Creation vs Evolution - Lesson #5

Creation vs Evolution - Lesson #5 What About the Dinosaurs? - Part 1-Introduction-Quick review of the previous lessons-1 Peter 3:15 - Faith is based on evidence (Heb 11:1).-Biblical Age of the Earth - Without time, the theory of evolution crumbles.-Fossils - Support evolution, refute evolution-Geologic Time Table - myth-Laws of Science - Biogenesis - no spontaneous generation 1st & 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics - no inflationary model-Now that we have addressed these topics, there is an important question that remains - one that some of you have been asking yourselves - a question that a few of you have asked me during this series of lessons - “What about the dinosaurs?”-The Prevalence of Evolutionary Teaching-“The numbers were staggering! Some time ago at a camp for Christian young people, a short, three-question quiz was given to the teenagers in attendance—most of whom were from homes with Christian parents (and many of whom already had made the decision to become a Christian themselves)…The first question asked simply, “How long ago did the dinosaurs live?,” and provided four possible answers…” (Brad Harrub, Ph.D & Bert Thompson, Ph.D, “Walking Amidst the Dinosaurs,” Reason and Revelation, February 2003).-Our kids are bombarded with evolutionary thought regarding dinosaurs:-Delevan’s shark book - says that the first sharks lived over 350 million years ago - 120 million years before dinosaurs which became extinct about 65 million years ago-Several times I have found myself telling Delevan - “The numbers in that book aren’t right. They don’t match what the Bible says and the Bible is the one that’s right.”-example of Kayla watching Dora-We can look at the first page of the scriptures to find the truth - Genesis 1:24-27, 31-Land animals - including dinosaurs - were created on the same day.-Not only were dinosaurs and mankind not separated by millions of years, they were not even separated by a single day.-Let’s notice four things from Genesis 2:19-20:1. Notice the all-inclusive nature of the words in these verses.2. Adam saw the glorious results of God’s creation.3. Adam was intelligent. He named the various animals.4. Adam was different from/superior to the animals.-Yet, evolutionists want us to believe that we came from animals - that we are merely “advanced,” “highly evolved” animals.-If you tell people for a long enough time that they are animals, sooner or later they’ll start acting like animals.-Adam was created on the same day as dinosaurs and he saw dinosaurs.-And, he wasn’t the only one.-Job 40 & 41 - The Behemoth and The Leviathan-Overall context-Job 40:15-24 - The Behemoth - not a hippo-vs 15 - “Behold the behemoth” - Job was familiar with the Behemoth.-If Job wasn’t familiar with the Behemoth, how could that help him better understand God’s power and glory.-vs 16 - “…his force is in the navel of his belly”-vs 17 - “moveth his tell like a cedar” (Certainly not a hippo)-vs 20 - “surely the mountains bring him forth food”-vs 19 - “He is the chief of the ways of God” -Job 41 - Leviathan - not an alligator or crocodile-vs 8 - “Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do no more”-vs 21 - “a flame goeth out of his mouth”-vs 25 - “When he raiseth himself up”-vs 29 - “He laugheth at the shaking of a spear”-vs 31 - “He maketh the deep to boil…”-These were real creatures that cohabited the earth with mankind.-Summary and Invitation-Evidence from within the scriptures makes it very clear that the teachings from the theory of evolution regarding dinosaurs is false.-Yet, evolutionists would readily discard this info since the Bible is its source.-Yet, you might be surprised with how much evidence exists - outside of the scriptures - for the truth that dinosaurs and mankind cohabited this earth.-Lord willing, that’s what we’ll address next week. I have a feeling that you’ll want to hear and see that evidence.-Yet, I hope that you can see with this series of lessons that over and over and over again, the scriptures are right.-There is a God in heaven who created this world. There is a God in heaven who loves us and gave Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins. There is a God in heaven who wants us to be with Him.-In order for that to happen, we must submit to His will by obeying His word. Have you?-If not, believe (Jn 3:16, 8:24), confess (Mt 10:32, Rm 10:9-10), repent (Lk 13:3,5; Ac 17:30), be baptized into Christ (Mk 16:16, Ac 2:38).-If you have obeyed, have you remained faithful? If not, confess your shortcomings, repent and pray for God’s forgiveness (1 Jn 1:7-9, Ac 8:22-24). ................

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