1) Suzanne ____ to school when it began to rain. She got very wet.

A was walking B walked

2) Ferris ____ English for two hours last night because he had a test today.

A studied B was studying

3) My friend lives in Korea, but he ___ California when I met him. A was visiting B visited

4) Lee ____ from Korea. His hometown is Seoul. A came

B was coming

5) ____ you ___ a new notebook? A

B Were...buying

6) ____ you ___ to the store when the accident happened? A Did...go B Were...going

7) Sylvia and Mary ___ friends. They liked to go shopping at the mall together.

A were being B were

8) One day, they ____ lunch at the mall when they saw a thief. A were eating B ate

9) The thief ____ into a woman's purse when Sylvia screamed and pointed at him.

A was reaching B Reached

10) When Sylvia screamed, the thief ___ away. Fortunately, the police caught him outside

the mall. A was running B ran

2.-Give the correct forms of the verbs:

1. I................................ (fall) when I .................................(cross) the road. 2. I .............................(drop) my bag when I.......................... (board) the plane. 3. I .................................(get) wet while .............................(walk) in the rain. 4. Whenever the politician ................................(open) his mouth to speak the crowd ................................(shout) insults. 5. While the maid ...........................................(clean) the room a skeleton ................................(fall) out of the cupboard. 6. As soon as he.................................. (get) under the shower, the doorbell................................... (ring). 7. They.......................... (slip) and.......................... (fall) while they.............................. (climb) the mountain. 8. While I....................................... (sightsee) in London I............................ (hide) my money in my socks. 9. As they.......................................... (fly) from Stockholm to Moscow, the starboard engine................................ (burst) into flames. 10. When she ...........................................(have) lunch a waiter........................ (drop) a plate of soup in her lap.

3.-SIMPLE PRESENT GAP-FILL EXERCISE James Ellis ......................... (go) on a business trip last week. He .............. ..................... (visit) some customers in Frankfurt. He (leave) home early on Monday morning and .................... (take) a taxi to the airport. He ................ (get) there at about 8 o'clock. He .....................(check in) and ............................. (go) to the airport lounge. He ...................... (buy) a newspaper and ................... (go) to get a coffee. He ................ ................. (drink) his coffee when he ............... (see) an old friend, Bob. He ................ (be) very surprised that Bob......... (be) in London and ...............(find out) that he ..................... (start) a new job in the city. As they ............... (speak) they ...................... (hear) an announcement. "Would all passengers for the 9.30 flight to Frankfurt please go to boarding gate 10". James ....................... (say) goodbye to Bob and as they .....................(leave) Bob ................ (give) him his business card and ................ (ask) him to phone

when he (return) from Frankfurt. After boarding James ............... (put) his briefcase in the overhead locker and .................... (sit) down. During the flight, James .................. (do) some paper work and ............. (speak) to the woman sitting next to him, while they ...........................(speak) the flight attendant ................. (bring) breakfast. When the plane ......................... (land) in London, it was almost 11 o'clock. James ....................... (take) a train to his hotel. Then he ..................... (walk) to the customer's office. He .................... (get) there at 1.00 pm and ........................ (go) to the reception desk. The receptionist ................. (ask) him to wait. While he ......................(wait) she .................... (offer) him a drink. He and his customer ................. (talk) all afternoon. When Bob .................. (get) to his hotel at 7 o'clock that night, he ................... (phone) his wife and then ....................... (go) to the hotel restaurant.

4 Choose which verb tense (present/past simple or continuous) fits better. 1.-I ________ - I didn't hear you come in. a. was sleeping b. slept 2.-I ________ to see her twice, but she wasn't home. a. was coming b. came 3.-What ________? I was watching TV. a. did you do b. were you doing 4.-Robin Hood was a character who ________ from the rich and gave to the poor. a. stole b. was stealing 5.-Hey, did you talk to her? Yes, I ________ to her. a. was talking b. talked 6.-I ________ home very late last night. a. came b. was coming 7.-How long ________ the flu? a. did you have b. were you having 8.-________ a good time in Brazil? Yes, I had a blast! a. Were you having b. Did you have 9.-We ________ breakfast when she walked into the room. a. had b. were having 10.-Last month I decided to buy a new car, and today I finally ________ it. a. bought b. was buying 11.-I ________ when the waitress took my plate. a. still ate b. was still eating


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