Churches of God History, Doctrine and Polity

Eastern Regional Conference – Ministry Training Institute (MTI)

Course No. ME 107 Course Name: Ministry to Men

Term: Fall Year: 2019 Dates: September 3 – November 19

Professor/Instructor: Zack Wilt

Phone: 717-440-3584 Email: zack4ym@

Virtual Office Contact Hours: Office Hours Vary, text or email to set up a conversation

Course Description: This course is designed to give a basic understanding and knowledge of Ministry to Men in the local church. Students will learn the skills necessary to minister directly to Men as well as grow leaders of ministries that focus on the discipleship of Men. A specific emphasis will be placed on the unique challenges that Men face and on the cultural idea of Manhood in comparison to the Biblical idea of Manhood. This course will be highly interactive and hands-on, giving practical experience for implementation and application.

Student Learning Outcomes: At the conclusion of this course, students will…

1. Develop a clear understanding of Biblical Manhood and how it is lived out in the local church and in the individual Christian life.

2. Demonstrate a clear understanding of unique challenges that Men face and the Biblical solutions for them.

3. Be equipped with tools and resources to be able to address issues unique to Men.

4. Create and execute a Men’s Ministry Plan as a way to minister to Men in the Church.

Course Requirements:

Following is an outline of the primary expectations of this course. Meeting the expectations as outlined will help you get the most out of this experience; and, as you will read, the expectations revolve around your personal engagement with the class and with the material.


Attendance is important, that goes without saying – especially for a course in which there will be discussion and practical, hand-on learning experiences. It is my expectation that you will make every effort to attend every class meeting and that if you can’t, you will let me know so that we can plan the evening without you.


Participation in this experience will be of paramount importance. It is my intent to take the time we have together to practice all of the various things that we learn. It is my expectation that you will be willing to participate in this experience as we learn and grow together.


I will ask you to complete various readings and write reflections as we explore new information each week. Your preparation is key in you gaining the most value from this experience.

Required Textbooks:

1) Building Your Band of Brothers by Stephen Mansfield. ISBN: 978-0-9977647-5-8

Available at:

2) Healing the Masculine Soul by Gordon Dalbey. ISBN: 978-0-8499-4438-3

3) Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men by Stephen Mansfield. ISBN: 978-1-59555-373-7

4) Why Men Hate Going to Church by David Murrow. ISBN: 978-0785232155

Articles/Online resources as assigned.

Assignments: List the Assignments and give some description.

1) Personal Understanding of Manhood Paper- 2-3 pages. What is your personal understanding of the idea of manhood as you see it from both a secular and biblical perspective.

2) Journal / Reading Reflections- Length as needed once a week per the topic assigned in class.

3) Case Study (person from Bible): Choose a man from the list provided and write a 1-2 page paper describing how you would minister to him in his situation.

4) Case Study (Modern)- From a personal or fictional perspective write a one page scenario in which a man needs ministered to. Provide as much information as possible including triggering situation, background information leading up to the moment of ministry and other basic info that will assist in the ability to respond to this in ministry.

5) Men’s Ministry Plan- Outline of a working Men’s Ministry including opportunities and events that involve aspects of Challenge, Relationship and Activity.

6) Mansfield Questions: At some point through the semester we are hoping to have the opportunity to Skype with Author and Speaker, Stephen Mansfield. Each student is responsible for crafting 3-5, well worded, though provoking questions for us to pull from in our time with Mr. Mansfield.

Grading Scale

A 93-100 Outstanding

A- 90-92 Superior

B+ 87-89 Very good

B 83-86 Good work

B- 80-82 Satisfactory

C+ 77-79 Above average

C 73-76 Average

C- 70-72 Acceptable but definitely below


D, F 69↓ Not acceptable

NOTE: A final grade of D or F will not meet the requirements for MTI course fulfillment.

Ministry Training Institute Policies:

• • All work is due to the professor as stated in the syllabus schedule.

• • Late work may be downgraded one letter grade per week when the lateness is not due to an excused absence or other extenuating circumstances. This same policy will also apply to scheduled examinations or tests. There will be no exceptions to the foregoing policy except by action of the MTI program director based on a written petition by the student and recommendation by the instructor.

• • Acceptable utilization of laptop computers in the classroom during any class is for note-taking and directly-related course activities only. Unacceptable usage during class time includes e-mail, internet, games, messaging and other activities not directed related to the course. Violations may result in disciplinary action.

• • Cell phones are an unnecessary distraction in the classroom. Students should place their phones on vibrate and should not make or receive calls during class unless there are extenuation circumstances, such as for an on-call medical professional, in which case the instructor should be notified prior to class. Violations may result in disciplinary action.

• • If you are a student with a disability, it is your responsibility to notify your professor at least one week prior to the needed service so that reasonable accommodations can be made.

• • Students are expected to participate in all class sessions. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor prior to the class, if at all possible, of any intended absence. The instructor may, at their discretion, grant one excused absence but reserves the right to assign additional work to compensate for the absence. Absences in excess of one require the approval of the Director of the MTI and may result in the reduction of a letter grade. A single class absence due to the death of spouse, parent or member of the student’s immediate family shall be automatically be considered excused and will simply require the student to make up any work that was due at that class.

• • Students are expected to be on time for each class. Lateness, particularly habitual lateness, denigrates the learning experience and undermines the integrity of the learning cohort that is the class. If the instructor decides the reason for the lateness is not acceptable, a penalty in the class participation grade may be the result.


The Ministry Training Institute (MTI) provides continuing practical Christian training that develops skills, abilities and knowledge to those who minister.

Our vision is to be an institute where men and women advance their knowledge and abilities in and through the Christian Church.


Equip and train all who wish to grow in Christ by:

……learning, applying and teaching sound theology

……adhering to biblical truths

……advancing their personal Christian Faith

……emphasizing the practical aspects of ministry

……developing skills in ministry practices

……promoting the multiplication of disciples, leaders and churches

Note on Attendance/Class Cancelation: In the event of inclement weather, if schools are cancelled in the district where you reside or where the class takes place, class will not be held. I will try to contact you, but follow this protocol.

I understand things come up and life happens. Please make every effort to be at all of our classes. However, if for some reason you would not be able to be in attendance, please contact me as soon as possible. Depending on the size of the class having a number of people miss the same class may merit us skipping that week.


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