Succeed! 'U' are in success.

Name:___________________Date:________________Nouns: PossessivesA noun that shows ownership of things or qualities is a possessive noun.The lion’s mane is shaggy.All of the clowns’ costumes are bright and colorful.The children’s tickets to the circus are in my pocket.FORMING POSSESSIVE NOUNSNOUNSTO FORM POSSESSIVEEXAMPLESMost singular nounsAdd an apostrophe andThe seal’s ball is-s (’s).red.Singular nouns endingAdd an apostrophe andChris’s ticket gotin -s-s (’s).lost.Plural nouns ending in -sAdd an apostrophe (’).The tigers’ traineris brave.Plural nouns not endingAdd an apostrophe andThe people’sin -s-s (’s).faces are happy.Remember that possessive nouns always contain apostrophes. Plural nouns do not.The acrobats have capes.Where are the acrobats’ capes?Exercise 1 Underline each possessive noun. Above it write S if it is singular and P if it is plural. PThe clowns’ red noses look like cherries.1.Do you think the human cannonball’s trick is dangerous?2.The ringmaster’s voice has to be very loud.3. The lions’ roars don’t seem to scare the trainer.4. Someone must carefully check the trapeze artists’ ropes.Please don’t eat all of your sister’s popcorn.The trainer is putting his head in the lion’s mouth!I dare you to count the zebras’ stripes.The rider stood on the horse’s back. The audience’s applause rang through the arena.The trainer’s belief is that lions can be trained but not tamed.The big cats’ tempers can be very fierce.The baby elephants grabbed their mothers’ tails.The circus’s winter home is in Florida.The woman’s costume is the same color as her poodles’ fur.The acrobats’ legs must be very strong.Exercise 2 Complete each sentence by writing the possessive form of the word in parentheses.The worker braided thehorse’smane. (horse)1.Thecircus was one of the most famous. (Ringling Brothers)2.The humanact is next. (cannonball)3.Thefuse is about to be lit. (cannon)4.The lionbravery is amazing. (trainer)5.Theantics delight everyone. (clowns)6.Thenoise is frightful. (explosion)7.Are mostacts dangerous? (performers)8.Thesmiles lit up the arena. (children)9.The circuscoats are sleek and shiny. (animals)10.Look! Thattoenails are painted red. (dog)11.The circusconductor raised her baton. (band)12.Thefangs are long and sharp. (tiger)13.This is supposed to be thebiggest circus. (world)14.The toddler pulled thetail. (monkey)15.Thecapes are made of silk. (performers) ................

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