Gathering / Processional Hymn - Week of Prayer

[Pages:6]2019 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Canadian Resources Hymn Suggestions

2019 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue (Deuteronomy 16:18-20)


The following hymns have been chosen for their relevance to the scripture and theme of the worship service, although some are not found in all the hymn books of our denominations.

Those marked * indicate an Indonesian source.

Gathering / Processional Hymn

For the Healing of the Nations Tune: WESTMINSTER ABBEY Text: Fred Kaan Music: Henry Purcell BOP 736, CBW 503, CH 668, CP 576, LUYH 289, VU 687

God of Grace and God of Glory Tune: CWM RHONDDA Text: Harry E. Fosdick Music: John Hughes BOP 490, CH 464, CP 577, ELW 705, LUYH 926, VU 686

O Day of God Draw Nigh Tune: BELLWOODS, ST. MICHAEL, NARENZA Text: R.B.Y. Scott Music: James Hopkirk, Geneva Psalter BOP 786, CBW 586, CH 700, CP 92, VU 688

We Are Pilgrims Tune: SERVANT SONG Text: Richard Gillard Music: Richard Gillard BOP 635, CH 490, CP 500, ELW 659, LUYH 309, VU 595

Hymn of Praise

Great is Thy Faithfulness Tune: FAITHFULNESS Text: Thomas O. Chisholm Music: William M. Runyan BOP 307, CH 86, ELW 733, LUYH 348, VU 288

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2019 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Canadian Resources Hymn Suggestions

Come Let Us Sing Tune: FORNEY Text: Jim Strathdee Music: Jim Strathdee, piano arr. Jean Strathdee VU 222

God of the Sparrow Tune: ROEDER Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda Music: Carl F. Schalk BOP 307, CH 70, CP 414, ELW 740, VU 229

There's A Wideness in God's Mercy Tune: GOTT WILL'S MACHEN (alt. STUTTGART) Text: Frederick William Faber Music: Johann Ludwig Steiner CBW 443, CH 73, CP 606, ELW 587, LUYH 689, VU 271

Hymn / Song / Meditative Music prior to the Proclamation of the Word of God

*Ask Your God Tune: MINTALAH Text: James Minchin, paraphrase Music: Subronto K. Atmodjo, Indonesia CH 302 (original source: Sound the Bamboo)

Break Now, The Bread of Life Tune: BREAD OF LIFE Text: Mary Artemisia Lathbury Music: William Firsk Sherwin CP 321, ELW 515, LUYH 764, VU 501

Forgive Our Sins As We Forgive Tune: DETROIT Text: Rosamund E. Herklots Music: The Sacred Harp BOP 751, CBW 620, CP 614, ELW 605, LUYH 638, VU 364

God, Who Has Caused to be Written Tune: CAUSA DIVINA Text: Hubert O'Driscoll Music: F.R.C. Clarke CP 476, VU 498

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2019 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Canadian Resources Hymn Suggestions

Children's Time

Weave, Weave Us Together Tune: WEAVE Words and Music: Rosemary Crow CH 495

What Does the Lord Require of You Tune: MOON Text: Jim Strathdee Music: Jim Strathdee BOP 710, CH 661, LUYH 773, VU 701

On Eagle's Wings Tune: ON EAGLE'S WINGS Text: Michael Joncas, paraphrase of Psalm 91 Music: Michael Joncas BOP 57, CH 77, CP 531, ELW 787, VU 808

Songs for Unity and Justice at Commitment to Justice, Mercy, and Unity

God of Freedom, God of Justice Tune: PICARDY Text: Shirley Erena Murray Music: French traditional carol, 17th century CH 656, VU 700

Let Streams of Living Justice Flow Tune: THAXTED Text: William Whitla Music: Gustav Holst CP 575, ELW 710

Live Into Hope Tune: TRURO Text: Jane Parker Huber Music: Thomas Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, Vol. 2, harm. Lowell Mason VU 699

Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service Tune: BEACH SPRING Text: Albert F. Bayly Music: The Sacred Harp CBW 507, CH 461, CP 585, ELW 712, LUYH 928

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2019 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Canadian Resources Hymn Suggestions

Make Me A Channel of Your Peace Tune: CHANNEL OF PEACE Text: att. to St. Francis Music: Sebastian Temple, arr. Betty Pulkingham VU 684

*We Wait for New Heavens Tune: T?n-thi, Go?n T?n-thi Text: paraphrase I-to-Loh Music: Christian Isaac Tamaela (Indonesia) Original Source: Let The Asian Church Rejoice

What Does the Lord Require Tune: SHARPTHORNE Text: Albert F. Bayly Music: Erik Routley BOP 710, CH 659, CP 171

Oh, A Song Must Rise Text: Paul B. Svenson Music: Paul B. Svenson, arr. Bryn Nixon MV 142

Recessional / Closing Hymn or Song

Lead On, O Cloud of Presence Tune: LANCASHIRE Text: Ruth Duck Music: Henry Thomas Smart CH 633, VU 421

O For A World Tune: AZMON Text: Miriam Therese Winter Music: Carl Gotthelf Gl?ser, arr. Lowell Mason CH 683, VU 697

O God of Every Nation Tune: LLANGLOFFAN Text: William W. Reid Jr. Music: Welsh tune, 19th century CH 680, ELW 713, LUYH 282, VU 677

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2019 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Canadian Resources Hymn Suggestions

The Kingdom of God is Justice and Joy Tune: PADERBORN, OUT SKERRIES Text: Byrn Austin Rees Music: German traditional, harm Sydney Hugo Nicholson, Paul Batement BOP 787, CP 631

The Voice of God Goes Out Tune: SHELDONIAN Text: Luke Connaughton Music: Cyril Vincent Tylor CBW 433, CP 657

Though Ancient Walls Tune: KARR Words: Walter Farquharson Music: Ron Klusmeier VU 691

Put Peace Into Each Other's Hands Text: Fred Kaan Music: Ron Klusmeier MV 173

Some Contemporary Indonesian Resources on YouTube:

Betapa Kita Tidak Bersyukur (Why Don't We Give Thanks)

Hidup kita yang benar (Living Our Righteous Life)

Tetap cinta Yesus (Keep Loving Jesus)

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2019 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Canadian Resources Hymn Suggestions

Hymn Resources


Book of Praise (1997): Presbyterian Church in Canada Catholic Book of Worship III (1994): Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Chalice Hymnal (1995): Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Common Praise (1998): Anglican Church of Canada Evangelical Lutheran Worship (2006): Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada Lift Up Your Hearts (2013): Faith Alive Christian Resources (Christian Reformed) More Voices (2007): United Church of Canada Voices United (1996): United Church of Canada

Sound the Bamboo. Christian Conference of Asia. Shatin, New Territory, Hong Kong, 2000.

Let the Asian Church Rejoice. Methodist School of Music and Trinity Theological College, Singapore, 2015.

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