Part I Answer each of the following questions by choosing ...

Typography Study Guide – TCO 285

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Part I Answer each of the following questions by choosing the best answer.

___1. A publication’s format refers to:

a) the arrangement of elements on each page.

b) the purpose and audience.

c) the typography.

d) the elements that compose a page.

___2. Text, titles, pictures, symbols, and lines in a publication are:

a) the format.

b) elements.

c) the typography.

d) the process of designing a publication.

___3. The appropriateness of elements in a publication refers to:

a) using repetitious patterns to create an expectancy in the reader.

b) where the reader’s eye goes when first looking at a page.

c) the relative weight of each element and how they work together.

d) how well the elements match the purpose and audience.

___4. The balance of elements in a publication refers to:

a) the relative weight of each element and how they work together.

b) how well the elements match the purpose and audience.

c) the weight of the white space in relation to the largest graphic.

d) where the reader’s eye goes when first looking at a page.

___5. The focus of a page is:

a) the element at the bottom.

b) where the reader’s eye goes when first looking at a page.

c) where the reader’s eye travels around the page in a path created by the elements.

d) the rearrangement of elements on a page.

___6. The flow of a page is:

a) the element at the bottom.

b) where the reader’s eye goes when first looking at a page.

c) where the reader’s eye travels around the page in a path created by the elements.

d) the rearrangement of elements on a page.

___7. Consistency is important in a design because:

a) a publication is held together by elements repeated in the layout.

b) the white space helps the reader find elements.

c) repetition directly affects the tension on a page.

d) repetition can be described as focus and flow.

___8. Any blank area on a page is called:

a) consistency.

b) white space.

c) a format.

d) the focus.

___9. The readability of a publication is:

a) how easily the reader can understand a publication.

b) how many graphics should appear on a page.

c) how fast the reader can read the page.

d) not affected by the balance of a publication.

___10. A pattern or object that the reader sees and identifies with an element is a:

a) format.

b) layout.

c) visual cue.

d) balanced element.

___11. The first step in the process of designing a publication is to:

a) create the design in PageMaker.

b) determine the purpose, audience, and format.

c) draw thumbnail sketches.

d) determine the name for the PageMaker file that will store the publication.

___12. The audience of a publication can be determined by:

a) drawing a thumbnail sketch.

b) analyzing the publication’s distibution.

c) analyzing the focus and flow of the publication.

d) listing specific characteristics of the audience.

___13. The purpose of a publication refers to the:

a) age of the audience.

b) publication’s distribution.

c) intent of the publication.

d) specific characteristics of the audience.

___14. Two methods of distribution are:

a) layout and format.

b) consistency and balance.

c) hand delivered and sent by mail.

d) age and common interests.

___15. Thumbnail sketches are:

a) viewing a publication in Fit in Window.

b) small pictures of publication pages drawn by hand on paper.

c) a PageMaker publication that is printed out on paper.

d) small photos of a publication that do not exceed 1" by 1" in size.

___16. Thumbnail sketches emphasize a publication’s:

a) format.

b) layout.

c) typography.

d) content.

___17. Once a thumbnail sketch is created:

a) it usually goes through several revisions.

b) it is never changed.

c) it can only be edited in PageMaker.

d) only the location of graphics can be changed.

___18. A rule is a:

a) thumbnail sketch.

b) format.

c) line.

d) dingbat.

___19. Typography is:

a) a set of letters drawn in a specific style.

b) the small extensions found on the edge of letters.

c) the arrangement, shape, size, style, and weight of text.

d) the white space around text.

___20. A typeface is:

a) a font with serifs.

b) the arrangement, shape, size, style, and weight of text.

c) a set of letters drawn in a specific style.

d) the small extensions found on the ends of letters.

___21. Serifs are:

a) a format.

b) the arrangement, shape, size, style, and weight of text.

c) a set of letters drawn in a specific style.

d) the small extensions found on the ends of letters.

___22. The size of a font is measured in:

a) points.

b) serifs.

c) typefaces.

d) characters.

___23. The parts of lowercase letters that hang below the baseline are called:

a) ascenders.

b) descenders.

c) cap heights.

d) counters.

___24. The height of lowercase letters, not including ascenders and descenders, is called:

a) the baseline.

b) the x-height.

c) the cap height.

d) counters.

___25. Two examples of type styles are:

a) italic and bold.

b) serif and sans serif.

c) 12 point and 14 point.

d) rules and dingbats.

___28. Text that is raised slightly above the current line is a:

a) layout.

b) point size.

c) superscript.

d) subscript.

___29. Leading is the distance from:

a) one layout to another.

b) one line of text to another.

c) one character to the next character.

d) one word to the next word.


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