Worship & Celebration


802 South Caswell Street

La Grange, North Carolina 28551

Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor

Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor



Christ-First • Bible-First • Ministry-First

Christ is First at La Grange First Church.

Everything we do grows out of our shared commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord.

Bible is First at La Grange First Church.

We believe the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit and is God’s revealed word to man.

Ministry is First at La Grange First Church.

Our calling is to nurture and serve the people of God.

Welcome to Worship and Celebration!

A warm welcome to La Grange First Free Will Baptist Church on this second Sunday of Advent. In this holy season, we remember that God keeps his promises. Let us rejoice in the covenant of God’s love.

Opportunities for Service and Growth

Sun. Dec. 8 Second Sunday in Advent

8:30am Choir Rehearsal – Fellowship Hall

9:15am Partners in Prayer

9:45am Sunday School

11:00am Worship & Celebration

Symbols of Christmas

4:00pm Hobgood Christmas Reception

7:00pm Dinner Theater Rehearsal

Wed. Dec. 11 7:00pm Dinner Theater Rehearsal

Thu. Dec. 12 11:00am Primetimers

Sat. Dec. 14 Teen Christmas Shopping Trip

Sun. Dec. 15 Third Sunday in Advent

9:15am Partners in Prayer

9:45am Sunday School

11:00am Worship & Celebration

3:45pm Choir Rehearsal – Fellowship Hall

7:00pm Journey to Bethlehem / Dinner Theater

Mon. Dec. 16 7:00pm Journey to Bethlehem / Dinner Theater

Thu. Dec. 19 6:00pm Christmas Caroling

Sat. Dec. 21 5:00pm Christmas Party / KIDS of the Kingdom

Sun. Dec. 22 Fourth Sunday in Advent

9:15am Partners in Prayer

9:45am Sunday School

11:00am Worship & Celebration

NO Evening Worship

Tue. Dec. 24 10:00am Christmas Eve Worship

Wed. Dec. 25 Christmas Day!

Sun. Dec. 29 First Sunday after Christmas

9:15am Partners in Prayer

9:45am Sunday School

11:00am Worship & Celebration

6:00pm Christmas Party / STUDENTS @ The CRIB

Called Business Meeting

Evening Worship



Hobgood Christmas Reception

All are invited to a Christmas Reception at the home of our pastor and his family on Sunday, December 8th from 4:00pm – 7:00pm.

MOC – Christmas by Candlelight

Christmas by Candlelight service will be at MOC today at 2:30pm and 6:30pm. You are invited to attend. Bailey Sutton of our Church Family will be singing in the service.


The Primetimers will have their Christmas meeting on Thursday, December 12th at 11:00am. After devotion, they will go to Bill’s Bar-B-Q in Wilson.

Teen Shopping Trip

The Teen (and adults) Shopping Trip will be Saturday, December 14th. We will leave the church at 8:30am and return late that night!!!

Christmas Caroling

The church will go Christmas Caroling on Thursday, December 19th at 6:00pm/ After caroling, the group will go out for supper.

KIDS of the Kingdom Christmas Party

The KIDS of the Kingdom Christmas party will be Saturday, December 21st from 5:00pm – 7:00pm. All KIDS 5th grade and down are invited to attend. The party will be held at The CRIB. If you can help with refreshments, please contact Josh.

STUDENTS Christmas Party

The STUDENTS Christmas Party will be Sunday, December 29th at 6:00pm. All STUDENTS grade 6 and up are invited to attend. The party will be held at The CRIB. If you can help with refreshments, please contact Josh.

Christmas Eve Worship

The Christmas Eve Worship service will be on December 24th @ 10:00am. We hope everyone will plan to attend as we celebrate the birth of our Savor, Jesus Christ!

Called Church Conference

On Sunday, December 29th @ 6:00pm the church will have a called Church Conference for the purpose of approving the 2014 Nominations and 2014 church budget.


12- 3 Irene Wilson 12- 4 Jacob Maready

12- 8 Chris Roddy 12-13 Angie Herring

12-13 Carrie Letchworth 12-16 Bryce Harrison

12-18 Mitzi Hobgood 12-19 Dean Johnson

12-19 Brody Soles 12-20 Christine Parrish

12-21 William Sutton 12-24 Tracey Roddy

12-26 David Letchworth 12-27 Shannon Harrison

12-27 Vickie Singleton 12-29 Aiden Wade

12-31 Brandon Harrison



Deacon of the Month: Jimmie D. Herring

Greeters for Worship

North Vestibule South Vestibule Gathering Hall

8- Ushers Ruth Scott Asa & Tiffany Creech

15- Ushers Fran Gibbons Mike & Kendra Sullivan

22- Ushers Irene Wilson John & Tonya Craft

29- Ushers Ted Harrison Zack & Alex Liles


8- Brianna Creech 15- Cooper Roddy

22- Grayson Sullivan 29- Conner Craft

Children’s Church (ages 3-3rd grade)

8- Symbols of Christmas 15- Carrie & David Letchworth

22- Sybil Killette & DeeAnn Maready 29- Guy & Janet Hines

Infant Nursery (Birth – age 1)

8- Sybil Killette & Shirley Sorrell 15- Ashley Holland & DeeAnn Maready

22- Joyce Harrison & Cassidy Hipkiss 29- Lucretia Creech & Laura Eason

Toddlers Nursery (Ages 1-2)

8- Ruth Scott & Mary Gresham 15- Kendra Sullivan & Helen Harrison

22- Sheila & Morgan Harrison 29- Jordan Harrison & Irene Wilson


Attendance for December 1, 2013

Sunday School 89

Worship & Celebration 159

Children’s Christmas Play 132

Silent Night Candlelighting Service 52


Christmas Poinsettias

Bonnie Dail and Robie Killette, Jr. in Honor of Sybil and Robie Killette

Fran Gibbons in Honor of Rob, Erica and Dallas Mayberry

Harrison Children in Honor of Ted and Shelia Harrison

Nelson and Susie Harrison in Memory of Bill Crace

Kathryn Hart in Honor of “The Thomas and Foster Families”

Angie and Jimmie Herring in Memory of Our Parents

Jimmy and Bethany Jones in Honor of Griffin Daniels

Eric and Vicki Lemmond in Honor of Shirley and Vernon Sorrell

Marian Kennedy in Memory of Teeny and Louie Kennedy

DeeAnn and Robert Maready in Honor of Jacob Maready

Christine and Donald Parrish in Memory of Judy Parrish Ward

And Emmit and Sally Parrish

Ruth Scott in Memory of Leland Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wade

and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Scott, Sr.

Chris and Vickie Singleton in Memory of Michael Singleton

Shirley and Vernon Sorrell in Memory of Kenneth Singleton

Jake Suggs in Memory of Dell Wiggins

Hilda Sutton in Memory of Marvin, Ruby and Clifton Gray

James, Jennifer, Allen and Olivia Sutton in Memory of Evelyn Heath

Ben and Gwen Wade & Mary Gresham in Memory of

Mark and Cora Pelletier and Joe and Sally Wade

Prayer Ministry

“My House Shall Be Called a House of Prayer”


Praise the Lord for the great and mighty things He has done.


Laura Beth Daughety (Chapel Hill)


Frances Alphin (Christian Parrish), Gina Bannister (Sister of Bruce Bannister), Rex and Jeannie Bannister (Parents of Bruce Bannister), Joyce Cherry, Jamie Daughtey, Kari Elwart (Darlene Creech), Charles Gray, Angie Greene (Susie Harrison), Sam Fleming (Sue Shivar), Margaret Haddock (Holmes Family), Rose Haddock, Missy Hardy, Martha Harrison, Ted Harrison, Annie Hemby (Hull Road Church), Dalton Hinson, Frances Hinson, Pat Hinson-Deaver, Elsie Holmes, N. C. Holmes, Virginia Holmes, Carol Jones (David Letchworth), Robie Killette, Ronnie King (Sandra Rouse), Barbara Lambert (Friend of Bethany Jones), Tiffany Langston (Zack & Alex Liles), Bob Lee (Brother-in-law of Vickie Singleton), Dorothy Leneave (Aunt of Bethany Jones), Fay Letchworth, Linda Manning, Joyce Martin, Rev. Jerry Mitchell, Kelly Richardson & Daugther, Lauren (Sue Shivar), Hannah Beth Roddy, Don Seymour (Dixie Letchworth), Christy Smith, Monica Stevens (Jimmy D. & Angie Herring), Elaine Tyndall (Holmes Family), Margaret Vail, Chrystal Parrott Wackerman, Cindy Wackerman (Step-mother of Chuck Wackerman), Ben Wade, Sherry Whitehead (Mother of Laura Eason).


To the family of Lee Johnson (Edna Johnson),


Marie Creech, Joyce Edwards, Myrtle Hanchey (Grandmother of Lucretia Creech), Rev. J. B. Narron (Hobgood Family), Enzie Singleton, Joel Sutton.


First Church, Pastor, Youth Pastor, Deacons, Sunday School Leaders/Teachers, College Students, Convention of Original FWB, Denominational Ministries, the Lost, and all Christians.


Our military & their families, Josh Balance [Korea (Son-in-law of Hilda Sutton)], Alex Ferrell (nephew of Bethany Jones-service), Adam Harrison (Service), Mike Hammond, Josh Manning (Zack Liles), Josh Ormond [Service / Hondouras (Son of C. J. & Dee Foster)], Sons Family (Service – Ray Kennedy), Revival in the church.


US: President Obama, Vice-President Biden, Cabinet, Congress, and the Supreme Court’

NC: Governor McCrory, NC Senators and NC Representatives.

La Grange/Lenoir County: Mayor Gurley, Town Commissioners, County Commissioners, County & Private Schools, and Lenoir Community College.


(As of December 6, 2013)

If you have an item of praise or a prayer request, please take a card from the pew rack entitled “The Ministry of Intercessory Prayer,” fill it out, and place it in the offering plate or hand it to the Pastor. Individuals will stay on the prayer list for six weeks. If they need to be on the list longer, please fill out a new request card.

Second Sunday of Advent


December 8, 2013 [pic] Eleven O’clock


Symbols of Christmas


Prelude Organist

Welcome and Announcements Pastor

Quiet Reflection with God People

Lighting of the Candles Brianna Creech


Isaiah 7:14 & Psalm 95:6 Youth Pastor



“Infant Holy, Infant Lowly” (Verses 1 & 2) Number 143

“How Great Our Joy! (Verses 1 & 2) Number 144

“O Come, All Ye Faithful” (Verses 1 & 2) Number 145

(Fellowship time with the Family of God)

The Advent Wreath

Marshall Letchworth

The Advent Wreath at our church is a symbol with a special meaning as we prepare for the Nativity of Christ. The wreath is round, with no beginning or end, testifying to the never-ending love of God. The cuttings are evergreen, reminding us that all life comes from God. There are four purple candles in the wreath. Purple is the liturgical color for Advent. Purple symbolizes the royalty and majesty of Christ and the meditation and repentance of worshippers. The fifth candle, the Christ Candle is placed in the center of the wreath to symbolize the birth of Christ. This candle is white to represent purity. The lighting of the candles helps us to remember the One who said, "I am the Light of the World."


Candle of Peace Bonnie and Ethan Dail


The Christmas Greens

Madison Hines

The needles of the pine and fir trees do not die each season like the leaves of most trees, the ancients saw them as symbols of things that last forever. The wreaths of evergreens are shaped in a circle, which has no end, to signify the eternal kingdom of Jesus, the Christ.

In ancient times, the holly was considered the symbol of Christ’s passion, its prickly leaves suggested the crown of thorns, its red berries the blood of the Savior, and its bitter bark the drink offered to Jesus on the cross.


Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.

The Nativity

R. J. Smith

The Nativity sets in the Vestibules, Gathering Hall, and Front Lawn remind us of the Nativity of the Lord. The Nativity of our Lord was first celebrated on December 25 in Rome sometime between 336 and 354. A pagan winter solstice festival, the birthday of the unconquered sun, was already celebrated on December 25. Christians adopted that date to celebrate the birth of the Son of God, the sun of righteousness. The name Christmas comes from the first service of the season Christ Mass.


Matthew 3:1-12 & Romans 15:4-13

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.


“Ding Dong! Merrily On High” North Lenoir Singers

The Christmas Flower

Sara Maxwell

The most popular flower of the Advent-Christmas season is the bright red poinsettia. Actually, the red petals are not blossoms; the blossoms are the small yellow clusters found at the center. Somehow the red and green leaves of the plant give to Christmas an added touch that would not be the same without them.

This beautiful flower speaks to us symbolically in several ways. First of all, the star-shaped formation of red leaves calls to mind the star, which shone at the first Christmas. In a less joyous sense, the color of the flower is blood red. This reminds us of the blood of the male infants killed by Romans soldiers as King Herod sought to eliminate any threat to his throne. We sometimes forget this part of the story, which made the trip of Mary, Joseph, and the Christ child to Egypt a necessity.

The color of the flower also symbolizes the fact that the Babe of Bethlehem’s manger became the Savior of the world, as He shed His blood upon the cross of Calvary.


Sharing our Prayer Concerns Laity

Morning Prayer

The Chrismon Tree

Jacob Maready

The Chrismon Tree with its lights reminds us that Jesus Christ is the light of the Word. The many beautiful Chrismons and other ornaments are monograms of Christ. When you look upon the Chrismon Tree, let is call to mind the One who brings light to our darkness, healing to our un-wholeness and peace to all who will receive Him.

CHRISTMAS CAROL “O Christmas Tree”

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, How lovely are your branches. O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, How lovely are your branches. Your boughs are green in summer's time, They do not fade in winter's snow. O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, How lovely are your branches.


Offertory Prayer Laity

Giving His Tithes and Our Offerings People


“Will We Know Him?” North Lenoir Singers


"God’s Messiah - The Christ of Peace" Isaiah 11:1-10


“It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” Number 128

The altar of the Lord is always open at First Church for those who desire to receive Christ as Savior, rededicate their lives, pray, or transfer their church membership. Our prayer is that you follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit in your life. We also ask that no one leave during this time.


POSTLUDE Musicians

Glory to God in the Highest!


802 South Caswell Street

La Grange, North Carolina 28551

Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor

Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor


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