Troubleshooting Using Hiper Terminal

Advanced troubleshooting EPL Printers Using Hyper Terminal and Serial Port

Open Hyper Terminal and enter any name you choose


After clicking on OK above choose appropriate COM port


After choosing appropriate COM port click on OK then enter appropriate COM port settings. Baud rate, Data bits, stop bits and parity. The default settings for EPL printers are 9600, 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit.



Bottom right corner indicates, “connected or disconnected” Before continuing insure that no other applications are using this COM port and status indicates, “connected”

Click on File/properties


Click on the Settings Tab/ then on ASCII set up


Check “Echo type characters locally” and then OK and OK again

Commands given to the printer will now be “echoed” on the screen.

Useful commands.


If you are unsuccessful in printing a configuration label on the printer this command can be used to show the configuration of the printer on the screen.



This command will show you what error conditions exist on the printer. This can be used even if the printer LED is in an error condition. This command will tell you what error conditions exist on the printer.


In this example 81 indicates cutter was jammed or not installed.

Error result codes include

00 no error detected

01 Syntax error

02 Object Exceeded Label Border

03 Bar Code Data Length Error

04 Insufficient memory to store data

05 Memory Configuration error

06 RS232 Interface error

07 Paper /ribbon out

08 Duplicate Name: Form, Graphic or Soft font

09 Name not found: Form, Graphic or Soft font

10 Not in Data Entry Mode (See ? command)

11 Print Head up

12 Pause Mode or Paused in Peel mode

50 Printer Busy- Processing Print job

80 Undefined

81 Cutter Jammed or not installed

82 Autosense or Sensor Failure

83 Illegal Interrupt occured

84 Excessive Media Feeding


This command will tell the printer to respond with either an ACK or a NACK after receiving a Print command “P” the ACK character is the ( and the NACK character is the §

One can determine by the code after the NACK as to why the printer did not print the label. In this following example the US1 command was issued followed by several P commands. After the fourth P command an NACK is sent back to the pc with the error code. In this example 07, which indicates, paper out. [pic]

In the following example, research was done to find out why this file would not print.

To send a file using hyper terminal click on Transfer, Send Text file. In this example

The reason for not printing is that the graphic “test” was not found



In the above example a file was sent to the printer after error reporting was enabled. Printer came back with a Negative acknowledgement and the reason was 01 (syntax error)


In the above example the sensor was blocked


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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