HSC Catholic Studies


Significant Practices in the life of adherents



Student Name: _______________________


A Bunch of Fives

Five words that best describe marriage:

Five things essential to marriage:

Five symbols associated with marriage:

Five rituals associated with marriage:

Five differences between a Christian and a non Christian marriage:

Religious Practices or Rites


“an action which has special meaning” or “a ceremony which marks a special moment” or “ a meaningful act”


“The prescribed form for conducting a religious or other solemn ceremony”

from Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 1993-1995

In the context of this study, a rite is a formal, prescribed act in a religious observance. Within the rite there are certain rituals.


“A formal act performed as prescribed by ritual, custom or etiquette.”

from Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 1993-1995

Religious Rites

are divided into three categories:

• Rites of passage

• Rites of personal devotion

• Rites of public worship

Who performs religious rites?

What are the reasons for believers performing or undertaking a religious rite?

What are the major purposes for these rites?

Religious Rites

are performed/undertaken by believers to:

• Celebrate

• Symbolise

• Make present their central beliefs

The major purpose of religious rites are:

• Communication

• Re-construction

• Demarcation

• Memorial

• Cleansing

• Initiation


The Christian Tradition sets a high value on marriage. The joining of a husband and wife in holy matrimony is thought to reflect the union of Christ with his followers. Christians believe that in their love for each other, married couples experience and learn of God's love for creation. In Christianity, marriage is not an obligation. Indeed, the Church has recognised that not everyone is called to marriage and does give a high value to celibacy.

Generally, Christians believe that there are three reasons for marriage:




The Christian understanding of marriage and the marital relationship is grounded firmly in the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the Old Testament marriage reflects the concept of hesed - covenant love. In the New Testament, marriage reflects the concepts of self-giving as well as the self-sacrificing attitude of Christ. Christian spouses are called to imitate the example of Jesus’ mutual servant-covenant with the Church. The Gospels often compare the Kingdom of God to a Wedding Feast or use wedding imagery to identify and describe the Kingdom of God, fulfilling the Old Testament prophetic visions of a wedding between God and God’s Chosen People. For example:

Matthew 22:1-14

Matthew 25:1-13

The Catholic Church

In the Catholic Church marriage is seen as a


The Catholic Church classified marriage as a sacrament in the 12th century because she saw marriage as a permanent sign of God’s enduring love for humanity. This attitude did have its beginnings in the early 4th century. In the Catholic Church, marriage is seen as a sacrament of service and the Scriptures assert the place of service, loyalty and obedience in the marriage relationship. The domestic church, the home, is the place of mutual service ministry for the married couple. However, this quality of service is absolutely one of mutual service where married couples become part of Christ’s sacrifice in a new way when they, too, give themselves completely to each other in trust. Each is asked to ‘die’ tot eh more individualistic way of life before the relationship. In this way, mutual self-giving is also linked to the death and resurrection of Jesus in St Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, chapter 5.

The Orthodox Church

In the Orthodox Church marriage is seen as a

As a sacrament, marriage is a passage to true life, liberating people from the limitations of sinfulness and allowing them to participate in the Divine life itself.

The Protestant Churches

While the Reformers reject the notion of marriage as sacrament, they do uphold the sacredness of marriage as they regard marriage as a

This is with the exception of the High Church of England, which DOES regard marriage as a sacrament.

In the Anglican Church the marriage ceremony is regarded as an opportunity to celebrate God’s gift of marriage. The church teaches that marriage:

In the Methodist Church marriage is:


The Christian Tradition sets a high value on marriage. The joining of a husband and wife in holy matrimony is thought to reflect the union of Christ with his followers. Christians believe that in their love for each other, married couples experience and learn of God's love for creation. In Christianity, marriage is not an obligation. Indeed, the Church has recognised that not everyone is called to marriage and does give a high value to celibacy.

Generally, Christians believe that there are three reasons for marriage:

- mutual support and comfort ie, companionship first and foremost

- the right relationship for sexual intercourse

- procreation of life (family)

The Christian understanding of marriage and the marital relationship is grounded firmly in the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the Old Testament marriage reflects the concept of hesed - covenant love. In the New Testament, marriage reflects the concepts of self-giving as well as the self-sacrificing attitude of Christ. Christian spouses are called to imitate the example of Jesus’ mutual servant-covenant with the Church. The Gospels often compare the Kingdom of God to a Wedding Feast or use wedding imagery to identify and describe the Kingdom of God, fulfilling the Old Testament prophetic visions of a wedding between God and God’s Chosen People. For example:

Matthew 22:1-14

The Parable of the Wedding Banquet

Matthew 25:1-13

The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids

The Catholic Church

In the Catholic Church marriage is seen as a




The Catholic Church classified marriage as a sacrament in the 12th century because she saw marriage as a permanent sign of God’s enduring love for humanity. This attitude did have its beginnings in the early 4th century. In the Catholic Church, marriage is seen as a sacrament of service and the Scriptures assert the place of service, loyalty and obedience in the marriage relationship. The domestic church, the home, is the place of mutual service ministry for the married couple. However, this quality of service is absolutely one of mutual service where married couples become part of Christ’s sacrifice in a new way when they, too, give themselves completely to each other in trust. Each is asked to ‘die’ tot eh more individualistic way of life before the relationship. In this way, mutual self-giving is also linked to the death and resurrection of Jesus in St Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, chapter 5.

The Orthodox Church

In the Orthodox Church marriage is seen as a

sacrament which is conferred upon the partners in the Body of Christ

As a sacrament, marriage is a passage to true life, liberating people from the limitations of sinfulness and allowing them to participate in the Divine life itself.

The Protestant Churches

While the Reformers reject the notion of marriage as sacrament, they do uphold the sacredness of marriage as they regard marriage as a

sign or stmbol of God’s unending love for God’s people and of the union between Christ and the Church

This is with the exception of the High Church of England, which DOES regard marriage as a sacrament.

In the Anglican Church the marriage ceremony is regarded as an opportunity to celebrate God’s gift of marriage. The church teaches that marriage:

should always be undertaken as a lifelong committment

In the Methodist Church marriage is:

the life long union of one man and one woman

The Christian marriage ceremony is held in the church. This is because the vows need to be exchanged in the presence of God and the Christian Church designates the Church as the House of God.

Rather, it is the celebration of the couple and the Christian community. In the marriage ceremony, the couple publicly give witness to their love for each other. This commitment speaks to the gathered people of Christian love and echoes the relationship of Christ and the Church. The Marriage Rite, then, is as much a grace-filled experience for the whole Christian community as it is for the couple who come to profess their love for each other.

The Rite of Marriage can take the form of:




Brides often wear white, which is traditionally symbolic of purity and virginity.

However, there is no religious significance in this secular practice.

‘The Ceremony’


Exchange of Vows:

Blessing and Exchange of Rings:

Nuptial Blessing

Scripture Readings:


The Christian marriage ceremony is held in the church. This is because the vows need to be exchanged in the presence of God and the Christian Church designates the Church as the House of God.

Rather, it is the celebration of the couple and the Christian community. In the marriage ceremony, the couple publicly give witness to their love for each other. This commitment speaks to the gathered people of Christian love and echoes the relationship of Christ and the Church. The Marriage Rite, then, is as much a grace-filled experience for the whole Christian community as it is for the couple who come to profess their love for each other.

The Rite of Marriage can take the form of:




Brides often wear white, which is traditionally symbolic of purity and virginity.

However, there is no religious significance in this secular practice.

‘The Ceremony’


Explanation, greeting, welcome, prayer.

Exchange of Vows:

This involves the statement of intention as well as consent and the actual vows said. The vows can vary slightly between variants but usually go along the lines of:

N, will you take N, to be your lawfully married wife….

The emphasis here is on the faithful and loving commitment.

Blessing and Exchange of Rings:

Rings are exchanged as a symbol of love, fidelity and eternity of the union.

In the Orthodox variant the exchange of rings usually occurs at the betrothal ceremony and at the wedding ceremony a garland is used.

Nuptial Blessing

This is the blessing of the marriage by the priest.

Scripture Readings:

In a Nuptial Mass readings are taken from the Scriptures. In the Catholic Church these readings take place before the vows. They take place after the vows in the Anglican Church.


Marriage as a significant Christian Practice

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Marriage as a Mirror of God’s Covenant

At the heart of the Old Testament is the story of God’s love for God’s people, of the covenant God made with them. The People broke the covenant many times, but God never revoked it. However fickle and unreliable the people were in loving God, God was always steadfast and faithful.

The prophet Hosea was the one who represented this covenant relationship between God and the Chosen People as a marriage. In the story, the broken hearted prophet Hosea is told by God to forgive his wife – quite a break from the norm with even the strictest tradition allowing divorce:

Therefore, I will now allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her…There she shall respond as in the days of her youth, as at the time when she came out of the land of Egypt.

[Hos 2:14-15]

The Book of Hosea symbolises beautifully the covenant relationship and all that it should be.

This theme of radically faithful, steadfast and forgiving love is developed in a most remarkable way in the Song of Solomon (or the Song of Songs), a collection of love poems included in the Bible as a picture of the relationship between God and the Chosen People. For example:

The voice of my beloved! look, he comes,

leaping upon the mountains, bounding over the hills.

My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag.

Look, there he stands behind our wall,

gazing in at the windows, looking through the lattice.

My beloved speaks and says to me:

“Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away;

[Song 2:8-10]

Through the insight of the prophets, the people of the Old Testament gradually came to see the union in love between husband and wife as the mirror of God’s faithfulness towards them. It finds beautiful expression in the final words of Tobias’ prayer on his wedding night:

‘And so I do not take my sister for any lustful motive; I do it in singleness of heart. Be kind enough to have pity on her and on me and bring us to old age together.’

[Tob 8:7]

The Teaching of Jesus

The explicit teaching of Jesus on this question must be set within the context of the self-giving love of Jesus and the kind of love he asks of his disciples. We see in Jesus the capacity of the human heart to love, to forgive, to suffer and to heal; and Jesus calls his disciples to love in the same totally selfless way, firmly believing that nothing is beyond forgiveness and that love, like hope, springs eternal. For example:

Mt 16:25 and Mk 12:43-44.

Jesus speaks in the same way of lasting fidelity in marriage:

But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate

[Mk 10:6-9]

The Christian Rite of marriage stresses that marriage is a life long commitment and this belief is taken directly from the scriptures. It is made manifest in the recitation of the marriage vows, and sometimes in the readings chosen by the couple and in the homily given by the priest or minister.

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The Teaching of St Paul


The love expected from both husband and wife is equally demanding and is only possible on the basis of their marriage being founded ‘in the Lord’. Both are called upon to reflect in their love the self-sacrificing attitude of Christ; indeed, it is in their love for one another that husband and wife experience the presence of the Risen Christ. The qualities of such love are well known to us:

Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

[1 Cor 13:4-7]

Marriage: Beliefs in Scripture

Summation Activity

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1. What is the ultimate purpose of marriage in expressing the beliefs of Christianity?

2. How does marriage contribute to the faith of the individual in Christianity?

3. How does Marriage contribute to the religious expression of the Christian community?

4. How significant is the practice to the individual and the Christian community?

Writing Task:

“Marriage is an essential vehicle for the expression of the beliefs of Christianity”.

Analyse this statement with respect to both the individual and the Christian community.

How a Christian Marriage makes present the central beliefs of the Tradition

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The bride and Groom are the primary symbol of marriage as they are the couple sharing their life and love together. The also symbolise God and God’s people and the covenant made between them.

These are the people who have been a part of the couple’s journey. They are also symbolic of the Christian community as a whole, who will support the couple throughout their marital journey together.

The joining of hands communicates the laying of hands, the calling down of the Holy Spirit to give a new meaning to the relationship of the couple. Symbolic also of the unity or oneness of the couple in marriage.

The wedding ring is traditionally gold symbolising the emotional wealth of the couple, and hard, symbolising the unbreakable union of the couple. As a circle, the ring is also symbolic of the unending nature of the union. In the Orthodox variant rings are exchanged at the betrothal service. The best man exchanges the rings three times. Three represents the Holy Trinity.

The words said are symbolic of t eh love and commitment of the couple to each other. The words are also reflective of the love of Jesus for humanity. Again, the words reflect the eternal, unbreakable union that marriage is desired to be.

The Scripture selected reflects the Christian understanding of love and marriage, it communicates the context of the couple’s love for each other.

The Eucharist is the way in which Jesus is made present among Christians today. By sharing in the Eucharist during the Nuptial Mass, the couple and the community gathered are united in the love, protection and redemption that is offered by the death and resurrection of Christ.

An Orthodox marriage ceremony is particularly rich with tradition, ritual and symbolism. As you watch the wedding scene from My Big Fat Greek Wedding, write down as many rituals as you can and what they may symbolise.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding


Lighted candles are present in the Church.



Right hands of the couple are joined together and the Priest says ‘join these servants, unite them in one mind and one flesh.’



Called the stepsis (Greek for crowning), this is the climax of the wedding ceremony. The crowns are usually made from orange blossom and white ribbon. The bride and the groom are each crowned three times and then they are blessed.



The bride and groom each drink wine from the same cup.



The bride and groom, led by the Priest, walk around a table with the Gospel placed on it three times..



The groom is blessed first, in the name of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The bride is blessed second in the name of Sarah, Rebecca and Rachel.


An Orthodox marriage ceremony is particularly rich with tradition, ritual and symbolism. As you watch the wedding scene from My Big Fat Greek Wedding, write down as many rituals as you can and what they may symbolise.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding


Lighted candles are present in the Church.


The candles symbolise the spiritual willingness of the couple to receive Christ (the Light of the World) through the sacrament of marriage. The lights take their meaning also from the Parable of the 10 Bridesmaids (and the receiving of the groom) in Mk 25:1-12.


Right hands of the couple are joined together and the Priest says ‘join these servants, unite them in one mind and one flesh.’


The joining of the hands symbolises the oneness of the couple.


Called the stepsis (Greek for crowning), this is the climax of the wedding ceremony. The crowns are usually made from orange blossom and white ribbon. The bride and the groom are each crowned three times and then they are blessed.


Orange blossoms traditionally have represented luck. The white of the ribbon is symbolic of purity. Three is symbolic of the Trinity and the blessing takes the form of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. The crowing overall symbolises the glory and honour that God crowns the couple with. The couple become the King and Queen of their kingdom (the home) which they shall rule with justice, integrity and wisdom.


The bride and groom each drink wine from the same cup.


The Scripture reading at an Orthodox wedding is from Jn 2:1-12 – the Wedding at Cana. This is the first miracle of Christ and the wine symbolises this. The sharing symbolises harmony.


The bride and groom, led by the Priest, walk around a table with the Gospel placed on it three times..


The ceremonial walk usually takes place to the hymns of the Holy Martyrs and is led by the priest as the representative of the Church. It symbolises the first steps of the couple on their journey together with the Gospel at the centre of their lives. The gospel also symbolises the couple’s redemption by Christ.


The groom is blessed first, in the name of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The bride is blessed second in the name of Sarah, Rebecca and Rachel.


Three again can reflect the Trinity.

Abraham – that the groom may be magnified; Isaac – that he may be blessed; Jacob – that he be increased.

Sarah – that the bride may be magnified; Rebecca – that she may be glad; Rachel – that she increases.


A Rite of passage is an important and often complex ritual that allows an individual or individuals to be transformed from one stage to another. Life is marked by stages and changes and moving across social,, religious or biological boundaries from an old status to a new status is the occasion for a rite of passage.

Rites of passage affect this change of status as well as proclaiming it to the community. Thus there is a strong community element in rites of passage – it confirms the beliefs of the group, encourages group cohesion and teaches moral lessons.


• Elevates the mundane to the supernatural

• Affirms the commitment of life long fidelity to one another before the community if believers

• Structures the lives of the couple

• A way of holiness


• A means of identification with the community of believers

• Strengthens the community of believers

• A means of reflection for all couples present

• Acknowledges, supports and encourages the human conditions of suffering, joy and bereavement.


Sample HSC Questions….

Describe ONE of the following significant practices in Christianity:

• Baptism

• Marriage ceremony

• Saturday/Sunday worship /3 marks


Explain the importance of ONE of the following practices in Christianity to the life of the community:

• Baptism

• Marriage ceremony

• Saturday/Sunday worship /6 marks


Outline the purpose and assess the significance of ONE of the following practices in Christianity to the life of the community:

• Baptism

• Marriage ceremony

• Saturday/Sunday worship /20 marks


The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran

You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.

You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.

Ay, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.

But let there be spaces in your togetherness,

And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.

Love one another, but make not a bond of love:

Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.

Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf

Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,

Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.

For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.

And stand together yet not too near together:

For the pillars of the temple stand apart,

And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.




In St Paul’s letters, there are many references to marriage, which are obviously conditioned by the customs of the time, and by the expectation that the Second Coming of Christ would happen quite soon. Although he himself preferred to remain single, and some of his comments about women are quite out of place today, many of his ideas about marriage and family life were centuries ahead of his time, and remain as ideals for Christians today. For example, Paul writes that:

The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does.

[1 Cor 7:3-4]

Such love between husband and wife, perhaps, finds its most moving expression in the letter to the Ephesians:

Give way to one another in obedience to Christ. Wives should regard their husbands as they regard the Lord…husbands should love their wives just as Christ loved the Church and sacrificed himself for her to make her holy…In the same way husbands must love their wives as they love their own bodies.

[Eph 5:21-28]


The beliefs of a Tradition often translate into symbols: what is used, when it is used, where it is used, how it is used, why it is used.

The Christian Marriage Rite communicates its rich tradition and meaning through the use of various symbols.





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