
2393315-447675TASK SHEETDateS1Q2 2014/15 Week 7GradeGrade 8SubjectMusicTask TitleExpress yourselfLinks :Unit Title“ The expressove partnership though musical chords ’’Global ContextPersonal and Cultural ExpressionKey ConceptCommunicationRelated ConceptsInterpretation and Structure. Statement of InquiryOur interpretation of the various symbols and their structures as a form of personal expression and communication is dependent on our experience and exposure.Inquiry Questions :FactualWhat are the chords in the keys of C G D F, Dm, Em, F#m, Am and Bminor?ConceptualHow are these chords being played?DebatableWhich style of playing sounds better, plucking or strumming, legato or staccato?Aim of the TaskThe task aims to give students the opportunity to apply and demonstrate their accompaniment techniques learned during the lessons, on piano, guitar or vocal. Moreover, this is to give them the opportunity to reflect and respond to a given expressive tone poem inspired score. This will be heard by their reading score notation ability, guitar chords or tabs, interpreting and harmonize a accompaniment with the main melody. Furthermore, this is to give them the experience of playing in harmony with a partner, under the particular genre of expressive music. Approaches to LearningSocial CollaborationSelf-managementOrganisational SkillsResearchInformation literacyMYP Arts ObjectivesA. Knowing and understanding Demonstrates awareness of expressive music and the development of piano/guitar skills and techniques specifically in chords, keys, and rhythm accuracy. Focusing on the techniques of the accompaniment, notation reading , tempo, expression and partnership of perfuming in pairs. Applies the appropriate understanding of chords, and notation reading to their instrument or voice. By responding with the appropriate skills and techniques learned in the lessons and in the required pieces performance.To discuss, and self evaluate accurately, with the key terms. Their developing knowledge of expressive music and chordal accompaniment is evident through their composing and performing. D. RespondingResponds with an outline of a clear and feasible artistic intention as evident in their expressive score piano accompaniment performance. Especially through the mastery of timing, structure, chord progression and blending to the vocal tone poem melodic line.Responds by giving a global view of possible alternatives, perspectives and imaginative solutions in presenting their summative task. This is demonstrated through their ‘expressive’ piano interpretation compositions and final performance. By portraying expressive romanticism ideals, discussing the historical and modern influenced techniques. These ideas can be fuse together in speed, dynamic expression, and extending the structure or vocal flexibility to the pairs abilities. Responds through their personal research, a depth of exploration of ‘expressive’ music, and how these techniques have evolved into popular genres . Research work shows a variety (5 or more) of topics explored.Key WordsScore notationChordsTones-semitones in a scaleScalesCircle 5thsTreble and bass clefRitardandoInterval Legato and staccatoChordal accompanimentMajor and MinorTone poemMajor and minor 3rd s in a scale. ExpressionismAccelerandoRondo FormTask DescriptionIn pairs, choose a ‘expressive’ inspired piece/ song which you are going to perform on the piano, guitar or voice for the assessment. It can be in any period of music. However, you will be required, to perform the sung melody line and the accompaniment. You are to perform with accuracy. This is achieved, by reading the notation, chord symbols, setting an appropriate tempo, add the appropriate expression and structure. Working as true team member is the key! Development of the TaskWeek 1 - Orientation week - Setting up essential agreements, Unpacking of the trinity, discussion of the whole year expectation, discussion of the tasks through expressive music’ Week 2 – Major and Minor chords, the interval game! Reading bass and treble clef?Week 3 – Rhythmic duration of chords; How do expressive musician work together to read chords and rhythms? Week 4 –The rondo structure? The importance of chords to expressive a tone poem. Week 5 - ‘’3,2,1, chords in practice! Compose a short expressive piece in rondo form. Listening test (formative)’’. Week 6 - Summative task performance Part 1: Planning and guidanceWeek 7 – Summative assessment, final recording and reflection. Part 2: Week 8 - Christmas chords in action. Assessment CriterionStrandCriterion DescriptorCompletedA1Demonstrates awareness of chords and piano accompaniment through expressive music. In particular rhythm, hand positioning, timing, tempo, with consideration of a vocal line. .A2Demonstrates awareness of the relationship of chords, keys within a piece to the collaboration of a expressive track, in their performance in technique and skills .A3Demonstrate, through class discussions, practical and Learners profile, the links and techniques required and achieved though their ‘expressive’ performance piece. This is by incorporating the related key words. D1Identifies connections between a range of expressive music, score notation influence. Whether this is through performance, composing and listening discussion. D2Discusses, explains how expressive music and notation has inspired, and continues to evoke artist inspiration. D3Evaluate personal progress, the principals and practice of keys , interval and chord construction verses performance to the expressive period. ................

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