BI0 120 ce] - Hanover College




A. Objectives

- Explain and draw schematically the structure and function of plasma membrane, nucleus, nuclear envelope, nucleolus, chromosomes, cytoplasma, Golgi complex, endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes; discuss the functional relationship of the membrane-bound organelles forming GERL and the nucleus and plasma membrane.

B. Lecture outline


Read: All organisms are composed of cells (R&J p78-85)

a. the cell theory

b. most cells are very small.

c. prokaryotes and eukaryotes.



Read: The cell nucleus (SBM p84-87)

— nuclear envelope

— nucleolus

— chromosomes


Read: Organelles in the cytoplasm (SBM p88-93)

a. Golgi complex.

b. endoplasmic reticulum.

c. lysosomes.

d. secretory vesicles





A. Objectives

— Explain and draw the structure of ribosomes, mitochondria, chloroplasts, centriole, kinetochore, cell wall and cytoskeleton; relate each cell structure and organelle to its function.

— Compare the structure of an animal and plant cell.

B. Lecture outline


Read: Ribosomes manufacture proteins (SBM p89)


Read: Mitochondria and chloroplasts produce energy (SBM p94-97).

a. mitochondria

b. chloroplast



a. actin filaments — actin

b. microtubules - protofilaments - tubulin

d. intermediate filaments — vimentin, keratin

4. CENTRIOLE AND UNDULIPODIUM (flagellum and cilium)

a. centriole

b. undulipodia

C. Study Questions.

1. What cell organelle is NOT part of GERL?

A. endoplasmic reticulum.

B. lysosomes.

C. nucleus.

D. plasma membrane.

E. ribosomes.

2. The cells of which organisms are NOT surrounded by a cell wall?

A. animals.

B. fungi.

C. plants.

D. bacteria.

E. algae.

3. Plant cells usually contain large membrane—bound sacs containing a highly concentrated solution. These organelles are called

A. chloroplasts.

B. central vacuole.

C. Golgi complex.

D. centrioles.

E. nuclei.

4. The fist microscope was developed by

A. Darwin.

B. Hooke.

C. Johnson.

D. Van Leeuwenhoek.

E. Margulis.

5. The cell theory includes all of the following EXCEPT.

A. All the life processes of metabolism occur in cells.

B. All living things are composed of one or more cells.

C. All cells are about the same size and contain organelles.

D. Cells arise only by division of previously existing cells.

E. The cell is the basic unit of organization of organisms.

6. The size of typical eukaryotic cells is measured in

A. km

B. mm

C. μm

D. nm

E. pm

7. The size of eukaryotic cells is measured in

A. 103 m

B. 10-3 m

C. 10-6 m

D. 10-9 m

E. 10-12 m

8. Atoms are to chemicals what

A. the Golgi complex is to GERL

B. the nucleus is to living material.

C. plasma membrane is to the cell.

D. cells are to the living material.

E. the brain is to humans.

9. The hereditary material of the eukaryotic cell is contained in

A. a single bare molecule of DNA.

B. a single bare molecule of RNA.

C. chromosomes in nucleus and cytoplasm.

D. chromosomes in the nucleus.

E. protein molecules of the chromosomes.

10. chromosomes are composed of

A. phospholipid and protein.

B. nucleic acid and protein.


D. nucleic acid and polysaccharides.

E. protein and poJ.ysaccharides.

11. What organelle forms a three-dimensional meshwork of membranes through the cell?

A. chloroplast.

B. chromosome.

C. endoplasmic reticulum.

D. mitochondria.

E. ribosomes.

12. What cell organelles are not surrounded by membranes?

A. centrioles.

B. nucleus.

C. Golgi complex.

D. lysosomes.

E. mitochondria.

13. The structural basis of the mitochondrial inner membrane is a bilayer of

A. cytochromes and other pigments.

B. lipids.

C. protein.

D. nucleic acid.

E. carbohydrates.

14. Because it weaves in sheets throughout the interior of the cell, the main effect of the endoplasmic reticulum is to

A. add mechanical strength to the cytoplasm.

B. open up membrane channels for the entry of ions.

C. prevent excess loss of water.

D. isolate different compartments.

E. reduce the volume of cytoplasm.

15. Part of the endoplasmic reticulum is labeled ‘rough’ because it is studded by

A. ch].oroplasts.

B. chromosomes.

C. surface markers.

D. lysosomes.

E. ribosomes.

16. Regions of the endoplasmic reticulum devoid of ribosomes are likely involved in

A. energy capture.

B. energy release.

C. export of enzyme.

D. lipid synthesis and detoxification.

E. protein synthesis.

17. Membrane—bound vesicles rich in hydrolytic and digestive enzymes are called

A. chloroplasts.

B. lysosomes.

C. mitochondria.

D. nucleoli.

E. endosomes.

18. What cell structure is the repository of the genetic information that directs all of the activities of the living cell?

A. endoplasmic reticulum.

B. enzymes.

C. nucleus.

D. plasma membrane.

E. ribosome.

19. Nuclear pores apparently permit the passage of only

A. chromosomes.

B. glucose.

C. ribose, nitrogen bases and phosphate.

D. proteins and RNA.

E. sodium ions.

20. Chromosomes are condensed in compact structures that are visible with the light microscope while

A. the cell is dying.

B. the cell is dividing.

C. the cell is alive.

D. proteins are synthesized.

E. the nuclear pores are open.

21. Organelles surrounded by a double membrane and functioning in energy metabolism are

A. mitochondria and chloroplasts.

B. nucleus and mitochondria.

C. nucleus and lysosomes.

D. lysosomes, Golgi complex and endoplasmic reticulum.

E. nucleus and chloroplasts.

22. Flattened stacks of membranes apparently involved in the packaging, glycosylation, and export of materials from cells are known as

A. lysosomes.

B. Golgi complex.

C. phagosomes.

D. central vacuole.

E. centriole.

23. Mitochondria are intimately involved in the cells reactions with

A. water.

B. glucose.

C. ammonia.

D. oxygen.

E. cations.

24. What metaphor best describes the function of the mitochondria?

A. information center.

B. internal scaffolding.

C. stomach.

D. packaging and shipping.

E. furnace.

25. Where in the mitochodria are the proteins that carry out the cells oxidative metabolism?

A. dissolved within the fluid of the inner matrix.

B. in the cytoplasm on the outer surface of the mitochondria.

C. in the space between the two membranes.

D. embedded within the outer mitochondrial membrane.

E. embedded within the inner mitochondrial membrane.

27. The distinctive feature of the chloroplasts is that they are

A. green.

B. invisible.

C. larger than the nucleus.

D. outside of the plasma membrane.

E. contain enzymes.

28. Chloroplasts are present in the cells of

A. animals.

B. plants.

C. fungi.

D. bacteria.

E. protozoa.

29. Chloroplasts function in

A. protein synthesis.

B. production of energy by breakdown of glucose.

C. harvesting of light energy.

D. cell motility.

E. phagocytosis.

30. Cloroplasts are present in the cells of plants and

A. animals.

B. fungi.

C. protozoa.

D. bacteria.

E. algae.

31. What structure is NOT a fiber of the cytoskeleton?

A. actin filaments.

B. intermediate filaments.

C. long range filaments.

D. microfilaments.

E. microtubules.

26. Where do the mitochondria in a living cell come from?

A. division of preexisting mitochondria.

B. elaboration from vesicles produced by the endoplasmic reticulum.

C. phagocytosis of aerobic bacteria from the environment.

D. chloroplasts.

F. ribosomes.

32. Cytoskeletal filaments that are responsible for movement of the cells depend on the protein

A. actin.

B. flagellin.

C. intermediate filament protein.

D. keratin.

E. vimentin.

33. Long, fine, threadlike organellea of motility that protrude from the surfaces of cells, are

A. actin filaments.

B. basal bodies.

C. flagella.

D. hairs.

E. microtubules.

34. Eukaryotic flagella are similar in structure to

A. hairs.

B. microvilli.

C. microtubulea.

D. pseudopodia.

E. cilia.

35. What kind of molecules are found in microtubules?

A. carbohydrate called cellulose.

B. protein called flagellin.

C. protein called actin.

D. protein called tubulin.

E. protein called vimentin.

36. What is the function of the nucleolus?

A. import of cytoplasmic proteins.

B. regulation of nuclear pores.

C. site of ribosome assembly.

D. storage of inactive DNA.

E. synthesis of nuclear proteins.

37. Resolving power

A. is greater with the light microscope than with the electron microscope.

B. measures how easily solutes dissolve in water.

C. measures the shortest distance two small objects can be placed together and still be seen as two objects after magnification.

D. is the ration of the size of the image produced by a lens system to the actual size of the object.

E. is the average diameter of an eukaryotic cell.

38. What sequence represents the pathway of a transmembrane glycoprotein of the plasma membrane?

A. smooth ER ( lysosome ( Golgi.

B. smooth ER ( plasma membrane.

C. nucleus ( ribosome ( mitochondria.

D. centrioe ( actin filaments ( coated pits.

E. rough endoplasmic reticulum ( Golgi ( plasma membrane.

39. According to the cell theory

A. cells arise spontaneously from nonliving substances.

B. all living things are composed of cells.

C. all cells have the same number and kind of organelles.

D. cells are identical in shape and size.

E. all cells are surrounded by a cell wall.

40. Three distinctive features of plant cells are

A. central vacuole, mitochondria, chloroplasts.

B. centriolea, chloroplasts, cell wall.

C. chloroplasts, cell wall, central vacuole.

D. chloroplasts, cell wall, cilia.

E. mitochondria, cell wall, centrio lea.

41. What organelle would be best described by the metaphor assembly plant?

A. nucleus.

B. cytoskeleton.

C. lysosomes.

D. ribosomes.

E. mitochondria.

42. Which sets of two organelles are matched regarding function?

A. lysosomes — centriole.

B. nucleus — Golgi complex.

C. endoplasmic reticulum —cytoskeleton.

D. chromosomes — ribosomes.

E. mitochondria — chloroplasts.

43. Cells that produce energy in the absence of oxygen are devoid of

A. mitochondria.

B. ribosomes.

C. nucleus.

D. rough endoplasmic reticulum.

E. cytoskeleton.

44. Cells such as plasma cells that secrete large quantities of antibodies (=proteins) have well-developed

A. mitochondria.

B. smooth endoplasmic reticulum

C. rough endoplasmic reticulum.

D. cytoskeleton.

E. lysosomes.

45. Cells such as the testosterone— producing cell of the testes have a well-developed

A. mitochondria.

B. smooth endoplasmic reticulum

C. rough endoplasmic reticulum.

D. cytoskej.eton.

E. lysosomes.

49. What function does NOT match the cellular structure?

A. energy production -- mitochodria.

B. protein synthesis -- ribosomes.

C. intracellular digestion -- lysosomes.

D. cell movement -- endoplasmic reticulum.

E. assembly of ribosomes -- nucleolus.

50. What cell structure is the site of synthesis and export of proteins to the plasma membrane?

A. Golgi complex.

B. chloroplast.

C. rough endoplasmic reticulum.

D. microtubule.

E. smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

51. What cell structure produces steroids in certain cells?

A. Golgi complex.

B. chloroplast.

C. rough endoplasmic reticulum.

D. microtubule.

E. smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

52. A cell contains a nuclear envelope, glycogen granules and mitochondria. What other structure will you find in this cell?

A. cell wall.

B. chloroplasts.

C. peptidoglycan.

D. central vacuole.

E. rough endoplasmic reticulum.

53. Phagocytic cells would have many

A. chloroplasts.

B. nucleoli.

C. mitochondria.

D. ribosomes.

E. lysosomes.

54. Muscle cells actively engaged in energy production would have

A. extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum.

B. extensive smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

C. many mitochondria.

D. many lysosomes.

E. many centrioles.

55. What cell structure is a component of cilia and flagella?

A. Golgi complex.

B. chloroplast.

C. rough endoplasmic reticulum.

D. microtubule.

E. smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

56. What cell structure is a center of energy metabolism?

A. Golgi complex.

B. chloroplast.

C. rough endoplasmic reticulum.

D. microtubule.

E. smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

57. What for cell structure packages proteins the export?

A. Golgi complex.

B. chloroplast.

C. rough endoplasmic reticulum.

D. microtubule.

E. smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

58. The ability of a microscope to reveal fine detail is known as

A. magnification.

B. resolving power.

C. cell fractionation.

D. transmission microscopy.

E. phase contrast microscopy.

59. A plasma membrane is characteristic of

A. all cells.

B. prokaryotic cells only.

C. Eukaryotic cells only.

D. animal cells only.

E. eukaryotic cells except plant cells.

60. Evidence that all living cells have a common origin is provided by:

|a. |the cell theory, which states that the cell is the basic unit of life. |

|b. |the fact that all new cells come from previously existing cells. |

|c. |the fact that cells are the building blocks of the most complex plants. |

|d. |basic similarities in cell structure and chemistry. |

|e. |the fact that cells are the smallest units that can carry out all life activities. |

61. It is advantageous for cells to be small because:

|a. |a small cell size prevents a cell from weighing too much. |

|b. |a small cell size occupies less space in nature where space is limited. |

|c. |a small cell has a small volume relative to surface area, thereby increasing efficient transport. |

|d. |a small cell has a small surface area relative to volume, thereby facilitating ion balance. |

|e. |a small cell is better able to conserve energy than a larger cell. |

Figure 4-1

Use the figure below to answer the corresponding question(s).

62. Which of the following statements about Figure 4-1 is true?

|a. |Figure B has a greater surface area than Figure A. |

|b. |Figure B has a greater volume than Figure A. |

|c. |Figure B has a smaller volume than Figure A. |

|d. |Figure B has a greater surface area to volume ratio than Figure A. |

|e. |Figure B has a smaller surface area to volume ratio than Figure A. |

63. Based on your knowledge of basic geometric relationships, the actual surface area to volume ratio for Figure B in Figure 4-2 is:

|a. |0.01. |

|b. |0.06. |

|c. |100. |

|d. |1,000. |

|e. |0.6. |

64. One strategy that allows larger cells to have an effective surface area to volume ratio is:

|a. |having a completely spherical shape. |

|b. |being short and fat. |

|c. |having thin, finger-like projections. |

|d. |having a thinner plasma membrane. |

|e. |locomotion. |

65. Which of the following descriptions or structures does NOT match the cell type?

|a. |Sperm cells have flagella. |

|b. |Nerve cells have long, thin extensions. |

|c. |Epithelial cells are rectangular. |

|d. |White blood cells can change shape. |

|e. |Smallest cell are egg cells. |

66. Which scientist first viewed living cells?

|a. |Robert Hooke |

|b. |Matthias Schleiden |

|c. |Theodor Schwann |

|d. |Anton van Leeuwenhoek |

|e. |August Weismann |

67. The ratio of the size of the image seen with the microscope to the actual size of the object is called:

|a. |magnification. |

|b. |resolution. |

|c. |resolving power. |

|d. |centrifugation. |

|e. |fractionation. |

68. You want to determine the location of a specific protein in a cell using a colored stain. Which of the following is the best technique for this purpose?

|a. |electron microscopy |

|b. |phase contrast microscopy |

|c. |bright-field microscopy |

|d. |fluorescence microscopy |

|e. |dark-field microscopy |

69. Electron microscopes have a much higher resolution than either the human eye or any light microscope because:

|a. |of their higher magnification. |

|b. |the lenses used are of much higher quality. |

|c. |of the very short (nanometer) wavelengths of electrons. |

|d. |the images are viewed on screens, rather than directly using an eyepiece or ocular lens. |

|e. |it can be used to view stained or living cells. |

70. The scanning electron microscope differs from the transmission electron microscope in that the scanning electron microscope:

|a. |can view a live specimen. |

|b. |relies on the detection of electrons from the beam after contact with the specimens. |

|c. |can view the internal structure of a cell. |

|d. |utilizes a beam of light that passes through the specimen. |

|e. |gives a three dimensional image of the object being studied. |

71. The accompanying figure is the product of a:

|a. |phase-contrast light microscope. |

|b. |Nomarski differential interference microscope. |

|c. |transmission electron microscope. |

|d. |scanning electron microscope. |

|e. |confocal fluorescence microscope. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

72. Differential centrifugation is a process that:

|a. |separates different components of the cell that function differently. |

|b. |separates components of the cell that have a different chemical makeup. |

|c. |analyzes the chemical components of the cell. |

|d. |separates components of the cell that have different densities. |

|e. |allows researchers to view the contents of the cells. |

60. A eukaryotic cell:

A. is usually smaller than a prokaryotic cell.

B. has its DNA concentrated in one area of the cell without a nuclear membrane.

C. typically has a cell wall, in addition to a plasma membrane.

D. is exemplified by bacteria.

E. has a variety of membranous organelles.

61. Membrane-bounded organelles facilitate faster chemical reactions because:

A. reactants are within close proximity to each other.

B. membranes lower the activation energy of biochemical reactions.

C. membrane-bounded organelles act as catalysts for biochemical reactions.

D. reactants move faster within membrane-bounded organelles.

E. reactants are less likely to encounter each other within membrane-bounded organelles.

62. Which of the following structures or activities is NOT directly part of the endomembrane system?

A. budding

B. lysosomes

C. ribosomes

D. peroxisomes

E. Golgi complex

63. DNA is associated with proteins, forming a complex called:

A. chromosomes.

B. nucleoli.

C. nucleus.

D. genes.

E. chromatin.

64. Nucleoli contain chromosomal regions that specialize in making:

A. proteins.


C. ribosomes.

D. lipids.

E. hormones.

65. A single cell in a smoker’s lung has become cancerous. It doubles its DNA and divides much faster than a normal lung cell. The most likely change that would have caused this condition took place in the:

A. nucleus.

B. nucleolus.

C. microtubule.

D. mitochondria.

E. lysosome.

66. In the classic experiments by Bracht and Hammerling, the nucleus of Acetabularia was removed, the cap was cut off, a nucleus of a different species was inserted, and the cap was allowed to regenerate. The new cap was then removed. After the second regeneration, the cap was observed, and the following conclusion was made:

A. The shape of the cap was controlled by the nucleus, thus, the nucleus was the control center of the cell.

B. The shape of the cap was under the control of the stalk, which produced a control substance.

C. The shape of the cap was independent of both the stalk and the holdfast.

D. The “cren” caps were defective due to some mutation in the cap. Thus, “cren” caps are independent of control from both the base and the holdfast.

E. At the time no conclusion could be made because in the early 20th century, biologists did not know about the composition of DNA

67. If a toxin, such as a bacterial toxin, destroys ribosomes, what cellular activity will be affected first?

A. protein synthesis

B. DNA synthesis

C. movement

D. energy storage

E. active transport

68. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum:

A. is absent in most plant cells.

B. synthesizes proteins.

C. provides structural support.

D. synthesizes lipids.

E. is required for ribosome synthesis.

70, 71. Use the figure to answer the following questions.

70. The cellular structure indicated by the arrow is responsible for:

1. A. lipid and fatty acid metabolism.

B. protein synthesis.

C. digestion of unused organelles.

D. replication.

E. None of these.

1. Which of the following functions would most likely be occurring in the structure surrounded by the box in the above figure?

A. apoptosis

B. dynein movement

C. formation of hydrogen peroxide

D. molecular chaperone activity

E. cholesterol synthesis

2. Proteins made on ribosomes may be further modified within the:

A. lysosomes.

B. nucleus.

C. mitochondria.

D. Golgi complex.

E. peroxisomes.

1. The cis face of the Golgi complex is most directly involved in which of the following?

A. packaging molecules in vesicles

B. accepting vesicles from the ER

C. synthesizing proteins

D. transporting molecules out of the Golgi

E. catalyzing the efficient folding of proteins

2. A glycoprotein destined for secretion from the cell would move through the Golgi complex in this sequence:

A. cis face to medial region to trans face

B. trans face to cis face to medial region

C. trans face to medial region to cis face

D. cis face to trans face to medial region

E. medial face to trans face to cis face

3. The _________ can be considered a sorting, processing and packaging center.

A. centriole

B. centrosome

C. Golgi complex

D. vacuole

E. cytoskeleton

4. During an infection, white blood cells travel to the infected site and phagocytize the pathogens. After phagocytosis, primary lysosomes fuse with the phagocytic vesicle to form a larger vesicle called a secondary lysosome. The reason for this is:

A. to introduce antibodies to the phagocytic vesicles.

B. to wrap the pathogen in additional membrane, rendering them harmless.

C. to coat the bacteria in lipids derived from the Golgi complex, which cover and smother them.

D. to mix the pathogens with strong hydrolytic enzymes and destroy them.

E. to prepare the bacteria for export from the body.

5. All of the following functions are performed by plant vacuoles EXCEPT:

A. maintaining hydrostatic (turgor) pressure.

B. waste storage and recycling.

C. storage of proteins.

D. breakdown of unneeded cellular materials.

E. storage of nucleic acids.

6. One function of peroxisomes involves the process of:

A. cell death.

B. water storage.

C. protein synthesis.

D. DNA replication.

E. detoxification.

7. The theory that chloroplasts and mitochondria had their evolutionary beginnings in eukaryotic cells as endosymbionts is supported by all of the following EXCEPT:

A. chloroplasts and mitochondria are completely autonomous within eukaryotic cells.

B. chloroplasts and mitochondria have DNA.

C. chloroplasts and mitochondria have small ribosomes for protein synthesis.

D. chloroplasts and mitochondria are approximately the same size as prokaryotic cells.

E. chloroplasts and mitochondria have the same shape as prokaryotic cells.

80-82. Use the figure to answer the corresponding questions.

8. The organelle featured in the accompanying figure:

A. is present in a few prokaryotes.

B. is the major site of protein synthesis in the cell.

C. plays a vital role in packaging materials to be secreted.

D. plays a central role in energy metabolism.

E. is located in the nucleus.

81. The structures indicated by the arrows in the associated figure are:

A. intermembrane space.

B. grana.

C. cristae.

D. matrices.

E. plastids.

1. The main process that occurs at the site of the structures marked by arrows in the figure is:

A. protein synthesis.

B. photosynthesis.

C. conversion of food molecules to ATP.

D. processing and packaging of proteins.

E. transcription.

2. Which of the following organelles plays an important role in apoptosis, or programmed cell death?

A. ribosomes

B. mitochondria

C. chloroplasts

D. vacuoles

E. peroxisomes

3. A cellular structure found in plant but not animal cells is the:

A. chloroplast.

B. ribosome.

C. endoplasmic reticulum.

D. microtubule.

E. microfilament.

85, 86. Use the figure to answer the corresponding questions.

4. If you treated this organelle to remove ONLY the chlorophyll, which label indicates the portion of the organelle that would be most directly affected by this treatment?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. E

2. The formation of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water occurs in the portion of this figure labeled:

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. E

3. Which of the following structures would not be found in cells of a plant’s roots?

A. mitochondria

B. chloroplasts

C. endoplasmic reticulum

D. nucleus

E. Golgi complex

4. Which of the following is a key component of the cytoskeleton?

A. centrosome

B. microtubules


D. ribosomes

E. endoplasmic reticulum

5. You isolate a cellular structure and determine that it is composed of α-tubulin and

β-tubulin. Based on this evidence, you correctly identify this structure as:

A. a structural MAP.

B. a microfilament.

C. a microtubule.

D. an actin filament.

E. a myosin filament.

6. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

A. chloroplast—storage of enzymes

B. lysosome—powerhouse of the cell

C. centrosome—cell division

D. plastids—structural support of the cell

E. Golgi complex—production of energy

7. The force necessary to cause microtubules of cilia and flagella to slide alongside one another is provided through the action of _________ proteins, which derive the energy to perform their work directly from ______ molecules.

A. kinesin; ADP

B. kinesin; glucose

C. tubulin; ATP

D. dynein; ATP

E. dynein; ADP

8. Which of the following statements concerning centrioles is FALSE?

A. They are present in most animal cells but not most plant cells.

B. They are duplicated before cell division.

C. They have a 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules.

D. They are found in the centrosome.

E. They are thought to play a role in microtubule assembly.

93. A basal body is most closely related to a:

A. ribosome.

B. thylakoid.

C. centriole.

D. centrosome.

E. lysosome.

1. As a result of testing an experimental drip on a vertebrate cell, you notice that the cell cortex becomes more fluid, and although the cell remains strong, it loses its ability to move. Based on this evidence, you correctly conclude that the drug most directly affected:

A. α-tubulin.

B. β-tubulin.

C. actin filaments.

D. myosin.

E. intermediate filaments.

2. The structures in the micrograph are:

A. chloroplasts.

B. cilia.

C. rough ER

D. flagella.

E. B and D

3. Intermediate filaments are most closely associated with which of the following?

A. actin.

B. microvilli.

C. pseudopodia.

D. keratins.

E. myosin.

4. In eukaryotic cells, DNA is found in

A. Chromosomes

B. Chromatin

C. Mitochondria

D. A, B, and C

E. A and B

5. Which of the following structures would not be found in prokaryotic cells?

A. Cell Wall

B. Ribosomes

C. Nuclear Area

D. Nucleus

E. Propeller-like Flagellum

6. Which of the following is/are most closely associated with protein synthesis?

A. Ribosomes

B. Smoot ER

C. Mitochondria

D. Microfilaments


7. Which of the following is/are most closely associated with the breakdown of ingested material?

A. Ribosomes

B. Smoot ER

C. Mitochondria

D. Microfilaments


8. Which of the following are most closely associated with photosynthesis?

A. Basal Bodies

B. Smooth ER

C. Cristae

D. Thylakoids


102. A 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules best describes

A. Cilia

B. Centrosomes

C. Basal Bodies

D. Microfilaments

E. Microvilli

9. Use the numbered choices to select the sequence that most accurately describes information flow in the eukaryotic cell.

1. DNA in nucleus 2. RNA 3. Mitochondria 4. Protein Synthesis 5. Ribosomes

A. 1, 2, 5, 4

B. 3, 2, 5, 1

C. 5, 2, 3, 1

D. 4, 3, 2, 1

E. 1, 2, 3, 4

10. Use the numbered choices to select the sequence that most accurately describes glycoprotein processing in the eukaryotic cell.

1. ER 2. Ribosomes 3. Cis face of Golgi 4. Trans face of Golgi 5. Transport vesicle 6. Grana 7. Plasma Membrane

A. 1, 6, 2, 3, 4, 7

B. 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7

C. 7, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5

D. 2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 7

E. 2, 1, 7, 4, 5, 1

9. Which of the following is/are not associated with mitochondria?

A. Cristae

B. Aerobic Respiration

C. Apoptosis

D. Free Radicals

E. Thylakoids

10. Which of the following organelles contain small amounts of DNA and convert energy?

A. Microfilaments and microtubules

B. Lysozomes and peroxisomes

C. ER and ribosomes

D. Nucleus and ribosomes

E. Mitochondria and chloroplasts

11. Which of the following function(s) in cell movement?

A. Microtubules

B. Nucleolus

C. Grana

D. Smooth ER

E. Rough ER

12. The extracellular matrix

A. Consists mainly of myosin and RNA

B. Projects to form microvilli

C. Houses the centrioles

D. Contains fibronectins that bind integrins

E. Has an elaborate system of cristae


108. The sER is the primary site for synthesis of proteins and cholesterol needed to make membranes. _____

109. The existence of a separate set of enzymes and DNA molecules in mitochondria and chloroplasts provide support for serial endosymbiosis. ______

110. In animal cells the main MTOC (centriole) is important in cell division. ______

111. Mitochondria play an important role in necrosis. _______

112. Peroxisomes are found in large numbers in cells that synthesize, store, and degrade lipids, and one of their functions is to breakdown protein molecules. ______

113. DNA is associated with RNJA and certain proteins forming chromatin. ________

114. Enzymes called proteases in the ER lumen catalyze folding proteins in proper conformation. ______

115. Proteasomes direct the destruction of defective DNA. _______

116. Cells that secrete large amounts of glycoprotein have many Golgi stacks. _______

117. Golgi complexes of prokaryotic cells produce extracellular polysaccharides that are used to make the cell wall and capsule._________


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