DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS ? PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT BOARD 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 2250, Sacramento, CA 95815 P (916) 561-8780 | F (916) 263-2671 | paboard@dca. | pab.

MEETING NOTICE November 8, 2021 8:30 A.M. ? 5:00 P.M.

Agenda discussion and report items are subject to action being taken on them during the meeting by the Board at its discretion. Action may be taken on any item on the agenda.

The Physician Assistant Board will hold a Board Meeting via WebEx:

If joining using the link above Event number: 2492 718 2488 Event password: PAB11082021

If joining by phone +1-415-655-0001 US Toll Access code: 249 271 82488 Passcode: 72211082

NOTE: Pursuant to the provisions of Government Code section 11133, neither Board member locations nor a public meeting location is provided. Please see the instructions attached hereto to observe and participate in the meeting using WebEx from a Microsoft Windows-based PC. To participate in the WebEx meeting, please log on to the website above the day of the meeting. Members of the public may but are not obligated to provide their names or personal information as a condition of observing or participating in the meeting. When signing into the WebEx platform, participants may be asked for their name and email address. Participants who choose not to provide their names will need to provide a unique identifier such as their initials or another alternative, so that the meeting moderator can identify individuals who wish to make public comment: participants who choose not to provide their email address may utilize a fictitious email address like in the following sample format: XXXXX@

Due to potential technical difficulties, please consider submitting written comments by November 1, 2021, to paboard@dca.


Agenda items may be taken out of order to accommodate speakers, to maintain a quorum, or at the Board's discretion. The meeting may be cancelled without notice.

1. Call to Order by President (Armenta)

2. Roll Call (Gompers)

3. Consider Approval of August 9, 2021, Board Meeting Minutes (Armenta)

4. Public Comment on items not on the Agenda (Armenta) (Note: The Board may not discuss or take action on any matter raised during this public comment section that is not included on this agenda, except to decide whether to place the matter on the agenda for a future meeting. [Government Code Sections 11125, 11125.7(a).])

5. Introduction and Swearing in of New Board Member (Armenta)

6. Nomination and Election of Physician Assistant Board Officers (Kanotz)

MISSION: To protect and serve consumers through licensing, education, and objective enforcement of the Physician Assistant laws and regulations.

7. President's Report (Armenta) A. DCA Approved Waivers Relating to the Practice of Physician Assistants B. Stakeholder Meeting

8. Executive Officer's Report (Khan) A. Pandemic Response B. Personnel C. Information Technology

9. Board Activity Reports A. Licensing (Caldwell) B. Complaint (Melendez) C. Discipline (Haydon) D. Probation (Voong) E. Diversion (Voong)

10. Department of Consumer Affairs ? Director's Update (DCA Staff) ? May Include Updates Pertaining to the Department's Administrative Services, Human Resources, Enforcement, Information Technology, Communications and Outreach, as well as Legislative, Regulatory and Policy Matters

11. Budget Update (DCA Budget Analyst)

12. Approval of Passing Score for 2022 Physician Assistant (PA) Initial Licensing Examination and 2022 Dates and Locations for PA Initial Licensing Examination (Armenta)

13. Discussion and Possible Action Setting Schedule for 2022 Board Meeting Dates and Locations (Armenta)

14. Report on Medical Board of California Activities (Hawkins)

15. Regulations (Halbo)

A. Review, consider, and possible action to amend previously adopted draft regulatory language in two separate regulatory packages that change existing regulations to align with SB 697 statutory changes: 1. SB 697 Implementation: Amend 16 CCR sections 1399.502, 1399.540, 1399.541, and 1399.545 (Medical Board approved this text 5.14.2021) 2. Expedited Licensure: Amend 16 CCR sections 1399.506, 1399.507, 1399.511, and 1399.546

B. Update and Possible Action on Pending Regulatory Packages (Halbo/Dhillon) 1. Status of 16 CCR section 1399.523.5 ? Required Actions Against Registered Sex Offenders. Public comment period began 4.2.21 and closed 5.18.21. Staff is working to prepare final documents for Legal, Executive, and Agency review 2. 16 CCR sections 1399.514 and 1399.615 ? Renewal of License and Continuing Medical Education Required. Staff is working to prepare documents for initial submission to Legal, Executive, and Agency review 3. 16 CCR section 1399.616 ? Approved Continuing Medical Education Programs Implicit Bias. Public comment period began 4.9.21 and closed 5.25.21. Staff is working to prepare final documents for Legal, Executive, and Agency review

Lunch break will be taken at approximately 12:00 P.M. until 1:00 P.M.

MISSION: To protect and serve consumers through licensing, education, and objective enforcement of the Physician Assistant laws and regulations.

16. Education/Workforce Development Advisory Committee: Update on Physician Assistant Education Programs and Applicants in California (Grant/Alexander)

17. Report by the Legislative Committee; Discussion and Possible Action to Consider Positions Regarding the following Legislation: (Earley/Carlquist/Dhillon)

A. AB 107 ? Salas: Licensure: Veterans and Military Spouses B. AB 646 ? Low: Department of Consumer Affairs: Expunged Convictions C. SB 731 ? Durazo: Criminal Records: Relief D. SB 806 ? Roth: Healing Arts E. AB 562 ? Low: Frontline COVID-19 Provider Mental Health Resiliency Act of 2021: Health Care

Providers: Mental Health Services F. SB 395 ? Caballero: Excise Tax: Electronic Cigarettes: Health Careers Opportunity Grant

Program: Small and Rural Hospital Relief Program G. AB 1306 ? Arambula: Health Professions Careers Opportunity Program

18. Agenda Items for Next Meeting (Armenta)


A. Pursuant to Section 11126(a)(1) of the Government Code, the Board will conduct the annual evaluation of performance of the Executive Officer.

B. Pursuant to Section 11126(c)(3) of the Government Code, the Board will deliberate and take action on disciplinary matters.

20. Adjournment (Armenta) Due to technological limitations, adjournment will not be broadcast. Adjournment will immediately follow closed session, and there will be no other items of business discussed.

Note: For meeting verification, call (916) 561-8780 or access the Board's website at . Public comments will be taken on agenda items at the time the item is heard and prior to the Board taking any action on said items. Total time allocated for public comment on particular issues may be limited at the discretion of the President.

While the Board intends to webcast this meeting, it may not be possible to webcast the meeting due to technical difficulties or limitations on resources. The meeting will continue even if the webcast is unavailable. The webcast can be located at . Additionally, the public may submit written comments regarding items on the agenda, as well as items not on the agenda, to be provided to Board Members in advance of the meeting. To submit written public comments, please identify which topic or agenda item you are commenting on, and email your comments to the Board at paboard@dca., or mail your comments to the attention of Ariel Gompers, Physician Assistant Board, 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 2250, Sacramento, CA 95815. Comments should be received by the Board by November 1, 2021 for timely distribution to Board Members.

The meeting is accessible to the disabled. A person who needs a disability-related accommodation or modification in order to participate in the meeting may make a request by contacting Ariel Gompers by phone at 916-561-8782, by emailing ariel.gompers@dca., by sending a written request to the Physician Assistant Board, 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 2250, Sacramento, California, 95815. Providing your request at least five (5) business days before the meeting will help to ensure availability of the request.

MISSION: To protect and serve consumers through licensing, education, and objective enforcement of the Physician Assistant laws and regulations.

HOW TO ? Join ? DCA WebEx Event

The following contains instructions on how to join a WebEx event hosted by the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA). 1. Navigate to the WebEx event link provided by the DCA entity (an example link is

provided below for reference) via an internet browser. Example link:

2. The details of the event are presented on the left of the screen and the required information for you to complete is on the right. NOTE: If there is a potential that you will participate in this event during a Public Comment period, you must identify yourself in a manner that the event Host can then identify your line and unmute it so the event participants can hear your public comment. The `First name', `Last name' and `Email address' fields do not need to reflect your identity. The department will use the name or moniker you provide here to identify your communication line should you participate during public comment.


HOW TO ? Join ? DCA WebEx Event

3. Click the `Join Now' button. NOTE: The event password will be entered automatically. If you alter the password by accident, close the browser and click the event link provided again.

4. If you do not have the WebEx applet installed for your browser, a new window may open, so make sure your pop-up blocker is disabled. You may see a window asking you to open or run new software. Click `Run'.

Depending on your computer's settings, you may be blocked from running the necessary software. If this is the case, click `Cancel' and return to the browser tab that looks like the window below. You can bypass the above process.


HOW TO ? Join ? DCA WebEx Event

5. To bypass step 4, click `Run a temporary application'.

6. A dialog box will appear at the bottom of the page, click `Run'. The temporary software will run, and the meeting window will open. NOTE: The preferred audio connection to our event is via telephone conference or headset. Use of an open microphone and speakers through your computer could result in issue with audio clarity and potential feedback/echo.

7. If using a headset plugged into your computer, click the `Join Event' button.


HOW TO ? Join ? DCA WebEx Event

8. If using teleconference via your phone for audio, click the audio menu below the green `Join Event' button.

9. When the audio menu appears click `Call in'.

10. Click `Join Event'. The audio conference call in information will be available after you join the Event.


HOW TO ? Join ? DCA WebEx Event

11. Call into the audio conference with the details provided.

NOTE: The audio conference is the preferred method. Using your computer's microphone and speakers is not recommended. Once you successfully call into the audio conference with the information provided, your screen will look like the screen below and you have joined the event. Congratulations!

NOTE: Your audio line is muted and can only be unmuted by the event host.



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