. Am J of Med 107(1A):12S-27S. Jul 1999.

149. Butt AA, Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Treatment of non-tuberculous mycobacteria. Antibiotics for Clinicians 4(2):26-30. Mar/Apr 2000.

150. Hamade S, Sanders CV, Hyslop NE. Hemoptysis following a chronic illness. In: Steele, Russel, MD, eds. Infect in Med 17(7):476-487. Jul 2000.

151. Saenz RE, Brown WD, Sanders CV. Allergic bronchopulmonary disease caused by Bipolaris hawaiiensis presenting as a necrotizing pneumonia: case report and review of literature. Am J Med Sci 1(3):209-212, Oct 2000.

152. Slaven EM, Lopez FA, Hart SM, Sanders CV. Myonecrosis caused by Edwardsiella tarda: a case report and case series of extraintestinal E. tarda infections. Clin Infect Dis 32(10):1430-1433, May 2001.

153. Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Dermatologic infections (non HIV) in the immunocompromised host. Infect Dis Clin North Am 15(2):671-702, xi. Jun 2001.

154. Lillis RA, Dugan V, Mills T, Berner A, Sanders CV, Hagensee M, Lopez FA. A fish hook and liver disease: revisiting an old enemy. J La State Med Soc 154:20-25, Jan/Feb 2002.

155. Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Recognizing cutaneous signs of infection in immunocompromised patients: what to expect in the non-HIV setting. J Crit Ill 17:11, Nov 2002.

156. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Susceptibility trending of blood isolates of the Bacteroides fragilis group over a 12-year period to clindamycin, ampicillin-sulbactam, cefoxitin, imipenem, and metronidazole. Anaerobe 8:301-305, 2002.

157. Aldridge KE, Ashcraft D, O’Brien M, Sanders CV. Bacteremia due to Bacteroides fragilis group: distribution of species, β-lactamase production, and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Jan 2003, 148-153.

158. Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Abstracts & analysis: cutaneous infection by Fusarium species in healthy and immunocompromised hosts: implications for diagnosis and management [Perspectives]. MD Consult Infectious Disease. March 6, 2003. Available at .

159. Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Recognizing cutaneous signs of infection in immunocompromised patients. Abstracts in Hem/Onc. Summer 2003, 19-26.

160. Kruspe R, Lillis R, Daberkow DW, Blais CM, Wilbright W, Gupta S, Gould CA, Sun T, Martinez JA, deBoisblanc B, Ladabaum U, Sanders CV, Lopez FA. Education does pay off: pneumococcal vaccine screening and administration in hospitalized adult patients with pneumonia. J La State Med Soc, Nov/Dec 2003, 325-331.

161. Butt AA, Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Infections related to the ingestion of seafood. Part I: viral and bacterial infections. Lancet, 4:201-212, 2004.

162. Kruspe R, Lillis R, Daberkow DW, Blais CM, Wilbright W, Gupta S, Gould CA, Sun T, Martinez JA, deBoisblanc B, Ladabaum U, Sanders CV, Lopez FA. Increasing pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine rates in hospitalized patients: the LSU-New Orleans Internal Medicine House-staff Initiative for Performance Improvement (HIPI) experience. Louisiana Morbidity Report 15:2, Mar/Apr 2004.

163. Butt AA, Aldridge KE, Sanders CV. Infections related to the ingestion of seafood. Part II: parasitic infections and food safety. Lancet, 4:294-300, 2004.

164. Sanders CV. Hurricane Katrina and the LSU–New Orleans Department of Medicine: Impact and lessons learned. AJMS, 332(5):283-288, 2006.

165. Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Recognizing cutaneous signs of infection in immunocompromised patients: Part 1. Infect Med, 24(2):82-86, 2007.

166. Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Recognizing cutaneous signs of infection in immunocompromised patients: Part 2. Infect Med, 24:118-123, 2007.

167. Njoku P, Tate T, Zadeh S, Hauck E, Chaudhry A, Lo-Blais B, Nesbitt L, Sanders CV, Lopez FA. A middle-aged man with newly diagnosed HIV infection and rash. J La State Med Soc, 159:131-135, 2007.

168. Sanders CV. Southern Society for Clinical Investigation Founders’ Medal Acceptance. AJMS, 336(1):8-9, 2008.

169. Sanders CV, Lopez FA. Hurricane Katrina and the Louisiana State University – New Orleans Department of Medicine: Rebuilding, recruiting, and renewing. AJMS, 336(2): 185-190, 2008.

170. Martinez I, Robledo D, Bollinger E, Maristany M, Sanders CV, Shellito J, Lopez FA. A 64-year-old woman with shortness of breath. J La State Med Soc, 161:188-193, 2009.

171. Sanders CV. The Southern Society for Clinical Investigation and internal medicine chairs: We can do more. AJMS, 339(3): 208-209, 2010.

172. Sanders CV. The SSCI at 65: Older and wiser. AJMS, 342(2): 89-92, 2011.

173. Khan TA, Cuchacovich R, Espinoza LR, Lata S, Patel, NJ, Garcia-Valladares I, Salassi MM, Sanders CV. Vasculopathy, hematological and immune abnormalities associated with Levamisole-contaminated cocaine use. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 41(3): 445-454, 2011.

174. Thayalakulasingham T, Guillory S, Narula T, DeBoisblanc B, Zieske AW, Smith D, Engel LS, Sanders CV, Lopez FA. Christmas treat to chronic cough. J La State Med Soc, 163: 349-351, 2011.

175. Sanders CV. 2011 Southern Society for Clinical Investigation President’s Symposium: Sexually transmitted infections – Evolving concepts. AJMS, 343(1): 1, 2012.

176. Sanders CV. The 2011 Joint Plenary Session Symposium: Current strategies and evolving paradigms of treatment for type 2 diabetes. AJMS, 343(1): 12, 2012.

177. Mabry C, Hutchings, J, Sanders C, Neitzschman H. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea in a patient with hepatitis C and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). J La State Med Soc, 164(5): 290-291, 2012.

178. Mickman C, Caruthers C, Spiegel J, Schiro R, Maffei J, Sanders CV, Lopez FA. A 44-year-old HIV-infected man with right-shoulder swelling. J La State Med Soc, 166: 182-187, 2014.

Book Chapters

1. Sanders CV. Diagnostic virology. In: Human Diseases Caused by Viruses: Recent Developments. Rothschild H, Allison R Jr., Howe C, eds. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1978.

2. Buechner HA, Sanders CV. Preparation of texts for plates on actinomycosis, nocardiosis, histoplasmosis, North American blastomycosis, South American blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to the inhalation of organic dust. In: The Civa Collection of Medical Illustrations: Respiratory System. Netter FH, ed. Vol. 7. Summitt, NJ: Ciba, 1979. 190-198, 216-218.

3. Sanders CV, Torres-R JR. Rational use of the diagnostic virology laboratory. In: Infectious Diseases: Current Topics. Gilbert DN, Sanford JP, eds. New York, NY: Grune & Stratton, 1979. 107-121.

4. Sanders CV. Tularemia. In: Tice’s Practice of Medicine. Vol. 3. Hagerstown, MD: Harper & Row, 1970. 1-13. Reprinted in Spittel JA Jr., ed. Clinical Medicine, 1980.

5. Sanders CV, Lewis AC. Changing trends in the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of anaerobic bacteria. In: Anaerobic Bacteria: Selected Topics. Lambe DW Jr., Genco RJ, Mayberry-Carson KJ, eds. New York, NY: Plenum, 1981.

6. Sanders CV, Torres-R JR. Tularemia. In: Infectious Diseases. Sanford JP, Luby JP, eds. New York, NY: Grune & Stratton, 1981. 265-268.

7. Sanders CV, Torres-R JR. Infections due to other pasteurellae and Yersinia. In: Infectious Diseases. Sanford JP, Luby JP, eds. New York, NY: Grune & Stratton, 1981. 268-270.

8. Marier RL, Sanders CV. Infectious diseases. In: Family Medicine Principles and Practice. Taylor RB, ed. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1982.

9. Derks FW, Williams WL, Sanders CV, Marier RL. Infectious diseases of the nervous system. In: Essentials of Clinical Neurology. Weisberg LA, Strub RL, Garcia CA, eds. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press, 1983. 305-324.

10. Sanders CV, Greenberg RN. Ear, nose, and throat infections. In: Clinical Manual of Infectious Diseases. Rytel MW, MogabgabWJ, eds. Chicago, IL: Yearbook Medical Publishers, 1984. 62-76.

11. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV, Janney A, Faro S, Marier RL. In vitro synergy and potentiation between cefotaxime and desacetylcefotaxime against clinical isolates of Bacteroides. In: New Concepts of Antimicrobial Interactions with Drug Metabolites and Blood Elements. Jones RN, ed. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Excerpta Medica, 1984. 15-17.

12. Derks FW, Sanders CV. Rickettsial diseases. In: Current Diagnosis. Conn RB, ed. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders Company, 1985. 218-224.

13. Risi GF, Sanders CV. Anaerobic infections of the urinary tract. In: Anaerobic Infections in Humans. Finegold SM, George WL, eds. Florida: Academic Press, Inc., 1988.

14. Derks FW, Sanders CV. Rickettsial diseases. In: Current Diagnosis. Conn RB, ed. 8th ed. Philadalphia, PA: WB Saunders, 1991. 249-254.

15. Sanders CV, Hill MK. Tuberculosis in pregnancy. In: Infection Protocols for Obstetrics and Gynecology. Mead PB and Hager WD, eds. Montvale, NJ: Medical Economics Publishing, 1992. 66-71.

16. Derks FW, Sanders CV. Antibiotics: the antianaerobic drugs. In: Obstetric and Gynecologic Infectious Disease. Pastorek JG, ed. New York, NY: Raven Press, 1994. 659-665.

17. Hill MK, Sanders CV. Cutaneous tuberculosis. In: Tuberculosis. Schlossberg D, ed. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1994. 225-232.

18. Sanders CV. Approach to the diagnosis of fever and rash. In: The Skin and Infection: A Color Atlas and Text. Sanders CV, Nesbitt LT, eds. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1995. 296-305.

19. Hill MK, Sanders CV. Necrotizing and gangrenous soft tissue infections. In: The Skin and Infection: A Color Atlas and Text. Sanders CV, Nesbitt LT, eds. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1995. 62-75.

20. Hill MK, Sanders CV. Fever and rash. In: Infectious Diseases in Critical Care Medicine. Cunha BA, ed. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 533-546.

21. Hill MK, Sanders CV. Cutaneous tuberculosis. In: Tuberculosis and Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections. Schlossberg D, ed. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders, 1999. 264-270.

22. Sanders CV. Memorial for Jay P. Sanford. In: Trans Am Clin Clima Assoc. 2001. xliv-xlvi.

23. Sanders CV, Lopez FA. Cutaneous manifestations of infectious diseases: approach to the patient with fever and rash. In: Trans Am Clin Clima Assoc. 2001. 235-252.

24. Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Rash and fever. In: Educational Review Manual in Infectious Diseases. Cunha BA, ed. New York, NY: Castle Connolly Graduate Medical Publishing, 2003. 1-56.

25. Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Rash and fever. In: Educational Review Manual in Infectious Diseases. Cunha BA, ed. 2nd edition. New York, NY: Castle Connolly Graduate Medical Publishing, 2005. 1-56.

26. Jagneaux T, Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Postoperative fever of unknown origin. In: Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO). Cunha BA, ed. New York: Informa Healthcare, 2007. 115-131.

27. Lopez FA, Slaven EM, Sanders CV. Primary skin eruptions: Impetigo, cellulites, and necrotizing fasciitis. In: Infectious Diseases: Emergency Medicine Diagnosis & Management. Slaven EM, Stone SC, Lopez FA, eds. New York: McGraw Hill, 2007. 237-246.

28. Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Rash and fever. In: Educational Review Manual in Infectious Diseases. 3rd edition. Cunha BA, ed. New York: Castle Connolly Graduate Medical Publishing, 2007. 15-70.

29. Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Rash and fever. In: Educational Review Manual in Infectious Diseases. 4th edition. Cunha BA, ed. New York: Castle Connolly Graduate Medical Publishing, 2010.

30. Hill MK, Sanders CV. Cutaneous tuberculosis. In: Tuberculosis and Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections. Schlossberg D, ed. 6th ed. Washington, D.C.: ASM Press, 2011. 409-414.


1. Sanders CV, Nesbitt LT, eds. The Skin and Infection: A Color Atlas and Text. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins, 1995.

Invited Review

1. Sanders CV. Review: Cutaneous Manifestations of Infection in the Immunocompromised Host by Mark Grossman with Jeffrey Ross. Williams & Wilkins, 1995. Clin Infect Dis 21:461, 1995.

2. Sanders CV. Pneumococcal Disease: A Symposium in Honor of Robert Austrian, MD—A Summary. The American Journal of Medicine: Proceedings of a Symposium. July 26, 1999:107(A):86S-90S. Excerpta Medica, Inc., 1999.

3. Sanders CV. Treatment of Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria. Antibiotics for Clinicians 4(2) 26-30. March/April 2000.

4. Lopez, Sanders CV. Review: Cutaneous infection by Fusarium species in healthy and immunocompromised hosts: implications for diagnosis and management by Nucci M, Anaissie E. Clin Infect Dis. 35:909-920. 2002. In: MD Consult, March 6, 2003.

Audio Tapes

1. Sanders CV. A quiz on “Drugs and Bugs.” Audio-Digest Family Practice. 29(16), April 27, 1981.

2. Sanders CV. Office use of newer antibiotics. Bugs and Drugs. Highlights of the American Academy of Family Physician’s 40th Annual Scientific Assembly Audio Digest Foundation, 36(48), 1988.

Television Appearance

1. WWL-TV. November 1, 2002, morning show. Usdin/Weil Lecture on Bioweapons.

Correspondence/ Letters to the Editor

1. Anderson JH, Sanders CV, Larson P. Exercise myoglobinuria. N Engl J Med 290:632, 1974.

2. Sands M, Sanders CV. Serratia marcescens endocarditis. Ann Intern Med 85:397-398. 1976.

3. Greenberg RM, Sanders CV. Amphotericin B and blastomycosis. South Med J 71:880-881, 1978.

4. Torres-R JR, Sanders CV, Lewis AC. Vancomycin concentration in human tissues—preliminary report. J Antimicrob Chemother 5:475-477, 1979.

5. Greenberg RM, Sanders CV, Stamm WE. Urethral syndrome in women. JAMA 245:923, 1981.

6. Scalcini MC, Sanders CV. Human-to-human transmission of Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis. Arch Intern Med 141:546, 1981.

7. Freyberg CW, Sanders CV. Candidal thrombophlebitis. Ann Intern Med 100:463, 1984.

8. Aldridge KE, Sanders CV, Marier RL. Determining the MICs of β-lactams for Haemophilus. J Antimicrob Chemother 19:441-442, 1987.

9. Bone RC, Metz CA, Fisher CJ Jr., Clemmer TP, Slotman GJ, Goris GB, Balk RA, the Methylprednisolone Severe Sepsis Study Group (including CV Sanders). High-dose steroids and sepsis. New Engl J Med 318:514-515, 1988.

10. Aldridge KE, Henderberg A, Sanders CV. Enhanced antimicrobial activity of old and new β-lactams against cefoxitin-resistant Bacteroides fragilis group isolates by β-lactamase inhibitors. J Antimicrob Chemother 25:873-875, 1990.

11. Sanders CV, Strong J. LSU would continue Charity system cooperation. The Times-Picayune, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 11, 1995.


1. Sanders CV, Brown JW. Mycobacterium marinum infections: a problem of recognition, not therapy. Arch Intern Med 147:817-818, 1987.

2. Sanders CV, Kemmerly S, Farris B, Sun T. (Cover editorial) Quality Times: A Publication of LA Health Care Review, Inc. February 2002.

Electronic Publications

1. Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Approach to the immunocompetent patient with fever and rash. UpToDate CD-ROM Series. UpToDate, Inc., Wellesley, Massachusetts.

2. Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Fever and rash in HIV-infected patients. UpToDate CD-ROM Series. UpToDate, Inc., Wellesley, Massachusetts. 2000. Updated 2001, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009.

3. Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Fever and rash in immunocompromised (non-HIV) patients. UpToDate CD-ROM Series. UpToDate, Inc., Wellesley, Massachusetts. 2001.

4. Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Fever and rash in non-HIV immunocompromised hosts. UpToDate CD-ROM Series. UpToDate, Inc., Wellesley, Massachusetts. 2002.

5. Lopez FA, Sanders CV. Fever and rash in the immunocompetent patient – I. UpToDate CD-ROM Series. UpToDate, Inc., Wellesley, Massachusetts. 2008.


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