I. Correction of the Sentences: Chose the II. Correction ...


B.Tech 1st Year English Grammar (Part A ? 2 & 3 Marks Questions)

I. Correction of the Sentences: Chose the right alternative (Subject ? Verb):

II. Correction of the Sentences: Chose the right alternative (Tense) :

1. Each of the candidates was/were awarded a certificate for participation. 2. Either of those dresses is/are suitable for the party. 3. Either the student or his parents has/have to be present in the function. 4. Everybody or anybody is/are able to answer these questions. 5. Neither of them is/are an expert of the subject. 6. The ones who is/are found guilty must be punished. 7. You or she has/have to be blamed for the accident. 8. They and I was/were present there last night. 9. Jessy is absent, but some of her class is/are present. 10. No one know/knows what happens after death.

I. Answers 1. Was ?means each one 2. Is ? one of the dresses 3. Have ?the last noun parents 4. is 5. Is ?not one of them 6. Are ? ones is plural 7. Has ?the last subject she 8. Were ?and makes the subject plural 9. Are ?class means classmates here 10. Knows ? no one is singular.

Raja Rao Pagidipalli Assoc.Professor

1. He was choose/ chose/cho sen leader of the group. 2. I have do/did/done my work. 3. The letter was write/wrote/writ ten by the clerk. 4. You have break/broke/bro ken the win dow pane. 5. Who has take/took/taken my pen? 6. The bananas have been eat/ate/eaten by the cow. 7. A beautiful song in this movie has been sing/sang/sung by the new singer. 8. He has catch/catched/caught cough. 9. The magician cast/casted a spell and turned the rat into a horse. 10. A lot has been say/says /said about life and death.

II. Answers 1. chosen ? passive 2. done 3. written ? pas sive 4. broken 5. taken 6. eaten 7. sung 8. caught 9. Cast ?the past of cast is cast 10. Said

III. Correction of the Sentences: Chose the right alternative (Article) : 1. Have your seen a/the movie play ing at Satyam? 2. Is this a/the book that you gave me last week? 3. A/The good leader leads the coun try to prosper ity.



B.Tech 1st Year English Grammar (Part A ? 2 & 3 Marks Questions)

4. A/The peo ple of America are more lib eral than a/the peo ple of Europe. 5. Where is Mother? She is working in a/the kitchen.

V. General Grammar

1. Choose the correct alternative. How did you hurt your leg? A. I was falling off a ladder. B. I fell off a ladder. C. I had fallen off a ladder. D. I did fall off a ladder.

III. Answers 1. the 2. the 3. a 4. the, the 5. the

IV. Correction of the Sentences: Chose the right alternative (Prepositions) :

2. Correct the mistake in the sentence. Did you saw that film on TV last night?

3. Use the words to write a question. Use the correct tense: past simple or past continuous. How much / that meal / cost / last night?

1. During her visit to Mumbai, she stayed in/at her friend's home. 2. A dog ran in/on the mid dle of the road. 3. We were walking on/along the road when we saw an ac ci dent. 4. A crowd poured in/into the com part ments of the train. 5. All through his journey, he kept looking from/through the win dow. 6. The car was standing at/in the farm house. 7. She is at/in the post of fice at the mo ment. 8. When the accident took place, the train really came at/on the plat form instead of coming at/on the plat form. 9. This chapter is consisted of/off eight vi tal seg ments. 10. The boy fell of/off the bus as it started mov ing. IV.Answers 1. at 2. in 3. along 4. into 5. through 6. at 7. in 8. on, at 9. of 10. off

4. Complete the short answer. 'Did you have a good time on holiday?' 'Yes, we .' 5. Complete the sentence using the past simple or past continuous and the correct form of the verb in brackets. Oh dear ? how (you / break) the glass?

6. Complete the sentence using the past

simple or past continuous and the correct

form of the verb in brackets.


a shower when I rang, so she didn't

hear the phone. (have)

7. Use the words to write a question. Use the correct tense: past simple or past continuous. Where / you / go / when I saw you last Saturday

8. Complete the sentence using the past

simple or past continuous and the correct

form of the verb in brackets.


to rain as soon as we got to the

campsite. (begin)

9. Correct the mistake in the sentence. She isn't liking horror films but her friends do.

10. Use the words to write a question. Use the correct tense: past simple or past continuous. What time / you / get home / last night

11. Use the words to make a question. Use the correct tense: past simple or past perfect. Where / you go / on holiday last year

Raja Rao Pagidipalli Assoc.Professor 2


B.Tech 1st Year English Grammar (Part A ? 2 & 3 Marks Questions)

12. Correct the mistake in the sentence. She phoned the bank to say that she was lost her credit card.

22. Complete the short answer.

'Did you use to go out a lot in the evenings?'

'Yes, I


13. Complete the sentence. Use the past simple or past perfect and the verb in brackets. I missed the train, so I waited half an hour and the next one. (take)

14. Choose the correct alternative. Why didn't you give Joanna the parcel? A. She has left when I got there. B. She is leaving when I get there. C. She would leave when I had got there. D. She had left when I got there.

15. Use the words to make a question. Use the correct tense: past simple or past perfect. How / you know / John / move house

16. Complete the sentence. Use the past

simple or past perfect and the verb in


We hired a car on holiday, but I found it a bit




(not drive) an automatic before.

17. Use the words to make a question. Use the correct tense: past simple or past perfect. How did you do so well in the test? you / do / the question paper / before?

23. Complete the sentence. Use the correct

form of use to and the verb in brackets.


(know) their

neighbours - but not any more.

24. Choose the correct alternative.

My uncle ... to smoke, but he gave up about five



A. use b. used c. is used d. was used

25. Complete the sentence. Use the correct

form of use to and the verb in brackets.






to school, but now we go in the car. (walk)

26. Correct the mistake in the sentence. It takes a while to get use to working with a new computer.

27. Use the words to make a question. you / use / like / mushrooms / you / be / younger

28. Use the words to write a question. you / use / live / in Madrid

29. Complete the sentence. Use the correct

form of use to and the verb in brackets.



very much, but now I really enjoy it. (like)

18. Choose the correct alternative. I was disappointed when I went back to my old school because most of my teachers ... . a. retired b. did retired c. has retired d. had retired

19. Complete the sentence. Use the past simple or past perfect and the verb in brackets. When she tried to put one of her summer dresses on, she realised that she (put on) a lot of weight.

20. Correct the mistake in the sentence. I watched a bit of TV and then gone to bed.

21. Complete the short answer.

'Petrol used to be so much cheaper, didn't it?'

'Yes, it


30. Choose the correct alternative.

Each summer we ... my cousins.

A. were used to visit

b. used to visiting

c. would visit d. would to visit

V. Answers:

1) B 2) Did you saw that film on TV last night? see 3) How much did that meal cost last night? 4) did 5) did you break 6) was having 7) Where were you going when I saw you last

Saturday? 8) began 9) She isn't liking horror films but her friends

do. doesn't like 10) What time did you get home last night? 11) Where did you go on holiday last year?

Raja Rao Pagidipalli Assoc.Professor 3


B.Tech 1st Year English Grammar (Part A ? 2 & 3 Marks Questions)

12) She phoned the bank to say that she was lost her credit card. She phoned the bank to say that she had lost her credit card.

13) took 14) D 15) How did you know (that) John had moved

house? 16) hadn't driven had never driven 17) How did you do so well in the test? Had you

done the question paper before? 18) D 19) had put on 20) I watched a bit of TV and then gone to bed.

I watched a bit of TV and then went to bed. 21) did 22) did 23) used to know 24) B 25) used to walk 26) It takes a while to get use to working with a

new computer. It takes a while to get used to working with a new computer. 27) Did you use to like mushrooms when you were younger? 28) Did you use to live in Madrid? 29) didn't use to like 30) C

VI. Choose the correct word for the underlined words.

(a) punishment (b) reward (c) award ANSWER : punishment 4. There is no clarity in the picture. (a) dim (b) dullness (c) shining ANSWER : shining 5. He is a timid fellow. (a) nice (b) clever (c) bad-tempered ANSWER : bad-tempered

1. I am surprised to see you here.

6. He is a queer person.

(a) amazed

(a) real

(b) impressed

(b) hated

(c) prompted

(c) strange

ANSWER : amazed

ANSWER : strange

2. We should not follow old custom.

7. What an amusing thing!

(a) friends

(a) funny

(b) fool

(b) real

(c) habit

(c) strange

ANSWER : habit 3. I am still paying the penalty of another


Raja Rao Pagidipalli Assoc.Professor

ANSWER : funny 8. Show me the authentic proof.

(a) hated



B.Tech 1st Year English Grammar (Part A ? 2 & 3 Marks Questions)

(b) real (c) funny ANSWER : real 9. He has automatic watch. (a) mechanical (b) funning (c) strange ANSWER : mechanical 10. He detested bad habits. (a) loved (b) hated (c) reached

ANSWER : hated

VII. Correct the mistakes if any and rewrite the following sentences correctly.

1. She was carrying too many luggages. A. She was carrying too much luggage. (Luggage is uncountable. It does not have a plural form. Also it cannot be used with the quantifier many.) 2. I got some interesting informations from him. A. I got some interesting information from him. (Information is uncountable. It does not have a plural form.) 3. She is more richer than her neighbors. A. She is richer than her neighbors. 4. Your that cat has drunk all the milk.

Raja Rao Pagidipalli Assoc.Professor 5


B.Tech 1st Year English Grammar (Part A ? 2 & 3 Marks Questions)

A. That cat of yours has drunk all the milk. (We cannot put an article and a possessive

together. If we have to we use an expression with of.)

5. Jason is best player in the team.

A. Jason is the best player in the team. (Superlative adjectives take the article `the' with


6. Who's bag is this?

A. Whose bag is this? (Who's is the contracted form of who is or who has.)

7. We watched a movie yesterday. Movie was very good.

A. We watched a movie yesterday. The movie was very good.

8. This computer costed me Rs 2500.

A. This computer cost me Rs 2500.

9. Kohli and Sharma likes to play in the park.

A. Kohli and Sharma like to play in the park. (Two singular nouns connected by and require a

plural verb.)

10. He boldly swimmed across the river.

A. He boldly swam across the river. (Swim is an irregular verb. It forms its past and past

participle forms by changing an inner vowel.)

Raja Rao Pagidipalli Assoc.Professor 6


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