Hillgrove High School


Health & Personal Fitness Syllabus

Welcome to the Physical Education Department of Hillgrove High School. This class is required for graduation. We will be doing a combination of classroom and fitness activities each day. All students will be expected to dress out and participate in the fitness activities. You will dress out and return to class room with your clothes, unless you already have a lock from a P.E. class or sport. Each non-dress out will result in the loss of all participation points for the day.

Students who do not dress out will be required to walk the entire class time. Failure to do so will be considered insubordination and student will be referred to an administrator. Students should dress in layers during the cold part of the semester: T-shirt, sweat shirt, shorts, and sweat pants. Tennis shoes and socks must be worn. Flip flops, bedroom shoes, boots, or open toed shoes are not acceptable. Students dress out clothes must be in accordance with the policies of Hillgrove High School dress code.

Any excused absence must be made up by attending a morning make-up session. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule a time with their teacher to make up any days missed. A note from a parent does NOT excuse students from dressing out or participating. Individual situations will be addressed at the discretion of the teacher. Any student bringing a Doctor’s note that says no physical activity will be assigned written work.

Student is responsible for the work that is missed and is responsible for making up tasks given in class. All work and tests must be made up within 3 school days.

You are expected to go to the restroom during the 7 minute class change. Students have seven minutes to change clothes are report to classroom.

You are expected to be

respectful (of yourself, your teacher, and classmates),

prepared (text, notebook, writing implement, homework),

and present (promptness and good attendance are paramount to your success in this class).

Please refer to your Student Handbook regarding:

Discipline, dress code, honor violations, eating/drinking in class, attendance, make-up work

No food or drink is allowed in the classroom.

Topics Covered

Personal Fitness: 1. Fitness Goals and Planning

2. Health and Skill Related Fitness

3. Nutrition

4. Weight Management

5. Lifetime Fitness

6. Fitness Exam

Health: 1. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illicit Drugs

2. Mental Health

3. Choosing the Best Journey

4. CPR

5. Final Exam

Grading Percentages are as follows:


|Fitness Goals and Planning |50 % |Alcohol, tobacco, Illicit drugs |30% |

|Health and Skill fitness |5% |Mental Health |20% |

|Nutrition |10% |Choosing the Best Journey |25% |

| | | | |

|Weight Management |10% |CPR |15% |

|Lifetime fitness |15% |Final Exam |10% |

| Final exam |10% | | |

Should there be questions or problems, your teacher’s email address can be found at the following link.

Throughout the semester, students’ will watch educational videos.

1) Super Size Me

2) Fathead

3) Food Inc.

4) The Fat Boy Chronicles

Students enrolled in health classes will participate in a unit on Human Growth and Development. This unit will last approximately two weeks, and will cover the following topics:

1) STDs and HIV/AIDS, 2) Teen Pregnancy, 3) Pressures to be Sexually Active, and 4) Refusal Skills.

Students not attending classes in Human Growth and Development will research the health topics being studied in the media center on those days.

The signature below will verify that the syllabus has been reviewed by both student and parent/guardian and that both student and parent/guardian are aware of the classroom expectations. If you have any questions or concerns before signing, please feel free to email me.

Student’s Name: _______________________ Signature:___________________________

Parent/Guardian Name(s): _____________________ Signature:___________________________

______________________ Signature:___________________________

Parent E-mail Address: (Please Print Clearly)_______________________________________________

Parent Best Contact Phone Number(s) ________________________________



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