Somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond

Love Poems, April 17

In CAP: “Lost Love,” p. 12

Baker, “Snow Figure,” p. 26 (and process notes)

Hicok, “Other Lives and Dimensions and Finally a Love Poem,” p. 127

Hirshfield, ”For What Binds Us,” p. 139

Olds, “The Knowing” and “The Promise,” pp. 220-221

Weaver, ”Sub Shop Girl,” p. 299

Williams, “Love Poem With Toast,” p. 311

|somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond | |

|e.e. cummings |

| |

|somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond |

|any experience,your eyes have their silence: |

|in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me, |

|or which i cannot touch because they are too near |

| |

|your slightest look will easily unclose me |

|though i have closed myself as fingers, |

|you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens |

|(touching skilfully,mysteriously)her first rose |

| |

|or if your wish be to close me, i and |

|my life will shut very beautifully ,suddenly, |

|as when the heart of this flower imagines |

|the snow carefully everywhere descending; |

| |

|nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals |

|the power of your intense fragility:whose texture |

|compels me with the color of its countries, |

|rendering death and forever with each breathing |

| |

|(i do not know what it is about you that closes |

|and opens;only something in me understands |

|the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses) |

|nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands |

| | |

|True Love |

|Robert Penn Warren |

| |

|In silence the heart raves. It utters words |

|Meaningless, that never had |

|A meaning. I was ten, skinny, red-headed, |

| |

|Freckled. In a big black Buick, |

|Driven by a big grown boy, with a necktie, she sat |

|In front of the drugstore, sipping something |

| |

|Through a straw. There is nothing like |

|Beauty. It stops your heart. It |

|Thickens your blood. It stops your breath. It |

| |

|Makes you feel dirty. You need a hot bath. |

|I leaned against a telephone pole, and watched. |

|I thought I would die if she saw me. |

| |

|How could I exist in the same world with that brightness? |

|Two years later she smiled at me. She |

|Named my name. I thought I would wake up dead. |

| |

|Her grown brothers walked with the bent-knee |

|Swagger of horsemen. They were slick-faced. |

|Told jokes in the barbershop. Did no work. |

| |

|Their father was what is called a drunkard. |

|Whatever he was he stayed on the third floor |

|Of the big white farmhouse under the maples for twenty-five years. |

| |

|He never came down. They brought everything up to him. |

|I did not know what a mortgage was. |

|His wife was a good, Christian woman, and prayed. |

| |

|When the daughter got married, the old man came down wearing |

|An old tail coat, the pleated shirt yellowing. |

|The sons propped him. I saw the wedding. There were |

| |

|Engraved invitations, it was so fashionable. I thought |

|I would cry. I lay in bed that night |

|And wondered if she would cry when something was done to her. |

| |

|The mortgage was foreclosed. That last word was whispered. |

|She never came back. The family |

| |

|Sort of drifted off. Nobody wears shiny boots like that now. |

| |

|But I know she is beautiful forever, and lives |

|In a beautiful house, far away. |

|She called my name once. I didn't even know she knew it. |

|Sex | |

|Michael Ryan |

| |

|After the earth finally touches the sun, |

|and the long explosion stops suddenly |

|like a heart run down, |

|the world might seem white and quiet |

|to something that watches it in the sky at night, |

|so something might feel small, |

|and feel nearly human pain. |

| |

|But it won't happen again: |

|the long nights wasted alone, what's done |

|in doorways in the dark by the young, |

|and what could have been for some. |

|Think of all the lovers and the friends! |

|Who does not gather his portion of them |

|to himself. at least in his mind? |

| |

|Sex eased through everyone, |

|even when slipping into death |

|as into a beloved's skin, |

|and prying out again to find |

|the body slumped, muscles slack. |

|and bones begun their turn to dust. |

|Then no one minds when one lover |

|holds another, like an unloaded sack. |

| |

|But the truth enters at the end of life. |

|It enters like oxygen into every cell |

|and the madness it feeds there in some |

|is only a lucid metaphor |

|for something long burned to nothing, |

|like a star. |

| |

|How do you get under your desire? |

|How do you peel away each desire |

|like ponderous clothes, one at a time, |

|until what's underneath is known? |

|We knew genitals as small things |

|and we were ashamed they led us around, |

|even if the hill where we'd lie down |

|was the same hill the universe unfolded upon |

|all night, as we watched the stars, |

|when for once our breathing seemed to blend. |

| |

|Each time, from that sweet pressure |

|of hands, or the great relief of the mouth, |

|a person can be led out of himself |

|Isn't it lonely in the body? |

|The myth says we ooze about as spirits |

|until there's a body made to take us, |

|and only flesh is created by sex. |

|That's why we enter sex so relentlessly, |

|toward the pleasure that comes |

|when we push down far enough |

|to nudge the spirit rising to release, |

|and the pleasure is pleasure of pure spirit, |

|for a moment all together again. |

|So sex returns us to beginning, and we moan. |

| |

|Pure sex becomes specific and concrete |

|in a caress of breast or slope of waist: |

|it flies through itself like light, it sails |

|on nothing like a wing, when someone's there |

|to be touched, when there's nothing wrong. |

| |

|So the actual is touched in sex, |

|like a breast through cloth: the actual |

|rising plump and real, the mind |

|darting about it like a tongue. |

|This is where I wanted to be all along: |

|up in the world, in touch with myself. . . |

| |

|Sex, invisible priestess of a good God, |

|I think without you I might just spin off. |

|I know there's no keeping you close, |

|as you flick by underneath a sentence |

|on a train, or transform the last thought |

|of an old nun, or withdraw for one moment alone. |

|Who tells you what to do or ties you down! |

| |

|I'd give up the rest to suck your dark lips. |

|I'd give up the rest to fix you exact |

|in the universe, at the wildest edge |

|where there's no such thing as shape. |

| |

|What a shame I am, if reaching the right person |

|in a dim room, sex holds itself apart |

|from us like an angel in an afterlife, |

|and, with the ideas no one has even dreamed, |

|it wails its odd music for pure mind. |

| |

|After there's nothing, |

|after the big blow-up of the whole shebang, |

|what voice from what throat |

|will tell me who I am? Each throat |

|on which I would have quietly set my lips |

|will be ripped like a cheap sleeve |

|or blown apart like the stopped-up |

|barrel of a gun. What was inside them |

|all the time I wanted always |

|to rest my mouth upon? |

| |

|I thought most everything |

|stuck dartlike in the half-dome of my brain, |

|and hung there like fake stars in a planetarium. |

|It's true that things there changed into names, |

|that even the people I loved were a bunch of signs, |

|so I felt most often alone. |

|This is a way to stay alive and nothing to bemoan. |

|We know the first time we extend an arm: |

|the body reaches so far for so long. |

|We grow and love to grow, then stop, then lie down. |

| |

|I wanted to bear inside me this tender outcome. |

|I wanted to know if it made sex happen: |

|does it show up surely in touch and talk? |

|does it leak from the mind, as heat from the skin? |

|I wanted my touching intelligent, like a beautiful song. |

My Father’s Love Letters

Yusef Komunyakaa

On Fridays he'd open a can of Jax

After coming home from the mill,

& ask me to write a letter to my mother

Who sent postcards of desert flowers

Taller than men. He would beg,

Promising to never beat her

Again. Somehow I was happy

She had gone, & sometimes wanted

To slip in a reminder, how Mary Lou

Williams' "Polka Dots & Moonbeams"

Never made the swelling go down.

His carpenter's apron always bulged

With old nails, a claw hammer

Looped at his side & extension cords

Coiled around his feet.

Words rolled from under the pressure

Of my ballpoint: Love,

Baby, Honey, Please.

We sat in the quiet brutality

Of voltage meters & pipe threaders,

Lost between sentences . . .

The gleam of a five-pound wedge

On the concrete floor

Pulled a sunset

Through the doorway of his toolshed.

I wondered if she laughed

& held them over a gas burner.

My father could only sign

His name, but he'd look at blueprints

& say how many bricks

Formed each wall. This man,

Who stole roses & hyacinth

For his yard, would stand there

With eyes closed & fists balled,

Laboring over a simple word, almost

Redeemed by what he tried to say.


Carolyn Forche

Just as he changes himself, in the end eternity changes him.


On the phonograph, the voice

of a woman already dead for three

decades, singing of a man

who could make her do anything.

On the table, two fragile

glasses of black wine,

a bottle wrapped in its towel.

It is that room, the one

we took in every city, it is

as I remember: the bed, a block

of moonlight and pillows.

My fingernails, pecks of light

on your thighs.

The stink of the fire escape.

The wet butts of cigarettes

you crushed one after another.

How I watched the morning come

as you slept, more my son

than a man ten years older.

How my breasts feel, years

later, the tongues swishing

in my dress, some yours, some

left by other men.

Since then, I have always

wakened first, I have learned

to leave a bed without being

seen and have stood

at the washbasins, wiping oil

and salt from my skin,

staring at the cupped water

in my two hands.

I have kept everything

you whispered to me then.

I can remember it now as I see you

again, how much tenderness we could

wedge between a stairwell

and a police lock, or as it was,

as it still is, in the voice

of a woman singing of a man

who could make her do anything.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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