Steubenville Conferences

ST. JOHN BOSCO CONFERENCE GENERAL SCHEDULEMonday, July 13th Noon – 8:00pmConference and Track Registration Noon – 7:00pmTrack Check-In 3:30pm – 4:30pmHoly Sacrifice of the Mass Celebrant/Homilist: Bishop Joseph Strickland4:30pm – 7:00pmDinner 7:15pm – 9:00pmEVENING SESSION“Living in the Oneness of the God” – Bishop Joseph Strickland9:00 pm – 10:30 pmSocial Tuesday, July 14th 6:30am – 8:30amBreakfast 7:30am – 8:30amTrack Check-In 7:00am – NoonRegistration Open 8:30am – 9:00amDivine Office – Morning Prayer9:00am – 10:15amHoly Sacrifice of the MassCelebrant/Homilist: Archbishop Charles Brown10:15am – 10:45amBreak10:45am – NoonWorkshops Round 1 (YA) The Fundamentals of Intentional AccompanimentMichael Hall (CT1) Catechesis for Conversion: The Kerygmatic ApproachMarc Cardaronella (CT2) The Catholic Family: Context of CatechesisMary Mosher (CS) The Mission of Catholic Schools & the Role of TeachersAmy Roberts (DO) The Ideal Diocesan Official: Humble, Hungry, Smart, & BeyondKen Ogorek (HFF) Applying the Catechumenal Model with Children within a Hispanic SettingMarlon De La Torre (PCL1) Personality and Profile of the Successful PCLGigi Zapiain (PCL2) Discipling AdultsDr. Petroc Willey (RCIA1) The Catechumenate: A Modern Restoration of an Ancient PracticeBill Keimig (RCIA 2) Liturgy: Communion with God and Prime Means for Insertion into Christ Scott Sollom (YM 1/YM 2) Personal Spirituality & the Call to HolinessJim Beckman (RT) Becoming a Contemplative Catechist Sr. Mary Michael Fox, OP (OT) Evangelizing Families: Engaging Parents as Partners in Faith FormationTom Quinlan (OT) The Communal Nature of Marriage and the Missionary Dimension of the Domestic ChurchRolando Moreno Noon – 2:00pmLunch1:00pm – 2:00pmSacrament of Reconciliation 2:00pm – 3:15pmWorkshops Round 2:(YA) How to Mature and Equip Young People for MissionAndre Regnier (CT1) Jesus: The Christocentricity of CatechesisMarc Cardaronella (CT2) Introduction to the Old TestamentSteve Greene (CS) The Human Person in God’s Loving PlanDr. Gerard O’Shea (DO) An Ecclesial Vision: How Catholic Sensibility & Evangelization Permeate Diocesan ServiceDr. Chris Burgwald (Egan Hall – Room 113)(HFF) The Vocation of the CatechistJoann Roa (PCL1) Shifting to Family Centered ParishesDr. William O’Leary (PCL2) Legal Issues for PCLs: Ecclesial & CivilLucas Pollice (RCIA1) Three Approaches to the RCIA ProcessScott Sollom (RCIA2) Wielding the RCIA Rites Book EffectivelyPatty Norris (RT) The Lord’s Prayer: Lord, Teach Us to Pray Fr. Jeffrey Kirby (YM 1) A Vision for Effective Youth MinistryDr. Bob Rice (YM 2) Theology of the BodyGina Bauer (OT) A Future Full of Hope: Helping Kids Stay CatholicDr. Joseph White (OT) Parish Communication and Digital MediaThomas Schultz 3:15pm – 3:45pmBreak3:45pm – 5:00pmWorkshops Round 3:(YA) Beyond the Buzzwords: Evangelization and Discipleship for the 21st Century Marcel LeJeune (CT1) Scripture: The Heart of CatechesisMary Ann Wiesinger-Puig (CT2) Introduction to the New Testament Steve Greene (CS) The Evangelizing ClassroomRania Garnem (DO) Working for a Bishop in Support of His Priests & Working with PriestsDr. Chris Burgwald (HFF) Understanding Proper Christian Devotion vs. Superstition Paola Quintero (PCL1) Planning for Success: Program Organization and Assessment Lucas Pollice (PCL2) Catechesis for Persons with Physical or Developmental Disabilities Sr. Johanna Paruch, FSGM (RCIA1) Catechesis: Echoing What God Has Revealed Fr. Drake McCalister (RCIA2) Creating an Environment for Conversion: Developing a TeamLori Smith (RT) Handmaids of Mercy: St. Faustina, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, and St. Elizabeth of the Trinty Joann Roa (YM 1) Engaging Youth CultureKris Frank (YM 2) Methods of Youth MinistryDr. Bob Rice (OT) Marriage Preparation Ministry Jim and Maureen Otremba (OT) If God Builds It, They Will Come: Moving Forward with Hope in a Time of ChallengeDr. Joseph White 5:00pm – 7:00pmDinner 6:45pm – 7:00pmGathering Music – Steubenville Worship7:00pm – 10:00pmEVENING SESSIONPraise and Worship – Steubenville Worship“Faithful Father or Fearful Father?” – Fr. Drake McCalister Holy Hour Presider: Fr. Jay Mello10:00pm – 11:00pmSacrament of Reconciliation Wednesday, July 15th 6:30am – 8:30amBreakfast8:30am – 9:00amDivine Office – Morning Prayer9:00am – 10:15amHoly Sacrifice of the MassCelebrant/Homilist: Fr. Lou Molinelli, SDB Blessing of Track Graduates10:15am – 10:45amBreak10:45am – NoonWorkshops Round 4:(YA) The Keys to Spiritual Multiplication Michael Hall (CT1) Sacred Scripture: The Big PictureMarc Cardaronella (CT2) Reality: Epistemology for Catechists Ron Bolster (CS) Teaching to Form vs. InformAmy Roberts (DO) Balancing Life & Ministry as a Professional: Finding & Implementing a System that Works for YouDr. Therese Recinella (HFF) Ways to Evangelize the Family Through ScriptureMarlon De La Torre (PCL1) Religious Education Material Evaluation and SelectionGigi Zapiain (PCL2) Magisterial, Conciliar, & Catechetical Documents IMartha Drennan (RCIA1) Liturgical Components of the Christian Initiation ProcessLori Smith (RCIA 2) Liturgical CatechesisDr. James Pauley (YM 1) Incarnational MinistryKris Frank (YM 2) Forming Disciples for the New EvangelizationJim Beckman (OT) Developing a Salesian Style of Life with the YoungFr. Lou Molinelli, SDB (OT) Serving the Stranger: Refugee Resettlement as a Parish MinistryAntoniette Pace Noon – 2:00pmLunch1:00pm – 2:00pmSacrament of Reconciliation 2:00pm – 3:15pmWorkshops Round 5:(YA) The Art of DiscipleshipAndre Regnier (CT1) Essential Link Between Liturgy and CatechesisMarc Cardaronella (CT2) Our Life in Christ: The Basics of Catholic Morality Mary Ann Wiesinger-Puig (CS) Praying with ScriptureRania Garnem (DO) Christ Before Me: The Christocentric Nature of Diocesan AdministrationMarlon De La Torre (HFF) The Blessed Virgin MaryPaola Quintero (PCL1) Prayer: Introduction to the Spiritual Life of the CatechistSr. Johanna Paruch, FSGM (PCL2) Magisterial, Conciliar, & Catechetical Documents IIMartha Drennan (RCIA1) Catechetical Components of the Christian Initiation ProcessGary Norris (RCIA2) Sacred Scripture: The Big PictureAnn Lankford (YM 1) Helping Teens Understand the LiturgyDr. James Pauley (YM 2) Effective Catechesis in Youth MinistryDr. Bob Rice (OT) Accessing the Gifts and Power of the Holy Spirit in the Context of MinistryJim Beckman (OT) Catechumenate as a Model for All Sacramental PreparationJustin Frato (OT) Helping Catechists to Thrive in Ministry, Avoid Burnout, and Develop Healthy Relationships in Parish MinistryJim and Maureen Otremba 3:15pm – 3:45pmBreak 3:45pm – 5:00pmWorkshops Round 6:(YA) The Discipleship Pathway: Jesus’ Plan for RenewalMarcel LeJeune (CT1) The Ecclesial MethodDr. James Pauley (CT2) The Four Last ThingsFr. Jay Mello (CS) The Educational Leader in a Catholic SettingLuke Crawford (DO) Canon Law for Diocesan OfficialsDr. Chris Hoag (HFF) Faith in Hispanic FamiliesMary Ann Wiesinger-Puig (PCL1) First Penance and First Eucharist PreparationWilliam O’Leary (PCL2) Philosophical Foundations of CatechesisRon Bolster (RCIA1) Pastoral Components of the Christian Initiation ProcessPatty Norris (RCIA 2) Companions on the Journey: Sponsors and GodparentsGary Norris (YM 1) The Church, the Body of Christ: Working with Bishops, Pastors, Staff, and ParentsGina Bauer (YM 2) Partnering with Families Dr. Eric Westby (OT) How Apologetics Works in a Pastoral Setting and in Parish Life to Serve Systematic CatechesisDr. Doug Beaumont (OT) Parish Level Strategies for Cultivating DiscipleshipEric Gallagher (OT) Discipleship Quads: A Process for Making Disciples that Make DisciplesMark Joseph 5:00pm – 7:00pmDinner6:45pm – 7:00pmGathering Music – Steubenville Worship7:00pm – 9:00pmEVENING SESSION Praise and Worship – Steubenville Worship“’May They Be One, As We Are One.’ - Jn. 17:20” – Sr. Mary Michael Fox, OPThursday, July 16th 6:00am – 8:00amBreakfast8:00am – 9:15amWorkshops Round 7:(RT) The Gift of Spiritual DirectionRobert Siemens (OT) Moving a Parish from a School Year Model to Forms of Outreach that Better Server ConversionDr. Doug Beaumont (OT) Men’s Ministry in Today’s ChurchJustin Frato (OT) St. Frances De Sales & St. Ignatius Loyola as MentorsEric Gallagher (OT) How to Avoid Bad Meetings: A Strategy for Healthy Leadership Teams Ann Lankford (OT) How to Effectively Proclaim the Kerygma and Invite a ResponseMichael Hall/Andre Regnier/Marcel LeJeune (OT) Seeking to Help People Discover their Personal Vocation Using the MCORE ApproachDr. Joshua Miller (OT) The Preventive System of St. John Bosco in the Digital AgeFr. Lou Molinelli, SDB (OT) Building Up the Church in their Children: St. John Paul II Vision for Family CatechesisRolando Moreno (OT) When Leaders Sin: Why We Still Need the Holy, Catholic ChurchKen Ogorek (OT) Mentoring within a ParishAntoniette Pace (OT) Parish Renewal: Building an Evangelized and Evangelizing Faith CommunityTom Quinlan (OT) How to Do Marriage Prep in High School Settings to Prepare Young People for Matrimonial SuccessChris Vaughn (OT) The Priest as Minister of the Word: What Every Catechetical Leader Needs to KnowDr. Eric Westby (OT) Revisioning Infant Baptism Ministry in the Heart of the New EvangelizationLarann Wilson 9:15am – 9:45amBreak9:45am – 9:55amGathering Music – Steubenville Worship9:55pm – 12:30pmMORNING SESSION “TBD” – Dave VanVickleHoly Sacrifice of the Mass ................

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