NETWORKING I - Miami Beach Senior High School



Extra Credit

Third 9 WEEKS

EXTRA CREDIT #4 – Use your essay writing skills to write an essay on the topic that we discussed: “The more you learn, the more you earn.”

Turn your essay into before the deadline.

DEADLINE – 3/13/2015

EXTRA CREDIT #3 – Support Your Basketball Team. Go to the game 2/17/15 and get extra credit. DEADLINE – 2/17/2015

EXTRA CREDIT #2 – Support Your Basketball Team. Go to the game 2/12/15 and get extra credit. DEADLINE – 2/12/2015

EXTRA CREDIT #1 – Write an essay and enter the Black History Essay Contest. DEADLINE – 2/6/2015

• 2015 Black History prompt:  

As an activist that recognizes the power of voting, write to convince your reader why it is important to vote and how this power can be used to address community concerns (e.g. increase in youth violence). Cite specific evidence; include explicit details and logical inferences to support your conclusion.


Separate first, second and third place prizes will be awarded in the middle school and senior high school categories as follows:

o 1st place - $200 U.S Currency

o 2nd place - $100 U.S. Currency

o 3rd place - $50 U.S. Currency


• Essays must be typed, with a maximum length of 500 words (2 pages), double spaced on white paper, and stapled on the upper left hand corner.  The prompt must be typed on the cover sheet.  The cover sheet must also include the student’s name, grade level, email address, phone number (cell/home), and school.  Failure to follow these guidelines will result in disqualification.

• All entries will be evaluated in their entirety with consideration being given to the following four elements: focus, organization, support and conventions.

• All entries are due by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, February 13, 2015.

• Winners will be announced via email on or before Friday, February 20, 2015.

• The secondary categories are grades 6-8 and 9-12.


Dr. Sherrilyn Scott, Supervisor,

Department of Social Sciences

School Board Administration Building Annex, Room 326C

1501 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Miami Florida 33132

• The purpose of this contest is to enhance secondary school students’ writing skills while promoting an awareness of the 2015 Black History theme, “A Century of Black Life, History, and Culture.”

• 2015 Black History information to assist in responding to the prompt: 

Lately, several communities in South Florida and in the world have experienced a rash of senseless violence. In the past, African Americans as well as other minority activists transformed race relations, challenged American domestic and foreign policy, and became the American conscience on human rights.  

For example, in early 1965, Martin Luther King Jr. and SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) decided to make Selma, located in Dallas County, Alabama, the focus of a voter registration campaign, thus shedding light on social injustice, violence in communities, and discrimination against minorities. Alabama Governor George Wallace was a notorious opponent of desegregation, and the local county sheriff in Dallas County had led a steadfast opposition to black voter registration drives. As a result, only 2 percent of Selma’s eligible black voters (300 out of 15,000) had managed to register.DEADLINE – 2/6/2015

Second 9 WEEKS

EXTRA CREDIT #3 – Attend the Basketball game 12/4/2014, support your team, and receive an extra credit A.

DEADLINE – 12/4/2014

EXTRA CREDIT #2 – Read the article below and write a two (2) paragraph review of your reaction to it. Proofread, spellcheck, print it, and hand it in to me by the deadline.

DEADLINE – 11/26/2014

Ed Lane of BBC News wrote a fascinating article about how technology is changing disaster relief.

Consider the efforts of the United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force in distributing to refugees in Northern Iraq the following: water; food; and the technology needed to communicate — power for mobile phones. Lane describes the initiative:

Alongside tents and drinking water, RAF planes dropped more than 1,000 solar-powered lanterns attached to chargers for all types of mobile handsets to the stranded members of the Yazidi religious community below.

It is the first time the lanterns have been airdropped in such a relief effort, but humanitarian workers say it is part of growing efforts to develop technology designed to make a difference in disaster zones.


Go to the technology website TECHCRUNCH:

Review any of the articles that appeal to you. Write a two paragraph review of the article that you selected to read. Proofread, spellcheck, print it, and hand it in to me by the deadline.

DEADLINE – 11/7/2014

First 9 WEEKS

EXTRA CREDIT #6 – Have your parent(s) attend the OPEN HOUSE on September 30.

DEADLINE – 9/30/2014

EXTRA CREDIT #5 – Attend the next Home Football game and cheer on the team.

DEADLINE – 9/19/2014

EXTRA CREDIT #4 – Attend the next Home Football game and cheer on the team.

DEADLINE – 9/5/2014

EXTRA CREDIT #3 – Write an award winning Hispanic Heritage Essay.

Visit this website to see the Official Rules and Guidelines for grades 9-12. Submit to me your 500 word essay about someone whose family traveled from Latin America to Florida to pursue the “American Dream.”

DEADLINE – 9/11/2014

EXTRA CREDIT #2 – Technology Show & Tell

Share a topic about technology that you are aware of that might be of interest to the other students in class. It can be how to do something on a computer; it can be a new product on the market, an interesting website or something technological.

DEADLINE – 8/29/2014

EXTRA CREDIT #1 Take home the Letter to Parents and have your parent send me an email saying that they read it. Make sure they put your name and period in the subject line, so I know who to give credit, or you will not receive an Easy “A.” Bring the letter back signed by your parent to put in your file.

DEADLINE - 8/24/2014



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