California State University, Northridge




(1) Introduction to Databases: A database is a collection of information organized so that a computer program can quickly retrieve desired pieces of data. A field is a single piece of information; a record is one complete set of fields; and a table is a collection of records.

• Sample Problem It is believed that sodium, cholesterol, and saturated fat increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Use the filter tool in Excel to determine which foods should be avoided because they contain high concentrations of all of these substances. Include a printout of your report in your portfolio.

Download and open nutrition.xls (an Excel file). Use File/Open to open the nutrition.xls file if it does not open by double-clicking. Turn on AutoFilter (Data/Filter/AutoFilter). When it is on, small arrows appear in the field (column) headings. To sort the database, place the cursor in the first cell within a category (e.g. vit. C (mg), not in the category coordinate (e.g. A, B, C etc.). To perform record selection, use Data/Sort/SortBy and select the appropriate criteria to answer the question.

Foods High in Sodium:


Foods High in Cholesterol:


Foods High in Saturated Fat:


Foods with the highest saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol, with saturated fat the leading substance:


(2) Managing School Data : Schools and colleges are dependent upon databases to maintain student records, finances, registration, teacher information, schedules, and many other things. Teachers input data into such systems through grade book programs and other teacher/administrator software. Teachers should also be able to use programs like Microsoft Excel to organize data and merge files.

• Download the schools database file. Create mailing labels and form letters (3 suffices) using the mail merge feature in Word. This will serve as a data file (also known as secondary file) when merging with a primary document to make form letters, mailing letters, or catalog entries. Include only representative samples from your merges.

Mailing labels for Glendale Unified School District:

|Clark Magnet High School | |Crescenta Valley High School | |Glendale High School |

|4747 New York Ave. | |2900 Community Ave. | |1440 E. Broadway |

|La Crescenta, CA 91214 | |La Crescenta, CA 91214 | |Glendale, CA 91205 |

| | | | | |

|Hoover High School | |Daily High School | |Roosevelt Middle School |

|651 Glenwood Rd. | |220 N. Kenwood St. | |222 E. Acacia Ave. |

|Glendale, CA 91202 | |Glendale, CA 91206 | |Glendale, CA 91205 |

| | | | | |

| | |Toll Middle School | | |

|Rosemont Middle School | |700 Glenwood Rd. | |Wilson Middle School |

|4725 Rosemont Ave. | |Glendale, CA 91202 | |1221 Monterey Rd. |

|La Crescenta, CA 91214 | | | |Glendale, CA 91206 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

1st Form letter:

Marcello Sanna-Pickett

11007 Debra Avenue

Granada Hills, CA 91344

July 13, 2006

Clark Magnet High School

4747 New York Ave

24 La Crescenta, CA 91214

To Whom It May Concern,

The 2006-2007 District Calendar published and is now customizable! Check out the new site:


Marcello Sanna-Pickett

2nd Form letter:

Marcello Sanna-Pickett

11007 Debra Avenue

Granada Hills, CA 91344

July 13, 2006

Crescenta Valley High School

2900 Community Ave.

La Crescenta, CA 91214

To Whom It May Concern,

The 2006-2007 District Calendar published and is now customizable! Check out the new site:


Marcello Sanna-Pickett

3rd Form letter:

Marcello Sanna-Pickett

11007 Debra Avenue

Granada Hills, CA 91344

July 13, 2006

Glendale High School

1440 E. Broadway

Glendale, CA 91205

To Whom It May Concern,

The 2006-2007 District Calendar published and is now customizable! Check out the new site:


Marcello Sanna-Pickett

(3) Creating / Enhancing databases for your subject: Teachers use programs like Excel to manage and organize large sets of data.

• Create a new spreadsheet or a new worksheet in an existing database file. For example, if you are a social studies teacher, you may wish to add a worksheet to one of the databases designed for social studies teachers. Your worksheet should include a minimum of 10 records and 5 fields and should include an autofilter for easy record selection. Include a printout of your new database in your portfolio, and the Excel file in your electronic portfolio (if required by professor).


(4) Using web-based databases: A growing number of educational databases are available on the Internet. Teachers can use these databases without having to teach the mechanics of a program like Excel.

• Use Nutritional Analysis Tool to develop a file that reflects your "normal" daily diet. Analyze your diet with respect to the United States Department of Agriculture's recommended daily allowances. Write a brief analysis of your diet, including histograms or tables. Write an assignment for a secondary school class (math, home economics, health etc.) which requires use of the database features of the Nutritional Analysis Tool, or Fast Food Facts. You may also wish to refer to the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory

Screen Captures of Nutritional Analysis Tool follow:


This analysis is of my typical diet on a weekday. It indicates that I am not getting enough calories compared to USDA recommendations for a typical male, 19 to 30 years of age. Usually on the weekends, though, I eat more than I do on weekdays, so on the average I probably get closer to the recommended amount of 2900 calories. The only nutrient that shows as being over the recommended amount is Vitamin A, which I get plenty of because I like salads.

I would give a similar assignment to my P.E. students so they can analyze their own diets. By using the Nutritional Analysis Tool, they would input each food and amounts of each that they normally eat in a typical day. This will make them more aware of their diets, nutrients, and calories. They will be able to see which nutrients they need more of and which ones they need less of. Using the Suggest Foods option, they can identify which foods provide those nutrients. They are to submit the results of the analysis of their current diet and of their adjusted diet.

Write a lesson plan which requires students to analyze data using a database related to your subject:

o Social Studies: nations , exchange rates , distance, census

o Business: stocks & business

o Science: genetics, proteins, plants, earthquakes, air pollution, hurricanes, chemicals

o Health: health, nutrition

o Music: classical, iTunes

o Foreign language: foreign words, foreign dictionaries

o Mathematics: stocks

o Physical Education: sports

o English: public domain texts

Subject Matter: Physical Education

Grade Level: 9-10

Objective: Using resources from Thirteen Online's Web companion piece to MOYERS ON ADDICTION: CLOSE TO HOME, students will conduct research on alcohol addiction and its effect on the liver. The goal of the lesson is to create a classroom environment where students may discuss how alcohol affects individuals, their bodies, and their behavior.


Students will be able to:

[pic]Utilize the Internet to conduct research and compile factual information on alcohol addiction and its effect on the liver.

[pic]Discuss and list the ways in which alcohol may affect an individual's behavior.

[pic]Create a presentation that they can share with other students, family, and community.


Student Prerequisites:

Students will need to have fundamental research skills and know how to access Web sites and search for information online. Students should also know how to download text and graphics from the Web and, if the necessary software is available, know how to create a Power Point presentation, or publish a Web page with the help of their teacher.

This lesson should be done as part of a unit on health or substance abuse. Students will need to know about the human body and be familiar with what substance abuse really means.

Teachers may wish to use certain segments of the PBS series, MOYERS ON ADDICTION: CLOSE TO HOME, as part of this lesson. Please visit wNetStation's CLOSE TO HOME Web companion piece for information on ordering and using videotapes.


• Color printer.

• Color photos of the human liver.

• Model of the human liver.

• Web publishing software (optional).

• Power Point or HyperStudio (optional).

Computer Resources:

You will need at least one computer with Internet access to complete this lesson. While many configurations will work, we recommend:

-- Modem: 28.8 Kbps or faster.

-- Browser: Netscape Navigator 3.0 or above or Internet Explorer 3.0 or above.

-- Macintosh computer: System 7.0 or above and at least 16 MB of RAM.

-- IBM-compatible computer: 386 or higher processor with at least 16 MB of RAM, running Windows 3.1. Or, a 486/66 or Pentium with at least 16 MB of RAM, running Windows 95.

|Bookmarks: |

| |

|[pic]CLOSE TO HOME -- Educational Guides |

| |

| |

|Thirteen/WNET's Educational Publishing Department has produced six publications to accompany the broadcast of MOYERS ON |

|ADDICTION: CLOSE TO HOME, including a Family Guide, available in both English and Spanish, a Health Professional's Guide, an |

|Elementary School Guide for educators, and a High School Guide for students and teachers. These excellent guides are available |

|to be downloaded in PDF format, or they may be requested free of charge. |

| |

|[pic]American Liver Foundation |

| |

| |

|This Web page lists and discusses myths and facts about alcohol abuse. Other areas within the Web site that provide more factual|

|information are Hepatitis C and Alcohol () and Liver Transplantation |

|(). |

| |

|[pic]What is Alcoholism? |

| |

| |

|This Web site provides information on alcohol abuse and is maintained by the Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies at the University|

|of North Carolina. |

| |

|[pic]The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism |

| |

| |

|The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) routinely receives a variety of questions about alcohol and |

|provides responses online. |

| |

|[pic]Just for Kids |

| |

| |

|[pic]Kit For Kids |

| |

| |

|These sites are based on a publication produced by the National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA). Both Web sites |

|have excellent Q & A sections about alcoholism. |

| |

|[pic]Boys & Girls Clubs of America |

| |

| |

|The Boys & Girls Club Movement is a national affiliation of local, autonomous organizations and Boys & Girls Clubs of America |

|working to help youth from all backgrounds, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, develop the qualities needed to |

|become responsible citizens and leaders. This Web site encourages decision-making and has more than 25 national programs that |

|range from education to the environment, health, alcohol/drug prevention, leadership development, and athletics. |

| |

|[pic]Children of Alcoholics Foundation |

| |

| |

|The Children of Alcoholics Foundation is dedicated to helping children and adults who have grown up with an addicted parent. |

|They provide information and referrals by phone or mail. Their educational materials are used to teach people about parental |

|addiction, ways to cope, and, ultimately, to break the intergenerational cycle of this disease |

| |

|[pic]The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information |

| |

| |

|Sponsored by The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information, this Prevline Prevention Online Web site offers |

|alcohol and drug information, referrals, statistics, publications, and related Internet links. |

| |

|[pic]Lions-Quest Skills for Growing |

| |

| |

|This is a comprehensive positive prevention program for grades K-5, reinforcing traditional civic values and focusing on life |

|skills, drug prevention, and service learning. Skills for Growing capitalizes on the enormous potential of children and directs |

|their creative energies into becoming capable and healthy young people. |

| |

|[pic]The Growing Healthy Program |

| |

| |

|The Growing Healthy curriculum is based on the premise that if children understand how their bodies work and appreciate the |

|factors that affect their health -- biological, social, and environmental -- they will be more likely to establish good habits |

|during their formative years. The project was developed by the National Center for Health Education. |

| |

|[pic]The Know Your Body Program |

| |

| |

|The Know Your Body program (KYB) teaches children that they are in charge of their own health. KYB takes a holistic approach to |

|healthy living, with a curriculum that includes nutrition, exercise, substance-abuse prevention, and emotional well-being. The |

|program uses games, simulations, and role-plays to help students practice healthy skills outside the classroom. The Web site |

|teaches life skills such as self-esteem, decision-making, goal setting, assertive communication, and stress management. |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| | |

| |Time Allotment: This lesson may be conducted during four class periods. If students express a great deal of interest, extend the|

| |unit for another day or two. This lesson could form part of a week-long health unit on alcohol abuse. |

| | | |

| | | |

| |[pic] |Before you begin this lesson, instruct students to conduct Web research about the liver. They should obtain a picture|

| | |of the organ and create a list of functions performed by the liver. |

| | | |

| | |To begin the lesson, have the students brainstorm and identify behavioral characteristics of an alcoholic person. |

| | |This will give you an opportunity to find out your students' prior knowledge of the topic. Since this lesson is part |

| | |of a substance abuse unit, your students should be able to come up with at least five behavioral changes. Explain to |

| | |the students that they will learn what an alcoholic is and what criteria are used to decide whether someone is an |

| | |alcoholic or an alcohol abuser. |

| | | |

| | | |

| |[pic] |On a flip chart list their answers, and on a second sheet have the following behavioral characteristics already |

| | |listed. |

| | | |

| | |Someone who is addicted to alcohol: |

| | |Cannot control their drinking. |

| | |Ignores important social and personal responsibilities. |

| | |Focuses primarily on seeking and using alcohol. |

| | |May have health problems related to alcohol addiction. |

| | |May have difficulties at school/work. |

| | |May experience depression which could lead to suicide attempts. |

| | |This discussion may take 15 or 20 minutes depending on the students' interest. |

| | | |

| | | |

| |[pic] |Now lead the discussion towards what actually happens inside an alcoholic's body over time. What physical changes |

| | |occur that would make a person crave and continue to use alcohol? What parts of the body are affected by alcohol? |

| | |Even though many parts of the body are affected, the teacher will focus on the liver. Have a picture of a liver |

| | |displayed in the classroom. Review and discuss the following factual information: |

| | | |

| | |The liver: |

| | |Is the largest glandular organ in the body. |

| | |Consists of 5 lobes. |

| | |Processes nutrients following absorption from the digestive tract. |

| | |Removes cholesterol waste from the body. |

| | |Cleanses the body of toxins, such as drugs, hormones, and other dangerous substances, that are introduced into the |

| | |body. |

| | |Stores essential nutrients, including fats, iron, and glycogen, and vitamins A, D, and B12. |

| | |The objective is to make students realize how important this organ is to the human body. If you can, get a model of a|

| | |liver to show students. Alcoholics may develop a liver disease called cirrhosis, the degeneration of liver tissue. It|

| | |is caused by a protein deficiency, and symptoms such as enlargement of the liver and spleen may arise. Throughout the|

| | |discussion, have students share information discovered in their Web research. |

| | | |

| | | |

| |[pic] |After this in-depth discussion, divide the class into three groups. |

| | | |

| | |Group 1: These students will conduct more research on the Web, and refine or add to the list of behavioral |

| | |characteristics of an alcoholic. |

| | | |

| | |Group 2: Have this group compile their factual information about the liver and how alcohol may damage this organ. |

| | | |

| | |Group 3: This group should come up with a design for a presentation of the class' information. These students should |

| | |decide on the logical order of the presentation, what text and images to include, and what medium they will use for |

| | |the presentation. If you have access to relevant software (such as PowerPoint or HyperStudio) or Web authoring |

| | |software (such as Claris HomePage or PageMill), make sure students know how to use it. Students may also use |

| | |conventional media. |

| | | |

| | | |

| |[pic] |Have students form new groups. Each new group should have at least three students, one from each of the previous |

| | |groups, so that every group has information about alcoholics, the liver, and a presentation plan. |

| | | |

| | |Have these new groups collaborate on creating presentations using the chosen medium. |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| |Social Studies: Have students research alcohol policies in their state and across the United States. A group of students could |

| |research whether alcoholism is prevalent in other countries. |

| | |

| |Math: Students may compile statistics regarding how many men and women are alcoholics in America, and in which communities is |

| |alcoholism prevalent. |

| | |

| |Language Arts: Have the class design a plan for success. They may create a class journal and outline some class goals to |

| |academic success. What can students do to avoid this disease? What types of activities can students get involved with that would|

| |help them build self-esteem, e.g. sports? |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| |Working in Groups |

| |If you have access to one computer in your classroom, you can organize your class in several ways. Divide your classroom into |

| |two groups. Instruct one of the groups to do paper research while the second group is working on the computer. Bring in books, |

| |encyclopedias, etc., from the library for the group doing paper research. They may locate liver diagrams and photographs. Lead |

| |the group working at the computer through an Internet search or allow the students in the class to take turns. (Always have a |

| |set of bookmarks ready for the students before they start working on the computer to show them examples of what to look for.) |

| |When the groups have finished working have them switch places. Have the students visit the Web sites listed in the Bookmarks |

| |section to locate factual information about addiction and its affect on the liver. |

| | |

| |Look for Web Resources Together as a Class |

| |If you have a big monitor or projection facilities, you can do an Internet search together as a class. Make sure that every |

| |student in your class can see the screen. Go to the CLOSE TO HOME Web piece and review the information and resources presented |

| |there. Select a search engine page, allow your students to suggest the search criteria, and do an Internet search. Again, |

| |bookmark and/or print the pages that you think are helpful for reference later. |

| | |

| |Using a Computer Lab |

| |A computer center or lab space, with a computer-to-student ratio of one to three, is ideal for doing Web-based projects. This |

| |way, the small groups of students can help each other if problems or questions arise. It is often beneficial to bookmark sites |

| |for students ahead of time and make suggestions. Show interesting and useful Web sites as samples. |

Here is an organizer for your students to follow as they complete the lesson activities:

[pic] Student Pathway


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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