AZ Conference

September/October 2011




Welcome to the Arizona Conference

Over the last few days I have been contemplating the necessity for change. Change in my own personal life, change in my work life, change in my church, change in the organization of which I am a part. Whether we like it or not, change seems to be a constant. It is also much needed.

Peter Drucker, recognized by many as the godfather of management, wrote: "Everybody has accepted by now that change is unavoidable. But that still implies that change is like death and taxes -- it should be postponed as long as possible and no change would be vastly preferable. But in a period of upheaval, such as the one we are living in, change is the norm."

Too often we fight change, avoid change, fear change, kill change or flat out reject change. But should we? Change is never easy, but is usually very beneficial for us. If we stop changing, we stop growing and growth is the only real evidence of life.

Saint Augustine once wrote, "If you would attain to what you are not yet, you must always be displeased by what you are. For where you are pleased with yourself there you have remained. Keep adding, keep walking, keep advancing." Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 3:18 "But we

all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord." I guess that means for the Christian, change should be welcomed and embraced. Notice I didn't say enjoyed, although some change is enjoyable. Change is often far from being something we enjoy.

As I was reading the Psalms the other day God laid these verses before my eyes. (Ps 32:8-9) The Lord said, "I will guide you along the pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." So far, so good! I like this verse. I love knowing that God is guiding my pathway and watching over me. It gives me a sense of peace. But then the Lord said, "Do not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and a bridle to keep it under control." Senseless horse or mule!? Not sure I like that visual. My mother always said I was like a bull in a china shop. The opposite of the senseless horse is one that will follow its master out of a relationship and trust.

Think about it for a minute. How often have we acted like the senseless horse in the face of change? When things don't make sense in our world and change catches us off guard, how do we react? Whether change is related to

work, home, church or our own personal growth, we tend to fight change, don't we? How willing are we to simply follow the master, even when it does not make sense, isn't enjoyable or when it doesn't feel good. How often does he have to bridle us as senseless beasts?

The Lord says to each of us, "I will guide you along the pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." He knows us best and ultimately has our best in mind. So embrace, expect and welcome change knowing that the Father is using it to change us from glory to glory. Change is never easy, but it is necessary. If we stop changing, we stop growing and growth is the only real sign of life.

In reality the issue is this: CHANGE OR DIE!

--Dr. Stephen Gray, Superintendent stgray67@

SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2011 | Issue # 2



Loving, Learning, Living. Three simple words. But when linked with the Great Commandment and Great Co-Mission, these three words will give Light and Life in Prescott a clear path by which to build the Kingdom of God in our community. We are so excited to embark on our mission together by Loving God in worship, Loving Others with passion, Learning more about the amazing Savior we serve and the life He gives, and Living our everyday lives as He has called us to. In the coming weeks, we will be discovering how our mission will look in service to our Savior and Community. These are exciting times in Prescott, so please feel free to come by, enjoy the scenery and stay for what God is doing.

Michael Chambers


Light and Life Free Methodist 2797 Willow Creek Road Prescott, AZ 86301 (928) 445-4780 lightandlifemichael@


While summer may be coming to a close, Deer Valley Church has passionately launched into one of our new fall series "Salvation Stories," we are learning what it really means to be saved. Throughout our services, we have experienced wonderful worship, sought the Lord, and have seen Him touch many hearts in our congregation.

As we launch into the autumn season, we are busy preparing for our annual Trunk-or-Treat on October 31st. We look forward to this time of year as it is a great way for our church to reach out to the community. The Children's Ministry is running full force with an exciting new midweek program called "Living Inside Out," where we are challenging our children to learn what it really means to be a Christian. We are seeing fantastic growth in our Youth Ministry as they began their series "Crazy Love," challenging them to look at their lives and exam how they are really loving God.

We see God at work in our congregation and are excited for the future and what He has in store.

Joel McLaughlin


Deer Valley Church 15220 North 39th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85053 (602) 978-0041 pastorjoel@

AZ Conference Newsletter

SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2011 | Issue # 2



September is the time for transformations.

The main focus during these four weeks is based on Roman 12:2 "transform yourselves renewing your thoughts." When we let the Holy Spirit work in our lives, that's when real changes occur. The main event at Luz y Vida para la familia in September was the women's conference, with a combined attendance of more than one hundred women in two days. We are expectant of great things. We believe the best is yet to come. Blessings, Hector Siqueiros


Tucson, Luz y Vida para la Familia 225 West Ajo Way Tucson, AZ 85713 (520) 891-2384 silu6069@


Glendale Light and Life Church sponsored 53 African refugees to go to Family Camp at Emmanuel Pines this year. They were blessed and so were we! They consisted of ten families with eight parents and the rest of them were teen-agers and children. Truly God has abundantly answered our prayers for kids!

Your prayers are appreciated for these families as they struggle with jobs, school, and language.

We had been praying that jobs would be found for them, and many of them now have cleaning jobs in the Phoenix schools, which lets them still come to church on Sunday. Others have found jobs in tree nurseries. They come to us from various African countries where they have been scattered by the wars and some have physical scars from wounds they suffered. All have lost friends and loved ones in the war. Several families lived near our Hospital at Nundu and knew our missionaries there.

Donations of soap, baby diapers, toys, and children's clothes are appreciated.

Bobby Wingate


Glendale Light and Life Church 6331 West Lamar Road Glendale, AZ 85301 (623) 934-9941 pastor.bob@

AZ Conference Newsletter





At Phoenix Light & Life, there is a ton of good stuff happening. On Sunday, September 18th, Light & Life had their Fall Kick-Off service and it was well worth the wait! It was a special day because it was the day on which all of the efforts at renovations came together. Facility updates were completed, and new ministry teams were formed for service. New ministries, like our parking lot greeters, new and improved Community Cafe, and new Children's Church area began with lots of positive feedback. Light & Life had over 170 people in attendance with a few new families as a result of new and improved outreach efforts. The focus now? Excellence in every area!


Palms Light and Life Church 2800 North 29th Street Phoenix, AZ 85008 (602) 954-7035 victorvaranda@


Phoenix Light and Life Church 4002 North 18th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85015 (602) 264-4339 phxllchurch@


Chandler Light and Life Church 501 South Arizona Avenue Chandler, AZ 85225 (480) 899-3542

AZ Conference Newsletter


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